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太阳哥哥 2025-02-21 02:06:00


<form method="post" action="ServletPacientes">
    <a href="ServletPacientes?Param=editar&dni=<%=a.getDni()%>">
        <input type="submit" value="Editar">

这意味着,当您单击此“ editar”按钮时,将作为邮政请求进行表单提交。该请求应该在servlet侧的 dopost 方法处理,并且URL为/servletpacientes 。这就是为什么您导航到/servletpacientes 。包装&lt; a&gt; 元素中的链接将无效。

如果您期望导航到 servletpacientes之类的东西?param = editar&amp; dni = 20216447 ,您必须使嵌套 input> input> input element a普通按钮,而不是提交&lt; input type =“ button” value =“ editar”&gt;

You essentially have the following structure:

<form method="post" action="ServletPacientes">
    <a href="ServletPacientes?Param=editar&dni=<%=a.getDni()%>">
        <input type="submit" value="Editar">

This means that when you click on this "Editar" button, a form submission will happen as a POST request. This request is supposed to be processed by a doPost method on the servlet side, and the URL would be /ServletPacientes. This is why you navigate to /ServletPacientes. The link in the wrapping <a> element will have no effect.

If you expect to navigate to something like ServletPacientes?Param=editar&dni=20216447, you'll have to make the nested input element a regular button, not a submit: <input type="button" value="Editar">.


太阳哥哥 2025-02-20 23:46:00


如果您正在寻找一种基于值生成动态列名称的方法,我建议您在此处访问Felipe Hoffa的博客条目:
https://medium.com/medium.com/snowflake/snowflake/dynemic-pivots-pivots-pivots-pivots-pivots-po- snowflake-c76393987c in-sql-with-with-snowflake

create or replace procedure pivot_dyn_results(input string, delimiter string) 
returns table ()
language SQL 

max_count integer default 0;
lcount integer default 0;
rs resultset;
stmt1 string;
stmt2 string;


-- Get number of delimiter separated values (assumes no leading or trailing delimiter)
select regexp_count(:input, '\\'||:delimiter, 1) into :max_count from dual;

-- Generate the initial row-based result set of parsed values
stmt1 := 'SELECT * from lateral split_to_table(?,?)';

-- Build dynamic query to produce the pivoted column based results
stmt2 := 'select * from (select * from table(result_scan(last_query_id(-1)))) pivot(max(value) for index in (';

-- initialize look counter for resulting columns
lcount := 1;
stmt2 := stmt2 || '\'' || lcount || '\'';

-- append pivot statement for each column to be represented
FOR l in 1 to max_count do
lcount := lcount + 1;
stmt2 := stmt2 || ',\'' || lcount || '\'';

-- close out the pivot statement
stmt2 := stmt2 || '))';

-- execute the 
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE :stmt1 using (input, delimiter);
rs := (EXECUTE IMMEDIATE :stmt2);

return table(rs);


call pivot_dyn_results('Sales External?HR?Billing?Purchase Department','?');



Here's a stored proc that will produce a table result with a dynamic set of columns based on the input string and specified delimiter.

If you are looking for a way to generate dynamic column names based on values, I recommend visiting Felipe Hoffa's blog entry here:

create or replace procedure pivot_dyn_results(input string, delimiter string) 
returns table ()
language SQL 

max_count integer default 0;
lcount integer default 0;
rs resultset;
stmt1 string;
stmt2 string;


-- Get number of delimiter separated values (assumes no leading or trailing delimiter)
select regexp_count(:input, '\\'||:delimiter, 1) into :max_count from dual;

-- Generate the initial row-based result set of parsed values
stmt1 := 'SELECT * from lateral split_to_table(?,?)';

-- Build dynamic query to produce the pivoted column based results
stmt2 := 'select * from (select * from table(result_scan(last_query_id(-1)))) pivot(max(value) for index in (';

-- initialize look counter for resulting columns
lcount := 1;
stmt2 := stmt2 || '\'' || lcount || '\'';

-- append pivot statement for each column to be represented
FOR l in 1 to max_count do
lcount := lcount + 1;
stmt2 := stmt2 || ',\'' || lcount || '\'';

-- close out the pivot statement
stmt2 := stmt2 || '))';

