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鸩远一方 2025-02-20 19:20:51

将多个模型节点添加到单个< model-viewer>的功能仅是概念化的,尚未实现。



的声明性API ...


如果您想创建一个使用多个模型的场景,则需要使用一个库,例如 triph.js < /a>直到他们熨除了此拟议功能的细节。

如果使用reactjs,则可以使用 gltfjsx ,这显着简化了与导入模型的过程多个网格节点。它使用React-three/drei为您构建一个组件,并为您的组件中的每个网格节点分开。


import React, { useRef } from 'react'
import { useGLTF } from '@react-three/drei'

export default function Model(props) {
  const group = useRef()
  const { nodes, materials } = useGLTF('/example-3d.glb')
  return (
    <group ref={group} {...props} dispose={null}>
      <group scale={56.66}>
        <mesh geometry={nodes.Curve001_1.geometry} material={materials.Material} />
        <mesh geometry={nodes.Curve001_2.geometry} material={materials['Material.002']} />



The feature of adding multiple model nodes into a single <model-viewer> was only conceptualized, and has not been implemented.

As stated by the Github post that you linked to:

This suggests a declarative API for incorporating multiple models into a single element (emphasis mine)...

The conversation in this Github issue goes on to describe multiple implementation suggestions if they were to incorporate the feature.

If you're looking to create a scene with multiple models, you're going to need to use a library such as three.js until they've ironed out the details of this proposed feature.

If you use ReactJS, you can use gltfjsx, which significantly simplifies the process of importing a model with multiple mesh nodes. It builds a component for you using react-three/drei, and separates out each mesh node in the component for you.

Here's an example of a component generated with gltfjsx:

import React, { useRef } from 'react'
import { useGLTF } from '@react-three/drei'

export default function Model(props) {
  const group = useRef()
  const { nodes, materials } = useGLTF('/example-3d.glb')
  return (
    <group ref={group} {...props} dispose={null}>
      <group scale={56.66}>
        <mesh geometry={nodes.Curve001_1.geometry} material={materials.Material} />
        <mesh geometry={nodes.Curve001_2.geometry} material={materials['Material.002']} />


This component can now be used anywhere to include your 3d model.


鸩远一方 2025-02-20 17:38:58


虚拟 destructor需要实现。


struct X
    virtual ~X() = 0;
struct Y : X
    ~Y() {}
int main()
    Y y;
//X::~X(){} //uncomment this line for successful definition




struct X
    virtual void foo();
struct Y : X
   void foo() {}
int main()
   Y y; //linker error although there was no call to X::foo

为此,声明x :: foo() us pure:

struct X
    virtual void foo() = 0;

non- virtual班级成员


struct A


A a;      //destructor undefined


struct A
    ~A() {}


A::~A() {}

如果实现不在类的定义之外,则 可以标头,必须将方法标记为inline以防止多重定义。



struct A
   void foo();

void foo() {}

int main()
   A a;


void A::foo() {}


struct X
    static int x;
int main()
    int x = X::x;
//int X::x; //uncomment this line to define X::x

可以为A提供初始化器static const集体定义中积分或枚举类型的数据成员;但是,该成员的ODR使用仍需要如上所述的名称空间范围定义。 C ++ 11允许在所有static const数据成员的类中初始化。

Class members:

A pure virtual destructor needs an implementation.

Declaring a destructor pure still requires you to define it (unlike a regular function):

struct X
    virtual ~X() = 0;
struct Y : X
    ~Y() {}
int main()
    Y y;
//X::~X(){} //uncomment this line for successful definition

This happens because base class destructors are called when the object is destroyed implicitly, so a definition is required.

virtual methods must either be implemented or defined as pure.

This is similar to non-virtual methods with no definition, with the added reasoning that
the pure declaration generates a dummy vtable and you might get the linker error without using the function:

struct X
    virtual void foo();
struct Y : X
   void foo() {}
int main()
   Y y; //linker error although there was no call to X::foo

For this to work, declare X::foo() as pure:

struct X
    virtual void foo() = 0;

Non-virtual class members

Some members need to be defined even if not used explicitly:

struct A

The following would yield the error:

A a;      //destructor undefined

The implementation can be inline, in the class definition itself:

struct A
    ~A() {}

or outside:

A::~A() {}

If the implementation is outside the class definition, but in a header, the methods have to be marked as inline to prevent a multiple definition.

All used member methods need to be defined if used.

