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挖鼻大婶 2025-02-17 07:35:37



Try finding the input element by name:


导轨,将测试数据输入Capybara Systemtest中的条纹元素

挖鼻大婶 2025-02-17 06:22:58


public class Data {
private String id;
private String code;

public String getId(){
   return this.id;

public void setId(String id){
  this.id = id;

public String getCode(){
   return this.code;

public void setCode(String code){
  this.code = code;



public class FileProcess {
  public List<Data> process(InputStream InputStream) throws IOException {
  List<Data> result = new ArrayList<>();
  String line;

  try(// scanning inputstream) {
     line = sc.nextLine();
     while (line != null) {
    // read thru each line in the txt file

      String id = line.subString(0, 5);
      String code = line.subString(6, 11);

      Data data = new data();
  return result;


Add Getters and Setters in Data class like bellow.

public class Data {
private String id;
private String code;

public String getId(){
   return this.id;

public void setId(String id){
  this.id = id;

public String getCode(){
   return this.code;

public void setCode(String code){
  this.code = code;


Then you should set your data to Data Object like bellow.

public class FileProcess {
  public List<Data> process(InputStream InputStream) throws IOException {
  List<Data> result = new ArrayList<>();
  String line;

  try(// scanning inputstream) {
     line = sc.nextLine();
     while (line != null) {
    // read thru each line in the txt file

      String id = line.subString(0, 5);
      String code = line.subString(6, 11);

      Data data = new data();
  return result;



挖鼻大婶 2025-02-16 16:00:21

通过Homebrewconda安装的python不是朋友,它们可以彼此冲突。最近,我遇到了一种情况,我使用conda 无服务器本地命令在此环境中设置环境。事实证明,无服务器本地拾取了python表单brew而不是conda。经过一些故障排除后,我发现在$ path变量> code> serverless 命令可以提供帮助之前。例如,转动下面的NPM脚本:

"start": "cross-env DEBUG=true  sls offline --aws-profile ayata start --host --lambdaPort 3002 --verbose"

"start": "export PATH=\"$CONDA_PREFIX/bin:$PATH\" &&  cross-env DEBUG=true  sls offline --aws-profile ayata start --host --lambdaPort 3002 --verbose"


注意:这将在Windows Systems上使用

The Python installed via homebrew and conda are not friends, and they can conflict with each other. I recently encountered a situation where I set up an environment using conda and ran serverless local commands in this environment. It turned out that serverless local picked up Python form brew instead of conda. After some troubleshooting, I found out that overriding the $PATH variable just before a serverless command can help. For instance turning the below npm script:

"start": "cross-env DEBUG=true  sls offline --aws-profile ayata start --host --lambdaPort 3002 --verbose"


"start": "export PATH=\"$CONDA_PREFIX/bin:$PATH\" &&  cross-env DEBUG=true  sls offline --aws-profile ayata start --host --lambdaPort 3002 --verbose"

I was working in a Linux only environment and had no worries about compatibility.

Note: This will not work on Windows systems


挖鼻大婶 2025-02-16 02:04:46


  1. 设置/首选项|插件 - 确保启用了CSS插件。如果不是 - 启用并重新启动IDE。


  2. 如果仍然相同:设置/首选项|编辑|文件类型 - 找到“级联样式表”条目,并确保其具有*。css模式。

    如果不存在 - 您有可能以某种方式将其重新分配给“文本”文件类型。如果在那里 - 只需添加*。css级联样式表模式(这样做时,它将从文本中删除它)。



Based on your PhpStorm editor area screenshot (many thanks for that BTW: not many people do post it even if asked), all your CSS files are treated as a Plain Text. It's rather unlikely to be a glitch, more like accidental settings change.

  1. Settings/Preferences | Plugins -- make sure that CSS plugin is enabled. If not -- enable and restart the IDE.

    enter image description here

  2. If still the same: Settings/Preferences | Editor | File Types -- locate "Cascading style sheet" entry and make sure that it has *.css pattern there.

    If not there -- it's possible that you have somehow reassigned it to "Text" file type. If it's there -- just add *.css to Cascading style sheet patterns (it will remove it from Text when doing that).

    enter image description here

If still nothing: you would need to provide more/new screenshots.


挖鼻大婶 2025-02-15 20:51:27





<div class="col-md-12">
    <h1>Add new</h1>
    <form method="POST" novalidate>
        {% csrf_token %}
        {% if form.non_field_errors %}
            {% for error in form.non_field_errors  %}
            {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}

        {% for field in form %}
        <div class="form-group">
            {{ field.label_tag }}
            <div class="invalid-feedback">
                {% for error in field.errors %}
                {% endfor %}
        {% endfor %}
        <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-block">Add new</button>

For displaying custom error messages, you have to disable the default behavior of html5 of required field, you can use novalidate in the form.

You can also show particular field error messages in loop.

