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悲念泪 2025-02-20 23:25:08

看起来像是一个非常标准的Unix时期时间戳。假设我们使用UTC(GMT)时区,日期是2017年6月6日,星期二7:29:33 AM。


您可以转换dateTime < /code>以以下方式对将UNIX时间戳的对象:

DateTime dateTime = DateTime.Now; // this would be your DateTime
DateTimeOffset offset = new DateTimeOffset(dateTime);
long epoch = offset.ToUnixTimeSeconds(); // our epoch is a 64 bit integer, i.e. long


long epoch = new DateTimeOffset(dateTime).ToUnixTimeSeconds();

That looks like a pretty standard UNIX epoch timestamp. Assuming we're using the UTC (GMT) timezone, the date is Tuesday, June 6, 2017 7:29:33 AM.

UNIX time is the amount of seconds that have passed since Jan 1, 1970. The timestamp means 1496734173 seconds have passed since then, which is about 47 and a half years, i.e. June 6, 2017.

You can convert a DateTime object to a UNIX timestamp in the following way:

DateTime dateTime = DateTime.Now; // this would be your DateTime
DateTimeOffset offset = new DateTimeOffset(dateTime);
long epoch = offset.ToUnixTimeSeconds(); // our epoch is a 64 bit integer, i.e. long

Or, in one line:

long epoch = new DateTimeOffset(dateTime).ToUnixTimeSeconds();


悲念泪 2025-02-20 10:32:41

只是为了完整的目的:还有 Heredoc

$template = fn( $who, $what ) => <<<EOT
    $who likes $what

echo( $template( 'tim', 'kung pao' ) );


tim likes kung pao


  • 您会以自己喜欢的语言突出显示(如果配置正确)。只需将EOT(从上面的示例)代替您喜欢的任何内容(EC HTML,SQL,PHP,...)。
  • 带有卷曲括号{$ data ['Who'']}的逃脱数组。访问$ data-&gt; Who无括号的objekts。
  • arrow functions 喜欢fn($ a)=&gt; $ a自PHP 7.4以来可用。您可以编写函数($ a){返回$ a;},如果您使用的是php&lt; 7.4。

Just for the sake of completeness: there is also Heredoc.

$template = fn( $who, $what ) => <<<EOT
    $who likes $what

echo( $template( 'tim', 'kung pao' ) );


tim likes kung pao


  • You get highlighting in your favourite language (if properly configured). Just substitute EOT (from the sample above) with whatever you like (e.c. HTML, SQL, PHP, ...).
  • Escape arrays with curly braces {$data['who']}. Accessing objekts like $data->who works without braces.
  • Arrow functions like fn($a)=>$a are available since PHP 7.4. You can write function($a){return $a;} if you are using PHP<7.4.


悲念泪 2025-02-20 09:17:27


select '18374683274748987' :: binary;

The following string is not a legal hex-encoded value: '18374683274748987'


select to_binary(hex_encode('18374683274748987'), 'HEX');

TO_BINARY(HEX_ENCODE('18374683274748987'), 'HEX')


Select tst2.id, tst1.id 
from test1 as tst1
inner join test2 as tst2
on tst1.id = tst2.id
where tst2.id = to_binary(hex_encode('18374683274748987'), 'HEX')
and tst2.date :: date >= '2022-06-20' :: date;

You cannot encode to binary directly strings, they need to be in a HEX format, so this won't work:

select '18374683274748987' :: binary;

The following string is not a legal hex-encoded value: '18374683274748987'

but this will:

select to_binary(hex_encode('18374683274748987'), 'HEX');

TO_BINARY(HEX_ENCODE('18374683274748987'), 'HEX')

In your case try:

Select tst2.id, tst1.id 
from test1 as tst1
inner join test2 as tst2
on tst1.id = tst2.id
where tst2.id = to_binary(hex_encode('18374683274748987'), 'HEX')
and tst2.date :: date >= '2022-06-20' :: date;


