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罗罗贝儿 2025-02-21 00:12:46


Lable     Value
Jan-Mar    1 
Apr-Jun    2
Jul-Sep    3
Oct-Dec    4

然后在查询中,您可以使用此值使用 datePart(qq,[案例接收日期])根据季度返回值1到4的值。

You can add parameter and 'Specify Values' list in 'Available Values' like below:

Lable     Value
Jan-Mar    1 
Apr-Jun    2
Jul-Sep    3
Oct-Dec    4

Then in your query, you can use this value to compare against your date using DATEPART(qq,[Case Received Date]) which returns values 1 through 4 based on quarter.

enter image description here


罗罗贝儿 2025-02-20 23:26:28

Google Play :我通过创建一个新的开发人员帐户而不是使用我的电子邮件名称而是我的公司凭据(简单地问您要创建一个与您自己的电子邮件帐户不同的付款帐户)来解决它似乎旧的卡信息和其他数据也允许国际交易和购买,但是我不知道一个重要的新问题作为Aditional安全措施我的卡片在我的银行应用程序中进行了更新,我正在使用该卡片的背面打印。

GOOGLE PLAY : I solved it by creating a new developer account, not using my email name but my company credentials (Its simply, it asks you if you want to create a payment account different than your own email account. It seems that old card info, and other data gets in a way. Also my bank allowed international transactions and purchases, but there is an important new issue I did not know : CVV (Credit or Debit Card Security Number) changes every 5 minutes as an aditional security measure of my cards. It updates in my bank app and I was using the one printed in the back of the card. Be careful with that, google can also block you after many failures.

Google Pay交易拒绝:无效付款方式。 [OR_CCREU_01]

罗罗贝儿 2025-02-20 09:28:11


You can use the Content-Based router as in this example to send the operations to different topics (this requires installing Debezium scripting, see in the same link). This will create separate topics with the messages but I don't know if you can use the same S3 sink connector to take both topics to different buckets (as it seems that it doesn't support routing) so you might have to create a connector for each topic and configure each of them with the correct sink bucket.


罗罗贝儿 2025-02-20 00:23:45



然后,您可以用“ $ 2” “ \ 2” 以其他语言中的)替换字符串,以将第二个捕获组的内容放置代码>(\ d {5})返回。

唯一的问题是默认情况下与newline字符不匹配。通常,您可以将标志传递到更改以匹配所有字符。对于大多数Regex变体,这是 s (单行)flag(pcre,java,c#,python)。其他变体使用 m (多行)标志(Ruby)。检查您正在使用的正则验证的条件变体的文档。



regex101 demo

  • (?s) - 设置 s s (单行)标志的剩余模式。哪个使可以匹配newline字符((?m) ruby​​)。
  • ^ - 匹配字符串的开始(Ruby的 \ a )。
  • (。*\ d)? - [可选]匹配任何内容,然后将其存储在捕获组1中。
  • (\ d {5}) - 匹配5位数字并将其存储在捕获组2中。
  • (\ d。*)? - [可选]匹配非数字,然后将其存储在捕获第3组中。
  • $ - 匹配字符串( \ z Ruby)。

此正则将导致存储在Capture组2中的最后5位数字。如果您想使用第一个5位数字,则必须在(。*\ d)?。意味着它变为(。*?\ d)?


javaScript的一个示例是内联标志。在这种情况下,您需要用与所有字符匹配的东西替换。在javascript 可以使用。对于其他变体,这可能不起作用,您需要使用 [\ s \ s]

所有这些。假设可以使用“ $ 2” 作为替换的语言,以及您不需要逃脱后斜切的地方,以及支持Inline (?S) flag的Regex变体。答案是:

regexReplace("{{ticket.description}}", "(?s)^(.*\D)?(\d{5})(\D.*)?$", "$2")

The easiest regex is probably:


You can then replace the string with "$2" ("\2" in other languages) to only place the contents of the second capture group (\d{5}) back.

