
文章 评论 浏览 29

茶花眉 2025-02-20 20:01:34


createDelegated("[email protected]")




The email you should be setting this to is the email of the user on your workspace account that you have configured delegation for.

createDelegated("[email protected]")

Send should also be sent from the user on your domain. The way service accounts you preconfigure them to work impersonate a user on your domain. In this way the service account is pretending to be that user.

If you have not already read this: Perform Google Workspace Domain-Wide Delegation of Authority I can highly recommend doing so.

通过Google API发送电子邮件 - 前提条件失败

茶花眉 2025-02-20 12:04:53
<form action="/waifus/{{ $waifu->id }}" method="POST">
<button type="submit" class="text-red-500"> Delete</button>

public function delete($waifu)
  Model::find($waifu)->delete(); // Model name will be your Model name
  return redirect('/')->with('message', 'Waifu deleted succesfully');
<form action="/waifus/{{ $waifu->id }}" method="POST">
<button type="submit" class="text-red-500"> Delete</button>

public function delete($waifu)
  Model::find($waifu)->delete(); // Model name will be your Model name
  return redirect('/')->with('message', 'Waifu deleted succesfully');


茶花眉 2025-02-20 07:04:12



# define cars -------------------------------------------------------------

original_cars <- c("self", "funny", "nymph")
new_cars <- c("house", "garden", "duck", "evil", "fluff")
cars <- c(original_cars, new_cars)

# get all possible connections ('parts') per car --------------------------

car_parts <- lapply(seq_along(cars), \(car_id) {
  car = cars[car_id]
  n = nchar(car)
  ids <- rep(car_id, n)
  names <- rep(car, n)
  left <- vapply(seq_len(n), \(i) substr(car, 1, i), "")
  right <- vapply(seq_len(n), \(i) substr(car, n-i+1, n), "")
  overlap <- nchar(left)
  data.frame(car.id = ids, car.name = names, left = left, right = right, overlap = overlap)
}) |> do.call(rbind, args=_)

# > car_parts
#    car.id car.name   left  right overlap
# 1       1     self      s      f       1
# 2       1     self     se     lf       2
# 3       1     self    sel    elf       3
# 4       1     self   self   self       4
# 5       2    funny      f      y       1
# 6       2    funny     fu     ny       2
# 7       2    funny    fun    nny       3
# 8       2    funny   funn   unny       4
# 9       2    funny  funny  funny       5
# 10      3    nymph      n      h       1
# [...]

# get all possible connections between two cars ---------------------------

connections <- inner_join(car_parts |> select(-left),
           car_parts |> select(-right),
           by = c('overlap', 'right' = 'left'),
           suffix = c('.left', '.right')) |>
  filter(car.id.left != car.id.right) |>
  mutate(connection.id = row_number()) |>
  select(connection.id, car.id.left, car.id.right, car.name.left, car.name.right, coupling = right)


# > connections
#   connection.id car.id.left car.id.right car.name.left car.name.right coupling
# 1             1           1            2          self          funny        f
# 2             2           1            8          self          fluff        f
# 3             3           2            3         funny          nymph       ny
# 4             4           3            4         nymph          house        h
# 5             5           4            7         house           evil        e
# 6             6           4            1         house           self       se
# 7             7           5            3        garden          nymph        n
# 8             8           8            2         fluff          funny        f

# function to store valid trains ------------------------------------------

# example:
# valid_trains <- list()
# valid_trains <- add_valid_train( valid_trains, c(1, 8), c(2) )

add_valid_train <- function(valid_trains, train_cars, train_connections) {
  names = c(cars[train_cars[1]],
            vapply(train_connections, \(x) connections$car.name.right[x], "") )
  couplings = vapply(train_connections, \(x) connections$coupling[x], "")
  append(valid_trains, list(list(cars = train_cars, names = names, couplings = couplings)))

# function to recursively find next cars to add to train ------------------

# example:
# add_car(9, 5, c(1,2,3), c(1,3,5))

add_car <- function(valid_trains, new_car, new_connection = NULL, train_cars = c(), train_connections = c(), depth = 0) {
  cat(strrep('   ',depth), cars[new_car],'\n', sep='')
  # store current train as valid
  train_cars <- c(train_cars, new_car)
  train_connections <- c(train_connections, new_connection)
  # find next possible cars to add; save train if no more options, otherwise add all options
  options <- connections |> filter(car.id.left == new_car, ! car.id.right %in% train_cars)
  if(nrow(options) == 0) valid_trains <- add_valid_train(valid_trains, train_cars, train_connections) # save only the longest options
  for(i in seq_len(nrow(options))) valid_trains <- add_car(valid_trains, options$car.id.right[i], options$connection.id[i], train_cars, train_connections, depth+1)

# get all valid trains ----------------------------------------------------

valid_trains <- list()
for(i in seq_along(cars)) add_car(valid_trains, i) -> valid_trains

# filter valid trains that have all cars from `original_cars` -------------

mask <- vapply(valid_trains, \(x) all(seq_along(original_cars) %in% x$cars), T)

new_trains <- lapply(valid_trains[mask], \(x) {
  x$newcars <- setdiff(x$cars, seq_along(original_cars))
  x$newnames <- cars[x$newcars]

# print names of all trains that contain all 'original' cars:
# > sapply(new_trains, \(x) x$names)
# [[1]] "self"  "funny" "nymph" "house" "evil" 
# [[2]] "self"  "fluff" "funny" "nymph" "house" "evil" 
# [[3]] "funny" "nymph" "house" "self"  "fluff"
# [[4]] "nymph" "house" "self"  "funny"
# [[5]] "nymph" "house" "self"  "fluff" "funny"
# [[6]] "house" "self"  "funny" "nymph"
# [[7]] "house" "self"  "fluff" "funny" "nymph"
# [[8]] "garden" "nymph"  "house"  "self"   "funny" 
# [[9]] "garden" "nymph"  "house"  "self"   "fluff"  "funny" 
# [[10]] "fluff" "funny" "nymph" "house" "self" 

## All possible trains are in `valid_trains`, all of those where *all* the original cars are used are in `new_trains`.
## It is possible that some trains are subsets of others.



