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雪落纷纷 2025-02-06 01:53:57

因此,我需要精确地研究Node.js代码为此HMAC HASH完成的操作。我发现,一旦我了解了JSON.STRINGIFY()正在做的事情变得琐碎。

    public string CalculateSHA256Hash(byte[] key, string requestContent)
        string hexHash = "";
            // Initialize the keyed hash object.
            using (HMACSHA256 hmac = new HMACSHA256(key))
                byte[] requestByteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(requestContent);

                // Create a FileStream for the source request body.
                using (MemoryStream inStream = new MemoryStream(requestByteArray))
                    byte[] computedHash = hmac.ComputeHash(inStream);
                    hexHash = Convert.ToHexString(computedHash).ToLower();
        catch (Exception e)
        return hexHash;


     strBody = strBody.Replace(" ", "");
     strBody = strBody.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "");

So I needed to dig into exactly what the node.js code was accomplishing for this HMAC hash. I found that once I understood what the json.stringify() was doing this became trivial to implement.

    public string CalculateSHA256Hash(byte[] key, string requestContent)
        string hexHash = "";
            // Initialize the keyed hash object.
            using (HMACSHA256 hmac = new HMACSHA256(key))
                byte[] requestByteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(requestContent);

                // Create a FileStream for the source request body.
                using (MemoryStream inStream = new MemoryStream(requestByteArray))
                    byte[] computedHash = hmac.ComputeHash(inStream);
                    hexHash = Convert.ToHexString(computedHash).ToLower();
        catch (Exception e)
        return hexHash;

I used the following to get the equivalent of json.stringify()

     strBody = strBody.Replace(" ", "");
     strBody = strBody.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "");

将节点JS HMAC转换为C#

雪落纷纷 2025-02-05 09:03:43

textView(_:syredchangeTextin:替换text:)被称为文本尚未应用于视图时,这意味着内容化尚未更改。如果可能的话,您可以使用 textViewDidchange(_:),它应该打印正确的大小。

func textViewDidChange(_ textView: UITextView) {
    print("[contentSize] \(textView.contentSize.height) size to fit \(textView.sizeThatFits(view.frame.size).height)")

如果您确实需要在 shordchangetextin 方法上计算文本的大小,则可以尝试使用这个

When textView(_:shouldChangeTextIn:replacementText:) is called the text hasn't been applied to the view yet which means the contentSize has not changed. If possible, you can use textViewDidChange(_:), it should print the correct size.

func textViewDidChange(_ textView: UITextView) {
    print("[contentSize] \(textView.contentSize.height) size to fit \(textView.sizeThatFits(view.frame.size).height)")

If you really need to calculate the size of the text on the shouldChangeTextIn method, you could try calculating the size using an approach like this.

uitextView contentsize在粘贴ios之后不更新

雪落纷纷 2025-02-04 18:16:17

通过使用 MERGE 函数及其可选参数:

内在加入: Merge(DF1,DF2)将适用于这些示例是因为r自动通过通用变量名称加入帧,但是您很可能需要指定 MERGE(DF1,DF2,by =“ CustomerId”)以确保您仅在您想要的字段。如果匹配变量在不同的数据帧中具有不同的名称,则还可以使用 by.x by.y 参数。

外部加入: 合并(x = df1,y = df2,by by =“ customerId”,all = true)

左外部: 合并(x = df1,y = df2,by =“ customerid”,all.x = true)

右外部:< /em> 合并(x = df1,y = df2,by =“ customerId”,all.y = true)

交叉加入: < /strong> 合并(x = df1,y = df2,by = null)

就像内在的加入一样,您可能希望将“ customerId”明确地传递给r作为匹配变量。如果输入数据。帧会意外变化,稍后更易于阅读,则更安全。

您可以通过提供 vector,例如, by = c(“ customerId”,“ orderId”)来合并多个列。

如果要合并的列名不相同,则可以指定,例如, by.x =“ customerid_in_df1”,by.y =“ customerid_in_df2” 其中 customeid_in_df1 is第一个数据框架中的列的名称和 customerid_in_df2 是第二个数据框中的列的名称。 (如果您需要在多个列上合并,这些也可以是向量。)

By using the merge function and its optional parameters:

Inner join: merge(df1, df2) will work for these examples because R automatically joins the frames by common variable names, but you would most likely want to specify merge(df1, df2, by = "CustomerId") to make sure that you were matching on only the fields you desired. You can also use the by.x and by.y parameters if the matching variables have different names in the different data frames.