悲念泪 2025-02-20 00:09:39


document.querySelector(".story").addEventListener("click", function(e) { // any click in the story div
  const tgt = e.target.closest("button"); // we click inside a button somewhere, closest makes sure it is the button itself we are getting
  tgt.closest(".story-contents") // the div holding button AND paragraph
    .querySelector(".story-contents-discription") // the paragraph
    .classList.toggle("active"); // toggle active on paragraph
  tgt.classList.toggle("active"); // toggle active on button
.story-title {
  color: #377dff;

.story-contents {
  margin-top: 1rem;

.story-contents-title {
  background-color: white;
  color: white;
  border: solid 2px #377dff;
  padding: 0.5rem;
  font-size: 4rem;
  border-radius: 10px;
  width: 20rem;
  color: #377dff;

.story-contents-title svg {
  stroke: #377dff;
  transition: all 0.5s ease-out;

.story-contents-title.active svg {
  transform: rotate(90deg);

.story-contents-discription {
  margin-top: 0.5rem;
  padding: 1rem;
  color: white;
  background-color: #377dff;
  border-radius: 10px;
  display: none;

.story-contents-discription.active {
  display: block;
<div class="story">
  <h1 class="story-title">Our Story</h1>
  <div class="story-contents">
    <button class="story-contents-title">2021<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="icon icon-tabler icon-tabler-arrow-big-right" width="34" height="34" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="" fill="none" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">
                <path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/>
                <path d="M4 9h8v-3.586a1 1 0 0 1 1.707 -.707l6.586 6.586a1 1 0 0 1 0 1.414l-6.586 6.586a1 1 0 0 1 -1.707 -.707v-3.586h-8a1 1 0 0 1 -1 -1v-4a1 1 0 0 1 1 -1z" />
    <p class="story-contents-discription">Wins ‘Outstanding Crisis Finance Innovation 2021 (Asia Pacific) Award’ by Global Finance Magazine <br> Launches Step Up Credit Card <br> Wins ‘Digital Lending Award’ at the Fintech India Innovation Awards <br> Wins “Excellence in Consumer Lending”
      at India Digital Awards</p>
  <div class="story-contents">
    <button class="story-contents-title">2020<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="icon icon-tabler icon-tabler-arrow-big-right" width="34" height="34" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="" fill="none" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">
                <path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/>
                <path d="M4 9h8v-3.586a1 1 0 0 1 1.707 -.707l6.586 6.586a1 1 0 0 1 0 1.414l-6.586 6.586a1 1 0 0 1 -1.707 -.707v-3.586h-8a1 1 0 0 1 -1 -1v-4a1 1 0 0 1 1 -1z" />
    <p class="story-contents-discription">
      Upgrades in-house systems to enable work-from-home for employees <br> Launches Free Credit Report in Regional Languages


I would delegate and navigate within the container

document.querySelector(".story").addEventListener("click", function(e) { // any click in the story div
  const tgt = e.target.closest("button"); // we click inside a button somewhere, closest makes sure it is the button itself we are getting
  tgt.closest(".story-contents") // the div holding button AND paragraph
    .querySelector(".story-contents-discription") // the paragraph
    .classList.toggle("active"); // toggle active on paragraph
  tgt.classList.toggle("active"); // toggle active on button
.story-title {
  color: #377dff;

.story-contents {
  margin-top: 1rem;

.story-contents-title {
  background-color: white;
  color: white;
  border: solid 2px #377dff;
  padding: 0.5rem;
  font-size: 4rem;
  border-radius: 10px;
  width: 20rem;
  color: #377dff;

.story-contents-title svg {
  stroke: #377dff;
  transition: all 0.5s ease-out;

.story-contents-title.active svg {
  transform: rotate(90deg);

.story-contents-discription {
  margin-top: 0.5rem;
  padding: 1rem;
  color: white;
  background-color: #377dff;
  border-radius: 10px;
  display: none;

