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清音悠歌 2025-02-06 17:34:09


const results = []

const validate = arr => {
  for(let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){


What you have done here is simply define a function that copies the contents of the array that has been passed into it. You need to call the function
validate with the appropriate value.

const results = []

const validate = arr => {
  for(let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){



清音悠歌 2025-02-06 16:16:50


  1. 将依赖项转移到容器中,首先
  2. 使您的其他服务在外部访问中,并与外部IP连接
  3. 您的容器,而无需网络隔离
  4. 避免通过网络连接,请使用安装的套接字作为音量,而是


选项1 :如果您的依赖性可以移至容器中,我将首先执行此操作。当其他人试图在自己的环境上运行您的容器时,它使您的应用程序堆栈可移植。您仍然可以在主机上发布端口,其中未迁移的其他服务仍然可以达到。您甚至可以将端口发布到Docker主机上的Localhost接口,以避免使用以下语法在外部访问: -p 已发布的端口。

选项2 :有多种方法可以从容器内部检测主机IP地址,但是每个方案都有有限的情况(例如,需要Mac的Docker)。最便携的选项是将主机IP注入包含环境变量或配置文件之类的内容,例如:

docker run --rm -e "HOST_IP=$(ip route get 1 | sed -n 's/^.*src \([0-9.]*\) .*$/\1/p')" ...


便携式稍小,是使用 host.docker.internal 。这在当前版本的Windows docker和Mac的Docker中起作用。在20.10中,当您通过以下特殊主机条目时,该功能已添加到Linux的Docker中:

docker run --add-host host.docker.internal:host-gateway ...

主机-Gateway 是Docker 20.10中添加的特殊值,该值将自动扩展到主机IP。有关更多详细信息,请参见此pr

选项3 :在没有网络隔离的情况下运行,即使用 - NET HOST 运行,表示您的应用程序正在主机网络名称空间上运行。对于容器而言,这是不太隔离的,这意味着您无法通过具有DNS的共享Docker网络访问其他容器(而是需要使用已发布的端口来访问其他容器化应用程序)。但是,对于需要访问主机上其他仅在 上侦听其他服务的应用程序,这可能是最简单的选项。

选项4 :各种服务还允许访问基于文件系统的套接字。该插座可以作为绑定的插入体积安装到容器中,从而可以访问主机服务而无需越过网络。对于访问Docker引擎,您经常看到安装/var/run/docker.sock 进入容器中的示例(使该容器root访问主机)。使用MySQL,您可以尝试 -v/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock:/var/run/mysqld/mysql.sock ,然后连接到 localhost MySQL使用套接字转换为。

Several solutions come to mind:

  1. Move your dependencies into containers first
  2. Make your other services externally accessible and connect to them with that external IP
  3. Run your containers without network isolation
  4. Avoid connecting over the network, use a socket that is mounted as a volume instead

The reason this doesn't work out of the box is that containers run with their own network namespace by default. That means localhost (or pointing to the loopback interface) is unique per container. Connecting to this will connect to the container itself, and not services running outside of docker or inside of a different docker container.

Option 1: If your dependency can be moved into a container, I would do this first. It makes your application stack portable as others try to run your container on their own environment. And you can still publish the port on your host where other services that have not been migrated can still reach it. You can even publish the port to the localhost interface on your docker host to avoid it being externally accessible with a syntax like: -p for the published port.

Option 2: There are a variety of ways to detect the host IP address from inside of the container, but each have a limited number of scenarios where they work (e.g. requiring Docker for Mac). The most portable option is to inject your host IP into the container with something like an environment variable or configuration file, e.g.:

docker run --rm -e "HOST_IP=$(ip route get 1 | sed -n 's/^.*src \([0-9.]*\) .*$/\1/p')" ...

This does require that your service is listening on that external interface, which could be a security concern. For other methods to get the host IP address from inside of the container, see this post.

Slightly less portable is to use host.docker.internal. This works in current versions of Docker for Windows and Docker for Mac. And in 20.10, the capability has been added to Docker for Linux when you pass a special host entry with:

docker run --add-host host.docker.internal:host-gateway ...

The host-gateway is a special value added in Docker 20.10 that automatically expands to a host IP. For more details see this PR.

Option 3: Running without network isolation, i.e. running with --net host, means your application is running on the host network namespace. This is less isolation for the container, and it means you cannot access other containers over a shared docker network with DNS (instead, you need to use published ports to access other containerized applications). But for applications that need to access other services on the host that are only listening on on the host, this can be the easiest option.

Option 4: Various services also allow access over a filesystem based socket. This socket can be mounted into the container as a bind mounted volume, allowing you to access the host service without going over the network. For access to the docker engine, you often see examples of mounting /var/run/docker.sock into the container (giving that container root access to the host). With mysql, you can try something like -v /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock:/var/run/mysqld/mysql.sock and then connect to localhost which mysql converts to using the socket.