The only issue is that . doesn't match newline characters by default. Normally you can pass a flag to change . to match ALL characters. For most regex variants this is the s (single line) flag (PCRE, Java, C#, Python). Other variants use the m (multi line) flag (Ruby). Check the documentation of the regex variant you are using for verification.

However the question suggest that you're not able to pass flags separately, in which case you could pass them as part of the regex itself.


regex101 demo

  • (?s) - Set the s (single line) flag for the remainder of the pattern. Which enables . to match newline characters ((?m) for Ruby).
  • ^ - Match the start of the string (\A for Ruby).
  • (.*\D)? - [optional] Match anything followed by a non-digit and store it in capture group 1.
  • (\d{5}) - Match 5 digits and store it in capture group 2.
  • (\D.*)? - [optional] Match a non-digit followed by anything and store it in capture group 3.
  • $ - Match the end of the string (\z for Ruby).

This regex will result in the last 5-digit number being stored in capture group 2. If you want to use the first 5-digit number instead, you'll have to use a lazy quantifier in (.*\D)?. Meaning that it becomes (.*?\D)?.

(?s) is supported by most regex variants, but not all. Refer to the regex variant documentation to see if it's available for you.

An example where the inline flags are not available is JavaScript. In such scenario you need to replace . with something that matches ALL characters. In JavaScript [^] can be used. For other variants this might not work and you need to use [\s\S].

With all this out of the way. Assuming a language that can use "$2" as replacement, and where you do not need to escape backslashes, and a regex variant that supports an inline (?s) flag. The answer would be:

regexReplace("{{ticket.description}}", "(?s)^(.*\D)?(\d{5})(\D.*)?
quot;, "$2")


罗罗贝儿 2025-02-19 12:41:44


  1. 打开安装程序项目的“文件系统”视图(右) - 单击“解决方案资源管理器”中的项目,然后从“弹出菜单”中选择“视图 - > file System”命令)。

  2. 在该视图的左侧窗格中选择“用户的程序菜单”,然后右键单击右侧窗格的任何地方;然后,您应该查看带有“创建新快捷方式”命令的弹出菜单(类似于如下所示)


  1. 选择此命令;然后,在随后的对话框中,导航到捷径(可执行文件),然后单击“确定”。然后,该项目的快捷方式将出现在文件系统视图的右侧窗格中,您可以与Windows中的任何其他文件一起重命名。

要为快捷方式添加图标,请在右侧窗格中选择该新项目,然后在“属性”窗口中选择“ browse”属性。您可以在目标文件系统中浏览图标 - 但请注意,默认情况下,仅显示“*.ICO”文件;如果要查找目标程序并使用该文件的默认值(即最低ID号)图标,则需要在弹出对话框中选择“所有文件”或“可执行文件”。

Assuming you want a shortcut to a program that is part of the installer package (most likely in the "Application Folder"), then you can use the following steps:

  1. Open the "File System" view for your installer project (right-click on the project in Solution Explorer and select the "View -> File System" command from the pop-up menu).

  2. Select the "User's Programs Menu" in the left-hand pane of that view, then right-click anywhere in the right-hand pane; you should then see a pop-up menu with a "Create New Shortcut" command (similar to that shown below)

enter image description here

  1. Select this command; then, in the dialog box that follows, navigate to the target (executable) for the shortcut and click "OK". A shortcut to that item will then appear in the right-hand pane of your File System View, which you can rename as with any other file in Windows.

To add an icon for the shortcut, select that new item in the right-hand pane and then, in the "Properties" window, select "Browse" from the "Icon" property. You can browse for an icon in the target file system – but note that, by default, only "*.ico" files are shown; you need to select "All Files" or "Executable Files" in the pop-up dialog if you want to find the target program and use that file's default (i.e. lowest ID number) icon.


罗罗贝儿 2025-02-19 02:13:05

-r 标志应根据 man Pages

The -r flag should solve your problem according to the man pages.