A common mistake is forgetting to qualify the name:

struct A
   void foo();

void foo() {}

int main()
   A a;

The definition should be

void A::foo() {}

static data members must be defined outside the class in a single translation unit:

struct X
    static int x;
int main()
    int x = X::x;
//int X::x; //uncomment this line to define X::x

An initializer can be provided for a static const data member of integral or enumeration type within the class definition; however, odr-use of this member will still require a namespace scope definition as described above. C++11 allows initialization inside the class for all static const data members.


鸩远一方 2025-02-20 12:26:11

MongoDB 4可在MongoDB YUM存储库中找到。 将存储库添加到您的RHEL 8服务器中

sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-org-4.repo<<EOF
name=MongoDB Repository

通过在下面的命令下运行:您需要以sudo特权作为用户运行上面的命令, 。

sudo yum install mongodb-org


$ rpm -qi mongodb-org-server
  Name        : mongodb-org-server
  Version     : 4.4.8
  Release     : 1.el8

MongoDB 4 is available on MongoDB yum repository. Add the repository to your RHEL 8 server by running below commands:

sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-org-4.repo<<EOF
name=MongoDB Repository

You need to run the commands above as user with sudo privileges.
Once the repo has been added, install mongodb-org package.

sudo yum install mongodb-org

the result should be:

$ rpm -qi mongodb-org-server
  Name        : mongodb-org-server
  Version     : 4.4.8
  Release     : 1.el8

如何在Red Hat 8.4上安装Mongo DB 4.4.0?

鸩远一方 2025-02-20 07:51:12


I think this is related to Android and local pc device.
it would be nice if you can let us know about your development environment


鸩远一方 2025-02-20 05:52:02

将输出重定向到STDERR消除了不需要的线路。我还将输出输送到 tail -1 仅获取最后一行 - 具有最新版本的一行。

sudo service --status-all 2>/dev/null | grep -oE 'php[0-9]+.[0-9]+' | tail -1

Redirecting the output to stderr eliminated the unwanted lines. I also piped the output to tail -1 to get the last line only--the one with the latest version.

sudo service --status-all 2>/dev/null | grep -oE 'php[0-9]+.[0-9]+' | tail -1

当我将服务传输到grep时 - status-all命令时,为什么在输出中显示额外的线?

鸩远一方 2025-02-19 21:57:18


我使用node:Bullseye图像npm v8.13.0 ,所以我将其更新为最新版本(在我的情况下,v8.15.1)已解决。


RUN npm install -g npm@latest

Maybe you found the problem, but this can help someone:

I was havin the same issue using node:bullseye image that comes with npm v8.13.0, so I updated it to the latest version (v8.15.1, in my case) an it was solved.

So, to keep using this image with the latest version, i put this in Dockerfile:

RUN npm install -g npm@latest


鸩远一方 2025-02-19 17:43:57

我认为这可能是您要寻找的答案: https://yoast.com /help/disable-enable-author-archives/


I think this may be the answer you are looking for: https://yoast.com/help/disable-enable-author-archives/

If you disable the author archive this should remove the author from posts.

Yoast WordPress SEO中的代码段删除META作者

鸩远一方 2025-02-19 13:33:16


import (

b, err := yaml.Marshal(pod)
if err != nil {
  // handle err
log.Printf("Yaml of the pod is: %q", string(b))

请注意,yaml来这里的库不是来自client-go库。 yaml库的文档可以在: https://pkg.go.dev/sigs.k8s.io/yaml#marshal

而不是yaml如果要使用JSON,可以简单地使用元帅函数 https://pkg.go.dev/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/apis/example/example/v1#pod.marshal v1.pod

The yaml is just a representation of the Pod object in the kubernetes internal storage in etcd. With your client-go what you have got is the Pod instance, of the type v1.Pod. So you should be able to work with this object itself and get whatever you want, for example p.Labels() etc. But if for some reason, you are insisting on getting a yaml, you can do that via:

import (

b, err := yaml.Marshal(pod)
if err != nil {
  // handle err
log.Printf("Yaml of the pod is: %q", string(b))

Note that yaml library coming here is not coming from client-go library. The documentation for the yaml library can be found in: https://pkg.go.dev/sigs.k8s.io/yaml#Marshal

Instead of yaml if you want to use json, you can simply use the Marshal function https://pkg.go.dev/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/apis/example/v1#Pod.Marshal provided by the v1.Pod struct itself, like any other Go object.

kubectl get pod&lt; pod&gt; -n&lt;名称空间&gt; -o yaml在kubernetes客户端 -

鸩远一方 2025-02-19 08:02:54


You can use UNION statemnt between the two statements if you don't have duplicate records, UNION ALL if you have duplicate ones.


