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半城柳色半声笛 2024-11-10 12:17:07

为什么不定义每个方法以采用一个参数:对象数组? 方法

-(void) doSomethingWithFoo:(id) foo andBar: (id) bar;

想必您想要的是使用从数组中设置的参数来调用它的 。好吧,改为:

-(void) doSomethingWithArrayOfFooAndBar: (NSArray*) fooAndBar;


[someObject performSelector:selector withObject:arrayOfObjects];

Why not define each of your methods to take one argument: the array of objects? Presumably what you want is, with with the method

-(void) doSomethingWithFoo:(id) foo andBar: (id) bar;

to invoke it with the parameters set from the array. Well, instead have:

-(void) doSomethingWithArrayOfFooAndBar: (NSArray*) fooAndBar;

then your whole dispatch mechanism just becomes:

[someObject performSelector:selector withObject:arrayOfObjects];


半城柳色半声笛 2024-11-10 09:39:43

在 C++ 中进行此操作的正确方法是 PIMPL 惯用法。另一种解决方案是将要隐藏的类放入嵌套命名空间中,该命名空间通常称为detail。但这并不会使它完全私有,因为用户仍然会接触到它的依赖项,并且能够直接使用它。

The right way to go about it in C++ is PIMPL idiom. Alternative solution is to put the class you want to hide into a nested namespace, which is usually called detail. But that will not make it totally private as users will still be exposed to its dependencies, and will be able to use it directly.

隐藏一个 C++标头中的类而不使用未命名的命名空间

半城柳色半声笛 2024-11-10 06:13:18



def myF(x:Int,y:Int)={x*y}

def myF2(x:Int,y:Int)={myDecorator(myF(x,y))}
def myDecorator[X](f:=>X)={println("entering");val ret=f();println("exiting");ret}


def myF_old(x:Int,y:Int)=x*y 
def paramDecorator(x:Any*):List[Any]={/*do some match operations or something*/} 
def outputDecorator(x:Any*):Any={/*do some match operations or so*/} 
def myF(x:Int,y:Int):Int={
val res=myF_old(params(1),params(2));

There is not a function supertrait.
You will have to wrap the method you want to decorate into an own class with an implicit.
That class gonna have to handle the different method types.
Then you have to create some class what generates your decorated method.

Or if you can you just create new methods like that:

def myF(x:Int,y:Int)={x*y}

def myF2(x:Int,y:Int)={myDecorator(myF(x,y))}
def myDecorator[X](f:=>X)={println("entering");val ret=f();println("exiting");ret}

or try:

def myF_old(x:Int,y:Int)=x*y 
def paramDecorator(x:Any*):List[Any]={/*do some match operations or something*/} 
def outputDecorator(x:Any*):Any={/*do some match operations or so*/} 
def myF(x:Int,y:Int):Int={
val res=myF_old(params(1),params(2));

scala:具有可变长度参数的 Function 对象的特征?

半城柳色半声笛 2024-11-10 05:10:47

由于这是一个 has_one 关联,您是否尝试过使用资源而不是资源?

resources :members do
  resource :profile


link_to "Profile", member_profile_path(@member)

Since this is a has_one association, have you tried using resource rather than resources?

resources :members do
  resource :profile

You should then be able to do something like this:

link_to "Profile", member_profile_path(@member)

使用 Devise 嵌套资源 - Rails3

半城柳色半声笛 2024-11-10 04:59:28

您需要正确地为表添加别名才能获取所需的数据。此外,不应使用子查询来选择父类型,而应使用 JOIN。可能是外连接,因为您的查询意味着该表中的父子关系是可选的。


SELECT ty.id, ty.type, ty.pid, 
  if(ty.pid = 0, '-', p.type) as parent,
  ty.code, ty.description, ty.icon,
  date_format(ty.adate, '%m-%d-%Y %H:%i:%s') as adate,
  date_format(ty.edate, '%m-%d-%Y %H:%i:%s') as edate, ty.status
FROM bid_type ty
  LEFT OUTER JOIN bid_type p on p.id = ty.pid

You need to alias your tables properly to get the data you want. Also, instead of using a sub-query to select the parent type, you should use a JOIN. Probably an outer join since your query implies that the parent-child relationship in this table is optional.

