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≈。彩虹 2025-02-20 23:50:54

如果您的代码在Python 2和3中都可以使用,则可以通过在程序开始时加载它来实现此目标:

from __future__ import print_function   # If code has to work in Python 2 and 3!

然后,您可以以Python 3方式打印:


如果您想打印某些东西而不创建新行 - 您可以可以这样做:

for number in range(0, 10):
    print(number, end=', ')

If your code should work in both Python 2 and 3, you can achieve this by loading this at the beginning of your program:

from __future__ import print_function   # If code has to work in Python 2 and 3!

Then you can print in the Python 3 way:


If you want to print something without creating a new line - you can do this:

for number in range(0, 10):
    print(number, end=', ')

“语法”是什么:在呼叫到“ print”中缺少括号。在python中的意思?

≈。彩虹 2025-02-20 12:39:33

document.getElementById中,您忘了将``''添加到mullkompressenamount id。


<!DOCTYPE html>
      <td><input id="WaschlotionAmount"></td>
      <td><input id="HaarshampooAmount"></td>
      <td><input id="BodylotionAmount"></td>
      <td><input id="WundschutzcremeAmount"></td>
     <td><input id="DeosprayAmount"></td>
    <td><input id="ZahncremeAmount"></td>
   <td><input id="ZahnbuersteAmount"></td>
  <td><input id="ZahnspuellbecherAmount"></td>
    <td><input id="ZahnhaftcremeAmount"></td>
    <td><input id="ZahnreinigunstabsAmount"></td>
    <td><input id="RasierklingenAmount"></td>
    <td>Rasierer mit Klingen</td>
    <td><input id="RasiererMitKlingenAmount"></td>
    <td><input id="RasierschaumAmount"></td>
    <td><input id="EinwegrasiererAmount"></td>
    <td><input id="ZahnreinigunsBecherAmount"></td>
    <td><input id="MullkompressenAmount"></td>
    <td><p id="Sum"></p></td>

<button onclick="Calculate()">Rechnen</button>
<button  onclick="document.getElementById(`MullkompressenAmount`).value = ''">Löschen</button>
var Waschlotion = 1.30;
var Haarshampoo = 1.50;
var Bodylotion = 3;
var Wundschutzcreme = 4.80;
var Deospray = 1.80;
var Zahncreme = 3.20;
var Zahnbuerste = 1;
var Zahnspuellbecher = 1.25;
var Zahnhaftcreme = 1.50;
var Zahnreinigunstabs = 3.20;
var Rasierklingen = 2.49;
var RasiererMitKlingen = 4.50;
var Rasierschaum = 1.40;
var Einwegrasierer = 2;
var ZahnreinigunsBecher = 5;
var Mullkompressen = 6;

let Sum;

let WaschlotionAmount;
let HaarshampooAmount;
let BodylotionAmount;
let WundschutzcremeAmount;
let DeosprayAmount;
let ZahncremeAmount;
let ZahnbuersteAmount;
let ZahnspuellbecherAmount;
let ZahnhaftcremeAmount;
let ZahnreinigunstabsAmount;
let RasierklingenAmount;
let RasiererMitKlingenAmount;
let RasierschaumAmount;
let EinwegrasiererAmount;
let ZahnreinigunsBecherAmount;
let MullkompressenAmount;

function Calculate() {
  if (Sum != 0) {
    Sum = 0;
  let WaschlotionAmount = document.getElementById("WaschlotionAmount").value;
  let HaarshampooAmount = document.getElementById("HaarshampooAmount").value;
  let BodylotionAmount = document.getElementById("BodylotionAmount").value;
  let WundschutzcremeAmount = document.getElementById("WundschutzcremeAmount").value;
  let DeosprayAmount = document.getElementById("DeosprayAmount").value;
  let ZahncremeAmount = document.getElementById("ZahncremeAmount").value;
  let ZahnbuersteAmount = document.getElementById("ZahnbuersteAmount").value;
  let ZahnspuellbecherAmount = document.getElementById("ZahnspuellbecherAmount").value;
  let ZahnhaftcremeAmount = document.getElementById("ZahnhaftcremeAmount").value;
  let ZahnreinigunstabsAmount = document.getElementById("ZahnreinigunstabsAmount").value;
  let RasierklingenAmount = document.getElementById("RasierklingenAmount").value;
  let RasiererMitKlingenAmount = document.getElementById("RasiererMitKlingenAmount").value;
  let RasierschaumAmount = document.getElementById("RasierschaumAmount").value;
  let EinwegrasiererAmount = document.getElementById("EinwegrasiererAmount").value;
  let ZahnreinigunsBecherAmount = document.getElementById("ZahnreinigunsBecherAmount").value;
  let MullkompressenAmount = document.getElementById("MullkompressenAmount").value;