# define cars -------------------------------------------------------------

original_cars <- c("self", "funny", "nymph")
new_cars <- c("house", "garden", "duck", "evil", "fluff")

# function to get all possible connections between a set of cars ----------

# example:
# cars <- c("self", "funny", "nymph", "house")
# get_connections(cars)
# > get_connections(c("self", "funny", "nymph", "house"))
#   connection.id car.id.left car.id.right car.name.left car.name.right coupling
# 1             1           1            2          self          funny        f
# 2             2           2            3         funny          nymph       ny
# 3             3           3            4         nymph          house        h
# 4             4           4            1         house           self       se

get_connections <- function(cars) {
  # get all connections the cars can make
  car_parts <- lapply(seq_along(cars), \(car_id) {
    car = cars[car_id]
    n = nchar(car)
    ids <- rep(car_id, n)
    names <- rep(car, n)
    left <- vapply(seq_len(n), \(i) substr(car, 1, i), "")
    right <- vapply(seq_len(n), \(i) substr(car, n-i+1, n), "")
    overlap <- nchar(left)
    data.frame(car.id = ids, car.name = names, left = left, right = right, overlap = overlap)
  }) |> do.call(rbind, args=_)
  # > car_parts
  #    car.id car.name   left  right overlap
  # 1       1     self      s      f       1
  # 2       1     self     se     lf       2
  # 3       1     self    sel    elf       3
  # 4       1     self   self   self       4
  # 5       2    funny      f      y       1
  # 6       2    funny     fu     ny       2
  # [...]
  # return all possible connections between two cars
  inner_join(car_parts |> select(-left),
                            car_parts |> select(-right),
                            by = c('overlap', 'right' = 'left'),
                            suffix = c('.left', '.right')) |>
    filter(car.id.left != car.id.right) |>
    mutate(connection.id = row_number()) |>
    select(connection.id, car.id.left, car.id.right, car.name.left, car.name.right, coupling = right)

# function to store valid trains ------------------------------------------

# example:
# cars <- c("self", "funny", "nymph", "house")
# connections <- get_connections(cars)
# valid_trains <- list()
# valid_trains <- add_valid_train( cars, connections, valid_trains, c(2, 3), c(2) )

add_valid_train <- function(cars, connections, valid_trains, train_cars, train_connections) {
  names = c(cars[train_cars[1]],
            vapply(train_connections, \(x) connections$car.name.right[x], "") )
  couplings = vapply(train_connections, \(x) connections$coupling[x], "")
  append(valid_trains, list(list(cars = train_cars, names = names, couplings = couplings)))

# function to recursively find next cars to add to train ------------------

# example:
# cars <- c("self", "funny", "nymph", "house")
# connections <- get_connections(cars)
# valid_trains <- list()
# add_car(cars, connections, valid_trains, 2)

add_car <- function(cars, connections, valid_trains, new_car, new_connection = NULL, train_cars = c(), train_connections = c(), depth = 0) {
  cat(strrep('   ',depth), cars[new_car], '\n', sep='')
  # store current train as valid
  train_cars <- c(train_cars, new_car)
  train_connections <- c(train_connections, new_connection)
  # find next possible cars to add
  options <- connections |> filter(car.id.left == new_car, ! car.id.right %in% train_cars)
  for(i in seq_len(nrow(options))) valid_trains <- add_car(cars, connections, valid_trains, options$car.id.right[i], options$connection.id[i], train_cars, train_connections, depth+1)
  # save train if no more options
  if(nrow(options) == 0) valid_trains <- add_valid_train(cars, connections, valid_trains, train_cars, train_connections)

# find individual new cars that can be added to existing cars --------------

results <- lapply(new_cars, function(new_car) {
  cat('adding "',new_car,'":\n', sep='')
  cars <- c(original_cars, new_car)
  connections <- get_connections(cars)
  # get all possible trains
  valid_trains <- list()
  for(i in seq_along(cars)) add_car(cars, connections, valid_trains, i) -> valid_trains
  # return only trains where all cars are used
  valid_trains <- valid_trains[ sapply(valid_trains, \(x) length(x$cars)) == length(cars) ]
  return(list(new_car = new_car, options = length(valid_trains), trains = valid_trains))

for(result in results) {
  cat('\n', result$new_car, ': ', result$options, ' options ', sep='')
  for(train in result$trains) {
    cat('[',train$names,'] ')
# detailed results are in `results`
house: 4 options [ self funny nymph house ] [ funny nymph house self ] [ nymph house self funny ] [ house self funny nymph ] 
garden: 0 options 
duck: 0 options 
evil: 0 options 
fluff: 1 options [ self fluff funny nymph ] 

