
文章 评论 浏览 31

寄意 2025-02-20 22:16:20


int main( void )


int (*x)[12], i;


(*x)[i] = i;



#include <stdio.h>

int main( void )
    enum { N = 12 };
    int a[N];

    int (*x)[N] = &a;

    for ( size_t i = 0; i < N; i++ )
        (*x)[i] = i;
        printf( "%d\n", (*x)[i] );


#include <stdio.h>

int main( void )
    enum { N = 12 };
    int a[N];

    int *x = a;

    for ( size_t i = 0; i < N; i++ )
        x[i] = i;
        printf( "%d\n", x[i] );


int *x = a;

将其隐式转换为指向其类型 int *的第一个元素的指针。


int (*x)[N] = &a;

初始化表达式&amp; a 已经是类型 int( *)[n] 的指针。


(*x)[i] = i;

子表达*x 产生数组 a 的lvalue。因此,实际上,上述表达式等同于

a[i] = i;


int *x = a;


int ( *x )[N] = &a;

x 存储数组 a 的记忆范围的起始地址,但不同类型。删除第一个指针,您将获得数组 a 的第一个元素。取消第二个指针,您将获得整个数组本身。

For starters according to the C Standard the function main without parameters shall be decalred like

int main( void )

In the shown program you declared an uninitialized pointer

int (*x)[12], i;

that has an indeterminate value. So dereferencing the pointer

(*x)[i] = i;

results in undefined behavior.

Instead you could write for example

#include <stdio.h>

int main( void )
    enum { N = 12 };
    int a[N];

    int (*x)[N] = &a;

    for ( size_t i = 0; i < N; i++ )
        (*x)[i] = i;
        printf( "%d\n", (*x)[i] );

Though the program will look simpler if to write it like

#include <stdio.h>

int main( void )
    enum { N = 12 };
    int a[N];

    int *x = a;

    for ( size_t i = 0; i < N; i++ )
        x[i] = i;
        printf( "%d\n", x[i] );

In this declaration

int *x = a;

is implicitly converted to a pointer to its first element of the type int *.

In this declaration

int (*x)[N] = &a;

the initializing expression &a is already a pointer of the type int ( * )[N].

So in the expression

(*x)[i] = i;

the subexpression *x yields lvalue of the array a. So in fact the above expression is equivalent to

a[i] = i;

Pay attention to that in the both declarations

int *x = a;


int ( *x )[N] = &a;

the pointers x store the starting address of the memory extent occupied by the array a but have different types. Dereferencing the first pointer you will get the first element of the array a. Dereferencing the second pointer you will get the whole array itself.

我需要帮助理解“指向N Integers”数组的正确用法。初始化

寄意 2025-02-20 17:31:17

一个解决方案是将每个解决方案包装 span input div ,并给出每个 span display:block < /代码>


 <span>Name </span>
      onChange={(e) => setName(e.target.value)}
    <div style={{ flexDirection: "row", display: "flex" }}>
       style={{ display: 'block' }}
        Start Date
        style={{ flexDirection: "row", width: "45%", flexWrap: "wrap" }}
        onChange={(e) => setStartDate(e.target.value)}
      <span style={{ display: 'block' }}>End Date</span>
        style={{ flexDirection: "row", width: "45%", flexWrap: "wrap" }}
        onChange={(e) => setEndDate(e.target.value)}

One solution is wrap each span and input into a div and give each span display: block

It would be better to use classes instead of using inline style.

 <span>Name </span>
      onChange={(e) => setName(e.target.value)}
    <div style={{ flexDirection: "row", display: "flex" }}>
       style={{ display: 'block' }}
        Start Date
        style={{ flexDirection: "row", width: "45%", flexWrap: "wrap" }}
        onChange={(e) => setStartDate(e.target.value)}
      <span style={{ display: 'block' }}>End Date</span>
        style={{ flexDirection: "row", width: "45%", flexWrap: "wrap" }}
        onChange={(e) => setEndDate(e.target.value)}