罗罗贝儿 2025-02-17 15:37:14



search_type default value
The default value for the search_type in Elasticsearch is query_then_fetch. This now is also set as default value in the Query implementations, it was previously set to dfs_query_then_fetch.




Actually found my own answer in the spring data breaking changes documentation (duh).


search_type default value
The default value for the search_type in Elasticsearch is query_then_fetch. This now is also set as default value in the Query implementations, it was previously set to dfs_query_then_fetch.

The dfs_query_then_fetch option queries all shards for document and term frequency to equal out the score between different shards. This is no longer used by default, therefore the mentioned problem occurs.

It can be fixed by setting the searchtype for the query like so:



罗罗贝儿 2025-02-17 12:33:02


import pandas
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder

class MultiColumnLabelEncoder:
    def __init__(self,columns = None):
        self.columns = columns # array of column names to encode

    def fit(self,X,y=None):
        return self # not relevant here

    def transform(self,X):
        output = X.copy()
        if self.columns is not None:
            for col in self.columns:
                output[col] = LabelEncoder().fit_transform(output[col])
            for colname,col in output.iteritems():
                output[colname] = LabelEncoder().fit_transform(col)
        return output

    def fit_transform(self,X,y=None):
        return self.fit(X,y).transform(X)

MultiColumnLabelEncoder(columns = ['country', 'league', 'home_team', 'away_team']).fit_transform(df_train)


For encoding those four column with strings, you can use label encoder or one hot encoders. Here is the reference class for your case with label encoder.

import pandas
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder

class MultiColumnLabelEncoder:
    def __init__(self,columns = None):
        self.columns = columns # array of column names to encode

    def fit(self,X,y=None):
        return self # not relevant here

    def transform(self,X):
        output = X.copy()
        if self.columns is not None:
            for col in self.columns:
                output[col] = LabelEncoder().fit_transform(output[col])
            for colname,col in output.iteritems():
                output[colname] = LabelEncoder().fit_transform(col)
        return output

    def fit_transform(self,X,y=None):
        return self.fit(X,y).transform(X)

MultiColumnLabelEncoder(columns = ['country', 'league', 'home_team', 'away_team']).fit_transform(df_train)

I assume this may help for your case.


罗罗贝儿 2025-02-17 08:38:35


def foo(ii: int) -> tuple[int, int, float, float, int]:
    return 1 + ii, 2 + ii, 3.0 + ii, 4.0 + ii, 5 + ii

Keep it simple. The first function can be successfully jitted and returns a tuple. You can specify the signature using the following code:

def foo(ii: int) -> tuple[int, int, float, float, int]:
    return 1 + ii, 2 + ii, 3.0 + ii, 4.0 + ii, 5 + ii

如何从numba jit compried函数中返回1D结构化数组(混合类型)?

罗罗贝儿 2025-02-17 08:16:44


get<T>(url: string, observe: 'body'): Observable<T>;
get(url: string, observe: 'response'): Observable<HttpResponse<Blob>>;
get(url: string, observe: 'body' | 'response') {
  if (observe === 'body') {
    // ... implementation
  } else {
    // ... implementation

You cannot have two functions with the same name (and within the same scope) in javascript. You must instead make a single function that can work out which arguments you have and do the right thing, then with typescript you can write two different function signatures to get the types correct e.g.:

get<T>(url: string, observe: 'body'): Observable<T>;
get(url: string, observe: 'response'): Observable<HttpResponse<Blob>>;
get(url: string, observe: 'body' | 'response') {
  if (observe === 'body') {
    // ... implementation
  } else {
    // ... implementation


罗罗贝儿 2025-02-17 04:45:56


Yes, this feature is available where the default landing UI would be
Snowsight instead of the current Classic UI. Please reach out to Support team to get more details on this.