  Sum = (Waschlotion * WaschlotionAmount) + (Haarshampoo * HaarshampooAmount) + (Bodylotion * BodylotionAmount) +
  (Wundschutzcreme * WundschutzcremeAmount) + (Deospray * DeosprayAmount) + (Zahncreme * ZahncremeAmount) +
  (Zahnbuerste * ZahnbuersteAmount) + (Zahnspuellbecher * ZahnspuellbecherAmount) + (Zahnhaftcreme * ZahnhaftcremeAmount) +
  (Zahnreinigunstabs * ZahnreinigunstabsAmount) + (Rasierklingen * RasierklingenAmount) + (RasiererMitKlingen * RasiererMitKlingenAmount) +
  (Rasierschaum * RasierschaumAmount) + (Einwegrasierer * EinwegrasiererAmount) + (ZahnreinigunsBecher * ZahnreinigunsBecherAmount) + (Mullkompressen * MullkompressenAmount);
  document.getElementById("Sum").innerHTML = Sum;


In document.getElementById you forgot to add `` to the MullkompressenAmount id.


<!DOCTYPE html>
      <td><input id="WaschlotionAmount"></td>
      <td><input id="HaarshampooAmount"></td>
      <td><input id="BodylotionAmount"></td>
      <td><input id="WundschutzcremeAmount"></td>
     <td><input id="DeosprayAmount"></td>
    <td><input id="ZahncremeAmount"></td>
   <td><input id="ZahnbuersteAmount"></td>
  <td><input id="ZahnspuellbecherAmount"></td>
    <td><input id="ZahnhaftcremeAmount"></td>
    <td><input id="ZahnreinigunstabsAmount"></td>
    <td><input id="RasierklingenAmount"></td>
    <td>Rasierer mit Klingen</td>
    <td><input id="RasiererMitKlingenAmount"></td>
    <td><input id="RasierschaumAmount"></td>
    <td><input id="EinwegrasiererAmount"></td>
    <td><input id="ZahnreinigunsBecherAmount"></td>
    <td><input id="MullkompressenAmount"></td>
    <td><p id="Sum"></p></td>

<button onclick="Calculate()">Rechnen</button>
<button  onclick="document.getElementById(`MullkompressenAmount`).value = ''">Löschen</button>
var Waschlotion = 1.30;
var Haarshampoo = 1.50;
var Bodylotion = 3;
var Wundschutzcreme = 4.80;
var Deospray = 1.80;
var Zahncreme = 3.20;
var Zahnbuerste = 1;
var Zahnspuellbecher = 1.25;
var Zahnhaftcreme = 1.50;
var Zahnreinigunstabs = 3.20;
var Rasierklingen = 2.49;
var RasiererMitKlingen = 4.50;
var Rasierschaum = 1.40;
var Einwegrasierer = 2;
var ZahnreinigunsBecher = 5;
var Mullkompressen = 6;

let Sum;

let WaschlotionAmount;
let HaarshampooAmount;
let BodylotionAmount;
let WundschutzcremeAmount;
let DeosprayAmount;
let ZahncremeAmount;
let ZahnbuersteAmount;
let ZahnspuellbecherAmount;
let ZahnhaftcremeAmount;
let ZahnreinigunstabsAmount;
let RasierklingenAmount;
let RasiererMitKlingenAmount;
let RasierschaumAmount;
let EinwegrasiererAmount;
let ZahnreinigunsBecherAmount;
let MullkompressenAmount;

function Calculate() {
  if (Sum != 0) {
    Sum = 0;
  let WaschlotionAmount = document.getElementById("WaschlotionAmount").value;
  let HaarshampooAmount = document.getElementById("HaarshampooAmount").value;
  let BodylotionAmount = document.getElementById("BodylotionAmount").value;
  let WundschutzcremeAmount = document.getElementById("WundschutzcremeAmount").value;
  let DeosprayAmount = document.getElementById("DeosprayAmount").value;
  let ZahncremeAmount = document.getElementById("ZahncremeAmount").value;
  let ZahnbuersteAmount = document.getElementById("ZahnbuersteAmount").value;
  let ZahnspuellbecherAmount = document.getElementById("ZahnspuellbecherAmount").value;
  let ZahnhaftcremeAmount = document.getElementById("ZahnhaftcremeAmount").value;
  let ZahnreinigunstabsAmount = document.getElementById("ZahnreinigunstabsAmount").value;
  let RasierklingenAmount = document.getElementById("RasierklingenAmount").value;
  let RasiererMitKlingenAmount = document.getElementById("RasiererMitKlingenAmount").value;
  let RasierschaumAmount = document.getElementById("RasierschaumAmount").value;
  let EinwegrasiererAmount = document.getElementById("EinwegrasiererAmount").value;
  let ZahnreinigunsBecherAmount = document.getElementById("ZahnreinigunsBecherAmount").value;
  let MullkompressenAmount = document.getElementById("MullkompressenAmount").value;