寄意 2025-02-20 14:26:58


$(document).ready(function () {
    let oldTimeout = null;
    let timeToWaitBeforeSending = 1000 //ms
    $('#cards-search').on('input', function () {
        if (oldTimeout !== null) {
        timout = setTimeout(() => {
            cards_page = '';
            cards_search = this.value;
        }, timeToWaitBeforeSending );

try this, this is called debouncing in case u need to search more about it

$(document).ready(function () {
    let oldTimeout = null;
    let timeToWaitBeforeSending = 1000 //ms
    $('#cards-search').on('input', function () {
        if (oldTimeout !== null) {
        timout = setTimeout(() => {
            cards_page = '';
            cards_search = this.value;
        }, timeToWaitBeforeSending );


寄意 2025-02-20 12:22:58


想法是,获取 dataTable 内的行数,然后进行槽,然后做您已经做过的事情。

int NumOfItems = Dt1.AsEnumarable().ToList();

for(int i = 0; i < NumOfItems.Count; i++)
   Dt1 = Dt1 .AsEnumerable().GroupBy(r => new { filename = r.Field<string>("filename1"), filesize = r.Field<string>("filesizeinkb") }).Select(g => g.First()).CopyToDataTable();

Note: This was blindly typed here, so there might be some typos in the code.

Idea is, get the number of rows inside your DataTable, and go trough each of them, and do what you already did.

int NumOfItems = Dt1.AsEnumarable().ToList();

for(int i = 0; i < NumOfItems.Count; i++)
   Dt1 = Dt1 .AsEnumerable().GroupBy(r => new { filename = r.Field<string>("filename1"), filesize = r.Field<string>("filesizeinkb") }).Select(g => g.First()).CopyToDataTable();


寄意 2025-02-20 10:14:23



Jasons的建议对我有用,仍然无法使用Visual Studio分发到Google Play,因此手动方法奏效了,根本不值得浪费更多时间试图弄清为什么Visual Studio不像以前那样做。


我恢复了Visual Studio 2022v。17.05



can you build an APK and submit to Google manually?

Jasons suggestion worked for me, still can't use Visual studio to distribute to google play, so the manual approach worked, simply not worth it to waste more time trying to figure out why Visual studio isn't doing as it used to.

Quick update:

I reverted back to Visual Studio 2022 v. 17.05

And now my iOS building/archiving works again, its apparently very ill adviced to update your visual studio if you use Xamarin.

Xamarin Android分布

寄意 2025-02-19 14:14:27



try {
    // ...
} catch(e: any) {
    if (typeof e === "object" && e !== null && e.data) {

请注意,Typescript在 catch 子句中的类型规范方面有局限代码>数据属性或任何东西。

这是a 打字条游乐场。

There are a lot of ways you could fix this, depending what you're going for.

But this is the simplest:

try {
    // ...
} catch(e: any) {
    if (typeof e === "object" && e !== null && e.data) {

Note that TypeScript has limitations surrounding what you can do in terms of type specification in a catch clause, so you can't do something more complicated like declare an error type containing a data property or anything.

Here's the above code in a TypeScript playground.


寄意 2025-02-19 11:45:25










    Layout layout=new Layout(...);
    //A lot of other icons...
    //Your position icon...




Render your "current position icon" after you rendered every other icon.

If it's XML then just add it last.

If it's in Java then just declare and add it to the layout last.

Can't provide code if you can't provide code though...


Made out my mind, I'll provide some code.





    Layout layout=new Layout(...);
    //A lot of other icons...
    //Your position icon...

Or, if you are using drag-and-drop.

Just drop the icon last.

(But it would be better if you code it instead just to make sure.)


寄意 2025-02-19 03:38:16



import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
import java.util.zip.CRC32;

public class ChkSum {
    public static long generate(byte[] content){
        CRC32 crc32 = new CRC32();
        crc32.update(content, 0, content.length);
        return crc32.getValue();

    public static int match(String expected, String actual){
        long exp_hash = generate(StringUtils.trimAllWhitespace(expected).getBytes());
        long act_hash = generate(StringUtils.trimAllWhitespace(actual).getBytes());

        return Long.compare(exp_hash,act_hash);


