
文章 评论 浏览 33

情绪少女 2025-02-21 00:57:15


You can only have one value per policy key id. However, you can upload your new certificate as a new policy key, then add an additional technical profile into your user journey that validates your token hint against the new policy key. Example: Step 1 tries to validate the token hint against policy key 1, if it's not successful, then try to validate the token hint against policy key 2. That way old links and new links can both be validated.

Azure AD B2C自定义策略密钥管理:我可以上传2个策略密钥,并将两个密钥用于ID提示令牌验证吗?

情绪少女 2025-02-21 00:47:21




DWORD dwThreadID = GetCurrentThreadId();
// Call a message-specific USER function on the current thread
BOOL bResult = PostThreadMessageW(dwThreadID, WM_QUIT, 123, 456);
// Ask a question on SO why the current thread maintains a message queue

我不知道文档是否仍然准确(具体来说,该部分解释了如何根据需要创建特定于线程的消息队列)。尽管如此,该代码并没有质疑其准确性。 POSTTHREADMESSAGEW()带有当前线程的线程ID,未失败的位置在规范之内(忽略错误条件,例如 error_not_enough_enough_quota )。

As written, the question doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Under the assumption that the following passage in the documentation

The system creates a thread-specific message queue only when the thread makes its first call to one of the specific user functions [...].

is correct, the code in question is unsuitable to refute this statement. Here is the annotated code to illustrate the lack of reason:

DWORD dwThreadID = GetCurrentThreadId();
// Call a message-specific USER function on the current thread
BOOL bResult = PostThreadMessageW(dwThreadID, WM_QUIT, 123, 456);
// Ask a question on SO why the current thread maintains a message queue

I don't know whether the documentation is still accurate (specifically, the part that explains how thread-specific message queues are created on demand). Still, the code does nothing to question its accuracy. PostThreadMessageW() with a thread ID of the current thread not failing is within specification (ignoring error conditions such as ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_QUOTA).


情绪少女 2025-02-20 17:53:12



public class CredentialFilter implements WebFilter


    public Mono<Void> filter(final ServerWebExchange serverWebExchange, final WebFilterChain webFilterChain) {
        //gets the header called bearer_token, or however you store it. You can also use any of the request properties.
        return Mono.just(serverWebExchange.getRequest().getHeaders().getFirst("bearer_token"))
           //if no bearer token throw a simple exception.
           .switchIfEmpty(Mono.defer(() -> Mono.error(new Exception("Unauthorized"))))
           //validate token with your custom method. If not valid, deals same as before.
           .filter(token -> validateToken(token))
           .switchIfEmpty(Mono.defer(() -> Mono.error(new Exception("Unauthorized"))))
           .onErrorResume(e -> {
              throw managedException(e);
           //continue the request.


        //method to escape throw check.
        protected RuntimeException managedException(final Throwable e) {

        if (e instanceof ISSException.GenericException) {
            return (ISSException.GenericException) e;
        return (RuntimeException) e;


public class WebfluxExceptionHandler implements ErrorWebExceptionHandler


public Mono<Void> handle(final ServerWebExchange serverWebExchange, final Throwable throwable) {
    if (throwable.getMessage().equals("Unauthorized")) {
       //put an unauthorized code serverWebExchange.getResponse().setStatusCode(org.springframework.http.HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED);
    return Mono.error(throwable);

Given the information you provided, you can simply use org.springframework.web.server.WebFilter to implement your custom validator:

Declare it

public class CredentialFilter implements WebFilter

Inside, override the filter method:

    public Mono<Void> filter(final ServerWebExchange serverWebExchange, final WebFilterChain webFilterChain) {
        //gets the header called bearer_token, or however you store it. You can also use any of the request properties.
        return Mono.just(serverWebExchange.getRequest().getHeaders().getFirst("bearer_token"))
           //if no bearer token throw a simple exception.
           .switchIfEmpty(Mono.defer(() -> Mono.error(new Exception("Unauthorized"))))
           //validate token with your custom method. If not valid, deals same as before.
           .filter(token -> validateToken(token))
           .switchIfEmpty(Mono.defer(() -> Mono.error(new Exception("Unauthorized"))))
           .onErrorResume(e -> {
              throw managedException(e);
           //continue the request.