罗罗贝儿 2025-02-16 18:32:15

您可以使用 object.values() flat()数组进行更新:

const data = {
  arr1 : [{id: 1, name: "Mike"}, {id: 2, name: "Peter"}],
  arr2 : [{id: 6, name: "John"}, {id: 9, name: "Mary"}],
  arr3 : [{id: 5, name: "Nick"}, {id: 4, name: "Ken"}],
  arr4 : [{id: 3, name: "Kelvin"}, {id: 7, name: "Steve"}, {id: 8, name: "Hank"}]
const updateElement = (id, newName) => {
  const values = Object.values(data).flat().find(ele => ele.id === id)
  if(values) values.name = newName
updateElement(1, 'newName')

you can use Object.values() and flat() array for update it :

const data = {
  arr1 : [{id: 1, name: "Mike"}, {id: 2, name: "Peter"}],
  arr2 : [{id: 6, name: "John"}, {id: 9, name: "Mary"}],
  arr3 : [{id: 5, name: "Nick"}, {id: 4, name: "Ken"}],
  arr4 : [{id: 3, name: "Kelvin"}, {id: 7, name: "Steve"}, {id: 8, name: "Hank"}]
const updateElement = (id, newName) => {
  const values = Object.values(data).flat().find(ele => ele.id === id)
  if(values) values.name = newName
updateElement(1, 'newName')


罗罗贝儿 2025-02-16 18:18:53

更改b列,其中<代码> loc 运算符在列表中的值a在列表中


df.loc[(df["A"].isin(List)), "B"] = 1


df.fillna(0, inplace=True) 


names = ['james', 'randy', 'mona', 'lisa', 'paul', 'clara']
List = ["james", "michael", "clara"]
df = pd.DataFrame(data=names, columns=['A'])
df["B"] = np.nan

df.loc[(df["A"].isin(List)), "B"] = 1
df.fillna(0, inplace=True) 

Change B column where value A is in List

Using the loc operator you can easily select the rows where the item in the A column is in your List, and change the B column of these rows.

df.loc[(df["A"].isin(List)), "B"] = 1

Use np.fillna to fill empty cells with zeros.

df.fillna(0, inplace=True) 

Full Code

names = ['james', 'randy', 'mona', 'lisa', 'paul', 'clara']
List = ["james", "michael", "clara"]
df = pd.DataFrame(data=names, columns=['A'])
df["B"] = np.nan

df.loc[(df["A"].isin(List)), "B"] = 1
df.fillna(0, inplace=True) 


罗罗贝儿 2025-02-16 08:50:59


SELECT System, 
    min(StartTime) as 'File Load Start Time',
    max(EndTime) as 'File Load End Time', 
    sec_to_time(sum( case when substring_index(subsystem,' ',1)='a1' then to_seconds(endtime)-to_seconds(starttime) else 0 end 
    ) )as 'A1 Time Taken',
    sec_to_time(sum( case when substring_index(subsystem,' ',1)='a2' then to_seconds(endtime)-to_seconds(starttime) else 0 end 
    ) )as 'A2 Time Taken',
    sec_to_time(sum( case when substring_index(subsystem,' ',1)='a3' then to_seconds(endtime)-to_seconds(starttime) else 0 end 
    ) )as 'A3 Time Taken'

Your original query just needs a little bit of tweaking in order to work properly. I tested it in workbench. It works now.

SELECT System, 
    min(StartTime) as 'File Load Start Time',
    max(EndTime) as 'File Load End Time', 
    sec_to_time(sum( case when substring_index(subsystem,' ',1)='a1' then to_seconds(endtime)-to_seconds(starttime) else 0 end 
    ) )as 'A1 Time Taken',
    sec_to_time(sum( case when substring_index(subsystem,' ',1)='a2' then to_seconds(endtime)-to_seconds(starttime) else 0 end 
    ) )as 'A2 Time Taken',
    sec_to_time(sum( case when substring_index(subsystem,' ',1)='a3' then to_seconds(endtime)-to_seconds(starttime) else 0 end 
    ) )as 'A3 Time Taken'





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