This should work for you:

SELECT ty.id, ty.type, ty.pid, 
  if(ty.pid = 0, '-', p.type) as parent,
  ty.code, ty.description, ty.icon,
  date_format(ty.adate, '%m-%d-%Y %H:%i:%s') as adate,
  date_format(ty.edate, '%m-%d-%Y %H:%i:%s') as edate, ty.status
FROM bid_type ty
  LEFT OUTER JOIN bid_type p on p.id = ty.pid


半城柳色半声笛 2024-11-10 01:46:09

Guid.TryParse 是.NET 4 的一部分。确保您正在针对 .NET 4 进行构建和运行,并且应该没问题。

Guid.TryParse is part of .NET 4. Make sure you're both building and running against .NET 4, and it should be fine.

c# System.guid 不包含 Parse 的定义

半城柳色半声笛 2024-11-10 01:15:49

处于 TASK_INTERRUPTIBLETASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE 状态的进程进一步细分为不同的类,每个类对应一个特定的事件。在此状态下,进程状态无法提供足够的信息来快速检索进程描述符,因此使用另一个名为 wait_queue 的进程列表。 Wait_queue 实现事件的条件等待。等待特定事件的进程被放置在适当的等待队列中。

描述符。等待队列列表的每个元素都是 wait_queue 类型:

struct wait_queue {  
    struct task_struct * task;  
    struct wait_queue * next;  

Processes in a TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE or TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE state are further subdivided in to different classes, each of which corresponds to a specific event. In this state, the process state does not provide enough info to retrieve the process descriptor quickly, so another list of processes called wait_queue are used. Wait_queue implements conditional waits on events. A process waiting for a specific event is placed in the proper wait queue.

Wait queues are implemented as cyclical lists whose elements include pointers to process
descriptors. Each element of a wait queue list is of type wait_queue:

struct wait_queue {  
    struct task_struct * task;  
    struct wait_queue * next;  


半城柳色半声笛 2024-11-09 23:50:13

我使用 Tomtom 从 iPhone 上的路线规划选项向我发送了一封电子邮件。该电子邮件中有一个我使用的 tomtomhome:geo 链接。
为了进行测试,我在 Mac 上的 Safari 中单击了该链接,显然没有任何反应。然后我将该链接保存为书签,该书签立即使用 MobileMe 同步到我的 iPhone。我单击 iPhone Safari 浏览器上的书签,viola Tomtom 打开,并显示以链接中的位置为中心的地图。它会弹出一个带有链接名称的气球,右箭头允许我选择第一个选项“导航到那里”


  • tomtomhome:geo:action=show&lat=26.123456&long =28.123456&name=linkname

I used Tomtom to send me an email from the route planning option on my iPhone. In that email is a tomtomhome:geo link which I used.
To test I clicked on the link on my Mac in Safari, and obviously nothing happened. Then I saved the link as a bookmark, which immediately is synced to my iPhone using MobileMe. I clicked on the bookmark on my iPhone Safari browser and viola Tomtom opens with a map centred to the location in the link. It pops up with a balloon with the links name, and an right arrow allows me to choose first option "Navigate there"

The link generated is:

  • tomtomhome:geo:action=show&lat=26.123456&long=28.123456&name=linkname

通过 URL 方案访问 TomTom 导航解决方案

半城柳色半声笛 2024-11-09 19:19:28


var resultSP = db.StoredProcedure(id);

if (resultSP != null)
    var count = resultSP.Count();
    var list = resultSP.Select(x=>...);

已修复,使用 ToList() 存储在变量中并重用它:

var resultSP = db.StoredProcedure(id);

if (resultSP != null)
    var resultSP_List = resultSP.ToList();
    var count = resultSP_List.Count();
    var list = resultSP_List.Select(x=>...);

Problematic code calling an stored procedure:

var resultSP = db.StoredProcedure(id);

if (resultSP != null)
    var count = resultSP.Count();
    var list = resultSP.Select(x=>...);