.story-contents-discription.active {
  display: block;
<div class="story">
  <h1 class="story-title">Our Story</h1>
  <div class="story-contents">
    <button class="story-contents-title">2021<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="icon icon-tabler icon-tabler-arrow-big-right" width="34" height="34" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="" fill="none" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">
                <path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/>
                <path d="M4 9h8v-3.586a1 1 0 0 1 1.707 -.707l6.586 6.586a1 1 0 0 1 0 1.414l-6.586 6.586a1 1 0 0 1 -1.707 -.707v-3.586h-8a1 1 0 0 1 -1 -1v-4a1 1 0 0 1 1 -1z" />
    <p class="story-contents-discription">Wins ‘Outstanding Crisis Finance Innovation 2021 (Asia Pacific) Award’ by Global Finance Magazine <br> Launches Step Up Credit Card <br> Wins ‘Digital Lending Award’ at the Fintech India Innovation Awards <br> Wins “Excellence in Consumer Lending”
      at India Digital Awards</p>
  <div class="story-contents">
    <button class="story-contents-title">2020<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="icon icon-tabler icon-tabler-arrow-big-right" width="34" height="34" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="" fill="none" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">
                <path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/>
                <path d="M4 9h8v-3.586a1 1 0 0 1 1.707 -.707l6.586 6.586a1 1 0 0 1 0 1.414l-6.586 6.586a1 1 0 0 1 -1.707 -.707v-3.586h-8a1 1 0 0 1 -1 -1v-4a1 1 0 0 1 1 -1z" />
    <p class="story-contents-discription">
      Upgrades in-house systems to enable work-from-home for employees <br> Launches Free Credit Report in Regional Languages



悲念泪 2025-02-19 19:42:33




on_release: root.down()




def empty(self):

    self.dialog = MDDialog(
        text="You cannot download nothingness!",
            MDFlatButton(text="CANCEL", on_release=self.diacloce)




  1. GUI的更新是由Kivy主循环执行的,该循环在主线程上运行。
  2. 事件触发的任何方法(例如按钮按下)都在主线程上运行,而Kivy主循环必须等到该触发方法完成(因此请将它们简短)。
  3. 在不是主线程的线程中运行的方法可能不会修改GUI(甚至创建GUI小部件)。

因此,您应该通过使用小的短寿命修改方法将GUI修改与非GUI处理分开,除了GUI修改(例如您的对话框方法)外,该方法无需进行其他操作。这些GUI修改方法可以通过使用clock.schedule_once()或通过@mainthread ,然后直接调用这些方法。请记住,这些方法中的任何一种都只是在主线程上安排对GUI修改方法的调用。

Your code:


will run root.down() on a new thread (not the main thread). And that code will try to create a MDDialog and a MDFlatButton on that new thread, which is not allowed. If the down() method, and the methods it calls, are simply creating dialogs, as in your post, then you don't need to use threading. Just change that line in your kv to:

on_release: root.down()

If the down() method is a long running method, it will freeze the GUI until it completes. In that case, keep the:


and arrange for anything that modifies the GUI or creates GUI widgets to be run on the main thread. A simple way to do that is to just add the @mainthread decorator on any method that must be run on the main thread. For example:

def empty(self):

    self.dialog = MDDialog(
        text="You cannot download nothingness!",
            MDFlatButton(text="CANCEL", on_release=self.diacloce)


This will force the empty() method to be run on the main thread (equivalent to running it using Clock.schedule_once()). The same can be done for all of your methods that just display a dialog.

The key points to keep in mind:

  1. Updates to the GUI are performed by the Kivy main loop, which runs on the main thread.
  2. Any method that is triggered by an event (like a Button press) runs on the main thread, and the Kivy main loop must wait until that triggered method completes (so keep them short).
  3. Methods running in a thread that is not the main thread may not modify the GUI (or even create GUI widgets).

So, you should separate GUI modification from non-GUI processing by using small short lived methods for GUI modification that do nothing other than GUI modification (like your dialog methods). These GUI modifying methods can be called from the non-GUI methods (that are running on other threads) by using Clock.schedule_once() or by decorating the GUI modifying methods with @mainthread and then calling those methods directly. Keep in mind that either of these approaches just schedules the call to the GUI modification method on the main thread.