鸩远一方 2025-02-18 21:17:03

$。订购日期为日期设置日期模式,以便可以正确解析它们。 DataWeave不会尝试猜测模式。如果不是默认值,则需要提供一个。此外,有效载荷中的字段称为orderdate,因此表达式返回null。


$.OrderDate as Date {format: "M/d/yyyy"}

$.orderDate as Date is missing to set the pattern of the date so they can be parsed correctly. DataWeave will not try to guess the pattern. You need to supply one if it not the default. Also the field in the payload is called OrderDate so the expression was returning null.

For example for a date like 6/15/2010 which is in format month/day/year and with some dates having a single digit the pattern should be:

$.OrderDate as Date {format: "M/d/yyyy"}


鸩远一方 2025-02-18 15:05:52


{% url 'edit_cat' 2 %}

You can also use the URL with it's name to avoid errors. e.g.:

{% url 'edit_cat' 2 %}


鸩远一方 2025-02-18 10:15:05

聚合是一致性边界。因此,如果您绝对需要对任何位置的更改才能立即反映在产品中,反之亦然,那么您基本上需要将所有位置和所有产品用于一个汇总,然后具有某种形式的并发控制形式,这有效地限制了该巨型 - 汇总变化(并将大大限制该大型聚集可以改变的速率)。




Aggregates are consistency boundaries. So if you absolutely need changes to any location to be immediately reflected in products, and vice versa, then you basically need to have all locations and all products in a single aggregate and then have some form of concurrency control which effectively limits how that mega-aggregate changes (and will dramatically limit the rate at which this mega-aggregate can change).

Note that you can use infrastructure (e.g. relational DB transactions with foreign key requirements) to pretend that what's really one mega-aggregate is multiple smaller aggregates. Going this way doesn't change the fundamental performance (it's likely to have a much higher ceiling than the key-value optimistic concurrency control approach that a simple DDD implementation will use because it will allow concurrent updates to disparate parts of the mega-aggregate) and has the downside of instead of your domain logic living in one place in your code, it's now partially encoded in your DB schema (whether or not it's duplicated elsewhere in your code).

It's not really accurate to say that DDD (specifically aggregates) can't be applied or that a case doesn't fit the rules around aggregates, any more than one can say that the laws of physics can't be applied. It's just that the solution you get to when applying the requirements is not one you like.

Or it's possible that the requirements are mutually incompatible (e.g. a requirement to be able to perform X updates in some period of time with strong consistency). This is where refining requirements may be helpful, specifically around loosening consistency requirements. It's really common for a stronger consistency requirement to be assumed than the domain actually requires (asking questions like, "what actually happens if this happens..." is helpful).


鸩远一方 2025-02-18 08:56:21


CP -R *(D)../ hotherfolder

I had the same problem.
The problem is the zsh in MacOS, as I learned in another post.
"*" does not select hidden files in zsh.

The correct command to recursively copy on zsh including hidden files is:
cp -r *(D) ../otherfolder

隐藏的文件未使用CP -R在Mac上复制

鸩远一方 2025-02-18 02:55:55

with initial1 as ( select DATE_TRUNC(DATE_TRUNC(CURRENT_DATE(), MONTH)+7,ISOWEEK) as initial2),

final1 as ( select LAST_DAY(DATE_TRUNC(CURRENT_DATE(), MONTH)+7, ISOWEEK) as final2),

HelloWorld AS (
SELECT shop_date, revenue
FROM fulltable
WHERE shop_date >= (select initial2 from initial1) AND shop_date <= (select final2 from final1)

SELECT * from HelloWorld;

with initial1 as ( select DATE_TRUNC(DATE_TRUNC(CURRENT_DATE(), MONTH)+7,ISOWEEK) as initial2),

final1 as ( select LAST_DAY(DATE_TRUNC(CURRENT_DATE(), MONTH)+7, ISOWEEK) as final2),

HelloWorld AS (
SELECT shop_date, revenue
FROM fulltable
WHERE shop_date >= (select initial2 from initial1) AND shop_date <= (select final2 from final1)

SELECT * from HelloWorld;


鸩远一方 2025-02-17 04:00:55


You can use opensea's api call retrieve assets. This will give you information about an asset and whether or not it is currently listed. As long as you have an api key, it will tell you if the asset is listed, and the details of that order. Hope it helps!





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