Fixed, store in a variable with ToList() and reuse it:

var resultSP = db.StoredProcedure(id);

if (resultSP != null)
    var resultSP_List = resultSP.ToList();
    var count = resultSP_List.Count();
    var list = resultSP_List.Select(x=>...);


半城柳色半声笛 2024-11-09 11:30:35


interface MyService {
   void doWork();

class CoolMyService {
   void doWork() { /* do something */ }

class AnotherMyService {
   void doWork() { /* do something else */ }

MyService service;
if(position == 1){ service = new CoolMyService(); }

if(position == 2){ service = new AnotherMyService() } 



Are you looking for polymorphism?

interface MyService {
   void doWork();

class CoolMyService {
   void doWork() { /* do something */ }

class AnotherMyService {
   void doWork() { /* do something else */ }

MyService service;
if(position == 1){ service = new CoolMyService(); }

if(position == 2){ service = new AnotherMyService() } 


I don't know how many items there are in your list, but you can adapt the example above to load objects dynamically as appropriate. Just remember that you can use polymorphism and a defined interface to ensure integrity. Then put the real work in concrete implementations.


半城柳色半声笛 2024-11-09 11:02:56

我知道这有点旧,但是你见过 Mechanics 模块吗(http: //gallery.orchardproject.net/List/Modules/Orchard.Module.Downplay.Mechanics)?

这允许您在内容项之间创建连接。但是,它不适用于最新版本的 Orchard(我认为 >= 1.5)。如果您仍在使用 1.1,值得一试

I know this is a bit old, but have you seen Mechanics module (http://gallery.orchardproject.net/List/Modules/Orchard.Module.Downplay.Mechanics)?

This allows you to create connections between content items. However, it doesn't work with more recent versions of Orchard (I think >= 1.5). Worth a try if you are still using 1.1


半城柳色半声笛 2024-11-09 09:29:06


class DateTimeQuarter
    public DateTimeQuarter(DateTime date)
        Date = date;
        Quarter = date.Month / 4 + 1;
    public static int operator -(DateTimeQuarter lhs, DateTimeQuarter rhs)
        double value = Convert.ToDouble(
            (rhs.Date.Year - lhs.Date.Year)) + (rhs.Quarter / 10.0) - (rhs.Quarter / 10.0);
        int result = 
            (Convert.ToInt32(value) * 4) + Convert.ToInt32(value - Math.Floor(value));
        return result;
    public DateTime Date { get; set; }
    public int Quarter { get; set; }

static void Main(string[] args)
    DateTimeQuarter q1 = new DateTimeQuarter(new DateTime(2006, 04, 20));
    DateTimeQuarter q2 = new DateTimeQuarter(new DateTime(2007, 12, 25));

    int quarters = q1 - q2;

If you convert the year / quarters to decimal, and do a little math, you can calculate the difference.

class DateTimeQuarter
    public DateTimeQuarter(DateTime date)
        Date = date;
        Quarter = date.Month / 4 + 1;
    public static int operator -(DateTimeQuarter lhs, DateTimeQuarter rhs)
        double value = Convert.ToDouble(
            (rhs.Date.Year - lhs.Date.Year)) + (rhs.Quarter / 10.0) - (rhs.Quarter / 10.0);
        int result = 
            (Convert.ToInt32(value) * 4) + Convert.ToInt32(value - Math.Floor(value));
        return result;
    public DateTime Date { get; set; }
    public int Quarter { get; set; }

static void Main(string[] args)
    DateTimeQuarter q1 = new DateTimeQuarter(new DateTime(2006, 04, 20));
    DateTimeQuarter q2 = new DateTimeQuarter(new DateTime(2007, 12, 25));

    int quarters = q1 - q2;


半城柳色半声笛 2024-11-09 07:23:56

来自: http://api.jquery.com/val/


From: http://api.jquery.com/val/


ajax 与单选按钮

半城柳色半声笛 2024-11-09 04:13:47

Object 函数是一个构造函数,所有其他类型(如 Array、String、Number)都继承它。

Object function is a constructor function, all other types(like Array, String, Number) inheritate it.





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