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欢烬 2025-02-20 23:44:03

不要使用自己的文件夹分离器。始终使用 Directory_separator ,因为:

  1. 在某些特殊情况下,您确实需要正确的路径定界符,
  2. 操作系统可能正确处理它,但是许多第三方应用程序不能并且可能会失败!
  3. 某些操作系统不使用/ \ 作为分离器,但有所不同,

不要忘记:仅在远程系统上使用常数 - 不要将其用于URI或您想发送给客户端的任何其他内容(除了您真的需要它,例如“远程浏览器”)。

Do not use your own folder separators. Always use DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, because:

  1. In some special cases you really need the correct path delimiter
  2. The OS might handle it correctly, but many 3rd party applications can't and might fail!
  3. Some operating systems do not use / or \ as separators but something different

Don't forget: Use the constant only on the remote system - don't use it for URIs or anything else that you want to send to the client (except you really need it, like a "remote browser").


欢烬 2025-02-20 21:26:37


  • 将Dubl Dexp Option添加到您的代码覆盖范围环境变量中:
// cypress.config.js or cypress.json
env: {
  codeCoverage: {
    exclude: ['**/AddressFormatter.*'],
  • 使用 exclududefterremap 选项。引用repo readme


  • 最后,还有一个示例 repo 您可以将您的

Following the docs seems that there are a couple of options you can try:

  • Add the exclude option into your code coverage environment variable:
// cypress.config.js or cypress.json
env: {
  codeCoverage: {
    exclude: ['**/AddressFormatter.*'],
  • Use the excludeAfterRemap option. Quoting the repo README:

Another important option is excludeAfterRemap. By default it is false, which might let excluded files through. If you are excluding the files, and the instrumenter does not respect the nyc.exclude setting, then add excludeAfterRemap: true to tell nyc report to exclude files.

  • Lastly there is an example repo you can compare yours with


欢烬 2025-02-20 21:25:10


int main() {
    cout << "N = ";
    int N;
    cin >> N;
    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) cout << 'progress()' << endl;


如果您想知道 progress 没有循环,递归,条件等多少次,我能想到的唯一方法是在源文件上使用外部工具。例如,

cat source.cpp | grep -o progress() | wc -l


Imagine the following code:

int main() {
    cout << "N = ";
    int N;
    cin >> N;
    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) cout << 'progress()' << endl;

There is absolutely no way, the compiler can know how many times the function will be executed. So you need to determine the number using the logic of your data.

If you want to know how many times you call progress without loops, recursions, conditions etc., the only way I can think of is using external tool on the source file. E.g.

cat source.cpp | grep -o progress() | wc -l

Just remember to subtract 1 from the result, which accounts for the function definition.


欢烬 2025-02-20 18:38:16



.introspect(.picker(style: .segmented), on: .iOS(.v16...)) { picker in
            let font = UIFont.preferredFont(forTextStyle: .subheadline)
            let attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key: Any] = [.font: font]
            picker.setTitleTextAttributes(attributes, for: .normal)
            picker.setTitleTextAttributes(attributes, for: .selected)

此处的关键部分是使用 .subheadline 之类的字体,以便它基于DynamiCfonts缩放。


.frame(height: dynamicTypeSize.calculatedPickerHeight)


extension DynamicTypeSize {
var calculatedPickerHeight: CGFloat {
    switch self {
    case .accessibility1:
        return 60
    case .accessibility2:
        return 70
    case .accessibility3:
        return 80
    case .accessibility4:
        return 90
    case .accessibility5:
        return 100
        return 50 // Default value for non-accessibility sizes


We had the same problem and solved it with dynamic fonts like this:

We also used the underlying UIKit code via introspect

.introspect(.picker(style: .segmented), on: .iOS(.v16...)) { picker in
            let font = UIFont.preferredFont(forTextStyle: .subheadline)
            let attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key: Any] = [.font: font]
            picker.setTitleTextAttributes(attributes, for: .normal)
            picker.setTitleTextAttributes(attributes, for: .selected)

The key part here is to use a font like .subheadline so that it scales based on DynamicFonts.

