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眉目亦如画i 2025-02-21 02:17:37






You need to pair the config setting with a library action like resize (R), cropping (C), rotation (X) or watermark (W).

see Processing Methods

and Preferences:

PreferenceDefault ValueOptionsDescriptionAvailability
quality90%1 - 100%Sets the quality of the image. The higher the quality the larger the file size.R, C, X, W

At the moment you are just setting a bunch of config data and upload the image without a processing method, hence nothing is changed.

如何使用CodeIgniter Image_lib压缩图像?

眉目亦如画i 2025-02-20 22:48:00

你很近。您需要从的末尾删除[name]:value =“ ModelValue [name]”在基本输入组件中。由于您已经在父组件中范围范围范围范围name,因此还要在子女组件中寻找[name] prop a [name] prop。

在此处查看它: https://codesandbox.io/s/unruffled-cohen-bivefc?file=/src/src/components/baseinput.vue


    @input="$emit('update:modelValue', $event.target.value)"

You were close. You need to remove [name] from the end of :value="modelValue[name]" in the base-input component. Since you are already scoping to name in the parent component it is wrong to also look for a [name] prop on the value of modelValue within your child component.

See it working here: https://codesandbox.io/s/unruffled-cohen-bivefc?file=/src/components/BaseInput.vue

Your component template should be:

    @input="$emit('update:modelValue', $event.target.value)"


眉目亦如画i 2025-02-20 19:50:48


.sidebar-subscription-form-container {
  top: 0px;
  height: 30px;
  z-index: 1;
  position: sticky;

.social-buttons-container {
  top: 400px;
  height: 30px;
  z-index: 1;
  position: sticky;
  top: 30px;

.sidebar-banner-container {
  top: 800px;
  height: 30px;
  z-index: 1;
  position: sticky;
  top: 60px;
<div class="sidebar">
  <div class="sidebar-subscription-form-container">
    <div class="sidebar-subscription-form">
      <p>I would hold all the subscription form elements</p>
  <div class="social-buttons-container">
    <div class="social-buttons">
        I would contain all the social buttons
  <div class="sidebar-banner-container">
    <div class="sidebar-banner">
        Here is the sidebar banners


为了使此更具动态性,您可以使用CSS自定义属性,以使所有内容更改高度,并在元素偏移 *高度上运行计算。

::root {
  --container-height: 30px

.sidebar-subscription-form-container {
  top: calc(var(--container-height) * 0);
  height: var(--container-height);
  z-index: 1;
  position: sticky;

.social-buttons-container {
  top: 400px;
  height: var(--container-height);
  z-index: 1;
  position: sticky;
  top: calc(var(--container-height) * 1);

.sidebar-banner-container {
  top: 800px;
  height: var(--container-height);
  z-index: 1;
  position: sticky;
  top: calc(var(--container-height) * 2);
<div class="sidebar">
  <div class="sidebar-subscription-form-container">
    <div class="sidebar-subscription-form">
      <p>I would hold all the subscription form elements</p>
  <div class="social-buttons-container">
    <div class="social-buttons">
        I would contain all the social buttons
  <div class="sidebar-banner-container">
    <div class="sidebar-banner">
        Here is the sidebar banners

Since you have hardcoded the height values of each element, why not simply offset the top property in each element by the height value times the number of elements down it is:

.sidebar-subscription-form-container {
  top: 0px;
  height: 30px;
  z-index: 1;
  position: sticky;

.social-buttons-container {
  top: 400px;
  height: 30px;
  z-index: 1;
  position: sticky;
  top: 30px;

.sidebar-banner-container {
  top: 800px;
  height: 30px;
  z-index: 1;
  position: sticky;
  top: 60px;
<div class="sidebar">
  <div class="sidebar-subscription-form-container">
    <div class="sidebar-subscription-form">
      <p>I would hold all the subscription form elements</p>
  <div class="social-buttons-container">
    <div class="social-buttons">
        I would contain all the social buttons
  <div class="sidebar-banner-container">
    <div class="sidebar-banner">
        Here is the sidebar banners

I added 30px for the second element, and 60px for the 3rd element.

To make this more dynamic, you could use a CSS custom property to keep everything in sync if you make changes to height, and run a calc on the element offset * height.