Outer join: merge(x = df1, y = df2, by = "CustomerId", all = TRUE)

Left outer: merge(x = df1, y = df2, by = "CustomerId", all.x = TRUE)

Right outer: merge(x = df1, y = df2, by = "CustomerId", all.y = TRUE)

Cross join: merge(x = df1, y = df2, by = NULL)

Just as with the inner join, you would probably want to explicitly pass "CustomerId" to R as the matching variable. I think it's almost always best to explicitly state the identifiers on which you want to merge; it's safer if the input data.frames change unexpectedly and easier to read later on.

You can merge on multiple columns by giving by a vector, e.g., by = c("CustomerId", "OrderId").

If the column names to merge on are not the same, you can specify, e.g., by.x = "CustomerId_in_df1", by.y = "CustomerId_in_df2" where CustomerId_in_df1 is the name of the column in the first data frame and CustomerId_in_df2 is the name of the column in the second data frame. (These can also be vectors if you need to merge on multiple columns.)


雪落纷纷 2025-02-04 13:41:31


const [timeoutId, setTimeoutId] = useState(null);

const dateChangeHandler = (value: DateRange | null, event: React.SyntheticEvent) => {
    const _timeoutId = window.setTimeout(() => dispatch(fetchFilteredData({ payload: { dateRange: value, selectedTools: selectedTools } })), 5000)

const selectionChangeHandler = (value: string[]) => {
    if (value.length > 0) {
        if (timeoutId) {
        dispatch(fetchFilteredData({ payload: { dateRange: selectedDateRange, selectedTools: value } }))

You can set a timeout that, 5s later will trigger the dispatch event. Store the timeout ID in a state/ref and clearTimeout in the other input handler:

const [timeoutId, setTimeoutId] = useState(null);

const dateChangeHandler = (value: DateRange | null, event: React.SyntheticEvent) => {
    const _timeoutId = window.setTimeout(() => dispatch(fetchFilteredData({ payload: { dateRange: value, selectedTools: selectedTools } })), 5000)

const selectionChangeHandler = (value: string[]) => {
    if (value.length > 0) {
        if (timeoutId) {
        dispatch(fetchFilteredData({ payload: { dateRange: selectedDateRange, selectedTools: value } }))


雪落纷纷 2025-02-04 08:14:25


由于 polybase 无法完成操作,因此发生了此错误。操作故障可能是由于以下原因引起的:

  • 网络失败 尝试访问 azure blob存储
  • Azure存储帐户的配置

您可以通过遵循此问题来解决此问题=“ nofollow noreferrer”> 文章 它可以帮助您解决当您执行 创建外部表格为select 时发生的问题。



https> https> https://wwwww.sqlservercentral central。 com/articles/access-external-data-from-azure-synapse-analytics-using-polybase

https://knowledge.informatica.com/s/article/000175628?language= en_us

jdbc.SQLServerException : Create External Table As Sect statement
failed as the path ####### could not be used for export. Error Code

This error occurs because of PolyBase can't complete the operation. The operation failure can be due to the following reasons :

  • Network failure when you try to access the Azure blob storage
  • The configuration of the Azure storage account.

You can fix this issue by following this article it helps you resolve the problem that occurs when you do a CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE AS SELECT.

For more in detail, please refer below links:




从读取Synapse DWH的表格时,Azure Synapse异常

雪落纷纷 2025-02-03 18:50:18


After small tries, I discovered that it was a network issue, after connecting to my company VPN, the problem was resolved.