-- execute the 
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE :stmt1 using (input, delimiter);
rs := (EXECUTE IMMEDIATE :stmt2);

return table(rs);

call pivot_dyn_results([string],[delimiter]);

call pivot_dyn_results('Sales External?HR?Billing?Purchase Department','?');


SEQ   '1'               '2'  '3' '4'
1    Sales External HR  Billing Purchase Department


太阳哥哥 2025-02-20 19:53:31


JavaScript itself is meant to be implementation-agnostic, so concepts like memory addresses are intentionally absent from the language itself. Outside of the language, you can use the browser's debugging tools to take a memory snapshot, and that might contain the information. Note, however, that there is no real guarantee that an object will retain its address.


太阳哥哥 2025-02-20 12:23:33


function findLongestWordLength(str) {
 const splitted = str.split(' ');
 let wordLength =0;
 splitted.forEach((word) =>{
     const wordSplitted = word.split('');
     if(wordSplitted.length > wordLength){
      wordLength = wordSplitted.length;

  return wordLength;


console.log(findLongestWordLength("Thep quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog"));

Though, below is not the answer, but is another solution.

function findLongestWordLength(str) {
 const splitted = str.split(' ');
 let wordLength =0;
 splitted.forEach((word) =>{
     const wordSplitted = word.split('');
     if(wordSplitted.length > wordLength){
      wordLength = wordSplitted.length;

  return wordLength;


console.log(findLongestWordLength("Thep quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog"));


太阳哥哥 2025-02-20 05:46:36

您需要查找的索引[3,3,3] 为此,您可以使用 all(axis = -1),然后替换为 [0,0, 0]

row, col = np.where((c==3).all(-1))
c[row, col] = [0,0,0]


[[[0 0 0]
  [2 2 2]
  [0 0 0]
  [4 4 4]]

 [[1 1 1]
  [2 2 2]
  [7 3 3]
  [4 4 4]]

 [[1 1 1]
  [0 0 0]
  [0 0 0]
  [4 4 4]]

 [[1 1 1]
  [2 2 2]
  [3 8 3]
  [0 0 0]]

 [[0 0 0]
  [2 2 2]
  [0 0 0]
  [4 4 4]]]

You need find index of [3,3,3] for this you can use all(axis=-1), then replace with [0,0,0]:

row, col = np.where((c==3).all(-1))
c[row, col] = [0,0,0]


[[[0 0 0]
  [2 2 2]
  [0 0 0]
  [4 4 4]]

 [[1 1 1]
  [2 2 2]
  [7 3 3]
  [4 4 4]]

 [[1 1 1]
  [0 0 0]
  [0 0 0]
  [4 4 4]]

 [[1 1 1]
  [2 2 2]
  [3 8 3]
  [0 0 0]]

 [[0 0 0]
  [2 2 2]
  [0 0 0]
  [4 4 4]]]

如何替换“数组元素” numpy.ndarray关于条件而不使用显式循环?

太阳哥哥 2025-02-20 00:14:24

[slug] 用于具有嵌套路由。但是正确的是 [... slug] .js info

示例:myurl.com/article/ [id]/[otherid]


如果您想将结构作为 myurl.com/article/55 ,则需要以下结构:

pages 文件夹中:

  1. 您创建一个文件夹文章 pages/article
  2. 您创建2个文件:index.js(or .tsx)和 [id] .js (您可以将其命名为[slug ] .js或[Specialid] .js-无论是什么名称
  3. ,您都会获得具有参数名称的信息

import { useRouter } from 'next/router'

const Post = () => {
  const router = useRouter()
  //same name as name of your file, can be [slug].js; [specialId].js - any name you want
  const { pid } = router.query
  //result will be '55' (string)
  return <p>Post: {pid}</p>

export default Post

[slug] is used to have nested routes. But correct is [...slug].js (info)

Example: myurl.com/article/[id]/[otherid]

In the example above we can see that in [id] can be nested children. You can name this param as you want.

If you want to have your structure as myurl.com/article/55, you need to have structure as follow:

In your pages folder:

  1. You create a folder article (pages/article)
  2. You create 2 files: index.js (or .tsx) and [id].js (you can name as [slug].js or [specialId].js - no matter the name
  3. After, you are getting info with param name created.