::root {
  --container-height: 30px

.sidebar-subscription-form-container {
  top: calc(var(--container-height) * 0);
  height: var(--container-height);
  z-index: 1;
  position: sticky;

.social-buttons-container {
  top: 400px;
  height: var(--container-height);
  z-index: 1;
  position: sticky;
  top: calc(var(--container-height) * 1);

.sidebar-banner-container {
  top: 800px;
  height: var(--container-height);
  z-index: 1;
  position: sticky;
  top: calc(var(--container-height) * 2);
<div class="sidebar">
  <div class="sidebar-subscription-form-container">
    <div class="sidebar-subscription-form">
      <p>I would hold all the subscription form elements</p>
  <div class="social-buttons-container">
    <div class="social-buttons">
        I would contain all the social buttons
  <div class="sidebar-banner-container">
    <div class="sidebar-banner">
        Here is the sidebar banners


眉目亦如画i 2025-02-20 08:54:57

关键字是隐式。 Typescript希望您成为明确关于使用任何

this.resto.getCurrentResto(this.router.snapshot.params['id']).subscribe((result: any)=> { ... }


Keyword is implicitly. Typescript wants you to be explicit about using any.

this.resto.getCurrentResto(this.router.snapshot.params['id']).subscribe((result: any)=> { ... }

You will have to do the same for this.editResto.controls if you have not defined a type for it.


眉目亦如画i 2025-02-20 08:20:38


为什么要使用iostream :: eof错误检查EOF?

一般而言,检查eof 唯一的是错误的,因为流提取(&gt;&gt;&gt;)可能会失败而不会击中文件的结尾。如果您有Eg int n; cin&gt;&gt; n;和流包含hello,然后h不是有效的数字,因此提取将失败而不到达输入结束。


  • < p>如果流为空,则循环将运行一次。 &gt;&gt;将失败(没有要读取的输入),并且所有应该设置的变量(通过stream&gt;&gt; x)均为非机密化。这会导致处理垃圾数据,这可能表现为荒谬的结果(通常数量很大)。

    (如果您的标准库符合C ++ 11,那么现在情况有所不同:一个失败的&gt;&gt;现在将数字变量设置为0而不是使它们非专业化(char s除外)

  • 如果流不为空,则循环将在最后一个有效输入后再次运行。由于在上次迭代中,所有&gt;&gt;操作失败,因此变量可能会从上一个迭代中保持其价值。这可以表现为“最后一行被打印两次”或“最后一个输入记录被处理两次”。

    (由于C ++ 11,这应该有所不同(请参见上文):现在您获得了零的“幻影记录”,而不是重复的最后一行。)

  • 如果该流包含错误的数据,但是您只检查<<<<代码> .eof ,您最终会获得无限循环。 &gt;&gt;将无法从流中提取任何数据,因此循环旋转而无需达到末端。

回顾:解决方案是测试&gt;&gt;操作本身的成功,不使用单独&gt;&gt; n&gt;&gt; m){...} ,就像在(scanf(“%d%d”,&amp; n,&amp; m)== 2){...} 。

The other answers have explained why the logic is wrong in while (!stream.eof()) and how to fix it. I want to focus on something different:

why is checking for eof explicitly using iostream::eof wrong?

In general terms, checking for eof only is wrong because stream extraction (>>) can fail without hitting the end of the file. If you have e.g. int n; cin >> n; and the stream contains hello, then h is not a valid digit, so extraction will fail without reaching the end of the input.

This issue, combined with the general logic error of checking the stream state before attempting to read from it, which means for N input items the loop will run N+1 times, leads to the following symptoms:

  • If the stream is empty, the loop will run once. >> will fail (there is no input to be read) and all variables that were supposed to be set (by stream >> x) are actually uninitialized. This leads to garbage data being processed, which can manifest as nonsensical results (often huge numbers).

    (If your standard library conforms to C++11, things are a bit different now: A failed >> now sets numeric variables to 0 instead of leaving them uninitialized (except for chars).)

  • If the stream is not empty, the loop will run again after the last valid input. Since in the last iteration all >> operations fail, variables are likely to keep their value from the previous iteration. This can manifest as "the last line is printed twice" or "the last input record is processed twice".

    (This should manifest a bit differently since C++11 (see above): Now you get a "phantom record" of zeroes instead of a repeated last line.)

  • If the stream contains malformed data but you only check for .eof, you end up with an infinite loop. >> will fail to extract any data from the stream, so the loop spins in place without ever reaching the end.

To recap: The solution is to test the success of the >> operation itself, not to use a separate .eof() method: while (stream >> n >> m) { ... }, just as in C you test the success of the scanf call itself: while (scanf("%d%d", &n, &m) == 2) { ... }.

