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梦里的微风 2025-02-20 20:32:59


export default{components: {NavLink, Link}}

I belive you have a bad declaration on export default, it should be:

export default{components: {NavLink, Link}}


梦里的微风 2025-02-20 16:29:21

您仅从模块服务器返回 selectInput tag $ style 无处可去。解决方案是将两者都包裹在 tagList

    output$varinput <- renderUI({
      ns <- session$ns
        tags$style(paste0("#", ns("numinput"), "{background-color: ", color, " !important;})")),
                       label = label,
                       value = val(),
                       align = "right")

这同时将样式元素和 selectInput 传递给 renderui 呼叫。


You're returning only the selectInput from your module server. The tag$style goes nowhere. The solution is to wrap both in a tagList:

    output$varinput <- renderUI({
      ns <- session$ns
        tags$style(paste0("#", ns("numinput"), "{background-color: ", color, " !important;})")),
                       label = label,
                       value = val(),
                       align = "right")

This passes both the style element and the selectinput to the renderUI call.

enter image description here

As required.


梦里的微风 2025-02-20 05:17:04

正如评论中提到的那样, selimationforest 确实没有 transform()方法。但是,您可能可以写一个转换的包装纸(请参阅类似的问题)。但是,您可能必须求助于使用Imblearn管道,否则功能和目标长度可能不匹配。

As it was mentioned in the comments, IsolationForest has no transform() method indeed. However, you can likely write a transforming wrapper thyself (see the similar question). You'd likely have to resort to using imblearn pipeline however, otherwise the features and target length could mismatch.


梦里的微风 2025-02-19 17:35:15




docker run -p 8000:8000 fastapi


您还应该尝试更改启动快速API应用程序的方式 。

CMD [ "uvicorn","fast:app","--host","","--port","8000" ]


CMD [ "uvicorn","fast:app","--host","","--port","8000" ]



警告这是正确的,假设您不更改容器的网络设置,例如 - 网络主机

tl; dr

将主机从 looback 接口,当您运行 container 公开端口8000

According to the picture posted it seems like you didn't expose the ports.

The ports are exposed from your docker to your pc, in this instance, when you iniate the container not in the Dockerfile

Try the following

docker run -p 8000:8000 fastapi


You also should try changing the way you start the fast api app in the container


CMD [ "uvicorn","fast:app","--host","","--port","8000" ]


CMD [ "uvicorn","fast:app","--host","","--port","8000" ]

In the first version you have passed the loopback interface.

But you can't do that. The loopback interface inside a container means "only this container", just like on the host means "only this host". If a service is binding to then there is no way -- from your host or from another container -- to reach that service.

Caveat This holds true, assuming you dont change the network settings of the container e.g. --network host


Change the host from looback interface and when you run your container expose the port 8000

无法连接 - Docker

梦里的微风 2025-02-19 13:59:40


  1. 从功能区菜单系统中选择“文件”
  2. 来启用Excel 4宏,从而在左侧的bar底部选择“选项”,而较高的up具有诸如“ open Open”之类的东西和“打印”
  3. 选择列表上的最后一个区域(也不是菜单以外的菜单...)称为“信任中心”,
  4. 单击右图标记的面板右下方的按钮在右侧的右侧按钮”信任中心 单击
  5. 从左侧的面板中选择“宏设置”(再次,仍然不是菜单...)
  6. “启用VBA宏”时单击“启用Excel 4.0宏”
  7. 确保在上面提供的选择中启用了VBA宏,


可悲的是,Excel尚不合适,可以提供一个替换 get.workbook 的内部公式,因此我无法提供替代品。



似乎您当前问题的“直接原因”只是您将文件传输到Excel 4.0宏的计算机关闭。它可以在您的身上工作,因此他们可以打开您的,因此大概您的组织允许使用宏,或者至少不禁止它们。


因此,遵循您对用户个性的个人知识,最好的方法是让您发送文件的每个计算机所有者在其计算机上激活Excel 4.0宏,因为任何选择,即使是VBA,也都需要进行对话或有关VBA的类似讨论。

(顺便说一句,有趣的是,当Excel 4.0宏出现时,人们继续前进,并不想真正想要使用过时的系统,MS说他们可能会浪费任何旧时,并且您应该替换它用某些旧时代NICE VBA宏(假设现在没有提供的细胞侧功能,当然,您知道,他们已经说了20年了。在excel 4.0宏是过时的...