Here is example of the code (URL: myurl.com/article/55; file: pages/article/[pid].js)

import { useRouter } from 'next/router'

const Post = () => {
  const router = useRouter()
  //same name as name of your file, can be [slug].js; [specialId].js - any name you want
  const { pid } = router.query
  //result will be '55' (string)
  return <p>Post: {pid}</p>

export default Post

如何在NextJ中使用slug URL

太阳哥哥 2025-02-19 20:46:03


select name_one as player, 
  array_agg(struct(name_two as most_from, points as most_points) order by points desc limit 1)[offset(0)].*,
  array_agg(struct(name_two as least_from, points as least_points) order by points limit 1)[offset(0)].* 
from (
  select name_one, name_two, sum(points_name_one) points
  from your_table group by 1,2 
  union all
  select name_two, name_one, sum(points_name_two) 
  from your_table group by 1,2
group by player  



Consider also below approach

select name_one as player, 
  array_agg(struct(name_two as most_from, points as most_points) order by points desc limit 1)[offset(0)].*,
  array_agg(struct(name_two as least_from, points as least_points) order by points limit 1)[offset(0)].* 
from (
  select name_one, name_two, sum(points_name_one) points
  from your_table group by 1,2 
  union all
  select name_two, name_one, sum(points_name_two) 
  from your_table group by 1,2
group by player  

if applied to sample data in your question - output is

enter image description here

countif bigquery

太阳哥哥 2025-02-19 02:11:04

解决此问题的最佳方法是在 > - 怀疑您的TLP损坏。



The best way of resolving this would be to contact LDRA Support at [email protected] - the suspicion is that you have a corrupted TLP.

Support will be able to sort you out (assuming you are not already sorted)

See profile for affiliation!

$(ProjectConfiguration)在LDRA TBRUN TCF文件中设置在哪里?

太阳哥哥 2025-02-18 18:18:15





类scope查找的动机是,我们希望能够将任何内容放入非静态数据成员的初始化器中,而我们可以将其放入mem-Inialializer中,而无需显着更改语义(Modulo Direct Direct Initialization Vs.复制初始化):

int x();

struct S {
    int i;
    S() : i(x()) {} // currently well-formed, uses S::x()
    // ...
    static int x();

struct T {
    int i = x(); // should use T::x(), ::x() would be a surprise
    // ...
    static int x();



   struct S {
        int i(x); // data member with initializer
        // ...
        static int x;

    struct T {
        int i(x); // member function declaration
        // ...
        typedef int x;


 struct S {
        int i(j); // ill-formed...parsed as a member function,
                  // type j looked up but not found
        // ...
        static int j;



struct S {
        int i(x); // unabmiguously a data member
        int j(typename y); // unabmiguously a member function

这两种解决方案都引入了许多用户可能会误解的微妙之处(正如Comp.lang.lang.c ++上的许多问题所证明的那样,关于“ Int I()”;在块范围内没有声明默认初始化的int)。

本文提出的解决方案是仅允许“ = initializer-clause”和“ {initializer-list}”表单。例如,在大多数情况下解决了歧义问题,例如:

HashingFunction hash_algorithm{"MD5"};

在这里,我们无法使用= form,因为HasningFunction的构造函数是明确的。

   vector<int> x = 3; // error:  the constructor taking an int is explicit
   vector<int> x(3);  // three elements default-initialized
   vector<int> x{3};  // one element with the value 3


vector<int> x = vector<int>(3); // rather than vector<int> x(3);
vector<int> x{3}; // one element with the value 3



   struct S {
               const int i = f(); // well-formed with forward lookup
        static const int j = f(); // always ill-formed for statics
        // ...
        constexpr static int f() { return 0; }



struct S {
    int i = j; // ill-formed without forward lookup, undefined behavior with
    int j = 3;



CWG在科纳(Kona)进行了6比3的稻草民意调查,以支持课堂镜头。这就是本文提出的,非静态数据成员的初始化器仅限于“ = initializer-care”和“ {initializer-list}”表单。


问题1:这个问题不会发生,因为我们不建议()符号。 = and {}初始化符号不会遭受此问题的困扰。



The rationale behind this choice is explicitly mentioned in the related proposal for non static data member initializers :

An issue raised in Kona regarding scope of identifiers:

During discussion in the Core Working Group at the September ’07 meeting in Kona, a question arose about the scope of identifiers in the initializer. Do we want to allow class scope with the possibility of forward lookup; or do we want to require that the initializers be well-defined at the point that they’re parsed?