为什么iostream :: eof在循环条件内(即(!stream.eof())`)认为是错误的?

眉目亦如画i 2025-02-20 04:55:47


我的问题是,我有一个目录在我的$ PATH变量中指向旧版本的朱莉娅。该旧条目被snapd/usr/bin/snap二进制加载Julia Snap的二进制文件忽略。但是,该路径碎片似乎使VSCODE和朱莉娅语言服务器更加仔细地关注路径。

就我而言,我已经卸载了Julia Snap并安装了 juliaup 。似乎是朱莉娅官方版本经理。



  • 打开一个.jl文件
  • 在终端面板中
  • ,单击“输出”选项卡。将当前的选择框中的当前选择更改为“ Julia”。


Trying to locate Julia binary...
Juliaup not found, locating Julia by other means.
The identified Julia executable is "/snap/julia/current/bin/julia" with args "".
The current PATH environment variable is "/home/knut/bin:...:/opt/apps/julia-1.2.0/bin...

I also tried to load the julia snap and encountered that error message.

My problem was that I had a directory pointing an older version of julia in my $PATH variable. That old entry gets ignored by the snapd or the /usr/bin/snap binary which loads the julia snap. However that PATH fragment seems to confuse VSCode and the Julia Language server which looked at PATH more closely.

In my case I've uninstalled the Julia snap and installed juliaup. Seems to be the official Julia version manager.

Then started the julia REPL from the commandline to make sure julia works, checked what juliaup appended to my .bashrc file, and then reinstalled the VSCode extension.

When snap Julia and VSCode Julia extension installed,

  • Open a .jl file
  • In the terminal panel, Click the "OUTPUT" tab.
  • Change the current choice in the selection box to "Julia".

Read output

Trying to locate Julia binary...
Juliaup not found, locating Julia by other means.
The identified Julia executable is "/snap/julia/current/bin/julia" with args "".
The current PATH environment variable is "/home/knut/bin:...:/opt/apps/julia-1.2.0/bin...

vscode ubuntu / julia ubuntu商店版本中的julia二进制设置错误

眉目亦如画i 2025-02-20 02:43:53

现在为时已晚,但是当我阅读您的帖子时,我认为问题是您通过Google Play Games检索的授权令牌,但您正在尝试与Google登录。与GPG和Google签约是两件事。改用SignInwithGooglePlayGames。

我碰巧阅读了您7个月大的帖子,因为最近尝试使用Google Play游戏进行身份验证时,我遇到了同样的错误。但是我的问题是,我两次使用同样的令牌:首先是尝试登录,其次是登录,以防登录导致“已经链接到另一个玩家”例外。在第二次拨打Unity-GPG链接之前,我必须要求新的令牌。


Too late now, but as I'm reading your post I'm thinking the issue is that your passing an authorization token you retrieve from Google Play Games but you're trying to sign in with Google. Signing in with GPG and Google are two different things. Use SignInWithGooglePlayGames instead.

I happen to read your 7 months old post because I've lately got the same error when trying to authenticate with Google Play Games. But my issue was that I was using the same token twice: firstly by trying to log in and secondly to sign in in case the login resulted in the "already linked to another player" exception. I had to request a new token before calling the Unity-GPG link for the second time.

I hope this can help others, as there's not much literature online about this.


眉目亦如画i 2025-02-19 21:06:59

如果您的情况不适合使用UPSERTmongodb Realm函数数据库触发

If your situation is not appropriate to use upsert, MongoDB Realm Function or Database Trigger,
I think your logic is reasonable.


眉目亦如画i 2025-02-19 19:57:50



此处\ b是一个单词边界,\ 1引用了第一组的捕获匹配。


Try this regular expression:


Here \b is a word boundary and \1 references the captured match of the first group.

Regex101 example here


眉目亦如画i 2025-02-19 17:34:08


I had this same issue and solved it by renaming my command files (the actual file name, not the command name within the file) so none of them started with a capital letter.

