
文章 评论 浏览 30

梦在夏天 2025-02-20 22:40:32



I found the solution !!

I've modified my staging table column [Do_Not_Contact_Flag] to be SMALLINT, and added the conversion to BIT in my processing stored proc before loading in the final SQL Table.

SSIS C#SQLBULKCOPY .CSV文件错误:无法将参数值从字符串转换为布尔值。字符串未公认为有效的布尔值

梦在夏天 2025-02-20 19:43:48

正如注释中指出的那样,curve_fit具有参数(f,xdata,ydata,p0 = none,sigma = none,absolute_sigma = false,check_finite = true,bunds =( - inf,inf,inf),method,method = none,none,jac jac = none,** kwargs);即,我交换了X数据和Y数据的顺序。 popt,pcov = curve_fit(lorentzian,频率,test_data,maxFev = 100000,p0 =猜测)求解它。

As pointed out in the comments, curve_fit has arguments (f, xdata, ydata, p0=None, sigma=None, absolute_sigma=False, check_finite=True, bounds=(- inf, inf), method=None, jac=None, **kwargs); i.e., I swapped the order of the x data and y data. popt, pcov = curve_fit(lorentzian, frequencies, test_data, maxfev = 100000, p0 = guess) solves it.

Scipy Curve_fit do do do not of lorentzian的峰值

梦在夏天 2025-02-20 19:12:15


button = customtkinter.CTkButton(master=frame_left, text="Enter", command="print_test").grid(row=11, column=0, padx=20, pady=15)


button = customtkinter.CTkButton(master=frame_left, text="Enter", command=print_test()).grid(row=11, column=0, padx=20, pady=15)

The error happens at this line

button = customtkinter.CTkButton(master=frame_left, text="Enter", command="print_test").grid(row=11, column=0, padx=20, pady=15)

you cannot call a function as a string to fix it try this line

button = customtkinter.CTkButton(master=frame_left, text="Enter", command=print_test()).grid(row=11, column=0, padx=20, pady=15)


梦在夏天 2025-02-20 17:30:04

“您想实现的目标是在数组的任何元素中存在的值时应用红色背景,否则要应用蓝色背景,您可以确认吗?” - Rigoberto Ramirez Cruz

“@rigobertoramirezcruz是的” - 认真


<mark style="color:red">0</mark>  <!-- {"length": "None",    -->
<mark style="color:blue">0</mark> <!--  "duration": "10000", -->
<mark style="color:blue">0</mark> <!--  "percentage": "65"}, -->
<mark style="color:blue">1</mark> <!-- {"width": "Half",     -->
<mark style="color:blue">1</mark> <!--  "detail": "under",   -->
<mark style="color:blue">1</mark> <!--  "duration": "25000", -->
<mark style="color:blue">1</mark> <!--  "percentage": "25"}, -->
<mark style="color:blue">2</mark> <!-- {"length": "Full",    -->
<mark style="color:blue">2</mark> <!--  "duration": "20000", -->
<mark style="color:blue">2</mark> <!--  "percentage": "90"}; -->
This is the result if "length" and "None" were the 2nd and 3rd @param 
(the only <mark> that has red text)


let testArray = [{"length":"None","duration":"10000", "percentage":"65"}, 

// Reference the element that'll display results
const test = document.querySelector('.test');