在等待与ReadPreferencesRecterElector {readPreference = primary}匹配的服务器时,在30000毫秒后的时间安排

雪落纷纷 2025-02-03 15:04:42


s = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
for r in (("brown", "red"), ("lazy", "quick")):
    s = s.replace(*r)

#output will be:  The quick red fox jumps over the quick dog

Why not one solution like this?

s = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
for r in (("brown", "red"), ("lazy", "quick")):
    s = s.replace(*r)

#output will be:  The quick red fox jumps over the quick dog


雪落纷纷 2025-02-03 12:17:17

您可以 pivot 将数据添加到“长”格式中,然后过滤> order> order presentation_type 匹配。


df1 %>% 
  pivot_longer(starts_with("order"), names_to = "Order", values_to = "stimulus_presented") %>% 
  filter(presentation_type == Order) %>% 

# A tibble: 9 x 5
  participant_id presentation_type trial_number response stimulus_presented
  <chr>          <chr>                    <int> <chr>    <chr>             
1 p1             order3                       1 yes      c                 
2 p1             order3                       2 yes      a                 
3 p1             order3                       3 no       b                 
4 p2             order1                       1 no       a                 
5 p2             order1                       2 yes      b                 
6 p2             order1                       3 no       c                 
7 p3             order2                       1 no       b                 
8 p3             order2                       2 yes      c                 
9 p3             order2                       3 yes      a   

You can pivot the data into a "long" format, then filter for Order that matched the presentation_type.


df1 %>% 
  pivot_longer(starts_with("order"), names_to = "Order", values_to = "stimulus_presented") %>% 
  filter(presentation_type == Order) %>% 

# A tibble: 9 x 5
  participant_id presentation_type trial_number response stimulus_presented
  <chr>          <chr>                    <int> <chr>    <chr>             
1 p1             order3                       1 yes      c                 
2 p1             order3                       2 yes      a                 
3 p1             order3                       3 no       b                 
4 p2             order1                       1 no       a                 
5 p2             order1                       2 yes      b                 
6 p2             order1                       3 no       c                 
7 p3             order2                       1 no       b                 
8 p3             order2                       2 yes      c                 
9 p3             order2                       3 yes      a   


雪落纷纷 2025-02-03 06:46:44

付款未在PayPal完成。对于重定向集成,返回您的网站后,您需要捕获订单并显示结果(成功/谢谢您,或者失败/重试)。 URL将包含用于捕获的必要ID。

当前集成不使用任何重定向。根本。 (API响应使用这样的集成模式对旧网站的RETRITRECT URL)


将这两条路线与以下批准流相结合: https:https://developervevelaper.paypal.paypal。 com/demo/beckout/#/tatter/server

The payment does not complete at PayPal. For redirect integrations, after the return to your site you need to capture the order and show the result (success/thank you, or failure/try again). The URL will contain the necessary IDs for capture.

Current integrations don't use any redirects. At all. (API responses have redirect URLs for old websites using such an integration pattern)

Instead, create two routes on your server for the create order and capture order APIs, respectively. The capture route must take an id as input (path or body parameter), so it knows which to capture. Both routes should return/output only JSON data, no HTML or text.

Pair those two routes with the following approval flow: https://developer.paypal.com/demo/checkout/#/pattern/server


雪落纷纷 2025-02-03 06:16:47



edit :修复以处理未找到的情况(感谢@jimba的评论):

    $addFields: {
      res: {
        $function: {
                 body: "function drill(t, n) {if (n && n.length > 0){for (let elem of n){if(elem['foo'] && elem['foo'] === 'bar'){t.push(elem);}else {drill(t, elem.children)}}}return t}",
          args: [
          lang: "js"
    $project: {
      res: {
        $cond: [
          {$gt: [{$size: "$res"}, 0]},
          {$arrayElemAt: ["$res", 0]},
          {res: null}
      _id: 0
    $match: {res: {$ne: null}}
    $replaceRoot: {newRoot: "$res"}


我们可以使用 $ function 递归查找此键,名为 foo 并返回包含它的对象。



const key = 'foo';
const val = 'bar';
const body = `function drill(t, n) {if (n && n.length > 0){for (let elem of n){if(elem[${key}] && elem[${key}] === ${val}){t.push(elem);}else {drill(t, elem.children)}}}return t}`;