注册我的命令时,discord.js discordapierror [50035]主体无效。

眉目亦如画i 2025-02-19 10:36:54



注意:我使用g ++和linux,所有示例均用于


// src1.cpp
void print();

static int local_var_name; // 'static' makes variable not visible for other modules
int global_var_name = 123;

int main()
    return 0;

// src2.cpp
extern "C" int printf (const char*, ...);

extern int global_var_name;
//extern int local_var_name;

void print ()
    // printf("%d%d\n", global_var_name, local_var_name);
    printf("%d\n", global_var_name);


$ g++ -c src1.cpp -o src1.o
$ g++ -c src2.cpp -o src2.o


$ readelf --symbols src1.o
  Num:    Value          Size Type    Bind   Vis      Ndx Name
     5: 0000000000000000     4 OBJECT  LOCAL  DEFAULT    4 _ZL14local_var_name # [1]
     9: 0000000000000000     4 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT    3 global_var_name     # [2]



[1] - this is our static (local) variable (important - Bind has a type "LOCAL")
[2] - this is our global variable



$ g++ src1.o src2.o -o prog


$ ./prog


// src2.cpp
extern "C" int printf (const char*, ...);

extern int global_var_name;
extern int local_var_name;

void print ()
    printf("%d%d\n", global_var_name, local_var_name);


$ g++ -c src2.cpp -o src2.o


$ g++ src1.o src2.o -o prog
src2.o: In function `print()':
src2.cpp:(.text+0x6): undefined reference to `local_var_name'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status


$ g++ -S src1.cpp -o src1.s

// src1.s
look src1.s

    .file   "src1.cpp"
    .local  _ZL14local_var_name
    .comm   _ZL14local_var_name,4,4
    .globl  global_var_name
    .align 4
    .type   global_var_name, @object
    .size   global_var_name, 4
    .long   123
    .globl  main
    .type   main, @function
; assembler code, not interesting for us
    .size   main, .-main
    .ident  "GCC: (Ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1) 4.8.2"
    .section    .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits


.local  _ZL14local_var_name
.comm   _ZL14local_var_name,4,4

    .globl  local_var_name
    .align 4
    .type   local_var_name, @object
    .size   local_var_name, 4
    .long   456789


    .file   "src1.cpp"
    .globl  local_var_name
    .align 4
    .type   local_var_name, @object
    .size   local_var_name, 4
    .long   456789
    .globl  global_var_name
    .align 4
    .type   global_var_name, @object
    .size   global_var_name, 4
    .long   123
    .globl  main
    .type   main, @function
; ...


$ g++ -c src1.s -o src2.o

,请参阅Readelf Outption(符号)

$ readelf --symbols src1.o
8: 0000000000000000     4 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT    3 local_var_name

现在LOCAL_VAR_NAME已绑定Global(as local)


$ g++ src1.o src2.o -o prog


$ ./prog 



what is an "undefined reference/unresolved external symbol"

I'll try to explain what is an "undefined reference/unresolved external symbol".

note: i use g++ and Linux and all examples is for it

For example we have some code

// src1.cpp
void print();

static int local_var_name; // 'static' makes variable not visible for other modules
int global_var_name = 123;

int main()
    return 0;


// src2.cpp
extern "C" int printf (const char*, ...);

extern int global_var_name;
//extern int local_var_name;

void print ()
    // printf("%d%d\n", global_var_name, local_var_name);
    printf("%d\n", global_var_name);

Make object files

$ g++ -c src1.cpp -o src1.o
$ g++ -c src2.cpp -o src2.o

After the assembler phase we have an object file, which contains any symbols to export.
Look at the symbols

$ readelf --symbols src1.o
  Num:    Value          Size Type    Bind   Vis      Ndx Name
     5: 0000000000000000     4 OBJECT  LOCAL  DEFAULT    4 _ZL14local_var_name # [1]
     9: 0000000000000000     4 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT    3 global_var_name     # [2]

I've rejected some lines from output, because they do not matter

So, we see follow symbols to export.

[1] - this is our static (local) variable (important - Bind has a type "LOCAL")
[2] - this is our global variable

src2.cpp exports nothing and we have seen no its symbols

Link our object files

$ g++ src1.o src2.o -o prog

and run it

$ ./prog

Linker sees exported symbols and links it. Now we try to uncomment lines in src2.cpp like here

// src2.cpp
extern "C" int printf (const char*, ...);

extern int global_var_name;
extern int local_var_name;

void print ()
    printf("%d%d\n", global_var_name, local_var_name);

and rebuild an object file

$ g++ -c src2.cpp -o src2.o

OK (no errors), because we only build object file, linking is not done yet.
Try to link

$ g++ src1.o src2.o -o prog
src2.o: In function `print()':
src2.cpp:(.text+0x6): undefined reference to `local_var_name'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