        //method to escape throw check.
        protected RuntimeException managedException(final Throwable e) {

        if (e instanceof ISSException.GenericException) {
            return (ISSException.GenericException) e;
        return (RuntimeException) e;

This, of course, won't be complete with a exception handler. Luckily, we have the org.springframework.boot.web.reactive.error.ErrorWebExceptionHandler interface:

public class WebfluxExceptionHandler implements ErrorWebExceptionHandler

And override the handle method to catch our exception:

public Mono<Void> handle(final ServerWebExchange serverWebExchange, final Throwable throwable) {
    if (throwable.getMessage().equals("Unauthorized")) {
       //put an unauthorized code serverWebExchange.getResponse().setStatusCode(org.springframework.http.HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED);
    return Mono.error(throwable);


情绪少女 2025-02-20 11:58:28

您可以使用 collection.containsall() 也将@oh上帝蜘蛛归功于他们在几乎在同一第二个评论中提到的):

return list.containsAll(map.keySet());

You can use Collection.containsAll() (also credits to @OH GOD SPIDERS since they mentioned it in the comments almost in the same second) :

return list.containsAll(map.keySet());

检查ArrayList Java中存在的地图密钥

情绪少女 2025-02-20 00:24:15


<Link className={`${isDisabled ? 'pointer-events-none' : 'cursor-pointer'}`} href={`${isDisabled ? 'http://Gogogo' : ''}`>
  My dynamic link


You can achieve something like this using CSS:

<Link className={`${isDisabled ? 'pointer-events-none' : 'cursor-pointer'}`} href={`${isDisabled ? 'http://Gogogo' : ''}`>
  My dynamic link

If you're not using Tailwind CSS, you can create your own class and add the pointer-events: none property in your stylesheet to disable the link when necessary.
Good luck!

如何有条件地渲染按钮 /链接Next.js组件使用Typescript

情绪少女 2025-02-19 21:30:47

就我而言,我正在安装mysql_connector_python-8.1.0-cp38-cp38-win_amd64,并且需要Protobuf版本&gt; = 4.21.1,&&&&&lt; = 4.21.12。 ( https://dev.mysql.com/doc/relnotes/connector-python/en/news-8-1-0.html


You must install the correct dependency (protobuf) version for your connector version.
In my case, I was installing mysql_connector_python-8.1.0-cp38-cp38-win_amd64 and it requires protobuf version >= 4.21.1, <=4.21.12. (https://dev.mysql.com/doc/relnotes/connector-python/en/news-8-1-0.html)

To figure the correct protobuf version for which case, you can install python on a internet connected machine and pip install the connector. It will automatically download and install the correct dependency version. Then you can search for that version wheel, download its wheel and install on the offline machine.

MySQL连接器Python PIP安装离线安装

情绪少女 2025-02-18 19:14:03

我在React问题上使用了一种解决方法来解决此问题。 Method link: https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/11538 #issuecomment-417504600


// https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/11538#issuecomment-417504600
export default function fixGoogleTranslateCauseReactAppCrashProblems() {
  const observer = new MutationObserver(function () {
    if (document.documentElement.className.match('translated')) {

  observer.observe(document.documentElement, {
    attributes: true,
    attributeFilter: ['class'],
    childList: false,
    characterData: false,

function installPolyfill() {
  if (typeof Node === 'function' && Node.prototype) {
    const originalRemoveChild = Node.prototype.removeChild;
    Node.prototype.removeChild = function (child) {
      if (child.parentNode !== this) {
        console.error('Cannot remove a child from a different parent');
        return child;
      return originalRemoveChild.apply(this, arguments);

    const originalInsertBefore = Node.prototype.insertBefore;
    Node.prototype.insertBefore = function (newNode, referenceNode) {
      if (referenceNode && referenceNode.parentNode !== this) {
        console.error('Cannot insert before a reference node from a different parent');
        return newNode;
      return originalInsertBefore.apply(this, arguments);