    $addFields: {res: {$function: {body, args: [[], "$children"], lang: "js"}}}
    $project: {
      res: {
        $cond: [
          {$gt: [{$size: "$res"}, 0]},
          {$arrayElemAt: ["$res", 0]},
          {res: null}
      _id: 0
    $match: {res: {$ne: null}}
    $replaceRoot: {newRoot: "$res"}

If we use the solution of @rickhg12hs

You can do something like:

EDIT: fixed to handle case of not found (Thanks to a comment by @Jimba):

    $addFields: {
      res: {
        $function: {
                 body: "function drill(t, n) {if (n && n.length > 0){for (let elem of n){if(elem['foo'] && elem['foo'] === 'bar'){t.push(elem);}else {drill(t, elem.children)}}}return t}",
          args: [
          lang: "js"
    $project: {
      res: {
        $cond: [
          {$gt: [{$size: "$res"}, 0]},
          {$arrayElemAt: ["$res", 0]},
          {res: null}
      _id: 0
    $match: {res: {$ne: null}}
    $replaceRoot: {newRoot: "$res"}

As you can see on this playground example.

We can use $function to recursively look for this key named foo and return the object that contains it.

Edit according to a question in the comment:

You can use your code to manipulate it according to your needs:
for example in js:

const key = 'foo';
const val = 'bar';
const body = `function drill(t, n) {if (n && n.length > 0){for (let elem of n){if(elem[${key}] && elem[${key}] === ${val}){t.push(elem);}else {drill(t, elem.children)}}}return t}`;

    $addFields: {res: {$function: {body, args: [[], "$children"], lang: "js"}}}
    $project: {
      res: {
        $cond: [
          {$gt: [{$size: "$res"}, 0]},
          {$arrayElemAt: ["$res", 0]},
          {res: null}
      _id: 0
    $match: {res: {$ne: null}}
    $replaceRoot: {newRoot: "$res"}


雪落纷纷 2025-02-03 05:02:14

让我添加其他方形符号的用例。如果要在对象中访问 x-proxy 的属性,则 - 将被错误解释。它们是其他一些情况,例如空间,点等,点操作对您无济于事。同样,如果您在变量中具有键,则仅访问对象中键值的唯一方法是按括号表示法。希望您获得更多背景。

Let me add some more use case of the square-bracket notation. If you want to access a property say x-proxy in a object, then - will be interpreted wrongly. Their are some other cases too like space, dot, etc., where dot operation will not help you. Also if u have the key in a variable then only way to access the value of the key in a object is by bracket notation. Hope you get some more context.


雪落纷纷 2025-02-03 00:39:31

在以下行中查看&lt;&lt;&lt; 操作:

unsigned long long po2 = (1 << i);

它的 左操作数 是什么?好吧,那是 int 文字, 1 , int type type will not 在这种情况下进行晋升 1 。因此,结果的类型将为 int ,如您所引用的标准的摘录所指定的,并且该 int 结果将转换为必需的>未签名的长长类型…但是 溢出(未定义的行为)已经发生。

要解决这个问题,请使用 ull 后缀:

unsigned long long po2 = (1uLL << i);

1 href =“ https://en.cppreference.com/w/c/language/operator_arithmetic” rel =“ nofollow noreferrer”>此cppReference page (大胆的重点):

Shift Operators

转换)。结果的类型是 lhs 之后的类型

Look at the << operation in the following line:

unsigned long long po2 = (1 << i);

What is its left operand? Well, that is the int literal, 1, and an int type will not undergo promotion, in that context1. So, the type of the result will be int, as specified in the extract from the Standard that you cited, and that int result will be converted to the required unsigned long long type … but after the overflow (undefined behaviour) has already happened.

To fix the issue, make that literal an unsigned long long, using the uLL suffix:

unsigned long long po2 = (1uLL << i);

1 Some clarity on the "context" from this cppreference page (bold emphasis mine):

Shift Operators

First, integer promotions are performed, individually, on each operand (Note: this is unlike
other binary arithmetic operators, which all perform usual arithmetic
conversions). The type of the result is the type of lhs after


雪落纷纷 2025-02-03 00:09:06



Because of RabbitMQ's behavior, a cluster that is currently not being used (but once was) looks exactly the same as one that has never been used (which is a good thing for performance).