  Sum = (Waschlotion * WaschlotionAmount) + (Haarshampoo * HaarshampooAmount) + (Bodylotion * BodylotionAmount) +
  (Wundschutzcreme * WundschutzcremeAmount) + (Deospray * DeosprayAmount) + (Zahncreme * ZahncremeAmount) +
  (Zahnbuerste * ZahnbuersteAmount) + (Zahnspuellbecher * ZahnspuellbecherAmount) + (Zahnhaftcreme * ZahnhaftcremeAmount) +
  (Zahnreinigunstabs * ZahnreinigunstabsAmount) + (Rasierklingen * RasierklingenAmount) + (RasiererMitKlingen * RasiererMitKlingenAmount) +
  (Rasierschaum * RasierschaumAmount) + (Einwegrasierer * EinwegrasiererAmount) + (ZahnreinigunsBecher * ZahnreinigunsBecherAmount) + (Mullkompressen * MullkompressenAmount);
  document.getElementById("Sum").innerHTML = Sum;



≈。彩虹 2025-02-19 16:48:13




I had the same issue with Flutter. I remove Firebase from build.gradle

// implementation platform('com.google.firebase:firebase-bom:29.0.4')

also downgrading firebase to 29.0.2 is working too.

superClass androidx.core.app.f of androidx.activity.com宣称最终

≈。彩虹 2025-02-19 12:34:40




不确定为什么他们在2 1/2年(其中一些)跑步时会大大失败。

Had the same issue last night will all of my scheduled headless tests.

They are Run whether user is logged on or not and Do Not Store Password. I have not used Run with highest privileges.

The actions are full path without using Run In.

Not sure why they would massively fail when they've been running (some of them) for 2 1/2 years.

收到错误和“ 0x1”在Windows任务时间表中

≈。彩虹 2025-02-19 07:06:32



MadelineProto还具有可选的cacheallpeersonStartup 可以启用对话框列表中的所有用户和组自动启动。

You must use the getFullInfo method, instead.

Also, MTProto clients can't always resolve a user starting from their ID: they must've met the user before in some other context (a private chat, a group) in order to cache their information.
A username can also trigger caching of this information: try passing your username instead of your ID.

MadelineProto also has an optional cacheAllPeersOnStartup setting that can be enabled to pre-cache all users and groups in the dialog list on startup automatically.


≈。彩虹 2025-02-18 19:01:04


Add a listview with a controller. consider a card of height 200. Now if the controller offset is 800 play the video of that 800/200. Which is 4th one. You can use any video player package which has an option to statt and stop video


≈。彩虹 2025-02-18 14:25:36


public static List<T> ExecuteQuery<T>(this dbContext db, string query) where T : class, new()
            using (var command = db.Database.GetDbConnection().CreateCommand())
                command.CommandText = query;
                command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;


                using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                    var lst = new List<T>();
                    var lstColumns = new T().GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic).ToList();
                    while (reader.Read())
                        var newObject = new T();
                        for (var i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++)
                            var name = reader.GetName(i);
                            PropertyInfo prop = lstColumns.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name.ToLower().Equals(name.ToLower()));
                            if (prop == null)
                            var val = reader.IsDBNull(i) ? null : reader[i];
                            prop.SetValue(newObject, val, null);

                    return lst;


var db = new dbContext();
string query = @"select ID , Name from People where ... ";
var lst = db.ExecuteQuery<PeopleView>(query);


public class PeopleView
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

.netcore 2.2和3.0中测试。


try this: (create extension method)

public static List<T> ExecuteQuery<T>(this dbContext db, string query) where T : class, new()
            using (var command = db.Database.GetDbConnection().CreateCommand())
                command.CommandText = query;
                command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;


                using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                    var lst = new List<T>();
                    var lstColumns = new T().GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic).ToList();
                    while (reader.Read())
                        var newObject = new T();
                        for (var i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++)
                            var name = reader.GetName(i);
                            PropertyInfo prop = lstColumns.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name.ToLower().Equals(name.ToLower()));
                            if (prop == null)
                            var val = reader.IsDBNull(i) ? null : reader[i];
                            prop.SetValue(newObject, val, null);

                    return lst;


var db = new dbContext();
string query = @"select ID , Name from People where ... ";
var lst = db.ExecuteQuery<PeopleView>(query);

my model: (not in DbSet):

public class PeopleView
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

tested in .netCore 2.2 and 3.0.