I used a workaround method provided on React issue to solve this problem. Method link: https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/11538#issuecomment-417504600 .
My change point is: run this method only when the page is detected to be translated.

my code:

// https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/11538#issuecomment-417504600
export default function fixGoogleTranslateCauseReactAppCrashProblems() {
  const observer = new MutationObserver(function () {
    if (document.documentElement.className.match('translated')) {

  observer.observe(document.documentElement, {
    attributes: true,
    attributeFilter: ['class'],
    childList: false,
    characterData: false,

function installPolyfill() {
  if (typeof Node === 'function' && Node.prototype) {
    const originalRemoveChild = Node.prototype.removeChild;
    Node.prototype.removeChild = function (child) {
      if (child.parentNode !== this) {
        console.error('Cannot remove a child from a different parent');
        return child;
      return originalRemoveChild.apply(this, arguments);

    const originalInsertBefore = Node.prototype.insertBefore;
    Node.prototype.insertBefore = function (newNode, referenceNode) {
      if (referenceNode && referenceNode.parentNode !== this) {
        console.error('Cannot insert before a reference node from a different parent');
        return newNode;
      return originalInsertBefore.apply(this, arguments);


情绪少女 2025-02-18 01:44:34

您可以使用 itertools.compress() /a>要过滤所有 false 条目。 计数器的选项应最有效,只需在 n 参数/library/collections.html#collections.counter.most_common“ rel =” nofollow noreferrer“> .most_common() 让它返回单个对。


from itertools import compress
from collections import Counter

names = ['alan_grant', 'alan_grant', 'alan_grant', 'alan_grant', 'alan_grant', 'claire_dearing', 'claire_dearing', 'claire_dearing', 'claire_dearing', 'claire_dearing', 'ellie_sattler', 'ellie_sattler', 'ellie_sattler', 'ellie_sattler', 'ellie_sattler', 'ian_malcolm', 'ian_malcolm', 'ian_malcolm', 'ian_malcolm', 'ian_malcolm', 'john_hammond', 'john_hammond', 'john_hammond', 'john_hammond', 'john_hammond', 'owen_grady', 'owen_grady', 'owen_grady', 'owen_grady', 'owen_grady']
votes = [True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, True, True, True]

most_common = Counter(compress(names, votes)).most_common(1)[0][0]
# Or with some syntax sugar:
# [(most_common, _)] = Counter(compress(names, votes)).most_common(1)

Upd. I've made some benchmarks对于这种特殊情况,似乎略微优化的第一种方法表明了更好的性能:

from itertools import compress

names = ['alan_grant', 'alan_grant', 'alan_grant', 'alan_grant', 'alan_grant', 'claire_dearing', 'claire_dearing', 'claire_dearing', 'claire_dearing', 'claire_dearing', 'ellie_sattler', 'ellie_sattler', 'ellie_sattler', 'ellie_sattler', 'ellie_sattler', 'ian_malcolm', 'ian_malcolm', 'ian_malcolm', 'ian_malcolm', 'ian_malcolm', 'john_hammond', 'john_hammond', 'john_hammond', 'john_hammond', 'john_hammond', 'owen_grady', 'owen_grady', 'owen_grady', 'owen_grady', 'owen_grady']
votes = [True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, True, True, True]

characters = list(compress(names, votes))
most_common = max(set(characters), key=characters.count)

You can use itertools.compress() to filter all false entries. Option with Counter should be most efficient, just use n argument in .most_common() to let it return a single pair.


from itertools import compress
from collections import Counter

names = ['alan_grant', 'alan_grant', 'alan_grant', 'alan_grant', 'alan_grant', 'claire_dearing', 'claire_dearing', 'claire_dearing', 'claire_dearing', 'claire_dearing', 'ellie_sattler', 'ellie_sattler', 'ellie_sattler', 'ellie_sattler', 'ellie_sattler', 'ian_malcolm', 'ian_malcolm', 'ian_malcolm', 'ian_malcolm', 'ian_malcolm', 'john_hammond', 'john_hammond', 'john_hammond', 'john_hammond', 'john_hammond', 'owen_grady', 'owen_grady', 'owen_grady', 'owen_grady', 'owen_grady']
votes = [True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, True, True, True]

most_common = Counter(compress(names, votes)).most_common(1)[0][0]
# Or with some syntax sugar:
# [(most_common, _)] = Counter(compress(names, votes)).most_common(1)