I'm wondering why you asked this, but it was a fun exercise regardless. Here's my implementation:


# define cars -------------------------------------------------------------

original_cars <- c("self", "funny", "nymph")
new_cars <- c("house", "garden", "duck", "evil", "fluff")
cars <- c(original_cars, new_cars)

# get all possible connections ('parts') per car --------------------------

car_parts <- lapply(seq_along(cars), \(car_id) {
  car = cars[car_id]
  n = nchar(car)
  ids <- rep(car_id, n)
  names <- rep(car, n)
  left <- vapply(seq_len(n), \(i) substr(car, 1, i), "")
  right <- vapply(seq_len(n), \(i) substr(car, n-i+1, n), "")
  overlap <- nchar(left)
  data.frame(car.id = ids, car.name = names, left = left, right = right, overlap = overlap)
}) |> do.call(rbind, args=_)

# > car_parts
#    car.id car.name   left  right overlap
# 1       1     self      s      f       1
# 2       1     self     se     lf       2
# 3       1     self    sel    elf       3
# 4       1     self   self   self       4
# 5       2    funny      f      y       1
# 6       2    funny     fu     ny       2
# 7       2    funny    fun    nny       3
# 8       2    funny   funn   unny       4
# 9       2    funny  funny  funny       5
# 10      3    nymph      n      h       1
# [...]

# get all possible connections between two cars ---------------------------

connections <- inner_join(car_parts |> select(-left),
           car_parts |> select(-right),
           by = c('overlap', 'right' = 'left'),
           suffix = c('.left', '.right')) |>
  filter(car.id.left != car.id.right) |>
  mutate(connection.id = row_number()) |>
  select(connection.id, car.id.left, car.id.right, car.name.left, car.name.right, coupling = right)


# > connections
#   connection.id car.id.left car.id.right car.name.left car.name.right coupling
# 1             1           1            2          self          funny        f
# 2             2           1            8          self          fluff        f
# 3             3           2            3         funny          nymph       ny
# 4             4           3            4         nymph          house        h
# 5             5           4            7         house           evil        e
# 6             6           4            1         house           self       se
# 7             7           5            3        garden          nymph        n
# 8             8           8            2         fluff          funny        f

# function to store valid trains ------------------------------------------

# example:
# valid_trains <- list()
# valid_trains <- add_valid_train( valid_trains, c(1, 8), c(2) )

add_valid_train <- function(valid_trains, train_cars, train_connections) {
  names = c(cars[train_cars[1]],
            vapply(train_connections, \(x) connections$car.name.right[x], "") )
  couplings = vapply(train_connections, \(x) connections$coupling[x], "")
  append(valid_trains, list(list(cars = train_cars, names = names, couplings = couplings)))

# function to recursively find next cars to add to train ------------------

# example:
# add_car(9, 5, c(1,2,3), c(1,3,5))

add_car <- function(valid_trains, new_car, new_connection = NULL, train_cars = c(), train_connections = c(), depth = 0) {
  cat(strrep('   ',depth), cars[new_car],'\n', sep='')
  # store current train as valid
  train_cars <- c(train_cars, new_car)
  train_connections <- c(train_connections, new_connection)
  # find next possible cars to add; save train if no more options, otherwise add all options
  options <- connections |> filter(car.id.left == new_car, ! car.id.right %in% train_cars)
  if(nrow(options) == 0) valid_trains <- add_valid_train(valid_trains, train_cars, train_connections) # save only the longest options
  for(i in seq_len(nrow(options))) valid_trains <- add_car(valid_trains, options$car.id.right[i], options$connection.id[i], train_cars, train_connections, depth+1)

# get all valid trains ----------------------------------------------------

valid_trains <- list()
for(i in seq_along(cars)) add_car(valid_trains, i) -> valid_trains

# filter valid trains that have all cars from `original_cars` -------------

mask <- vapply(valid_trains, \(x) all(seq_along(original_cars) %in% x$cars), T)

new_trains <- lapply(valid_trains[mask], \(x) {
  x$newcars <- setdiff(x$cars, seq_along(original_cars))
  x$newnames <- cars[x$newcars]

# print names of all trains that contain all 'original' cars:
# > sapply(new_trains, \(x) x$names)
# [[1]] "self"  "funny" "nymph" "house" "evil" 
# [[2]] "self"  "fluff" "funny" "nymph" "house" "evil" 
# [[3]] "funny" "nymph" "house" "self"  "fluff"
# [[4]] "nymph" "house" "self"  "funny"
# [[5]] "nymph" "house" "self"  "fluff" "funny"
# [[6]] "house" "self"  "funny" "nymph"
# [[7]] "house" "self"  "fluff" "funny" "nymph"
# [[8]] "garden" "nymph"  "house"  "self"   "funny" 
# [[9]] "garden" "nymph"  "house"  "self"   "fluff"  "funny" 
# [[10]] "fluff" "funny" "nymph" "house" "self" 

## All possible trains are in `valid_trains`, all of those where *all* the original cars are used are in `new_trains`.
## It is possible that some trains are subsets of others.

edit: When I looked at your own implementation, I thought you were interested in the longest possible trains. Now you explained the purpose, I adapted the algorithm to take the original cars, and see which of the new cars could be added individually to the original set. With the previous code, a long list of potential new names would have created some huge trains that would be very unfeasible for naming a family.