 * @desc - Given an array of objects, a key and a value, generate a <mark>
 * with an index of the current object for each key/value pair. 
 * If a pair matches the 2nd and 3rd @param the index will be red.
 * @param {array<object>} array - An array of objects
 * @param {string} key - The first string of a pair representing a property 
 *                       name
 * @param {string} val - The second string of a pair representing a value
 * @param {object<DOM>} node - The DOM Object that the results will be 
 *                             displayed in @default is <body>
function findKV(array, key, val, node = document.body) {  
  // Prepare key/val for comparison -- matching is case insensitive
  key = key.toLowerCase();
  val = val.toLowerCase();
  // For each object of the array...
  array.forEach((obj, idx) => {
    Convert object into an array of pairs -- pass the destructed 
    [key, value] array pair
    Object.entries(obj).forEach(([k, v]) => {
      Compare with a ternary:
      If key equals k AND val equals v color is red -- otherwise it's blue
      let color = key === k.toLowerCase() && val === v.toLowerCase() ?
      'red' : 'blue';
      Generate a <mark> with an index of current object with the
      appropriate color
      node.innerHTML += 
      `<mark style='color:${color};font-size:4rem;'>
  // Add a line-break
  node.innerHTML +=`<br>`;

findKV(testArray, 'length', 'None', test);
findKV(testArray, 'percentage', '25', test);
findKV(testArray, 'duration', '20000', test);
html {font: 400 1ch/1 Consolas}
.test {outline: 4px dashed brown}
<div class='test'></div>

"What you want to achieve is applying the red background when the value exists in any of the elements of the array, otherwise to apply the blue background, can you confirm?" – Rigoberto Ramirez Cruz

"@RigobertoRamirezCruz yeah" – seriously

Needed to post that because the question wasn't clear. The following example is a reusable function. The result looks like this in HTML:

<mark style="color:red">0</mark>  <!-- {"length": "None",    -->
<mark style="color:blue">0</mark> <!--  "duration": "10000", -->
<mark style="color:blue">0</mark> <!--  "percentage": "65"}, -->
<mark style="color:blue">1</mark> <!-- {"width": "Half",     -->
<mark style="color:blue">1</mark> <!--  "detail": "under",   -->
<mark style="color:blue">1</mark> <!--  "duration": "25000", -->
<mark style="color:blue">1</mark> <!--  "percentage": "25"}, -->
<mark style="color:blue">2</mark> <!-- {"length": "Full",    -->
<mark style="color:blue">2</mark> <!--  "duration": "20000", -->
<mark style="color:blue">2</mark> <!--  "percentage": "90"}; -->
This is the result if "length" and "None" were the 2nd and 3rd @param 
(the only <mark> that has red text)

Details are commented in example

let testArray = [{"length":"None","duration":"10000", "percentage":"65"}, 

// Reference the element that'll display results
const test = document.querySelector('.test');

 * @desc - Given an array of objects, a key and a value, generate a <mark>
 * with an index of the current object for each key/value pair. 
 * If a pair matches the 2nd and 3rd @param the index will be red.
 * @param {array<object>} array - An array of objects
 * @param {string} key - The first string of a pair representing a property 
 *                       name
 * @param {string} val - The second string of a pair representing a value
 * @param {object<DOM>} node - The DOM Object that the results will be 
 *                             displayed in @default is <body>
function findKV(array, key, val, node = document.body) {  
  // Prepare key/val for comparison -- matching is case insensitive
  key = key.toLowerCase();
  val = val.toLowerCase();
  // For each object of the array...
  array.forEach((obj, idx) => {
    Convert object into an array of pairs -- pass the destructed 
    [key, value] array pair
    Object.entries(obj).forEach(([k, v]) => {
      Compare with a ternary:
      If key equals k AND val equals v color is red -- otherwise it's blue
      let color = key === k.toLowerCase() && val === v.toLowerCase() ?
      'red' : 'blue';
      Generate a <mark> with an index of current object with the
      appropriate color
      node.innerHTML += 
      `<mark style='color:${color};font-size:4rem;'>
  // Add a line-break
  node.innerHTML +=`<br>`;

findKV(testArray, 'length', 'None', test);
findKV(testArray, 'percentage', '25', test);
findKV(testArray, 'duration', '20000', test);
html {font: 400 1ch/1 Consolas}
.test {outline: 4px dashed brown}
<div class='test'></div>


梦在夏天 2025-02-19 22:28:28




  }, ... ,


for item in request.data:
    d = Device.objects.get(item['id'])
    d.position = item['position']

As I have mentioned in my comment I think this approach may lead to some errors, so I would suggest you change your request a little bit.

