
文章 评论 浏览 28

热情消退 2025-02-20 21:49:36


SQL> create table my_table (
  2   output varchar2(64)
  3  )
  4  organization external
  5  (  type oracle_loader
  6     default directory temp
  7     access parameters
  8     ( records delimited by newline
  9       preprocessor  temp:'run_os.bat'
 10     )
 11     location ( temp:'run_os.bat' )
 12  ) reject limit unlimited ;

将您想要的任何内容都放在“ run_os.bat”中。

我的YouTube频道上有一个完整的演练视频 https://youtu.be/kmknfega6ug

A simple mechanism to run an OS command is to hook into the PREPROCESSOR option within external tables. You could so something like:

SQL> create table my_table (
  2   output varchar2(64)
  3  )
  4  organization external
  5  (  type oracle_loader
  6     default directory temp
  7     access parameters
  8     ( records delimited by newline
  9       preprocessor  temp:'run_os.bat'
 10     )
 11     location ( temp:'run_os.bat' )
 12  ) reject limit unlimited ;

and put whatever you want in "run_os.bat".

There is a full walkthrough video on my YouTube channel https://youtu.be/kMknfeGa6Ug

如何使Oracle数据库在Windows Server上运行外部程序?

热情消退 2025-02-20 21:00:58

对于有相同或相似问题的未来读者,您可能需要从Spring Team 在这里

基本上,本文的总和是,您最好停止从repo.spring.io中检索依赖关系,然后切换到Maven Central。

原因是repo.spring.io的实例是从jfrog,inc ,但是随着情况的变化,它们基本上正在转向其他实例。

For future readers having the same or similar issues, you might want to read the relevant article from Spring team here.

Basically the sum up of the article is, that you better stop retrieving dependencies from repo.spring.io and switch to maven central instead.

Reason is that the instance of repo.spring.io was sponsored in the past from JFrog, Inc but as the situation has now changed they are basically moving to other instances.

突然弹簧启动 - 马文 - plugin:2.7.1:构建图像无法下载spring-loud结合。

热情消退 2025-02-20 08:52:32




Since this app is for training only, I moved the jsp file to webapp/forms.forms.jsp folder. This way, the jsp file can be accessed directly from the url below:


There is no need to go through a controller. Thanks to my friend Barry for his suggestion. Thanks!


热情消退 2025-02-20 03:09:45

当显示和隐藏之间的动画正在运行时,geomegorreader仍在计算值 - 可以使视图在show and hide之间跳动 - 和gridlock。

您可以引入新的@State var isIntransition = false,该检查是否正在进行show/hide动画并进行检查。您将其设置为在动画开始时,将其设置为 false 0.5秒。



    @State var isInTransition = false


                    GeometryReader { reader -> AnyView in
                        let yAxis = reader.frame(in: .global).minY
                        let height = UIScreen.main.bounds.height / 2
                        if yAxis < 350 && !isHide && !isInTransition {
                            DispatchQueue.main.async {
                                isInTransition = true
                                withAnimation {
                                    isHide = true
                            // wait for animation to finish
                            DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.5) {
                                isInTransition = false
                        } else if yAxis > 0 && isHide && !isInTransition {
                            DispatchQueue.main.async {
                                isInTransition = true
                                withAnimation {
                                    isHide = false
                            // wait for animation to finish
                            DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.5) {
                                isInTransition = false
                        return AnyView(
                            // displaying values for test purpose
                            Text("\(yAxis) - \(isInTransition ? "true" : "false")").foregroundColor(.red)
//                                .frame(width: 0, height: 0)

While the animation between show and hide is running, the GeometryReader is still calculating values – which lets the view jump between show and hide – and gridlock.

You can introduce a new @State var isInTransition = false that checks if a show/hide animation is in progress and check for that. You set it to true at the beginning of the animation and to false 0.5 secs later.