# define cars -------------------------------------------------------------

original_cars <- c("self", "funny", "nymph")
new_cars <- c("house", "garden", "duck", "evil", "fluff")

# function to get all possible connections between a set of cars ----------

# example:
# cars <- c("self", "funny", "nymph", "house")
# get_connections(cars)
# > get_connections(c("self", "funny", "nymph", "house"))
#   connection.id car.id.left car.id.right car.name.left car.name.right coupling
# 1             1           1            2          self          funny        f
# 2             2           2            3         funny          nymph       ny
# 3             3           3            4         nymph          house        h
# 4             4           4            1         house           self       se

get_connections <- function(cars) {
  # get all connections the cars can make
  car_parts <- lapply(seq_along(cars), \(car_id) {
    car = cars[car_id]
    n = nchar(car)
    ids <- rep(car_id, n)
    names <- rep(car, n)
    left <- vapply(seq_len(n), \(i) substr(car, 1, i), "")
    right <- vapply(seq_len(n), \(i) substr(car, n-i+1, n), "")
    overlap <- nchar(left)
    data.frame(car.id = ids, car.name = names, left = left, right = right, overlap = overlap)
  }) |> do.call(rbind, args=_)
  # > car_parts
  #    car.id car.name   left  right overlap
  # 1       1     self      s      f       1
  # 2       1     self     se     lf       2
  # 3       1     self    sel    elf       3
  # 4       1     self   self   self       4
  # 5       2    funny      f      y       1
  # 6       2    funny     fu     ny       2
  # [...]
  # return all possible connections between two cars
  inner_join(car_parts |> select(-left),
                            car_parts |> select(-right),
                            by = c('overlap', 'right' = 'left'),
                            suffix = c('.left', '.right')) |>
    filter(car.id.left != car.id.right) |>
    mutate(connection.id = row_number()) |>
    select(connection.id, car.id.left, car.id.right, car.name.left, car.name.right, coupling = right)

# function to store valid trains ------------------------------------------

# example:
# cars <- c("self", "funny", "nymph", "house")
# connections <- get_connections(cars)
# valid_trains <- list()
# valid_trains <- add_valid_train( cars, connections, valid_trains, c(2, 3), c(2) )

add_valid_train <- function(cars, connections, valid_trains, train_cars, train_connections) {
  names = c(cars[train_cars[1]],
            vapply(train_connections, \(x) connections$car.name.right[x], "") )
  couplings = vapply(train_connections, \(x) connections$coupling[x], "")
  append(valid_trains, list(list(cars = train_cars, names = names, couplings = couplings)))

# function to recursively find next cars to add to train ------------------

# example:
# cars <- c("self", "funny", "nymph", "house")
# connections <- get_connections(cars)
# valid_trains <- list()
# add_car(cars, connections, valid_trains, 2)

add_car <- function(cars, connections, valid_trains, new_car, new_connection = NULL, train_cars = c(), train_connections = c(), depth = 0) {
  cat(strrep('   ',depth), cars[new_car], '\n', sep='')
  # store current train as valid
  train_cars <- c(train_cars, new_car)
  train_connections <- c(train_connections, new_connection)
  # find next possible cars to add
  options <- connections |> filter(car.id.left == new_car, ! car.id.right %in% train_cars)
  for(i in seq_len(nrow(options))) valid_trains <- add_car(cars, connections, valid_trains, options$car.id.right[i], options$connection.id[i], train_cars, train_connections, depth+1)
  # save train if no more options
  if(nrow(options) == 0) valid_trains <- add_valid_train(cars, connections, valid_trains, train_cars, train_connections)

# find individual new cars that can be added to existing cars --------------

results <- lapply(new_cars, function(new_car) {
  cat('adding "',new_car,'":\n', sep='')
  cars <- c(original_cars, new_car)
  connections <- get_connections(cars)
  # get all possible trains
  valid_trains <- list()
  for(i in seq_along(cars)) add_car(cars, connections, valid_trains, i) -> valid_trains
  # return only trains where all cars are used
  valid_trains <- valid_trains[ sapply(valid_trains, \(x) length(x$cars)) == length(cars) ]
  return(list(new_car = new_car, options = length(valid_trains), trains = valid_trains))

for(result in results) {
  cat('\n', result$new_car, ': ', result$options, ' options ', sep='')
  for(train in result$trains) {
    cat('[',train$names,'] ')
# detailed results are in `results`
house: 4 options [ self funny nymph house ] [ funny nymph house self ] [ nymph house self funny ] [ house self funny nymph ] 
garden: 0 options 
duck: 0 options 
evil: 0 options 
fluff: 1 options [ self fluff funny nymph ] 


茶花眉 2025-02-19 23:48:02


keys = ['key1', 'key2', 'key3']
values = [-1.5, -.8]
from itertools import product
base_points = [{keys[i]:combo[i] for i in range(len(keys))} for combo in product(values, repeat=len(keys))]


[{'key1': -1.5, 'key2': -1.5, 'key3': -1.5},
 {'key1': -1.5, 'key2': -1.5, 'key3': -0.8},
 {'key1': -1.5, 'key2': -0.8, 'key3': -1.5},
 {'key1': -1.5, 'key2': -0.8, 'key3': -0.8},
 {'key1': -0.8, 'key2': -1.5, 'key3': -1.5},
 {'key1': -0.8, 'key2': -1.5, 'key3': -0.8},
 {'key1': -0.8, 'key2': -0.8, 'key3': -1.5},
 {'key1': -0.8, 'key2': -0.8, 'key3': -0.8}]