Note: this solution has the slow performance

RAW SQL查询无DBSET-实体框架核心

≈。彩虹 2025-02-18 13:52:58

根据 plotly document 在时间序列上,您可以使用update_xaxes更改X轴标签的出现和格式的方法:

fig = go.Figure()
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df1["month"], y=df1["counts"], name="counts history"))
fig.update_xaxes(dtick="M1", tickformat="%Y-%m")

As per the plotly documentation on time series, you can use the update_xaxes method to change the ocurrence and format of the x-axis labels:

fig = go.Figure()
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df1["month"], y=df1["counts"], name="counts history"))
fig.update_xaxes(dtick="M1", tickformat="%Y-%m")

enter image description here

Plotly Graph不能正确显示X轴值

≈。彩虹 2025-02-18 12:17:38


var birdRecords = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<birdDataSolutionVM>(data);

You should be deserializing into the type, not an array of the type. It's a single object containing an array, but the root json is not an array.

var birdRecords = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<birdDataSolutionVM>(data);


≈。彩虹 2025-02-18 11:18:37


Write the console.WriteLine() Outside the for loop to avoid printing it in every step.


≈。彩虹 2025-02-18 09:40:09

在许多情况下,这种解析将需要,但是您很幸运:在这种情况下,有一个非常简单的解决方案。与其尝试将它们全部捕获为有效输入,只需解析一个,然后将其余的作为$($ tt)*

macro_rules! script {
    ($val:literal ! $($vals:tt)*) => {
        script!($($vals)*).prepend(format!("{}!", $val))
    ($cmd:ident ! $($vals:tt)*) => {
        script!($($vals)*).prepend(format!("{}!", stringify!($cmd)))
    (!$val:literal $($vals:tt)*) => {
        script!($($vals)*).prepend(format!("!{}", $val))
    (!$cmd:ident $($vals:tt)*) => {
        script!($($vals)*).prepend(format!("!{}", stringify!($cmd)))
    () => {

至于扭转订单,我建议您不要打扰。即使是这样 - 您只需要附加到向量的末尾,然后 recters() IT。但是,为了娱乐,可能是可能的,但需要推下堆积。这是一个示例:

macro_rules! script_impl {
        [ $($parsed:tt)* ]
        $val:literal !
    } => {
        script_impl! {
                // The parentheses are important for it to be one `tt`.
                // I choose parentheses to because they're still valid
                // expression producing `&str` (although braces will
                // also do, but brackets not).
                ( concat!(stringify!($val), "!") )
        [ $($parsed:tt)* ]
        ! $val:literal
    } => {
        script_impl! {
                ( concat!("!", stringify!($val)) )
        [ $($parsed:tt)* ]
        $cmd:ident !
    } => {
        script_impl! {
                ( concat!(stringify!($cmd), "!") )
        [ $($parsed:tt)* ]
        ! $cmd:ident
    } => {
        script_impl! {
                ( concat!("!", stringify!($cmd)) )
        [ $first_parsed:tt $($rest_parsed:tt)* ]
        // Finished parsing
    } => {
            $( .append($rest_parsed) )*
macro_rules! script {
    ( $($t:tt)* ) => {
        script_impl! {
            [ ]

In many case such parsing will require push-down accumulation, but you are lucky: there is a very simple solution in this case. Instead of trying to capture them all as valid input, just parse one and forward the rest as $($tt)*:

macro_rules! script {
    ($val:literal ! $($vals:tt)*) => {
        script!($($vals)*).prepend(format!("{}!", $val))
    ($cmd:ident ! $($vals:tt)*) => {
        script!($($vals)*).prepend(format!("{}!", stringify!($cmd)))
    (!$val:literal $($vals:tt)*) => {
        script!($($vals)*).prepend(format!("!{}", $val))
    (!$cmd:ident $($vals:tt)*) => {
        script!($($vals)*).prepend(format!("!{}", stringify!($cmd)))
    () => {