悲念泪 2025-02-19 13:36:54


subPatterns[@"(\d)(\d)\2\1$"] = "abba";
subPatterns[@"(\d)\3(\d)\4$"] = "aabb";




subPatterns[@"(?<1>\d)\k<1>(?<2>\d)\k<2>"] = "abba";
subPatterns[@"(?<1>\d)(?<2>\d)\k<2>\k<1>"] = "aabb";



note ,如果匹配项适用于整个行,则可以附加锚^对它和整个模式看起来


Regex Demo 和a c#demo

The alternation changes the capture group numbers. You can either account for the incremented numbers in the alternation:

quot;] = "abba";
quot;] = "aabb";

The pattern will look like this, matching the 4 digits at the end of the string due to the $


Or you can use the same named backreferences:

subPatterns[@"(?<1>\d)\k<1>(?<2>\d)\k<2>"] = "abba";
subPatterns[@"(?<1>\d)(?<2>\d)\k<2>\k<1>"] = "aabb";

The pattern will then look like


Note that if the matches are for the whole line, you can append an anchor ^ to it and the whole pattern will look like


See a regex demo and a C# demo.

REGEX .NET或操作员不在替代组上工作

悲念泪 2025-02-19 02:24:21


cryA = crypto.subtle.generateKey({name:'ECDH', namedCurve:'P-384'}, true, ["deriveKey", "deriveBits"])
Promise {<pending>}
cryB = await crypto.subtle.generateKey({name:'ECDH', namedCurve:'P-384'}, true, ["deriveKey", "deriveBits"])
{publicKey: CryptoKey, privateKey: CryptoKey}

This example I find self-explanatory. Notice how await waits for the result and so you miss the Promise being returned.

cryA = crypto.subtle.generateKey({name:'ECDH', namedCurve:'P-384'}, true, ["deriveKey", "deriveBits"])
Promise {<pending>}
cryB = await crypto.subtle.generateKey({name:'ECDH', namedCurve:'P-384'}, true, ["deriveKey", "deriveBits"])
{publicKey: CryptoKey, privateKey: CryptoKey}


悲念泪 2025-02-18 10:27:57




datastax-java-driver {
  basic.load-balancing-policy {
    local-datacenter = DC1

当然,当您通过编程构建会话配置时,始终 withlocaldatacenter() ,例如:

CqlSession session = CqlSession.builder()

有关详细信息,请参见 java驱动程序中的负载平衡

Based on the code snippet you provided, dataCenter is undefined and hasn't been initialised. As a result the test condition doesn't get satisfied so withLocalDatacenter() doesn't get called.

In any case as the error message states, you need to explicitly tell the driver the name of the local DC so checking whether dataCenter is null or empty is bad practice.

Instead, you should always specify the data centre local to your app. For example:

datastax-java-driver {
  basic.load-balancing-policy {
    local-datacenter = DC1

Of course when you're programatically building the session configuration, always make a call to withLocalDatacenter(), for example:

CqlSession session = CqlSession.builder()

For details, see Load balancing in the Java driver.


悲念泪 2025-02-18 09:32:52


    .AddSingleton(typeof(IDataSource<>), typeof(DataSource<>))
    .AddSingleton(typeof(IDataTarget<>), typeof(DataTarget<>))
    .AddSingleton(typeof(IDataPump<,>), typeof(DataPump<,>))

Once I know the answer it's really simple, just had to add a comma to signify the number of type arguments:

    .AddSingleton(typeof(IDataSource<>), typeof(DataSource<>))
    .AddSingleton(typeof(IDataTarget<>), typeof(DataTarget<>))
    .AddSingleton(typeof(IDataPump<,>), typeof(DataPump<,>))


悲念泪 2025-02-18 08:29:12


WHEN [Group] = 'Representation Accepted' AND [Reason] = 'Reduced to Warning Notice'' Area Authorised' THEN 31

use two times single quotation as below

WHEN [Group] = 'Representation Accepted' AND [Reason] = 'Reduced to Warning Notice'' Area Authorised' THEN 31