  • 变量 values 是任意长度
  • itertools.product() 提供嵌套的for-for-for-for-for-for-for-for-for-for-for-for-cartive 在每个关键位置中循环在为每个关键位置的每个可能的值组合创建

This will do what I believe your question is asking:

keys = ['key1', 'key2', 'key3']
values = [-1.5, -.8]
from itertools import product
base_points = [{keys[i]:combo[i] for i in range(len(keys))} for combo in product(values, repeat=len(keys))]


[{'key1': -1.5, 'key2': -1.5, 'key3': -1.5},
 {'key1': -1.5, 'key2': -1.5, 'key3': -0.8},
 {'key1': -1.5, 'key2': -0.8, 'key3': -1.5},
 {'key1': -1.5, 'key2': -0.8, 'key3': -0.8},
 {'key1': -0.8, 'key2': -1.5, 'key3': -1.5},
 {'key1': -0.8, 'key2': -1.5, 'key3': -0.8},
 {'key1': -0.8, 'key2': -0.8, 'key3': -1.5},
 {'key1': -0.8, 'key2': -0.8, 'key3': -0.8}]


  • The variables keys and values are lists of arbitrary length
  • itertools.product() provides nested for-loop behavior to cycle through the items in values at each key position so that a separate dictionary can be created for each possible combination of values at each key position


茶花眉 2025-02-19 21:54:38

由于某种原因,UART4被映射到TTYS0 - 打破了控制台输出。

Beaglebone黑色-Yocto Kirkstone-机器:Beaglebone -Yocto。


uart0_pins: pinmux_uart0_pins {
    pinctrl-single,pins = <

uart1_pins: pinmux_uart1_pins {
    pinctrl-single,pins = <

uart2_pins: pinmux_uart2_pins {
    pinctrl-single,pins = <

uart4_pins: pinmux_uart4_pins {
    pinctrl-single,pins = <
        AM33XX_PADCONF(AM335X_PIN_GPMC_WAIT0, PIN_INPUT, MUX_MODE6)     /* P9-11 UART4_RX */    

一旦董事会启动 - 我可以从以太网进入它。这是Pinctrl和Serial的输出:

root@beaglebone-yocto:~# cat /sys/kernel/debug/pinctrl/pinctrl-maps 
Pinctrl maps:
device 44e10800.pinmux
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device 44e10800.pinmux
group pinmux_clkout2_pin
function pinmux_clkout2_pin

device 48022000.serial
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device 44e10800.pinmux
group pinmux_uart1_pins
function pinmux_uart1_pins

device 48024000.serial
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device 44e10800.pinmux
group pinmux_uart2_pins
function pinmux_uart2_pins

device 4819c000.i2c
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device 44e10800.pinmux
group pinmux_i2c2_pins
function pinmux_i2c2_pins

device 481a8000.serial
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device 44e10800.pinmux
group pinmux_uart4_pins
function pinmux_uart4_pins

device 4a100000.switch
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device 44e10800.pinmux
group cpsw_default
function cpsw_default

device 4a100000.switch
state sleep
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device 44e10800.pinmux
group cpsw_sleep
function cpsw_sleep

device 4a101000.mdio
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device 44e10800.pinmux
group davinci_mdio_default
function davinci_mdio_default

device 4a101000.mdio
state sleep
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device 44e10800.pinmux
group davinci_mdio_sleep
function davinci_mdio_sleep

device 44e09000.serial
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device 44e10800.pinmux
group pinmux_uart0_pins
function pinmux_uart0_pins

device 44e0b000.i2c
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device 44e10800.pinmux
group pinmux_i2c0_pins
function pinmux_i2c0_pins

device 48060000.mmc
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device 44e10800.pinmux
group pinmux_mmc1_pins
function pinmux_mmc1_pins

device 481d8000.mmc
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device 44e10800.pinmux
group pinmux_emmc_pins
function pinmux_emmc_pins

root@beaglebone-yocto:~# cat /proc/tty/driver/serial
serinfo:1.0 driver revision:
0: uart:8250 mmio:0x481A8000 irq:35 tx:871 rx:0 RTS|CTS|DTR|DSR
1: uart:8250 mmio:0x48022000 irq:24 tx:0 rx:0 CTS|DSR|CD|RI
2: uart:8250 mmio:0x48024000 irq:25 tx:0 rx:0 CTS|DSR
3: uart:8250 mmio:0x44E09000 irq:18 tx:0 rx:0 CTS|D

如您所见,UART4被映射到 /dev /ttys0,并且UART0在启动后映射到 /dev /ttys3。


我什至看不到 /dev /ttys4,尽管它是AM33xx.dtsi中的别名

root@beaglebone-yocto:~# ls -la /dev/ttyS*
crw--w---- 1 root tty     4, 64 Mar  9 12:45 /dev/ttyS0
crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 4, 65 Jan  1  2000 /dev/ttyS1
crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 4, 66 Jan  1  2000 /dev/ttyS2
crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 4, 67 Jan  1  2000 /dev/ttyS3

So, it would seem that the kernel doesn't really hang when enabling UART4.
For some reason, UART4 gets mapped to ttyS0 - which breaks the console output.

Beaglebone Black - Yocto Kirkstone - Machine: beaglebone-yocto.