What’s desired:

The motivation for class-scope lookup is that we’d like to be able to put anything in a non-static data member’s initializer that we could put in a mem-initializer without significantly changing the semantics (modulo direct initialization vs. copy initialization):

int x();

struct S {
    int i;
    S() : i(x()) {} // currently well-formed, uses S::x()
    // ...
    static int x();

struct T {
    int i = x(); // should use T::x(), ::x() would be a surprise
    // ...
    static int x();

Problem 1:

Unfortunately, this makes initializers of the “( expression-list )” form ambiguous at the time that the declaration is being parsed:

   struct S {
        int i(x); // data member with initializer
        // ...
        static int x;

    struct T {
        int i(x); // member function declaration
        // ...
        typedef int x;

One possible solution is to rely on the existing rule that, if a declaration could be an object or a function, then it’s a function:

 struct S {
        int i(j); // ill-formed...parsed as a member function,
                  // type j looked up but not found
        // ...
        static int j;

A similar solution would be to apply another existing rule, currently used only in templates, that if T could be a type or something else, then it’s something else; and we can use “typename” if we really mean a type:

struct S {
        int i(x); // unabmiguously a data member
        int j(typename y); // unabmiguously a member function

Both of those solutions introduce subtleties that are likely to be misunderstood by many users (as evidenced by the many questions on comp.lang.c++ about why “int i();” at block scope doesn’t declare a default-initialized int).

The solution proposed in this paper is to allow only initializers of the “= initializer-clause” and “{ initializer-list }” forms. That solves the ambiguity problem in most cases, for example:

HashingFunction hash_algorithm{"MD5"};

Here, we could not use the = form because HasningFunction’s constructor is explicit.
In especially tricky cases, a type might have to be mentioned twice. Consider:

   vector<int> x = 3; // error:  the constructor taking an int is explicit
   vector<int> x(3);  // three elements default-initialized
   vector<int> x{3};  // one element with the value 3

In that case, we have to chose between the two alternatives by using the appropriate notation:

vector<int> x = vector<int>(3); // rather than vector<int> x(3);
vector<int> x{3}; // one element with the value 3

Problem 2:

Another issue is that, because we propose no change to the rules for initializing static data members, adding the static keyword could make a well-formed initializer ill-formed:

   struct S {
               const int i = f(); // well-formed with forward lookup
        static const int j = f(); // always ill-formed for statics
        // ...
        constexpr static int f() { return 0; }

Problem 3:

A third issue is that class-scope lookup could turn a compile-time error into a run-time error:

struct S {
    int i = j; // ill-formed without forward lookup, undefined behavior with
    int j = 3;

(Unless caught by the compiler, i might be intialized with the undefined value of j.)

The proposal:

CWG had a 6-to-3 straw poll in Kona in favor of class-scope lookup; and that is what this paper proposes, with initializers for non-static data members limited to the “= initializer-clause” and “{ initializer-list }” forms.

We believe:

Problem 1: This problem does not occur as we don’t propose the () notation. The = and {} initializer notations do not suffer from this problem.

Problem 2: adding the static keyword makes a number of differences, this being the least of them.

Problem 3: this is not a new problem, but is the same order-of-initialization problem that already exists with constructor initializers.


太阳哥哥 2025-02-18 17:57:17

spath 是正确的命令,但它仅适用于有效的JSON字符串。 jsonlint.com认为给定的字符串无效。

这是一个使用 rex 提取版本ID的解决方法。

index="$index" "$filterString"
| rex field=context "version=\\\"(?<versionId>[^\\\"]+)"
| stats count by versionId

spath is the right command, but it only works with valid JSON strings. The given string is considered invalid by jsonlint.com.