It has happened because our local_var_name is static, i.e. it is not visible for other modules.
Now more deeply. Get the translation phase output

$ g++ -S src1.cpp -o src1.s

// src1.s
look src1.s

    .file   "src1.cpp"
    .local  _ZL14local_var_name
    .comm   _ZL14local_var_name,4,4
    .globl  global_var_name
    .align 4
    .type   global_var_name, @object
    .size   global_var_name, 4
    .long   123
    .globl  main
    .type   main, @function
; assembler code, not interesting for us
    .size   main, .-main
    .ident  "GCC: (Ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1) 4.8.2"
    .section    .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits

So, we've seen there is no label for local_var_name, that's why linker hasn't found it. But we are hackers :) and we can fix it. Open src1.s in your text editor and change

.local  _ZL14local_var_name
.comm   _ZL14local_var_name,4,4


    .globl  local_var_name
    .align 4
    .type   local_var_name, @object
    .size   local_var_name, 4
    .long   456789

i.e. you should have like below

    .file   "src1.cpp"
    .globl  local_var_name
    .align 4
    .type   local_var_name, @object
    .size   local_var_name, 4
    .long   456789
    .globl  global_var_name
    .align 4
    .type   global_var_name, @object
    .size   global_var_name, 4
    .long   123
    .globl  main
    .type   main, @function
; ...

we have changed the visibility of local_var_name and set its value to 456789.
Try to build an object file from it

$ g++ -c src1.s -o src2.o

ok, see readelf output (symbols)

$ readelf --symbols src1.o
8: 0000000000000000     4 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT    3 local_var_name

now local_var_name has Bind GLOBAL (was LOCAL)


$ g++ src1.o src2.o -o prog

and run it

$ ./prog 

ok, we hack it :)

So, as a result - an "undefined reference/unresolved external symbol error" happens when the linker cannot find global symbols in the object files.


眉目亦如画i 2025-02-19 05:48:51

从终端运行Xcode时,您可以预处Arch -X86_64。这将在Rosetta下运行Xcode:

arch -x86_64 /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/MacOS/Xcode

You can prepend arch -x86_64 when running Xcode from terminal. This will run Xcode under rosetta:

arch -x86_64 /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/MacOS/Xcode

在MacOS M1计算机上,是否可以使用Rosetta使用Xcode和模拟器,并运行一个仅配置为Intel的库的项目?

眉目亦如画i 2025-02-19 02:19:01


words = ['Anna', 'alexey', 'Alla', 'kazak', 'dom']
filtered_2 = list(filter(lambda x: x == x[::-1], _words))


def palindrome(words_list):
   filtered = list(filter(lambda x: x.lower() == x.lower()[::-1], words))
   return filtered


words = ['Anna', 'Alexey', 'Alla', 'Kazak', 'Dom']


Let me also highlight the fact that the definition of the function palindrome as in your code is pointless and the script would work exactly the same without defining the function:

words = ['Anna', 'alexey', 'Alla', 'kazak', 'dom']
filtered_2 = list(filter(lambda x: x == x[::-1], _words))

But if you want to make it with a function this is the simples way:

def palindrome(words_list):
   filtered = list(filter(lambda x: x.lower() == x.lower()[::-1], words))
   return filtered

In this way this code

words = ['Anna', 'Alexey', 'Alla', 'Kazak', 'Dom']

would return the results you want.


眉目亦如画i 2025-02-19 00:20:44



On request from this question:

If you have firefox you can check the "Break on Attribute Change" option in the HTML tab. Just right click the target element and the menu will pop up. After that, resize the window and it will break in the script line where the attribute is changed.
use firebug


眉目亦如画i 2025-02-18 13:03:31

如果您没有其他方法,例如,您的源位于SFTP等,而不是使用HTTP操作,请将身体传递给您的下一个动作(例如,如果内容是二进制的,则可能要坚持下去) 。


https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/logic-apps/logic-apps handle-large-large-messages-messages#download-content-content-content-in-chunks

If you don't have other ways, e.g. your source is on an SFTP, etc. than using an HTTP Action should work, pass the BODY to your next action (e.g. you might want to persist that on a BLOB if content is binary).

If your content is "readable", e.g. JSON, CSV and want to load for processing, you need to ensure, for large files, that you read it in Chunks to load it completely before processing.

Detailed explanation at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/logic-apps/logic-apps-handle-large-messages#download-content-in-chunks





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