This is the relevant part from am335x-bone-common.dtsi:

uart0_pins: pinmux_uart0_pins {
    pinctrl-single,pins = <

uart1_pins: pinmux_uart1_pins {
    pinctrl-single,pins = <

uart2_pins: pinmux_uart2_pins {
    pinctrl-single,pins = <

uart4_pins: pinmux_uart4_pins {
    pinctrl-single,pins = <
        AM33XX_PADCONF(AM335X_PIN_GPMC_WAIT0, PIN_INPUT, MUX_MODE6)     /* P9-11 UART4_RX */    

Once the board boots - I can SSH into it from Ethernet. Here's the output from pinctrl and serial:

root@beaglebone-yocto:~# cat /sys/kernel/debug/pinctrl/pinctrl-maps 
Pinctrl maps:
device 44e10800.pinmux
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device 44e10800.pinmux
group pinmux_clkout2_pin
function pinmux_clkout2_pin

device 48022000.serial
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device 44e10800.pinmux
group pinmux_uart1_pins
function pinmux_uart1_pins

device 48024000.serial
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device 44e10800.pinmux
group pinmux_uart2_pins
function pinmux_uart2_pins

device 4819c000.i2c
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device 44e10800.pinmux
group pinmux_i2c2_pins
function pinmux_i2c2_pins

device 481a8000.serial
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device 44e10800.pinmux
group pinmux_uart4_pins
function pinmux_uart4_pins

device 4a100000.switch
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device 44e10800.pinmux
group cpsw_default
function cpsw_default

device 4a100000.switch
state sleep
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device 44e10800.pinmux
group cpsw_sleep
function cpsw_sleep

device 4a101000.mdio
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device 44e10800.pinmux
group davinci_mdio_default
function davinci_mdio_default

device 4a101000.mdio
state sleep
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device 44e10800.pinmux
group davinci_mdio_sleep
function davinci_mdio_sleep

device 44e09000.serial
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device 44e10800.pinmux
group pinmux_uart0_pins
function pinmux_uart0_pins

device 44e0b000.i2c
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device 44e10800.pinmux
group pinmux_i2c0_pins
function pinmux_i2c0_pins

device 48060000.mmc
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device 44e10800.pinmux
group pinmux_mmc1_pins
function pinmux_mmc1_pins

device 481d8000.mmc
state default
type MUX_GROUP (2)
controlling device 44e10800.pinmux
group pinmux_emmc_pins
function pinmux_emmc_pins

root@beaglebone-yocto:~# cat /proc/tty/driver/serial
serinfo:1.0 driver revision:
0: uart:8250 mmio:0x481A8000 irq:35 tx:871 rx:0 RTS|CTS|DTR|DSR
1: uart:8250 mmio:0x48022000 irq:24 tx:0 rx:0 CTS|DSR|CD|RI
2: uart:8250 mmio:0x48024000 irq:25 tx:0 rx:0 CTS|DSR
3: uart:8250 mmio:0x44E09000 irq:18 tx:0 rx:0 CTS|D

As you can see, UART4 gets mapped to /dev/ttyS0 and UART0 gets mapped to /dev/ttyS3 after bootup.

I'm not sure why UART4 gets mapped to ttyS0 and not ttyS4.

I can't even see /dev/ttyS4 despite it being an alias in the am33xx.dtsi

root@beaglebone-yocto:~# ls -la /dev/ttyS*
crw--w---- 1 root tty     4, 64 Mar  9 12:45 /dev/ttyS0
crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 4, 65 Jan  1  2000 /dev/ttyS1
crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 4, 66 Jan  1  2000 /dev/ttyS2
crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 4, 67 Jan  1  2000 /dev/ttyS3

Beaglebone黑色运行Yocto Poky的修改设备树启用UART4引起内核停止

茶花眉 2025-02-19 18:23:37


var a = document.getElementById("a");
var b = document.getElementById("b");

a.addEventListener("input", function() {
  b.min = a.value;

a.min = new Date().getFullYear()+"-"+new Date().getDate()+"-"+(new Date().getMonth()+1);
<input type="date" id="a"> From<br>
<input type="date" id="b"> To

Make a script that will set the minimum of the second date to the first date

var a = document.getElementById("a");
var b = document.getElementById("b");

a.addEventListener("input", function() {
  b.min = a.value;

a.min = new Date().getFullYear()+"-"+new Date().getDate()+"-"+(new Date().getMonth()+1);
<input type="date" id="a"> From<br>
<input type="date" id="b"> To


茶花眉 2025-02-19 13:45:32



It checks if the minimum number of filled form fields are present and have input. If this is the case, the submit button is activated

Put that logic in a group validator, then.
Here's an example:
FormGroup validator


茶花眉 2025-02-19 12:10:44


Yes, there is a proper documentation for importing/exporting Firestore data from the emulator you may refer to this link Export and import emulator data.