  Scenario: Get demo.wsdl
    * def chksum = Java.type('ChkSum')
    Given path '/demo'
    And param wsdl = 'demoLookup.wsdl'
    When method get
    Then status 200
    # note how we focus only on the relevant part of the payload and read expected XML from a file
    #And print 'response: ', response
    * xmlstring exp = read('expected-demo.wsdl')
    * xmlstring act = response
    * def result = chksum.match(exp, act)
    # And match exp == act
    And match result == 0

In case someone else is attempting a similar need.


import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
import java.util.zip.CRC32;

public class ChkSum {
    public static long generate(byte[] content){
        CRC32 crc32 = new CRC32();
        crc32.update(content, 0, content.length);
        return crc32.getValue();

    public static int match(String expected, String actual){
        long exp_hash = generate(StringUtils.trimAllWhitespace(expected).getBytes());
        long act_hash = generate(StringUtils.trimAllWhitespace(actual).getBytes());

        return Long.compare(exp_hash,act_hash);


  Scenario: Get demo.wsdl
    * def chksum = Java.type('ChkSum')
    Given path '/demo'
    And param wsdl = 'demoLookup.wsdl'
    When method get
    Then status 200
    # note how we focus only on the relevant part of the payload and read expected XML from a file
    #And print 'response: ', response
    * xmlstring exp = read('expected-demo.wsdl')
    * xmlstring act = response
    * def result = chksum.match(exp, act)
    # And match exp == act
    And match result == 0


寄意 2025-02-18 21:11:39


import pandas as pd


This could be useful.

import pandas as pd


converte json文件到CSV文件,并在Excel中使用正确的格式行和列

寄意 2025-02-18 14:19:00


(by.xpath,“ // strong [包含(text(),'chấtliệu')]”);

Try this xpath to find the text which contains it

(By.XPATH,"//strong[contains(text(),'Chất liệu')]");
hope it will work!


寄意 2025-02-17 22:24:54

不要使用位置:绝对; .dropdown-content 。那把它从流中消失了。当它不重叠时,也不需要 z index:1;

/* When the user clicks on the button, toggle between hiding and showing the dropdown content */
function myFunction() {

// Close the dropdown menu if the user clicks outside of it
window.onclick = function(event) {
  if (!event.target.matches('.dropbtn')) {
    var dropdowns = document.getElementsByClassName("dropdown-content");
    var i;
    for (i = 0; i < dropdowns.length; i++) {
      var openDropdown = dropdowns[i];
      if (openDropdown.classList.contains('show')) {
.html .body {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;

body {
  background-color: blanchedalmond;

.griddy {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: auto auto auto auto;
  grid-template-rows: 35px;
  background-color: pink;

[class^='ssof'] {
  display: grid;
  outline: 1px solid black;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;

.topnav a:hover {
  background-color: #ddd;
  color: black;

.topnav {
  border: 2px solid;
  background-color: darkcyan;

/* .topnav a {
                float: left;
                display: block;
                color: #f2f2f2;
                text-align: center;
                padding: 14px 16px;
                text-decoration: none;
            } */

/* .body {
                background-image: "nico.png";
                display: grid;
                grid-template-rows: auto, 1fr, auto;
                grid-template-columns: 100%;
            } */

.banner {
  display: flex;
  grid-auto-columns: 80% 20%;
  justify-content: center;
  margin-right: auto;

.placeme {
  margin-left: auto;
  width: 20%;
  border: 2;
  height: 36px;
  padding: 0 10px;
  outline: 0;

.main {
  min-height: 100vh;
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 1fr;
  grid-template-rows: auto 1fr auto;
  gap: 20px;

.maincontent {
  display: grid;
  /* outline: 3px solid black; */
  grid-template-columns: 2fr 8fr;
  gap: 10px;
  background-color: lightgray;
  outline: solid 8px lightgray;
  /*20% 80%*/
  /* grid-template-rows: auto auto auto auto; */

/* [class^='sidenavinline'] { */

.sidenavinline {
  display: inline-grid;
  grid-template-columns: 100%;
  grid-template-rows: 60px 60px 60px;
  /* outline: solid 3px black; */
  grid-auto-rows: 60px;
  gap: 10px;