Also I believe the switch height is not exactly 1/2 of the screen size.

enter image description here

So add a new state var:

    @State var isInTransition = false

and in GeometryReader add:

                    GeometryReader { reader -> AnyView in
                        let yAxis = reader.frame(in: .global).minY
                        let height = UIScreen.main.bounds.height / 2
                        if yAxis < 350 && !isHide && !isInTransition {
                            DispatchQueue.main.async {
                                isInTransition = true
                                withAnimation {
                                    isHide = true
                            // wait for animation to finish
                            DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.5) {
                                isInTransition = false
                        } else if yAxis > 0 && isHide && !isInTransition {
                            DispatchQueue.main.async {
                                isInTransition = true
                                withAnimation {
                                    isHide = false
                            // wait for animation to finish
                            DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.5) {
                                isInTransition = false
                        return AnyView(
                            // displaying values for test purpose
                            Text("\(yAxis) - \(isInTransition ? "true" : "false")").foregroundColor(.red)
//                                .frame(width: 0, height: 0)


热情消退 2025-02-19 20:00:43


body {  
    background-image: url("pic.jpeg");   

@media (max-width: 500px) {
    body {
        background-image: url("pic.jpeg");

You could try only using css like this:

body {  
    background-image: url("pic.jpeg");   

@media (max-width: 500px) {
    body {
        background-image: url("pic.jpeg");


热情消退 2025-02-19 06:55:13



  • OS:Linux Mint版本20.3(una)
  • Python版本:3.8.10
  • PyGame版本:2.1.2,


  • 检查您的PyGame和Python版本,
  • 并确保您的文本文件已保存而且它具有一个数字分数值,




I was a bit hesitant in writing an answer in lieu of just entering a comment. But, I wanted to share that I copied your program to a text file on my test system and ran the program. The only way the program would not work was if the text file was not found or if the text file contained no score value. Otherwise, it ran great. Here is a snapshot of the program executing.


I don't know what version of python you are running or what operating system you are running it on, but here are the specifications for my system and version of python:

  • OS: Linux Mint version 20.3 (Una)
  • Python version: 3.8.10
  • Pygame version: 2.1.2

So my suggestions would be:

  • Check on your version of pygame and python
  • Make sure your text file exists and that it has a numeric score value

I don't know the characteristics of your text editor, but possibly you might try another text editor (e.g. "Notepad++" as that is available for various OS's).

Hope that helps.



热情消退 2025-02-19 01:21:01




Matplotlib provides a function called subplot, I think this is what you are searching for!

plt.subplot(9,1) is the syntax I guess.

And then configure your plots


热情消退 2025-02-18 07:09:42




print("Enter 3 integer numbers, where as numX ≥ numY ≥ numZ")
x = int(input("numX: "))
y = int(input("numY: "))
z = int(input("numZ: "))

oldx = x

ctr = 0
while x >= y >= z:
    if x % y == 0:
        ctr += 1
    x -= 1
print(f"There are {ctr} numbers in {oldx}...{z} that are divisible by {y}")


Enter 3 integer numbers, where as numX ≥ numY ≥ numZ
numX: 12
numY: 3
numZ: 0
There are 4 numbers in 12...0 that are divisible by 3

You were increasing z value and decreasing x value. You shouldn't do that. If you increase z value then it will not execute between the actual range. You don't even need the old variables.

So, I think the following code snippet will work for you.


print("Enter 3 integer numbers, where as numX ≥ numY ≥ numZ")
x = int(input("numX: "))
y = int(input("numY: "))
z = int(input("numZ: "))

oldx = x

ctr = 0
while x >= y >= z:
    if x % y == 0:
        ctr += 1
    x -= 1
print(f"There are {ctr} numbers in {oldx}...{z} that are divisible by {y}")


Enter 3 integer numbers, where as numX ≥ numY ≥ numZ
numX: 12
numY: 3
numZ: 0
There are 4 numbers in 12...0 that are divisible by 3


热情消退 2025-02-18 04:55:12
>>> k5 = np.array([[k1, k2], [k3, k4], [k1, k2]])
>>> k5[:, 0] @ k5[:, 1]
array([[[ 19,  22],
        [ 43,  50]],

       [[267, 286],
        [323, 346]],

       [[ 19,  22],
        [ 43,  50]]])
>>> k5 = np.array([[k1, k2], [k3, k4], [k1, k2]])
>>> k5[:, 0] @ k5[:, 1]
array([[[ 19,  22],
        [ 43,  50]],

       [[267, 286],
        [323, 346]],

       [[ 19,  22],
        [ 43,  50]]])


热情消退 2025-02-18 01:31:34

关键字的通常用于通过 itoble对象迭代(在您给出的本示例中,是对象的对象。输入)。


https:https:///develvepender.mozilla。 org/en-us/docs/web/javascript/reference/contements/for ... of


The of keyword is usually used to iterate through iterable objects (in this example you have given, is the object of Object.entries).

For more explanations and examples, you can find out from this documentation by Mozilla.


Edited according to VLAZ comment:
There is no of keyword nor is it a standalone thing. It's only a part of for..of and for await..of statements.