悲念泪 2025-02-18 04:31:15

始终具有“胶水”功能(这次用A修饰符表示\ g逃脱顺序),但具有不同的模式结构,可以避免交替:

echo preg_replace('~(?:^.*?/pattern,)?(?!^)[^/-]*+\K-~A', '~', $str);

php demo

通知:而不是所有格量化器此处[^/ - ]*+ ,您还可以使用(*commit)回溯控制动词,在字符串中没有破折号时快速中止研究很有趣:


Always with the "glue" feature (this time expressed with the A modifier instead of the \G escape sequence), but with a different pattern structure that avoids the alternation:

echo preg_replace('~(?:^.*?/pattern,)?(?!^)[^/-]*+\K-~A', '~', $str);

regex demo
php demo

Notice: instead of the possessive quantifier here [^/-]*+, you can also use the (*COMMIT) backtracking control verb that is interesting to quickly abort the research when there's no dash in the string:



悲念泪 2025-02-17 13:50:14



    beforeEach(() => {
                <AddToCart product={product} styles={styles}/>

You are missing CartProvider:


    beforeEach(() => {
                <AddToCart product={product} styles={styles}/>


悲念泪 2025-02-17 07:38:06


from itertools import cycle

def my_func(st):
    operation = cycle((str.upper, str.lower))
    conv = [next(operation)(c) if c != ' ' else c for c in st]
    return ''.join(conv)


>>> my_func("Hello my guy")
'HeLlO mY gUy'

I'd write it like this:

from itertools import cycle

def my_func(st):
    operation = cycle((str.upper, str.lower))
    conv = [next(operation)(c) if c != ' ' else c for c in st]
    return ''.join(conv)


>>> my_func("Hello my guy")
'HeLlO mY gUy'


悲念泪 2025-02-17 01:53:21


* Get the Memo value into an array
* where KeyMemo = '10045223'
* or use that as a variable also
local lcKey
lcKey = '10045223'
Select Memo From expertcorr_memoinv ;
     WHERE Keymemo=m.lcKey ;
     into array laMemo

* Update with that value
Update expertcorr_memoinv ;
    Set Memo = laMemo[1] ;
    WHERE Keydoc Like "UBOA"



'This is a string literal'
"This is a string literal"
[This is a string literal] 

"My name is John O'hara"
'We need 3.5" disk'
[Put 3.5" disk into John's computer]


其中任何一个也可以用于表名称,别名名称,文件名...(名称表达式)之类的东西 - 仍然是字符串文字,括号使其成为名称表达式。 IE:

select * from ('MyTable') ...

copy to ("c:\my folder\my file.txt") type delimited

I would do that just as Stefan showed.
In VFP, you also have a chance to use non-SQL statements which make it easier to express yourself. From your code it feels like KeyMemo is a unique field:

* Get the Memo value into an array
* where KeyMemo = '10045223'
* or use that as a variable also
local lcKey
lcKey = '10045223'
Select Memo From expertcorr_memoinv ;
     WHERE Keymemo=m.lcKey ;
     into array laMemo

* Update with that value
Update expertcorr_memoinv ;
    Set Memo = laMemo[1] ;
    WHERE Keydoc Like "UBOA"

This is only for divide & conquer strategy that one may find easier to follow. Other than that writing it with a single SQL is just fine.

PS: In VFP you don't use backticks at all.
Single quotes, double quotes and opening closing square brackets are not used as identifiers but all those three are used for string literals.

'This is a string literal'
"This is a string literal"
[This is a string literal] 

"My name is John O'hara"
'We need 3.5" disk'
[Put 3.5" disk into John's computer]

There are subtle differences between them, which I think is an advanced topic and that you may never need to know.

Also [] is used for array indexer.
Any one of them could also be used for things like table name, alias name, file name ... (name expression) - still they are string literals, parentheses make it a name expression. ie:

select * from ('MyTable') ...

copy to ("c:\my folder\my file.txt") type delimited


悲念泪 2025-02-15 22:47:53


Resolved the issue by splitting data file into separate files and making a load function to load the variable and then change it before saving again.





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