As for reversing the order, I'd recommend you to not bother. This can be very efficient even as is - you just need to append to the end of the vector then reverse() it. However, for the sake of fun, it is possible but requires push-down accumulation. Here's an example:

macro_rules! script_impl {
        [ $($parsed:tt)* ]
        $val:literal !
    } => {
        script_impl! {
                // The parentheses are important for it to be one `tt`.
                // I choose parentheses to because they're still valid
                // expression producing `&str` (although braces will
                // also do, but brackets not).
                ( concat!(stringify!($val), "!") )
        [ $($parsed:tt)* ]
        ! $val:literal
    } => {
        script_impl! {
                ( concat!("!", stringify!($val)) )
        [ $($parsed:tt)* ]
        $cmd:ident !
    } => {
        script_impl! {
                ( concat!(stringify!($cmd), "!") )
        [ $($parsed:tt)* ]
        ! $cmd:ident
    } => {
        script_impl! {
                ( concat!("!", stringify!($cmd)) )
        [ $first_parsed:tt $($rest_parsed:tt)* ]
        // Finished parsing
    } => {
            $( .append($rest_parsed) )*
macro_rules! script {
    ( $($t:tt)* ) => {
        script_impl! {
            [ ]



≈。彩虹 2025-02-18 02:08:29



    const recipefound=await Recipe.find({materials: req.params.recipeID})


You can send the client ID from front end in request params. Example: http:yourdomain:port/route/:recipeID

In backend you can handle like this:

    const recipefound=await Recipe.find({materials: req.params.recipeID})


如何从客户那里获取ID?(Express and Mongoose)

≈。彩虹 2025-02-17 17:23:52


b = p;

有几个问题。首先,数组表达可能不是=运算符的目标。您不能在单个操作中分配整个数组,例如 1

其次,类型不匹配; p具有类型int(*)[3],而b具有类型int [3]。阵列不是指针-Array 表达式在大多数情况下对指针表达式的“衰减”,但是在这种情况下,即使指示器也将是不兼容的类型(b都会衰减到表达式类型int *,而不是int( *)[3])。


for ( size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
  b[i] = (*p)[i]; // or b[i] = a[i]


  1. 初始化与分配不同。

The line

b = p;

has a couple of problems. First of all, array expressions may not be the target of the = operator; you can't assign an entire array in a single operation like that1.

Secondly, the types don't match; p has type int (*)[3], while b has type int [3]. Arrays are not pointers - array expressions "decay" to pointer expressions under most circumstances, but in this case even the pointers would be of incompatible types (b would decay to an expression of type int *, not int (*)[3]).

No, the only ways to copy the contents of one array to the other are to use library functions like memcpy or to use a loop to assign each element individually:

for ( size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
  b[i] = (*p)[i]; // or b[i] = a[i]

That's it.

  1. Initialization is different from assignment.


≈。彩虹 2025-02-17 13:51:32

您需要实施 asycnvalidator


private validateEmail(email: string): Observable<ValidationErrors | null> {
    if (!email) return of({ required: true });

    //email regExpr
    const EMAIL_REGEXP =

    if (!EMAIL_REGEXP.test(email)) return of({ email: true });

    return of(email).pipe(
      map((email) => {
        //check if exist
        return emailsYetGet.find((x) => x == email)
          ? {
              isTaken: 'Email exists already.',
          : null;




You need implements AsycnValidator not Validator

If you want, you can also include in the same validator a validator.required and a validator.email

private validateEmail(email: string): Observable<ValidationErrors | null> {
    if (!email) return of({ required: true });

    //email regExpr
    const EMAIL_REGEXP =

    if (!EMAIL_REGEXP.test(email)) return of({ email: true });

    return of(email).pipe(
      map((email) => {
        //check if exist
        return emailsYetGet.find((x) => x == email)
          ? {
              isTaken: 'Email exists already.',
          : null;

a stackblitz

NOTE: Remember include your directive in declarations of the modules where is the components in witch you use it and check you API

NOTE2: the REGEXPR I get it form the Angular's github about validators


≈。彩虹 2025-02-17 11:29:27



fruits = ["Apple", "Mango", "Guava", "Kiwi","Melon"]

for fruit in fruits:
    if fruit == "Guava" or fruit == "Mango":

You already have an answer about the error in the comments, but I'll propose a simpler approach.

You can iterate over the list elements directly, which is usually recommended and makes the code simpler:

fruits = ["Apple", "Mango", "Guava", "Kiwi","Melon"]

for fruit in fruits:
    if fruit == "Guava" or fruit == "Mango":





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