/* .one {
                display: grid;
                outline: solid 2px blue;
            } */

[class^='one'] {
  display: grid;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;
  /* outline: 3px dashed #f90; */
  background-color: white;
  font-size: 20px;
  color: #333;
  gap: 10px;

.mainmain {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr;
  grid-template-rows: 150px;
  /* outline: solid blueviolet; */
  /* grid-auto-columns: 1fr; */
  grid-auto-rows: 150px;
  gap: 10px;

[class^='submain'] {
  /* display: grid; */
  /* outline: dashed 3px black; */
  background-color: white;
  /* grid-auto-rows: 32%; */
  /* position: absolute; */

.footy {
  border: 3px solid black;
  padding: 30px;

/* Dropdown Button */

.dropbtn {
  background-color: #3498DB;
  color: white;
  padding: 16px;
  font-size: 16px;
  border: none;
  cursor: pointer;

/* Dropdown button on hover & focus */

.dropbtn:focus {
  background-color: #2980B9;

/* The container <div> - needed to position the dropdown content */

.dropdown {
  position: relative;
  display: inline-block;

/* Dropdown Content (Hidden by Default) */

.dropdown-content {
  display: none;
  /* position: absolute; */
  background-color: #f1f1f1;
  min-width: 160px;
  box-shadow: 0px 8px 16px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
  /* z-index: 1; */

/* Links inside the dropdown */

.dropdown-content a {
  color: black;
  padding: 12px 16px;
  text-decoration: none;
  display: block;

/* Change color of dropdown links on hover */

.dropdown-content a:hover {
  background-color: #ddd

/* Show the dropdown menu (use JS to add this class to the .dropdown-content container when the user clicks on the dropdown button) */

.show {
  display: block;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">


  <div class="banner"><input type="text" placeholder="Search.." class="placeme"></div>
  <div class="griddy">
    <div class="ssof">home</div>
    <div class="ssof">search</div>
    <div class="ssof">bagicon</div>
    <div class="ssof">account</div>


  <div class="topnav">
    <a href="#">Link</a>
    <a href="#">Link</a>
    <a href="#">Link</a>

  <div class="main">
    <div class="sidenav"> p </div>

    <div class="maincontent">
      <div class="sidenavinline">
        <div class="one">
          <div class="dropdown">
            <button onclick="myFunction()" class="dropbtn">Dropdown</button>
            <div id="myDropdown" class="dropdown-content">
              <a href="#">Link 1</a>
              <a href="#">Link 2</a>
              <a href="#">Link 3</a>
        <div class="one">b</div>
        <div class="one">c</div>
        <div class="one">b</div>
        <div class="one">e</div>

      <div class="mainmain">
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items</div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>


      <p class="footy">bottom content</p>



Don't use position: absolute; .dropdown-content. That takes it out of the flow. There's also no need for z-index: 1; when it doesn't overlap.

/* When the user clicks on the button, toggle between hiding and showing the dropdown content */
function myFunction() {

// Close the dropdown menu if the user clicks outside of it
window.onclick = function(event) {
  if (!event.target.matches('.dropbtn')) {
    var dropdowns = document.getElementsByClassName("dropdown-content");
    var i;
    for (i = 0; i < dropdowns.length; i++) {
      var openDropdown = dropdowns[i];
      if (openDropdown.classList.contains('show')) {
.html .body {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;

body {
  background-color: blanchedalmond;

.griddy {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: auto auto auto auto;
  grid-template-rows: 35px;
  background-color: pink;

[class^='ssof'] {
  display: grid;
  outline: 1px solid black;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;

.topnav a:hover {
  background-color: #ddd;
  color: black;

.topnav {
  border: 2px solid;
  background-color: darkcyan;

/* .topnav a {
                float: left;
                display: block;
                color: #f2f2f2;
                text-align: center;
                padding: 14px 16px;
                text-decoration: none;
            } */

/* .body {
                background-image: "nico.png";
                display: grid;
                grid-template-rows: auto, 1fr, auto;
                grid-template-columns: 100%;
            } */

.banner {
  display: flex;
  grid-auto-columns: 80% 20%;
  justify-content: center;
  margin-right: auto;