Try this code:


<div class="col-md-12">
    <h1>Add new</h1>
    <form method="POST" novalidate>
        {% csrf_token %}
        {% if form.non_field_errors %}
            {% for error in form.non_field_errors  %}
            {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}

        {% for field in form %}
        <div class="form-group">
            {{ field.label_tag }}
            <div class="invalid-feedback">
                {% for error in field.errors %}
                {% endfor %}
        {% endfor %}
        <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-block">Add new</button>


挖鼻大婶 2025-02-15 20:51:00

pep 673 ,该在 python 3.11 中实现href =“ https://docs.python.org/3/library/typing.html#typing.self” rel =“ noreferrer”> self self 类型。

from typing import Self    

class Position:

    def __init__(self, x: int, y: int):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

    def __add__(self, other: Self) -> Self:
        return type(self)(self.x + other.x, self.y + other.y)

返回self通常是一个好主意,但是您必须返回与self相同类型的对象,这意味着调用type> type(self)而不是比位置

对于Python(当前3.7及以后)的较旧版本,请使用 typing-extensions 软件包。它的目的之一是

启用在较旧的Python版本上使用新型系统功能。例如,typing.typeguard在Python 3.10中是新的,但是typing_extensions允许上一个Python版本上的用户也可以使用它。

然后,您只需从typing_extensions而不是键入,例如typing_extensions import import 。

PEP 673 which is implemented in Python 3.11, adds the Self type.

from typing import Self    

class Position:

    def __init__(self, x: int, y: int):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

    def __add__(self, other: Self) -> Self:
        return type(self)(self.x + other.x, self.y + other.y)

Returning Self is often a good idea, but you must return an object of the same type as self, which means calling type(self) rather than Position.

For older versions of Python (currently 3.7 and later), use the typing-extensions package. One of its purposes is to

Enable use of new type system features on older Python versions. For example, typing.TypeGuard is new in Python 3.10, but typing_extensions allows users on previous Python versions to use it too.

Then you just import from typing_extensions instead of typing, e.g. from typing_extensions import Self.


挖鼻大婶 2025-02-15 19:11:19


As far as I know the quick sort algorithm requires you to use recursion, to apply the algorithm in each sublist created once you choose a pivot.
In the example that you have you are choosing a pivot randomly for each item of the list, it could sort the list if at the end you have chosen all items at least once (or maybe the majority of them, I am not sure), but since you are choosing them randomly it is probably that sometimes the pivots chosen are not enough to order the list properly.


挖鼻大婶 2025-02-15 18:58:30


  1. 火车图像不是
  2. 由不同的CNN模型导入的RGB“ Preprocess_input”

I solved it:

  1. train images wasn't RGB
  2. 'preprocess_input' was imported by different cnn model not resnet

我的重新转移学习模型在训练时总是保持0.5的准确性 - 什么错误?

挖鼻大婶 2025-02-15 15:07:05


一般而言, collections 是懒惰的查询操作的结果。领域列表也是集合的示例。


通常,您可以使用像常规JavaScript数组这样的收集,但实际上它们并没有在内存中保存匹配的领域对象。相反,他们引用了存储在Realm File中的匹配对象。


一次通过索引[0 ... 9]显示10,然后[10 ... 19]

因此,只要您将领域的对象保留为收集类型 - 然后,不,内存影响很小。但是,这是重要的位,一旦高级函数与这些集合相对,或者它们被映射到数组,则所有数据都已加载。

最佳实践是通过利用集合(结果,列表等)来保持领域对象“ reachmy”。


Non-code questions are challenging as we don't know the entire use case but let me address this at a high level.

Generally speaking, Realm Results which are Collections are lazily-evaluated results of a query operation. A realm List is also an example of a Collection.

This lazy evaluation enables code to be written that is elegant, high performance code even when the data sets are gigantic and with complex queries.

You can generally work with Collections like a regular JavaScript array but they don't actually hold matching Realm objects in memory. Instead they reference the matched objects stored in the Realm file.

The end result is that large datasets have very small memory footprints which in most cases avoids the need for paginating the query as the Realm objects are only loaded when used. Pagination can then be handled in memory on the device by just displaying smaller number of elements from the query, appropriate for your UI

e.g. if the query returns 10,000 results, optionally use pagination to
display 10 at a time via an index [0...9] and then [10...19] for
example. That technique preserves the query results but also protects
memory as only those 10 elements are loaded but you still have access to
the entire query results

So, as long as you keep your Realm objects as a Collection type - then no, the memory impact is minimal. However, and this is the important bit, as soon as high level functions are run against those collections or they are mapped to an array, ALL of the data is loaded.

Best practice is to keep Realm objects 'Realmy' by leveraging Collections (Results, Lists etc).

If your Contacts is a List collection then you should be good to go.