Maybe do the calculations on the front end and then send an object with the new positions and ids and then process that?

request body could look like this

  }, ... ,

and then you could iterate on this list and assign each device to it's new position

for item in request.data:
    d = Device.objects.get(item['id'])
    d.position = item['position']


梦在夏天 2025-02-19 14:04:06


void rand_maze {
  // begin with a rectangular maze of all closed cells
  // numrows = number of rows of cells;
  // numcols = number of columns of cells;
  start = cell at (0,0);
  goal  = cell at (numrows-1, numcols-1);
  numcells = numrows * numcols;
  Partition p(numcells); // p represents the maze components

  // goal is not reachable from start
  while (!p.Find(start, goal)) {
    edge = randomly select a wall;
    x = edge.x;
    y = edge.y;
    if(!p.Find(x,y)) {
      remove edge;
      // x and y now in same component

I found this:

Using Disjoint Set (Union-Find) to Build a Maze Generator

void rand_maze {
  // begin with a rectangular maze of all closed cells
  // numrows = number of rows of cells;
  // numcols = number of columns of cells;
  start = cell at (0,0);
  goal  = cell at (numrows-1, numcols-1);
  numcells = numrows * numcols;
  Partition p(numcells); // p represents the maze components

  // goal is not reachable from start
  while (!p.Find(start, goal)) {
    edge = randomly select a wall;
    x = edge.x;
    y = edge.y;
    if(!p.Find(x,y)) {
      remove edge;
      // x and y now in same component

如何在Unity 3D中产生一个脱节的迷宫

梦在夏天 2025-02-19 12:52:44


1-确保您遵循ubuntu的pyenv构建指南中的步骤noreferrer“> https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv/wiki#suggested-build-environment )并安装了所有必要的APT软件包。

2-如果中的第一个项目,其中Openssl 显示了酿造码的路径。您可能想更改此问题。您只需卸载openssl@3和 [email&nbsp; email&nbsp;然后,默认情况下,它应该使用openssl的公共安装。

我首先试图使其与Brew OpenSSL安装一起使用,但没有真正起作用。只有在从Brew中卸载OpenSSL之后,它就没有任何问题了。

I also had this problem and it took unnecessarily long to solve it. So I hope this helps.

1- Make sure that you followed the steps in the build guide of pyenv for Ubuntu (https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv/wiki#suggested-build-environment) and installed all the necessary apt packages.

2- If the first item in where openssl shows a path to brew dirs. You might want to change this. You can simply uninstall openssl@3 and [email protected] via brew. Then it should use the apt installation of openssl by default.

I first tried to make it work with brew openssl installation but nothing really worked. Only after uninstalling openssl from brew it worked without any issues.

Ubuntu中的Pyenv 22.04:错误:未编译Python SSL扩展。缺少openssl lib?

梦在夏天 2025-02-18 21:12:52

令牌仅在内部存储在Lucene和Solr中。他们不会更改以任何方式返回给您的存储文本。文本是逐字存储的 - 即您发送的文本是返回给您的内容。




Tokens are only stored internally in Lucene and Solr. They do not change the stored text that gets returned to you in any way. The text is stored verbatim - i.e. the text you sent in is what gets returned to you.

The tokens generated in the background and stored in the index affect how you can search against the content you've stored and how it's processed, it does not affect the display value of the field.

You can use the Analysis page under Solr's admin page to see exactly how text for a field gets processed into tokens before being stored in the index.

The reason for this is that you're usually interested in returning the actual text to the user, making the tokenized and processed values visible doesn't really make sense for a document that gets returned to a human.