.placeme {
  margin-left: auto;
  width: 20%;
  border: 2;
  height: 36px;
  padding: 0 10px;
  outline: 0;

.main {
  min-height: 100vh;
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 1fr;
  grid-template-rows: auto 1fr auto;
  gap: 20px;

.maincontent {
  display: grid;
  /* outline: 3px solid black; */
  grid-template-columns: 2fr 8fr;
  gap: 10px;
  background-color: lightgray;
  outline: solid 8px lightgray;
  /*20% 80%*/
  /* grid-template-rows: auto auto auto auto; */

/* [class^='sidenavinline'] { */

.sidenavinline {
  display: inline-grid;
  grid-template-columns: 100%;
  grid-template-rows: 60px 60px 60px;
  /* outline: solid 3px black; */
  grid-auto-rows: 60px;
  gap: 10px;

/* .one {
                display: grid;
                outline: solid 2px blue;
            } */

[class^='one'] {
  display: grid;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;
  /* outline: 3px dashed #f90; */
  background-color: white;
  font-size: 20px;
  color: #333;
  gap: 10px;

.mainmain {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr;
  grid-template-rows: 150px;
  /* outline: solid blueviolet; */
  /* grid-auto-columns: 1fr; */
  grid-auto-rows: 150px;
  gap: 10px;

[class^='submain'] {
  /* display: grid; */
  /* outline: dashed 3px black; */
  background-color: white;
  /* grid-auto-rows: 32%; */
  /* position: absolute; */

.footy {
  border: 3px solid black;
  padding: 30px;

/* Dropdown Button */

.dropbtn {
  background-color: #3498DB;
  color: white;
  padding: 16px;
  font-size: 16px;
  border: none;
  cursor: pointer;

/* Dropdown button on hover & focus */

.dropbtn:focus {
  background-color: #2980B9;

/* The container <div> - needed to position the dropdown content */

.dropdown {
  position: relative;
  display: inline-block;

/* Dropdown Content (Hidden by Default) */

.dropdown-content {
  display: none;
  /* position: absolute; */
  background-color: #f1f1f1;
  min-width: 160px;
  box-shadow: 0px 8px 16px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
  /* z-index: 1; */

/* Links inside the dropdown */

.dropdown-content a {
  color: black;
  padding: 12px 16px;
  text-decoration: none;
  display: block;

/* Change color of dropdown links on hover */

.dropdown-content a:hover {
  background-color: #ddd

/* Show the dropdown menu (use JS to add this class to the .dropdown-content container when the user clicks on the dropdown button) */

.show {
  display: block;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">


  <div class="banner"><input type="text" placeholder="Search.." class="placeme"></div>
  <div class="griddy">
    <div class="ssof">home</div>
    <div class="ssof">search</div>
    <div class="ssof">bagicon</div>
    <div class="ssof">account</div>


  <div class="topnav">
    <a href="#">Link</a>
    <a href="#">Link</a>
    <a href="#">Link</a>

  <div class="main">
    <div class="sidenav"> p </div>

    <div class="maincontent">
      <div class="sidenavinline">
        <div class="one">
          <div class="dropdown">
            <button onclick="myFunction()" class="dropbtn">Dropdown</button>
            <div id="myDropdown" class="dropdown-content">
              <a href="#">Link 1</a>
              <a href="#">Link 2</a>
              <a href="#">Link 3</a>
        <div class="one">b</div>
        <div class="one">c</div>
        <div class="one">b</div>
        <div class="one">e</div>

      <div class="mainmain">
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items</div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>
        <div class="submain"> this is where we put items </div>


      <p class="footy">bottom content</p>




寄意 2025-02-17 21:45:15

问题在于,您没有在HTMX请求中包含该Alpine.js组件( selectedOrderItem )的一个状态数据。因此,当HTMX交换整个组件时,它将在此过程中丢失 selectordordem 的值。我们需要将此变量发送到后端,并将其包括在模板中。向HTMX请求添加其他数据的最简单方法是在其上使用 X-Model 的隐藏输入元素进行同步数据,然后使用 hx-include 将其添加到请求中。将其放置在组件中的任何位置:

<input type="hidden" name="selected_order_item" x-model="selectedOrderItem">


    hx-post="{% url 'add_to_cart' idOrder=order.id idProduct=item.product.id  %}?cartAction=1"

在后端,我们可以在 request.post 中访问它,例如:

         "order": order,
         "items": items,
         "selectedOrderItem": request.POST.get("selected_order_item", "null")

之后在 x-data 中访问了所选的。订单项目将出现。

x-data="{selectedOrderItem: {{selectedOrderItem}} }"

The problem is that you are not including the one state data that this Alpine.js component is having (selectedOrderItem) in the HTMX request. So when HTMX swaps the whole component, it will lose the value of selectedOrderItem during the process. We need to send this variable to the backend and include it in the template. The easiest way to add additional data to the HTMX request is to use a hidden input element with x-model on it to sync data, and then use hx-include to add it to the request. Put this anywhere inside the component:

<input type="hidden" name="selected_order_item" x-model="selectedOrderItem">

And modify the button:

    hx-post="{% url 'add_to_cart' idOrder=order.id idProduct=item.product.id  %}?cartAction=1"

At the backend now we can access it in request.POST, e.g.:

         "order": order,
         "items": items,
         "selectedOrderItem": request.POST.get("selected_order_item", "null")

After that in the x-data the selected order item will appear.

x-data="{selectedOrderItem: {{selectedOrderItem}} }"

如何制作alpinejs“重新渲染” htmx交换后的组件

寄意 2025-02-17 19:36:30


with temp as (
  select *, 0 goal, 0 point from
  (select distinct saison from your_table),
  (select distinct stage from your_table),
  (select distinct team from your_table, unnest([team_home, team_away]) team)
select distinct saison, stage, team, 
  sum(goal) over prev_stages team_goals,
  sum(point) over prev_stages team_points
from (
  select * except(col) from your_table 
  unpivot ((team, goal, point) for col in 
    ((team_home, home_goal, home_point), (team_away, away_goal, away_point))
  union all select * from temp
window prev_stages as (
  partition by saison, team order by stage 
  range between unbounded preceding and current row

如果应用于问题中的示例数据 - 输出为

Consider below approach

with temp as (
  select *, 0 goal, 0 point from
  (select distinct saison from your_table),
  (select distinct stage from your_table),
  (select distinct team from your_table, unnest([team_home, team_away]) team)
select distinct saison, stage, team, 
  sum(goal) over prev_stages team_goals,
  sum(point) over prev_stages team_points
from (
  select * except(col) from your_table 
  unpivot ((team, goal, point) for col in 
    ((team_home, home_goal, home_point), (team_away, away_goal, away_point))
  union all select * from temp
window prev_stages as (
  partition by saison, team order by stage 
  range between unbounded preceding and current row

if applied to sample data in your question - output is

enter image description here


寄意 2025-02-17 19:29:54

可以按插入顺序检索dict键,但仍然是一个集合,无论顺序如何,设置都应比较。实际上,所有设置比较操作都可以工作(并在适当的情况下返回Python SET )。如果 d1 |,那将很奇怪D2 根据插入顺序进行不同的操作。平等是相同的。

Dict keys may be retrieved in insertion order but its still a set, and sets should compare regardless of order. In fact, all set comparison operations work (and return python set when appropriate). It would be strange if d1 | d2 operated differently depending on insertion order. Equality is the same.


寄意 2025-02-17 10:38:13



  OilPrice = SUM(CASE WHEN PriceName = 'OilPrice' THEN PriceVal END), 
  OilPrice_CHANGE = SUM(CASE WHEN PriceName = 'OilPrice' THEN PriceVal_Change END),
FROM #temptable t

It's unclear exactly how you want to aggregate (does it make sense to sum a Change value?). Also unclear is what result you want if there are other types of changes.

But you can use conditional aggregation like this

  OilPrice = SUM(CASE WHEN PriceName = 'OilPrice' THEN PriceVal END), 
  OilPrice_CHANGE = SUM(CASE WHEN PriceName = 'OilPrice' THEN PriceVal_Change END),
FROM #temptable t






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