茶花眉 2025-02-18 20:11:25


我试图预测您的 usefoo()挂钩的结构,这是我的更改:

const useFoo = (data) => {
  const [ loading, setLoading ] = React.useState(false)
  const [ success, setSuccess ] = React.useState()
  const [ data, setData ] = React.useState()
  const [ error, setError ] = React.useState()

  const fetch = React.useCallback(async () => {

    await axios({
      url, // TODO: pass your url
      headers: {}, // TODO: pass your headers
      method: 'get'
      .then((response) => {
      .catch((error) => {
      .finally(() => setLoading(false))
  }, [ setSuccess ])

  const update = React.useCallback(
    async () => {

      await axios({
        url, // TODO: pass your url
        headers: {}, // TODO: pass your headers
        method: 'put',
        responseType: 'json'
        .then((response) => {
        .catch((error) => {
        .finally(() => setLoading(false))
    [ data ]

  return {


const YourComponent = () => {
  const { update, fetch, data, success } = useFoo(foo)

  const onClickHandler = async () => {
    await update()

    if (success === 200) {
      await fetch()
      // do some checks and if ok route
    } else {
      // do something else

  return null


If you want to wait for the end of certain calls, you must mark the function as async and wait for the function call.

I tried to anticipate the structure of your useFoo() hook, and here are my changes:

const useFoo = (data) => {
  const [ loading, setLoading ] = React.useState(false)
  const [ success, setSuccess ] = React.useState()
  const [ data, setData ] = React.useState()
  const [ error, setError ] = React.useState()

  const fetch = React.useCallback(async () => {

    await axios({
      url, // TODO: pass your url
      headers: {}, // TODO: pass your headers
      method: 'get'
      .then((response) => {
      .catch((error) => {
      .finally(() => setLoading(false))
  }, [ setSuccess ])

  const update = React.useCallback(
    async () => {

      await axios({
        url, // TODO: pass your url
        headers: {}, // TODO: pass your headers
        method: 'put',
        responseType: 'json'
        .then((response) => {
        .catch((error) => {
        .finally(() => setLoading(false))
    [ data ]

  return {

The component that uses the hook might look something like this:

const YourComponent = () => {
  const { update, fetch, data, success } = useFoo(foo)

  const onClickHandler = async () => {
    await update()

    if (success === 200) {
      await fetch()
      // do some checks and if ok route
    } else {
      // do something else

  return null

The await keyword forces the function to block until the function call is finished.


茶花眉 2025-02-18 08:08:31

一种可能的解决方案是创建自己的分配器 std ::分配器是无状态的,但是您可以实现 max_size()成员函数,该功能应返回带有最大元素数的成员变量的值。

一个示例将从C ++ 11起作用至少至少C ++ 20:

template<class T>
struct limited_allocator : public std::allocator<T> {
    using value_type = typename std::allocator<T>::value_type;
    using size_type = typename std::allocator<T>::size_type;
    using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
    using propagate_on_container_move_assignment = std::true_type;

    using is_always_equal = std::false_type; // not needed since C++23

#if __cplusplus < 201703L
    using pointer = typename std::allocator<T>::pointer;
    using const_pointer = typename std::allocator<T>::const_pointer;
    using reference = typename std::allocator<T>::reference;
    using const_reference = typename std::allocator<T>::const_reference;

    template<class U> struct rebind {
        typedef limited_allocator<U> other;
    // No default constructor - it needs a limit:
    constexpr limited_allocator(size_type max_elements) noexcept :
        m_max_elements(max_elements) {}

    constexpr limited_allocator( const limited_allocator& other ) noexcept = default;

    template< class U >
    constexpr limited_allocator( const limited_allocator<U>& other ) noexcept :
        m_max_elements(other.m_max_elements) {}

    // Implementing this is what enforces the limit:
    size_type max_size() const noexcept { return m_max_elements; }

    size_type m_max_elements;


template< class T1, class T2 >
constexpr bool operator==(const limited_allocator<T1>& lhs,
                          const limited_allocator<T2>& rhs ) noexcept {
    return &lhs == &rhs;

template< class T1, class T2 >
constexpr bool operator!=(const limited_allocator<T1>& lhs,
                          const limited_allocator<T2>& rhs ) noexcept {
    return &lhs != &rhs;

用法示例,其中>向量可以保留 1 元素仅:

int main() {
    std::vector<int, limited_allocator<int>> vec(limited_allocator<int>(1));
//                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    try {
        vec.push_back(1);   // one element
        vec.pop_back();     // zero again
        vec.push_back(2);   // one again
        vec.push_back(3);   // here it'll throw
    catch(const std::length_error& ex) {
        std::cout << "length_error: " << ex.what() << '\n';
    catch(const std::bad_array_new_length& ex) {
        std::cout << "bad_array_new_length: " << ex.what() << '\n';
    catch(const std::bad_alloc& ex) {
        std::cout << "bad_alloc: " << ex.what() << '\n';


length_error: vector::_M_realloc_insert


One possible solution would be to create your own Allocator. std::allocator is stateless, but yours could implement the max_size() member function which should return the value of a member variable that carries the max number of elements.