Assuming no client deletes the queue it is using, or the cluster creation involves creating new queues or exchanges, then checking if there are any existing queues (or any non-default exchanges) is your best bet at guessing if any client has ever used a RabbitMQ cluster.


雪落纷纷 2025-02-02 15:16:33



public MainWindow()


    _subscription =
            .Generate(0, x => true, x => x + 1,
                x => new MData() { ID = Random.Shared.Next(1, 3), Description = "Notification....", IsThrottlable = Random.Shared.Next(2) == 1 },
                x => TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Random.Shared.Next(100, 2000)))
            .GroupBy(m => m.IsThrottlable)
            .SelectMany(g =>
                ? g.GroupBy(x => x.ID).SelectMany(g2 => g2.Throttle(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3.0)))
                : g)
            .SelectMany(m => Observable.Start(() => HTTPSend(m)))

最终 .selectmany(m =&gt; observable.start(()=&gt; httpsend(m)))可能需要将其写入 .select( m =&gt; observable.start(()=&gt; httpsend(m))。合并(1)

I decided to take your final implementation, as posted in your question, but it should be as an answer, and clean up the query for you in a way that is the most idiomatic Rx kind of way.

Here's my version of your code:

public MainWindow()


    _subscription =
            .Generate(0, x => true, x => x + 1,
                x => new MData() { ID = Random.Shared.Next(1, 3), Description = "Notification....", IsThrottlable = Random.Shared.Next(2) == 1 },
                x => TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Random.Shared.Next(100, 2000)))
            .GroupBy(m => m.IsThrottlable)
            .SelectMany(g =>
                ? g.GroupBy(x => x.ID).SelectMany(g2 => g2.Throttle(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3.0)))
                : g)
            .SelectMany(m => Observable.Start(() => HTTPSend(m)))

The final .SelectMany(m => Observable.Start(() => HTTPSend(m))) might need to be written as .Select(m => Observable.Start(() => HTTPSend(m))).Merge(1).

如何通过ID RX分组和油门对象

雪落纷纷 2025-02-02 11:03:12


import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

public class Tester {
    private static Map<Integer, List<String>> byLines(String filePath) throws IOException {
        Path path = Paths.get(filePath);
        try (Stream<String> lines = Files.lines(path)) {
            return lines.flatMap(line -> Arrays.stream(line.split("\\s+")))
                        .filter(word -> word.length() > 4)
                        .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(word -> word.length()));

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            Map<Integer, List<String>> map = byLines("random.txt");
            map.forEach((key, value) -> System.out.printf("%d: %s%n", key, value));
        catch (IOException xIo) {

您需要调用方法 flatmap 以创建,该将每行的所有单词串通,从而将文本行的单词流。

方法 split (class 字符串)返回数组。
方法(class arrays )从数组中创建 stream
方法 flatmap 串联所有行中的所有单词,并创建 stream 包含文件中的所有单个单词 random.txt
然后,您根据您的要求收集单词,即 map 其中[映射]键是长度,[映射]值是 list 包含所有具有的单词相同的长度。

Notes after the code.

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

public class Tester {
    private static Map<Integer, List<String>> byLines(String filePath) throws IOException {
        Path path = Paths.get(filePath);
        try (Stream<String> lines = Files.lines(path)) {
            return lines.flatMap(line -> Arrays.stream(line.split("\\s+")))
                        .filter(word -> word.length() > 4)
                        .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(word -> word.length()));

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            Map<Integer, List<String>> map = byLines("random.txt");
            map.forEach((key, value) -> System.out.printf("%d: %s%n", key, value));
        catch (IOException xIo) {

You need to call method flatMap to create a Stream that concatenates all the words from each line, thus converting a Stream of lines of text to a stream of words.

Method split (of class String) returns an array.
Method stream (of class Arrays) creates a Stream from an array.
Method flatMap concatenates all the words from all the lines and creates a Stream containing all the individual words in file random.txt.
Then you keep all words that contain more than 4 characters.
Then you collect the words according to your requirements, i.e. a Map where the [map] key is the length and the [map] value is a List containing all the words having the same length.





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