挖鼻大婶 2025-02-15 03:53:57


import { collection, doc, getDoc, getDocs } from "firebase/firestore";

    const q = doc(db, "users", userId as string);
            const x = await getDoc(q);
            const y = x.data();

so there is a difference for getDocs, getDoc, doc and collection.
I needed to use doc with getDoc, because I was getting a doc, not querying a collection.

import { collection, doc, getDoc, getDocs } from "firebase/firestore";

    const q = doc(db, "users", userId as string);
            const x = await getDoc(q);
            const y = x.data();


挖鼻大婶 2025-02-14 05:33:11


$ x =最小($ x)和$ y =最小($ y),现在您不需要计算X和Y坐标的字段。

Try this:
"xcoord" = minimum("xcoord") AND "ycoord" = minimum("ycoord")

I suggest you to do it this way:
$x = minimum($x) AND $y = minimum($y) and now you don't need to calculate a field with x and y coordinates.


挖鼻大婶 2025-02-13 15:32:51
function DisplayCollections() {
  return <>
    {collections.map((collection, index) =>(
      <option value={collection.id} key={index}>


function DisplayCollections() {
  return <>
    {collections.map((collection, index) =>(
      <option value={collection.id} key={index}>

this is best way to use!


挖鼻大婶 2025-02-13 13:21:46

首先,我需要复制 javafx18.0..ETC 的整个文件夹
不仅 lib 文件夹... 2ndly在启动4J中写下路径时,还必须像这样写“ ../ yoururl/”,以使相对于应用程序文件夹的路径...
3rdly我将所有代码和文件复制到Maven Project中的NetBeans,并使用Jlink构建它...我使用Eclipse创建了可运行的罐子,然后将jar转换为EXE,然后将其放入JLink构建的输出文件夹中,包括Javafx18 .. .. ETC

I solved this problem..
first i needed to copy the whole folder of javafx18.0..etc
not only the lib folder...2ndly when writting the path in Launch4j you must write it like this "../yoururl/" to make the path relative to the app folder...
3rdly i copied all my code and files to NetBeans in Maven project and build it using jlink...i created the runnable jar using eclipse and i converted the jar to exe then put it in the output folder of jlink build including the javafx18..etc
and it worked fine now my app works on all computers...thanks to Slaw who commented. i figured jlink by his help.

更改JVM选项中的路径启动4J ISNNOK

挖鼻大婶 2025-02-13 05:34:00

在您的确认enrollmentModal.razor.cs 文件中,添加以下属性:

public DateTime SchoolYear { get; set; }

这意味着 cresencyEnrollModal 组件 component Exponent Exconter of Exponde 。


@if (_displayEnrollmentModal)
    <ConfirmEnrollmentModal EnrollmentConfirmations="EnrollmentConfirmations" 
     SchoolYear = "<yourDateValue>" 


consecterenrollmentModal.razor 中的童年参数,进行以下更改:

<div class="alert alert-warning mt-3 p-2" role="alert">

In your ConfirmEnrollmentModal.razor.cs file, add the following property:

public DateTime SchoolYear { get; set; }

This means the ConfirmEnrollModal component expects a parameter named SchoolYear.

Then in your EnrollmentForm.razor pass the date value to the SchoolYear parameter

@if (_displayEnrollmentModal)
    <ConfirmEnrollmentModal EnrollmentConfirmations="EnrollmentConfirmations" 
     SchoolYear = "<yourDateValue>" 


In the ConfirmEnrollmentModal.razor, make the following change:

<div class="alert alert-warning mt-3 p-2" role="alert">


挖鼻大婶 2025-02-13 00:26:54

sonarlint 安全热点

回顾优先级: 媒介 | docker:s6471 | 严重性: 次要 | 标签: dockerfile cwe



FROM alpine

RUN addgroup -S nonroot \
    && adduser -S nonroot -G nonroot

USER nonroot



FROM mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:ltsc2019

RUN net user /add nonroot

USER nonroot


FROM alpine as builder
COPY Makefile ./src /
RUN make build

FROM alpine as runtime
RUN addgroup -S nonroot \
    && adduser -S nonroot -G nonroot
COPY --from=builder bin/production /app
USER nonroot
ENTRYPOINT ["/app/production"]


  • cwe -cwe -284-不当访问控制
  • rel =“ nofollow noreferrer”> nginxinc / - 包含/容器 - 安全#wher-to-use-containeradmin and-containeruser-user-accounts“ rel =“ nofollow noreferrer”> Microsoft Docs,何时使用ContainerAdmin和Containeruser用户帐户

SonarLint Security Hotspot

Review priority: Medium | docker:S6471 | Severity: Minor | Tags: dockerfile cwe

Compliant Solution

For Linux-based images and scratch-based images that untar a Linux distribution:

FROM alpine

RUN addgroup -S nonroot \
    && adduser -S nonroot -G nonroot

USER nonroot


For Windows-based images, you can use ContainerUser or create a new user:

FROM mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:ltsc2019

RUN net user /add nonroot

USER nonroot

For multi-stage builds, the non-root user should be on the last stage:

FROM alpine as builder
COPY Makefile ./src /
RUN make build

FROM alpine as runtime
RUN addgroup -S nonroot \
    && adduser -S nonroot -G nonroot
COPY --from=builder bin/production /app
USER nonroot
ENTRYPOINT ["/app/production"]


运行openjdk图像(例如Eclipse temurin作为根)安全吗?




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