And now comes the extra part so that it doesn't look broken because the picker doesn't scale with the fonts.
We added a frame modifier that has a typeExtension, so that it sets the height based on DynamicTypes:

.frame(height: dynamicTypeSize.calculatedPickerHeight)

And here is the extension:

extension DynamicTypeSize {
var calculatedPickerHeight: CGFloat {
    switch self {
    case .accessibility1:
        return 60
    case .accessibility2:
        return 70
    case .accessibility3:
        return 80
    case .accessibility4:
        return 90
    case .accessibility5:
        return 100
        return 50 // Default value for non-accessibility sizes

For us it worked flawlessly


欢烬 2025-02-20 16:47:46


for i in range((line+1)//2):  
for i in range(line//2):

// 操作员返回整数商,而不是 float 类型。 range 仅接受 int 类型输入。


for i in range((line+1)//2):

在两种情况下要做的。无论是偶数还是奇怪,这都会给出相同的结果。 (例如 4 // 2 = 2 (4+1)// 2 = 2 ; (5+1)// 2 正如预期的)

Try using the following:

for i in range((line+1)//2):  
for i in range(line//2):

The // operator returns the integer quotient instead of a float type. range only accepts int type input.

Alternatively, because you're just running the same loop for both even and odd cases and only changing the number, all you have to do is

for i in range((line+1)//2):

for both cases. This will give the same result whether or not it is even or odd. (e.g. 4//2 = 2,(4+1)//2 = 2;(5+1)//2 works as expected)

TypeError:开始必须是Python Turtle Drawing

欢烬 2025-02-20 09:12:39


Selenium 2.41

* Support for Firefox 28
* deprecating switch_to_* in favour of driver.switch_to.*




As per the Selenium Python Changelog:

Selenium 2.41

* Support for Firefox 28
* deprecating switch_to_* in favour of driver.switch_to.*

So you were pretty right analyzing the error which was because of older version of chromedriver/chrome combo being used.


Ensure that:

&#x27; Chromedriver&#x27;对象没有属性&#x27; switch_to&#x27;

欢烬 2025-02-20 09:01:58


Just took a look at the product description and according to Samsung both LEDs won't turn on simultaneusly.

SM -G525F(三星Galaxy Xcover 5) - 如何激活Flash和Torch同时引导

欢烬 2025-02-20 05:28:38

如果您希望MySQL Server决定字符集,而不是php作为客户端(我认为旧行为;首选),请尝试将 skip-character-character-set-client handshake 添加到<代码> my.cnf ,在 [mysqld] 下,重新启动 mySQL


If you want a MySQL server to decide the character set, and not PHP as a client (old behaviour; preferred, in my opinion), try adding skip-character-set-client-handshake to your my.cnf, under [mysqld], and restart mysql.

This may cause trouble in case you're using anything other than UTF-8.


欢烬 2025-02-19 21:56:09
htmlSupport:  { allow: [
            name: 'iframe',
            attributes: true,
            classes: true,
            styles: true
htmlSupport:  { allow: [
            name: 'iframe',
            attributes: true,
            classes: true,
            styles: true


欢烬 2025-02-19 18:35:42

当您使用Web客户端时。它弹出并请求授权。通过这种方式,用户可以授予您对数据的访问。因此,file.LIST将返回用户Google Drive帐户上的文件。



  1. 将文件上传到服务帐户驱动器帐户。
  2. 打开您的credetials.json文件。寻找服务帐户电子邮件地址。使用该地址并在您的个人驱动器帐户上与服务帐户共享目录或文件。


When you use a web client. It pops up and requests authorizaiton. In this way a user is granting your application access to their data. So a file.list will return the files on the users google drive account.

The same thing is happening with your service account. Only service accounts are pre authorized. Your file.list is returning no files becouse the service account doesnt have acess to any files yet. You see it has its own drive account.


  1. Upload files to the service accounts drive account.
  2. open your credetials.json file. Look for the service account email address. Take that address and share a directory or file on your personal drive account with the service account.

Now do a file.list. It should have files.

使用服务帐户,没有获得任何文件 /文件夹列表

欢烬 2025-02-19 16:04:47



In order to create the following quiz you need to use js arrays. Which will store the set of questions to choose randomly. Another thing is you need to use js modules to send data across pages. And that is how you can do it.

I'd rather suggest you to use php sessions instead they are way more simpler and easier to word with.