Assuming your organization has not mandated they be turned off, Excel 4 macros can be enabled by selecting:

  1. "File" from the Ribbon menuing system
  2. Selecting "Options" at the bottom of the bar on the left that higher up has things like "Open" and "Print"
  3. Selecting the last area on the list (also somehow not a menu any more than the Ribbon is...) called "Trust Center"
  4. Clicking the button at the lower right of the text in the panel to the right labelled "Trust Center Settings"
  5. Selecting "Macro Settings" from the panel on the left (again, still not a menu...)
  6. Clicking "Enable Excel 4.0 macros when VBA macros are enabled"
  7. Making sure VBA macros ARE enabled in the choices provided above

No guarantee that your organization's IP folks haven't found a choice in the Group Policy Editor that turns off your ability to set this up.

Sadly, Excel has not seen fit to provide an in-cell formula to replace GET.WORKBOOK so I cannot offer a substitute.

Since you have the formula in a Named Range, and so all uses in the workbook presumably refer to the Name Range, and all you need do is modify the Named Range, a single step, sort of, in order to spread a new approach into the spreadsheet, an alternative suggests itself. If your organization allows, it should not be hard at all to write the corresponding VBA function into a UDF that you can then reference in the Named Range's formula instead.


It seems likely the "proximate cause" of your current problem is simply the computer you transferred the file to has Excel 4.0 macros turned off. It works on yours so they are turned on on yours and so presumably your organization allows the use of macros, or at least does not forbid them.

But since the problem occurred, it seems it is hit or miss for every computer whether macros (definitely Excel 4.0 macros, and probably also VBA macros) aare turned on or not on any given machine.

Accordingly, subject to your personal knowledge of the personalities of their users, it seems the best approach would be to get each computer owner you send the file to to activate Excel 4.0 macros on their computers as ANY choice, even VBA, would seem to require that conversation, or a similar discussion concerning VBA, take place.

(As an aside, the funny thing is usually when Excel 4.0 macros come up, people go on about you not really wanting an antiquated system in use that MS says they might trash any old time, and that you should replace what it does with some nice VBA macro instead (assuming there is no nice cell-side function provided nowadays, of course). Except, you know, they've been saying that for 20 years now. And VBA stopped developing in something like 2006. So it is antiquated on the same scale the Excel 4.0 macros are antiquated...

No question VBA is better. Just... it's as antique now as the Excel 4.0 macros so... c'mon folks.)


梦里的微风 2025-02-19 10:41:17



Pip pip install pyppeteer

Execute and install below packages using command prompt:

pip install nbconvert

pip install pyppeteer

NBConvert失败:未安装Pyppeteer来支持Web PDF转换。请安装`nbconvert [webpdf]`启用

梦里的微风 2025-02-18 02:20:29

Vert.x具有与 vertx 实例关联的默认工作线程池,并且由所有叶面共享。当您使用 vertx.executeBlocking(...)时,该池将用于执行您提供的回调。您可以通过 vertxoptions.setWorkerPoolSize(int size) 如果您需要创建Vertx实例时,但是如果您不这样做,它将默认为20个线程。


Vert.x has a default worker thread pool that is associated with the Vertx instance, and is shared by all Verticles. When you use vertx.executeBlocking(...), that pool will be used to execute the callback you provide. You can specify the size of that pool via VertxOptions.setWorkerPoolSize(int size) when you create your Vertx instance if you want, but it will default to 20 threads if you don't.

The Vert.x documentation talks a bit about this here.


梦里的微风 2025-02-18 02:04:00

/dev/vda1 也托管Docker容器也已满,因此您的叠加层无法长大。


  1. 将外部磁盘/分区作为数据存储。
  2. 也创建卷,数据和DB,作为与上述存储的绑定。

The /dev/vda1, which hosts docker containers too, is full, so your overlays cannot grow up.

I suggest you to:

  1. Mount an external disk/partition as data storage.
  2. Create volumes, data and db too, as a binding to the above storage.

WordPress Docker组成的磁盘空间正在爆炸

梦里的微风 2025-02-17 21:24:50


The problem was solved by moving the application.properties file to the root directory in src. In idea, you can mark the file as "resources root" and the file seems to be in the root directory. I didn't find this in vs code.


梦里的微风 2025-02-17 14:56:02

spring-data-jpa ,您可以通过添加方法(使用一组关键字)到您的存储库。

对于您的示例返回客户,其中删除= false ,您可以编写以下方法:

List<Customer> findByDeletedFalse();

With spring-data-jpa, you can write your own queries by adding methods (using a set of keywords) to your repository.