热情消退 2025-02-18 01:17:03

port X上可用的Windows服务的私有IP ABCD的VM托管在VNET2-SUBNET2上。使用tcppping“ abcd:x'之间,确保存在两个实体(APP服务和VM)之间的连接性(VNET对等/NSG/OS防火墙)。您可以使用相同的“ ABCD:X”从应用程序服务连接到Windows服务。

Assuming the app service is connected(VNet Integration) to VNet1-Subnet1.
And the VM with private IP a.b.c.d that is hosting the windows service available on port x is hosted on VNet2-Subnet2. Ensure the connectivity(VNet peering/NSG/OS firewall) exists between two entities(app service and VM) using TCPPING 'a.b.c.d:x'. You could use the same 'a.b.c.d:x' to connect to windows service from App service.


热情消退 2025-02-17 21:39:49
window.electronAPI.sendPin(Pin); --> window.electronAPI.sendPin(pin);

window.electronAPI.sendPin(Pin); --> window.electronAPI.sendPin(pin);

enter image description here


热情消退 2025-02-17 18:18:51

我强烈建议您将此代码转换为使用async 等待,它在表示代码控制的流程方面要好得多,而不是使用旧的backgroundworker这基本上是贬低的。


  • 主事件处理程序应为async void,但所有其他异步功能都应为async Task
  • 使用Semaphoreslim.waitasync(0)检查我们是否忙。
  • ping对象需要或最后将其处置,concellationTokenSource也是如此。
  • &lt; = count看起来应该是&lt;计数因为您从0开始。
SemaphoreSlim sem = new SemaphoreSlim(1, 1);
CancellationToken token;

private async void Ping_Btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (!await sem.WaitAsync(0))

    var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
        var count = Convert.ToInt32(pingSeconds_TxtBox.Text);
        await RunPingsAsync(count, tokenSource.Token);
        statusLbl1.Text = "YEEEEEEEET";
    catch (OperationCanceledException)
        statusLbl1.Text = "Cancelled";
    catch (Exception e)
        statusLbl1.Text = "Error: " + e.Error.Message;
    MessageBox.Show("Show me something");

private Task RunPingsAsync(int count, CancellationToken token)
    for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)

        MessageBox.Show("something is happening");
        // IP to test ping
        string s = "###";

        // Create ping object
        using (Ping pinger = new Ping())
            var r = await pinger.SendPingAsync(s);

I strongly suggest you convert this code to use async await which is much better at representing the flow of code control, rather than using the old BackgroundWorker which is basically deprecated.

Note the following:

  • The main event handler should be async void but all other async functions should be async Task.
  • Use of SemaphoreSlim.WaitAsync(0) to check if we are busy.
  • Ping object needs a using or finally to dispose it, as does the CancellationTokenSource.
  • <= count looks like it should be < count because you begin at 0.
SemaphoreSlim sem = new SemaphoreSlim(1, 1);
CancellationToken token;

private async void Ping_Btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (!await sem.WaitAsync(0))

    var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
        var count = Convert.ToInt32(pingSeconds_TxtBox.Text);
        await RunPingsAsync(count, tokenSource.Token);
        statusLbl1.Text = "YEEEEEEEET";
    catch (OperationCanceledException)
        statusLbl1.Text = "Cancelled";
    catch (Exception e)
        statusLbl1.Text = "Error: " + e.Error.Message;
    MessageBox.Show("Show me something");

private Task RunPingsAsync(int count, CancellationToken token)
    for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)

        MessageBox.Show("something is happening");
        // IP to test ping
        string s = "###";

        // Create ping object
        using (Ping pinger = new Ping())
            var r = await pinger.SendPingAsync(s);

Dowork完成后,背景工人runworkercompleted IS不被称为

热情消退 2025-02-17 16:16:55

本机代码并非不可能。只是包装出版商,他们无法使用它。请关注 this 在本机代码上实现文件路径选择器。它对我有用。

It's not impossible with native code. It's just package publisher who made it unavailable using it. Follow this to implement file path picker on native code. It works for me.

扑来 - 选择文件并获取他们的路径或URI

热情消退 2025-02-17 05:56:57





This is because you are using the index as key.

Because of that when you delete an element you call the Array.filter then you the elements can change the index of the array which when React tries to rerender the notes and as the index changes it cannot identify the note you've deleted.

Try using a unique id (e.g. an id from the database or UUID) as a key instead.

I hope it solves your problem!





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