欢烬 2025-02-19 12:09:41

就像评论建议您可以使用 0,0 ViewBox“ rel =” nofollow noreferrer”> ViewBox 。前两个数字是左上角的坐标,最后一个数字是宽度和高度。他们正在说明如何设置内部坐标系 - 不是在“实际”宽度和高度上表达(在第一个示例中,即使视图框的宽度为128,宽度也是300) - 这些可以用宽度和宽度和高度属性。

<svg viewBox="-64 -64 128 128" width="300" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
  <rect x="-64" y="-64" width="128" height="128" fill="steelblue"/>
  <rect x="0" y="0" width="60" height="60" fill="mediumpurple"/>
  <circle cx="0" cy="0" r="10" fill="orange"/>

另一种选择是使用a /code> 用于移动所有子元素的 0,0 的元素:

<svg width="128" height="128" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
  <g transform="translate(64 64)">
    <rect x="-64" y="-64" width="128" height="128" fill="steelblue"/>
    <rect x="0" y="0" width="60" height="60" fill="mediumpurple"/>
    <circle cx="0" cy="0" r="10" fill="orange"/>

Like the comments suggest you can "move around" 0,0 by using the viewBox. The first two numbers are the coordinate for the top left corner and that last to numbers are the width and the height. They are stating how the inner coordinate system is set up – not an expressing on the "actual" width and height (in this first example the width is 300 even though the viewBox is 128 in width) – these can be set with the width and height attributes.

<svg viewBox="-64 -64 128 128" width="300" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
  <rect x="-64" y="-64" width="128" height="128" fill="steelblue"/>
  <rect x="0" y="0" width="60" height="60" fill="mediumpurple"/>
  <circle cx="0" cy="0" r="10" fill="orange"/>

An alternative is to use a <g> element for moving the 0,0 for all the child elements:

<svg width="128" height="128" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
  <g transform="translate(64 64)">
    <rect x="-64" y="-64" width="128" height="128" fill="steelblue"/>
    <rect x="0" y="0" width="60" height="60" fill="mediumpurple"/>
    <circle cx="0" cy="0" r="10" fill="orange"/>


欢烬 2025-02-19 03:47:13

当您使用 Render()函数时,删除了目标元素的所有内容,并加载了新内容。如果要将内容附加到现有的HTML,则可以创建一个新的&lt; div; gt; (或任何其他元素)并附加元素。然后在新创建的元素中渲染内容。

function App() {
  return <React.Fragment>hello friend</React.Fragment>;

const div = document.createElement("div");

const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(div);
root.render(<App />);

// Or if you are using React 17 or lower:
//     ReactDOM.render(<App />, div);
<script crossorigin src="https://unpkg.com/react@18/umd/react.development.js"></script>
<script crossorigin src="https://unpkg.com/react-dom@18/umd/react-dom.development.js"></script>
<div id="root">
  <p>existing content</p>

When you use the render() function all the contents of the target element is removed and the new content is loaded. If you want to append the content to existing HTML you can create a new <div> (or any other element) and append the element. Then render the contents in the newly created element.

function App() {
  return <React.Fragment>hello friend</React.Fragment>;

const div = document.createElement("div");

const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(div);
root.render(<App />);

// Or if you are using React 17 or lower:
//     ReactDOM.render(<App />, div);
<script crossorigin src="https://unpkg.com/react@18/umd/react.development.js"></script>
<script crossorigin src="https://unpkg.com/react-dom@18/umd/react-dom.development.js"></script>
<div id="root">
  <p>existing content</p>

如何通过JavaScript将React JSX组件附加到HTML

欢烬 2025-02-18 15:07:50

我宁愿 rebase 在目标分支顶部(在主的顶部)上的分支,然后在该新的分支头和Main之间进行补丁(而不是 head 〜2

git switch anotherbranch
git rebase main
git format-patch -o patches main
git merge anotherbranch

I would rather rebase the branch on top of the target branch (on top of main), before making a patch between that new branch HEAD and main (instead of HEAD~2)

git switch anotherbranch
git rebase main
git format-patch -o patches main


欢烬 2025-02-18 14:51:24

看来这是Visual Studio 17.2.x的错误。解决方法是使用NSWAGSTUDIO,但是模板文件夹(如果使用)现在相对于临时文件夹,而不是一个。


It seems it is a bug in Visual Studio 17.2.x. Workaround is to use NSwagStudio, but the template folder has (if you use it) is now relative to a temporary folder, not the one .nswag definition resides into.


Visual Studio 2022中缺少上下文菜单




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