For your example return customers where deleted = false, you can write the following method :

List<Customer> findByDeletedFalse();


梦里的微风 2025-02-16 21:39:51


As far as i am aware, its not possible to do this, i recommend sending the message first then kicking the user shortly after. If you need a code snippet of that, let me know


梦里的微风 2025-02-16 16:06:14



regex demo



请参阅另一个 regex demo



Regex Demo

You could use a character class to list the allowed characters:


Regex demo

Or more specific:


See another regex demo

If there should be either a pipe or the end of the string:


Regex demo


梦里的微风 2025-02-16 06:50:19


>>> arr = [2, 3, 4]
>>> for i in range(len(arr)):
...     arr.append(5)
>>> arr
[2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5]

如您所见,循环具有3个迭代,因为在循环开始时,这是 len(arr)的值。


Yes. Try it:

>>> arr = [2, 3, 4]
>>> for i in range(len(arr)):
...     arr.append(5)
>>> arr
[2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5]

As you can see, the loop has 3 iterations, because that's the value of len(arr) at the start of the loop.

This is the exact reason that it's generally discouraged to modify a list (or any other iterable) as you're iterating over it; the results may not always be intuitive since the iterator is set up at the start of the loop, and modifying the list may cause it to behave in unexpected ways (skipping over items, etc).

如果变量在for loop语句中该怎么办?

梦里的微风 2025-02-16 05:41:20



标题为时间序列日期错误 - 太多行:由于行的数量,该图不能是,该图表不能是,该缺陷报告为于2022年6月19日在Google Data Studio Disears Tracker中创建,该问题详细介绍了该问题。


一个解决方法是将现有的时间序列图表 https://support.google.com/datastudio/answer/7398001“ rel =“ nofollow noreferrer”> line图表:

setup tab

  • dimension :<代码<代码> UpdatedAt ; 类型 date&amp; Time (基于所需的粒度设置 - 日期小时日期小时等)
  • 公制 soilmoisture ; 聚合 代码>
  • sort 更新; 顺序 :上升
  • 次要排序 soilmoisture ;订单:降序


  • 点数 :5000(默认设置为500;暂时设置为5,000;根据需要更改。在这种情况下(作为每个日期时间值,数据集是唯一的)每个点表示一行数据,因此,由于有742行,请确保将其设置为至少742行以查看所有数据)

可编辑的Google Data Studio Report (嵌入式pi78bw5phdrkpehm /edit?usp =共享“ rel =“ nofollow noreferrer”> google sheets 数据源)和一个gif进行详细说明:



Upon further testing of the chart in the blend, it seems that the issue is that not all the rows of data are displayed in the time series when setting the Date & Time granularity Date Hour Minute or Date Hour; when setting the granularity to Date & Time the following error was displayed:

Too Many Rows
Due to the number of rows, the chart cannot be rendered.
Sorry, please try other metrics or dimensions with fewer rows, try a different data source, or add a filter.

A defect report titled Time Series Date Error - Too Many Rows: Due to the number of rows, the chart cannot be rendered was created on 19 Jun 2022 in the Google Data Studio issue tracker, that elaborates on the issue.


One workaround is to convert the existing time series chart to a line chart:

Setup Tab

  • Dimension: updatedAt; Type: Date & Time (set based on the required granularity - Date Hour Minute, Date Hour, Month, etc )
  • Metric: soilMoisture; Aggregation: AVG
  • Sort: updatedAt; Order: Ascending
  • Secondary Sort: soilMoisture; Order: Descending

Style Tab

  • Number of Points: 5000 (Set to 500 by default; tentatively set to 5,000; change as required. In this case (as each date time value in the data set is unique) each point represents one row of data, thus as there are 742 rows, ensure that it's set to at least 742 to view all the data)

Editable Google Data Studio Report (Embedded Google Sheets Data Source) and a GIF to elaborate:



梦里的微风 2025-02-16 04:42:55

如果要使Eclipse设置的这一部分(例如,通过Eclipse Task在Gradle中)创建一个名为“ org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs”的文件,其中包括这些内容


。 Gradle的Eclipse任务 -

new File(".settings", "org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs").text = """eclipse.preferences.version=1

If you want to make this part of Eclipse settings (through eclipse task in Gradle, for example), create a file named "org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs" in .settings folder with these contents -


This would be the command in gradle's eclipse task -

new File(".settings", "org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs").text = """eclipse.preferences.version=1

Eclipse:Project&#x27; project_name&#x27;没有明确的编码集




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