Upd. I've made some benchmarks and it seems like for this particular case slightly optimized first method demonstrates better performance:

from itertools import compress

names = ['alan_grant', 'alan_grant', 'alan_grant', 'alan_grant', 'alan_grant', 'claire_dearing', 'claire_dearing', 'claire_dearing', 'claire_dearing', 'claire_dearing', 'ellie_sattler', 'ellie_sattler', 'ellie_sattler', 'ellie_sattler', 'ellie_sattler', 'ian_malcolm', 'ian_malcolm', 'ian_malcolm', 'ian_malcolm', 'ian_malcolm', 'john_hammond', 'john_hammond', 'john_hammond', 'john_hammond', 'john_hammond', 'owen_grady', 'owen_grady', 'owen_grady', 'owen_grady', 'owen_grady']
votes = [True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, True, True, True]

characters = list(compress(names, votes))
most_common = max(set(characters), key=characters.count)


情绪少女 2025-02-17 20:10:53

git log -diff-filter = d-summary



git log -diff-filter = d-summary | GREP DELETE

git log --diff-filter=D --summary

See Find and restore a deleted file in a Git repository

If you don't want all the information about which commit they were removed in, you can just add a grep delete in there.

git log --diff-filter=D --summary | grep delete


情绪少女 2025-02-17 18:12:53
  var array = [
      category: "hats",
      name: "hat1"
      category: "Pants",
      name: "pants2"
      category: "hats",
      name: "hat2"
      category: "Pants",
      name: "pants1"

  var arrayofarray = Object.values(
    array.reduce((acc, cur) => {
      acc[cur["category"]] = [...(acc[cur["category"]] || []), cur];
      return acc;
    }, {})

  return (
      {arrayofarray.map((category) => {
        return (
            {category.map(({ category, image, name, _id }, i) => {
              return (
                    {i} {name} {category}



  var array = [
      category: "hats",
      name: "hat1"
      category: "Pants",
      name: "pants2"
      category: "hats",
      name: "hat2"
      category: "Pants",
      name: "pants1"

  var arrayofarray = Object.values(
    array.reduce((acc, cur) => {
      acc[cur["category"]] = [...(acc[cur["category"]] || []), cur];
      return acc;
    }, {})

  return (
      {arrayofarray.map((category) => {
        return (
            {category.map(({ category, image, name, _id }, i) => {
              return (
                    {i} {name} {category}

So i created a test project see sandbox here: https://codesandbox.io/s/stoic-lovelace-uw7hen?file=/src/App.js

I think it does what you require, so what I did was create an array of arrays based on the category and then map over the array of arrays, this will get you the result you need.


情绪少女 2025-02-17 13:25:32

我在您提供的样本中看不到任何重复。是的,对于部门编号,有很多行相同的行,但它们都与日期不同。工会过滤了重复的行,而不是值。您可以列出二十个名字,其中姓氏史密斯。但是Brain Smith和Carl Smith显然是不同的名字。

I don't see any duplicates in the sample you gave. Yes, there are a lot of rows with the same value for department numbers but they all have different from dates. A union filters out duplicate rows, not values. You can have a list of twenty names all with the last name Smith. But Brain Smith and Carl Smith are clearly different names.