Solr Tokenizer无需做任何事情

梦在夏天 2025-02-18 16:20:02
1.Clear Schema and import Schema again. 
2. This mostly happens when there are some changes to table schema after creating pipeline and datasets. verify once.
3.The schema and datasets should be refreshed when there are some changes in the SQL table schema.
4. For table name or view name used in the query, use []. ex: [dbo].[persons]
5. In datasets select table name
6. try to publish before testing.
1.Clear Schema and import Schema again. 
2. This mostly happens when there are some changes to table schema after creating pipeline and datasets. verify once.
3.The schema and datasets should be refreshed when there are some changes in the SQL table schema.
4. For table name or view name used in the query, use []. ex: [dbo].[persons]
5. In datasets select table name
6. try to publish before testing.


梦在夏天 2025-02-18 12:15:03

我能够用此示例。我创建了自定义FormValidator ,然后将其放在我的 editform

<EditForm Model="@Input" OnValidSubmit="@UpdateProfile">
    <FluentValidator TValidator="InputModelValidator" />
    <UI.Models.Other.CustomFormValidator @ref="@customFormValidator" />

,然后在 Update Profile 中我可以清除它。



        private async Task UpdateProfile(EditContext context)

            if (await IsEmailValid(Input.Email).ConfigureAwait(false) == false)
                var errors = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();

                errors.Add("Email", new List<string>
                    $"Username '{Input.Email}' is already taken."

                await InvokeAsync(async () =>

I was able to fix it with this example. I created the customFormValidator and then put that within my EditForm

<EditForm Model="@Input" OnValidSubmit="@UpdateProfile">
    <FluentValidator TValidator="InputModelValidator" />
    <UI.Models.Other.CustomFormValidator @ref="@customFormValidator" />

Then in UpdateProfile I was able to clear it out.

Also, once I cleared out the email address that was now valid, the error cleared.

I assume that I was interacting the custom validation within FluentValidation and I needed a stand alone validator.

        private async Task UpdateProfile(EditContext context)

            if (await IsEmailValid(Input.Email).ConfigureAwait(false) == false)
                var errors = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();

                errors.Add("Email", new List<string>
quot;Username '{Input.Email}' is already taken."

                await InvokeAsync(async () =>


梦在夏天 2025-02-18 07:29:08


        return {
          role: userRecord?.customClaims?.["role"],
          type: userRecord?.customClaims?.["type"],


the user maybe undefined, this could happen if you use invalid userId. Use optional chaining to get rid of this error.

        return {
          role: userRecord?.customClaims?.["role"],
          type: userRecord?.customClaims?.["type"],

simply check for the undefined


梦在夏天 2025-02-17 16:31:03




with rio.open("gdrive/My Drive/file.tif") as ds:
np.moveaxis(arr, 0, -1)

This finally works for me. Since I cannot use tiffile.imread() in colab, I tried gdal and rasterio, but the image shape would be channel first. The problem for the first figure is caused by


which did not change the axis of data dimension.
Then I used codes below and the issue is addressed.

with rio.open("gdrive/My Drive/file.tif") as ds:
np.moveaxis(arr, 0, -1)


梦在夏天 2025-02-17 08:10:46

I found this post which talks about header-only Cmake中的库。


It seems like what I was trying to do did not really make sense.
I found this post which talks about header-only libraries in CMake.
Since there are no c files, no object files can be created. Therefore, no .so file can be created.

As described in that other post I will try to create a .c file which simply includes all .h files to create a .so file.

梦在夏天 2025-02-17 03:32:26


$('#iframe').on("load", function() {
    // do the stuff here

I think the iframe document is not ready when you try to access the nodes. You should wait for the iframe load event after that you can access the child nodes.

$('#iframe').on("load", function() {
    // do the stuff here


梦在夏天 2025-02-17 02:48:43

当前没有办法使用 .editorConfig 来执行此操作。


Currently there isn't a way to do this with the .editorconfig.

However, maybe you get a idea when you read the discussion in a feature request about that topic.





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