An example that will work from C++11 up until at least C++20:

template<class T>
struct limited_allocator : public std::allocator<T> {
    using value_type = typename std::allocator<T>::value_type;
    using size_type = typename std::allocator<T>::size_type;
    using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
    using propagate_on_container_move_assignment = std::true_type;

    using is_always_equal = std::false_type; // not needed since C++23

#if __cplusplus < 201703L
    using pointer = typename std::allocator<T>::pointer;
    using const_pointer = typename std::allocator<T>::const_pointer;
    using reference = typename std::allocator<T>::reference;
    using const_reference = typename std::allocator<T>::const_reference;

    template<class U> struct rebind {
        typedef limited_allocator<U> other;
    // No default constructor - it needs a limit:
    constexpr limited_allocator(size_type max_elements) noexcept :
        m_max_elements(max_elements) {}

    constexpr limited_allocator( const limited_allocator& other ) noexcept = default;

    template< class U >
    constexpr limited_allocator( const limited_allocator<U>& other ) noexcept :
        m_max_elements(other.m_max_elements) {}

    // Implementing this is what enforces the limit:
    size_type max_size() const noexcept { return m_max_elements; }

    size_type m_max_elements;

Since this allocator isn't stateless, you'd better implement the non-member comparison functions too:

template< class T1, class T2 >
constexpr bool operator==(const limited_allocator<T1>& lhs,
                          const limited_allocator<T2>& rhs ) noexcept {
    return &lhs == &rhs;

template< class T1, class T2 >
constexpr bool operator!=(const limited_allocator<T1>& lhs,
                          const limited_allocator<T2>& rhs ) noexcept {
    return &lhs != &rhs;

A usage example, in which the vector is allowed to keep 1 element only:

int main() {
    std::vector<int, limited_allocator<int>> vec(limited_allocator<int>(1));
//                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    try {
        vec.push_back(1);   // one element
        vec.pop_back();     // zero again
        vec.push_back(2);   // one again
        vec.push_back(3);   // here it'll throw
    catch(const std::length_error& ex) {
        std::cout << "length_error: " << ex.what() << '\n';
    catch(const std::bad_array_new_length& ex) {
        std::cout << "bad_array_new_length: " << ex.what() << '\n';
    catch(const std::bad_alloc& ex) {
        std::cout << "bad_alloc: " << ex.what() << '\n';

Possible output:

length_error: vector::_M_realloc_insert


我可以限制C&#x2B;&#x2B; 14向量的大小吗?

茶花眉 2025-02-17 07:29:46


[df[["c1", f"c{i}"]] for i in range(2, 51)]


   c1  c2
0   1   2
1   5   8
2   6   9
3   7   2

   c1  c3
0   1  33
1   5  93
2   6  33
3   7  32

You can use a list comprehension:

[df[["c1", f"c{i}"]] for i in range(2, 51)]

The first two dataframes will look like:

   c1  c2
0   1   2
1   5   8
2   6   9
3   7   2

   c1  c3
0   1  33
1   5  93
2   6  33
3   7  32


茶花眉 2025-02-17 03:51:29


<?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID,'meta_value_key',true); ?>

You should be able to adapt this to fit your requirement (should be used from within the loop):

<?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID,'meta_value_key',true); ?>


茶花眉 2025-02-17 01:33:09


select * from (
  select occurs_at_time as start_time, 
    'Occurrence' as event_type
  from your_table
  union all
  select occurs_at_time + length as start_time, 
    lead(occurs_at_time) over(order by occurs_at_time) - occurs_at_time - length as length, 
    'Free Time' event_type
  from your_table
where length > 0               



Use below

select * from (
  select occurs_at_time as start_time, 
    'Occurrence' as event_type
  from your_table
  union all
  select occurs_at_time + length as start_time, 
    lead(occurs_at_time) over(order by occurs_at_time) - occurs_at_time - length as length, 
    'Free Time' event_type
  from your_table
where length > 0               

if applied to sample data in your question - output is

enter image description here

如何获得比原始表更高的行输出的SQL输出? - 事件的时间表

茶花眉 2025-02-16 12:24:02


  • canvas-constructor/napi-rs
  • canvas-constructor/skia-canvas
  • canvas-constructor/canvas

但您可以' t导入 canvas-constructor 本身。如果选择 NAPI-RS 首先需要安装该软件包。这三个选项的链接是在readme file 中。


  • ES6模块(也用于浏览器,从“ ./ x.js”
  • commonjs (较老) (“ ./ x.js”)

但仍然支持, x = requient 的节点版本中。

Code> requient()您可能会缺少名为 node的依赖性:util 在较旧 尽管该软件包与节点14及以上兼容,但请确保您使用的是最近版本。

The package you refer to requires you to pick what it should use to render graphics. You can import:

  • canvas-constructor/napi-rs or
  • canvas-constructor/skia-canvas or
  • canvas-constructor/canvas

But you can't import canvas-constructor by itself. If you pick napi-rs you would first need to install that package. A link to these three options are in the README file.

There are two types of packages:

  • ES6 Modules (also used in browsers, import x from "./x.js")
  • CommonJS (older but still supported, x = require("./x.js").

The authors of canvas-constructor made sure it works with both.

However, if you use require() you may be missing a dependency named node:util. In older Node versions it's only available when using import.

Because of this, even though the package is listed as compatible with Node 14 and up, make sure you are using a recent version.


茶花眉 2025-02-16 12:01:13

您可以通过在root __模拟__ 文件夹中创建 localforage.ts 文件来模拟此操作。在那里,您可以在此模块中模拟任何值或功能,而嘲笑将自动使用此功能。

// <rootDir>/__mocks__/localforage.ts

const mock = {
  setItem: async () => undefined,
  getItem: async () => undefined,
  removeItem: async () => undefined,

export default mock;


You can mock this with creating a localforage.ts file in the root __mocks__ folder. There you can mock any values or functions in this module and Jest will automatically use this.

// <rootDir>/__mocks__/localforage.ts

const mock = {
  setItem: async () => undefined,
  getItem: async () => undefined,
  removeItem: async () => undefined,

export default mock;






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