工会在产出中产生重复项(MySQL Workbench)

情绪少女 2025-02-17 08:31:37

SyntaxError 发生,因为您使用&gt; = 而没有值之前:

if (total1, total2)<=10 or (total1, total2)>=90:

但是,您将获得 typeError ,因为&lt; = tuple 和`in int''之间不支持的情况下不支持


if total1<=10 or total2>=90:

SyntaxError occurs because you use >= without a value before it:
More proper would be:

if (total1, total2)<=10 or (total1, total2)>=90:

But then you will get a TypeError because <= not supported between instances of tuple and `int'

It is not clear what are you trying to compare.
Maybe you want to do something like this:

if total1<=10 or total2>=90:


情绪少女 2025-02-17 08:11:32

ng02100 错误也可能是掩盖 ng0701 错误,这是“缺失的语言数据数据”错误。您可以使用浏览器的开发人员工具 transform 在StackTrace末端附近调用,并通过在其外部运行违规行, 尝试块。如果提出了 NG0701 错误,请尝试以下解决方案之一:


An NG02100 error might also be masking an NG0701 error which is a "missing locale data" error. You can confirm this using the Developer Tools of your browser, by putting a breakpoint in the transform call near the end of the stacktrace, and by running the offending line outside of its try block. If an NG0701 error is raised, try one of these solutions:

  • Either you forgot --localize in ng build --localize
  • or you can see this question for other solutions

If this doesn't help, take another look at all the steps taken in the Angular i18n docs.


情绪少女 2025-02-17 06:25:47


构造函数应该初始化类。因此,拥有一个函数 init_bomberman 表明您不了解构造函数的用途。该功能应该是构造函数,可能别无其他。


class BomberMan {
        void run()
            while (RayLib::ShouldWindowClose()) {
                // game updates things
            // init data, load sprites, do things

int main ()
    try {
    } catch (std::exception &e) {
        std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;



It's pretty bad to do so.

The constructor is supposed to initialize the class. So having a function Init_BomberMan shows that you don't understand what a constructor is for. That function should be the constructor and probably nothing else.

And then you should have a function that runs your game, lets call that run as is so often used:

class BomberMan {
        void run()
            while (RayLib::ShouldWindowClose()) {
                // game updates things
            // init data, load sprites, do things

int main ()
    try {
    } catch (std::exception &e) {
        std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;

The biggest reason for this, besides bad style, is that exception handling in constructors is a pain. Also calling other functions of the class in the constructor is fishy. You can do that if you are careful and only use members of the class that have already been initialized and such. Keep your constructors simple. The best constructor is an empty one, only topped by not needing one at all.

Use member initialization lists in the constructor or inline initialization of the members.


情绪少女 2025-02-17 04:24:48

您可以用 statersProperties 来表达属性或属性集的限制模式;它的值是一个模式,它根据匹配的所有属性的值进行评估。因此,例如,要表达一组以大写字母开头的属性的规则,您可以执行“ pattern properties”:{“^[az]”:{...更多规则在这里... 。要根据完整的模式定义属性名称的规则,您可以使用 propertyNames

为了表达所有属性值的架构,无论名称如何,您都可以使用 fromproperties 。这些规则将与已经与属性匹配的任何属性匹配 statersproperties

您可以使用 minproperties 表达最小数量的属性。

您可以用项目在数组中的所有项目表示规则。 Minitems 可用于表达最小允许数量的项目。


  "type": "object",
  "minProperties": 1,
  "additionalProperties": {
    "type": "array",
    "minItems": 1,
    "items": {
      "type": "string"

https schema.org/understanding-json-schema/reference/object.html

You can express a restricted pattern for a property or set of properties with patternProperties; its value is a schema, which is evaluated against the values of all properties that match. So for example, to express a set of rules used for properties that start with a capital letter, you can do "patternProperties": { "^[A-Z]": { ... more rules here .... To define the rules for a property name in terms of a full schema, you can use propertyNames.

To express a schema for the value of all properties, regardless of name, you can use additionalProperties. These rules will not match against any property already matched with a properties or patternProperties.

You can express the minimum number of properties with minProperties.

You can express the rules for all items in an array with items. And minItems can be used to express the minimum allowable number of items.

The schema for your data can be expressed by:

  "type": "object",
  "minProperties": 1,
  "additionalProperties": {
    "type": "array",
    "minItems": 1,
    "items": {
      "type": "string"






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