Here is a workaround that uses rex to extract the version ID.

index="$index" "$filterString"
| rex field=context "version=\\\"(?<versionId>[^\\\"]+)"
| stats count by versionId


太阳哥哥 2025-02-18 09:45:02

您可以使用 fieldViewBuilder 为此。

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Autocomplete<String>(
      optionsBuilder: (TextEditingValue textEditingValue) {
        if (textEditingValue.text == '') {
          return const Iterable<String>.empty();
        return _kOptions.where((String option) {
          return option.contains(textEditingValue.text.toLowerCase());
      fieldViewBuilder: (BuildContext context, 
                         TextEditingController textEditingController,
                         FocusNode focusNode,
                         VoidCallback onFieldSubmitted) {
          return TextFormField(
            controller: textEditingController,
            focusNode: focusNode,
            onFieldSubmitted: (str) => onFieldSubmitted(),
            decoration: const InputDecoration(
              border: UnderlineInputBorder(),
              contentPadding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 12.0),
      onSelected: (String selection) {
        debugPrint('You just selected $selection');

You can use fieldViewBuilder for that.
Something like this:

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Autocomplete<String>(
      optionsBuilder: (TextEditingValue textEditingValue) {
        if (textEditingValue.text == '') {
          return const Iterable<String>.empty();
        return _kOptions.where((String option) {
          return option.contains(textEditingValue.text.toLowerCase());
      fieldViewBuilder: (BuildContext context, 
                         TextEditingController textEditingController,
                         FocusNode focusNode,
                         VoidCallback onFieldSubmitted) {
          return TextFormField(
            controller: textEditingController,
            focusNode: focusNode,
            onFieldSubmitted: (str) => onFieldSubmitted(),
            decoration: const InputDecoration(
              border: UnderlineInputBorder(),
              contentPadding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 12.0),
      onSelected: (String selection) {
        debugPrint('You just selected $selection');


太阳哥哥 2025-02-18 05:25:21


import numpy as np

df['opens'] = (
    .str.strip(' ')
    .str.replace(', ', ',')
    .apply(np.array, dtype=float)

您要遇到的错误( valueError:无法将字符串转换为float:'[[63.240001 )是由于列中的值 opens opens 被读为字符串,而不是值列表。


"[63.2400016784668, 62.20000076293945, 61.91999816894531, 61.40000152587891, 60.65999984741211, 60.04000091552734, 61.27999877929688, 60.0, 59.11999893188477, 57.88000106811523, 57.7599983215332, 59.04000091552734, 58.18000030517578, 55.29999923706055, 54.13999938964844, 54.52000045776367, 54.13999938964844, 56.72000122070312, 57.0, 58.29999923706055, 58.34000015258789, 58.04000091552734, 58.5, 58.45999908447266, 58.34000015258789, 56.09999847412109, 56.72000122070312, 58.5, 59.13999938964844, 58.41999816894531, 58.65999984741211, 57.90000152587891, 56.43999862670898, 55.7599983215332, 56.27999877929688, 55.22000122070312, 56.5, 56.58000183105469, 56.72000122070312, 56.38000106811523, 55.72000122070312, 55.88000106811523, 56.7400016784668, 58.06000137329102, 58.79999923706055, 59.40000152587891, 59.56000137329102, 58.18000030517578, 58.11999893188477, 57.72000122070312, 57.79999923706055, 56.88000106811523, 57.31999969482422, 56.11999893188477, 56.59999847412109, 56.38000106811523, 57.15999984741211, 56.08000183105469, 56.93999862670898, 57.86000061035156, 57.88000106811523, 58.54000091552734, 58.70000076293945, 57.81999969482422, 58.68000030517578, 58.58000183105469]"



Try this:

import numpy as np

df['opens'] = (
    .str.strip(' ')
    .str.replace(', ', ',')
    .apply(np.array, dtype=float)

The error you're getting (ValueError: could not convert string to float: '[[63.240001) is due to the fact that the values from the column opens are being read as strings, instead of lists of values.

For example, the first value of opens being read is:

"[63.2400016784668, 62.20000076293945, 61.91999816894531, 61.40000152587891, 60.65999984741211, 60.04000091552734, 61.27999877929688, 60.0, 59.11999893188477, 57.88000106811523, 57.7599983215332, 59.04000091552734, 58.18000030517578, 55.29999923706055, 54.13999938964844, 54.52000045776367, 54.13999938964844, 56.72000122070312, 57.0, 58.29999923706055, 58.34000015258789, 58.04000091552734, 58.5, 58.45999908447266, 58.34000015258789, 56.09999847412109, 56.72000122070312, 58.5, 59.13999938964844, 58.41999816894531, 58.65999984741211, 57.90000152587891, 56.43999862670898, 55.7599983215332, 56.27999877929688, 55.22000122070312, 56.5, 56.58000183105469, 56.72000122070312, 56.38000106811523, 55.72000122070312, 55.88000106811523, 56.7400016784668, 58.06000137329102, 58.79999923706055, 59.40000152587891, 59.56000137329102, 58.18000030517578, 58.11999893188477, 57.72000122070312, 57.79999923706055, 56.88000106811523, 57.31999969482422, 56.11999893188477, 56.59999847412109, 56.38000106811523, 57.15999984741211, 56.08000183105469, 56.93999862670898, 57.86000061035156, 57.88000106811523, 58.54000091552734, 58.70000076293945, 57.81999969482422, 58.68000030517578, 58.58000183105469]"

instead of something like:



太阳哥哥 2025-02-17 22:50:37

如果您知道您将始终在前面有 d。

        private static KeyValuePair<string, string> Helper(KeyValuePair<string, string> x)
            // starting index of 2, to skip "d.", and length of the key minus "d." and ".f"
            var substring = x.Key.Substring(2, x.Key.Length - 4);
            return new KeyValuePair<string, string>(substring, x.Value);

另外,如果您实际上将在前面和后面具有更多字符(而不是 d。 .f ),则可以计算第一个的索引。 和最后一个,然后从中创建一个子字符串:

        private static KeyValuePair<string, string> Helper(KeyValuePair<string, string> x)
            // d.b.f
            var startIndex = x.Key.IndexOf('.') + 1; // 2
            var endIndex = x.Key.LastIndexOf('.'); // 3
            var length = endIndex - startIndex; // 1
            var substring = x.Key.Substring(startIndex, length); // b
            return new KeyValuePair<string, string>(substring, x.Value);

If you know that you will always have d. in front, and .f on the end, you could simply do a substring of your key.

        private static KeyValuePair<string, string> Helper(KeyValuePair<string, string> x)
            // starting index of 2, to skip "d.", and length of the key minus "d." and ".f"
            var substring = x.Key.Substring(2, x.Key.Length - 4);
            return new KeyValuePair<string, string>(substring, x.Value);

Alternatively, if you will actually have more characters in front and behind (instead of just d. and .f), you could calculate the index of the first . and last . and then create a substring from that:

        private static KeyValuePair<string, string> Helper(KeyValuePair<string, string> x)
            // d.b.f
            var startIndex = x.Key.IndexOf('.') + 1; // 2
            var endIndex = x.Key.LastIndexOf('.'); // 3
            var length = endIndex - startIndex; // 1
            var substring = x.Key.Substring(startIndex, length); // b
            return new KeyValuePair<string, string>(substring, x.Value);


太阳哥哥 2025-02-17 20:49:51






I saw that when I add only 1 element to the StoryTriggers list it does look weird on the inspector like shown in the question.

But when I add multiple elements it stops looking weird. So I can work with it.

I assume this is a bug on the Unity Editor since the condition to the weird behavior is on the amount of elements on the list.


Soon after that, I realized that no matter how many elements I add to the list, the first one will always look weird when expanded (like shown in the question). Still, it is not something impossible to work with. I already sent a bug report to unity.


太阳哥哥 2025-02-17 01:01:11

.read()添加到第一个 loads 输入:

from json import loads
from collections import namedtuple
from os import path

class CamConfigurator:
    with open(path.join('utility', 'cam', 'configurator.json')) as __configFile:
        __configurator = loads(
            __configFile.read(), # <- there
            object_hook=lambda dictonary: namedtuple(
                'X', dictonary.keys()
    camIndex = __configurator.availableCams[-1]
    pathToSnapshots = __configurator.pathToSnapshots

Add .read() to the first loads input:

from json import loads
from collections import namedtuple
from os import path

class CamConfigurator:
    with open(path.join('utility', 'cam', 'configurator.json')) as __configFile:
        __configurator = loads(
            __configFile.read(), # <- there
            object_hook=lambda dictonary: namedtuple(
                'X', dictonary.keys()
    camIndex = __configurator.availableCams[-1]
    pathToSnapshots = __configurator.pathToSnapshots

将JSON文件映射到对象Python 2.7




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