清音悠歌 2025-02-06 15:32:47


<html xmlns:MadCap="http://www.madcapsoftware.com/Schemas/MadCap.xsd" style="mc-template-page: 
            <video id="video1" MadCap:HTML5Video="true" MadCap:Param_controls="false" MadCap:Param_loop="false" MadCap:Param_muted="false" src="../Resources/Multimedia/Aruba_Coral.webm" MadCap:Param_autoplay="true">
            <script type="text/javascript">
                var video1 = document.getElementById('video1');
                video1.onended = function(e) {

You forgot to add the id attribute to the video tag. Try this :

<html xmlns:MadCap="http://www.madcapsoftware.com/Schemas/MadCap.xsd" style="mc-template-page: 
            <video id="video1" MadCap:HTML5Video="true" MadCap:Param_controls="false" MadCap:Param_loop="false" MadCap:Param_muted="false" src="../Resources/Multimedia/Aruba_Coral.webm" MadCap:Param_autoplay="true">
            <script type="text/javascript">
                var video1 = document.getElementById('video1');
                video1.onended = function(e) {


清音悠歌 2025-02-06 01:02:01

它看起来像元帅。getActiveObject在基于.net Core的.NET版本中消失了。

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Security;

public static partial class MarshalForCore
    internal const String OLEAUT32 = "oleaut32.dll";
    internal const String OLE32 = "ole32.dll";

    public static Object GetActiveObject(String progID)
        Object obj = null;
        Guid clsid;

            CLSIDFromProgIDEx(progID, out clsid);
        catch (Exception)
            CLSIDFromProgID(progID, out clsid);

        GetActiveObject(ref clsid, IntPtr.Zero, out obj);
        return obj;

    [DllImport(OLE32, PreserveSig = false)]
    private static extern void CLSIDFromProgIDEx([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] String progId, out Guid clsid);

    [DllImport(OLE32, PreserveSig = false)]
    private static extern void CLSIDFromProgID([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] String progId, out Guid clsid);

    [DllImport(OLEAUT32, PreserveSig = false)]
    private static extern void GetActiveObject(ref Guid rclsid, IntPtr reserved, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] out Object ppunk);


using xl = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
        var excelApp = (xl.Application)MarshalForCore.GetActiveObject("Excel.Application");
        if (excelApp != null)
            var wb = excelApp.ActiveWorkbook;

            xl.Worksheet? sh = null;
            foreach (xl.Worksheet _ in wb.Worksheets) 
              if (_.Name == "MyTable") 
                sh = _; 

            if (sh == null)
                sh = (xl.Worksheet)wb.Worksheets.Add();
                sh.Name = "MyTable";
            sh.Cells[1, 1] = "Hello World";
        // Excel is not running.

It looks like Marshal.GetActiveObject is gone in newer .NET Core based .NET versions.
But I found a simple solution on another forum.

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Security;

public static partial class MarshalForCore
    internal const String OLEAUT32 = "oleaut32.dll";
    internal const String OLE32 = "ole32.dll";

    public static Object GetActiveObject(String progID)
        Object obj = null;
        Guid clsid;

            CLSIDFromProgIDEx(progID, out clsid);
        catch (Exception)
            CLSIDFromProgID(progID, out clsid);

        GetActiveObject(ref clsid, IntPtr.Zero, out obj);
        return obj;

    [DllImport(OLE32, PreserveSig = false)]
    private static extern void CLSIDFromProgIDEx([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] String progId, out Guid clsid);

    [DllImport(OLE32, PreserveSig = false)]
    private static extern void CLSIDFromProgID([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] String progId, out Guid clsid);

    [DllImport(OLEAUT32, PreserveSig = false)]
    private static extern void GetActiveObject(ref Guid rclsid, IntPtr reserved, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] out Object ppunk);

This can be used like so:

using xl = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
        var excelApp = (xl.Application)MarshalForCore.GetActiveObject("Excel.Application");
        if (excelApp != null)
            var wb = excelApp.ActiveWorkbook;

            xl.Worksheet? sh = null;
            foreach (xl.Worksheet _ in wb.Worksheets) 
              if (_.Name == "MyTable") 
                sh = _; 

            if (sh == null)
                sh = (xl.Worksheet)wb.Worksheets.Add();
                sh.Name = "MyTable";
            sh.Cells[1, 1] = "Hello World";
        // Excel is not running.


清音悠歌 2025-02-05 22:33:12


class Task {
  String title;
  String owner;
  DateTime time;

  List<AssignedTask> assignedTask;

      required this.title,
      required this.owner,
      required this.time,
      required this.assignedTask});

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
      return {
          'title': title,
          'owner': owner,
          'time': time,
          'assignedTask': assignedTask.map(a => a.toJson()).toList(),

The mistake you are making is, you are passing a list in toJson, but they also need to be converted to json. So your Task class should be like:

class Task {
  String title;
  String owner;
  DateTime time;

  List<AssignedTask> assignedTask;

      required this.title,
      required this.owner,
      required this.time,
      required this.assignedTask});

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
      return {
          'title': title,
          'owner': owner,
          'time': time,
          'assignedTask': assignedTask.map(a => a.toJson()).toList(),

如何在Firebase Firestore中保存对象列表

清音悠歌 2025-02-05 15:20:58

观察: 编辑是代码中的罪魁祸首。由于 iseding 是一个包含 boolean 值的全局变量。因此,在编辑时,您正在更新对所有任务影响的ISEDITION的值。



<section class="TaskBox" v-if="!tasks.isEditing">


<section class="TaskBox" v-if="!isEditing">

Observation : isEditing is a culprit in your code. As isEditing is a global variable containing boolean value. Hence, On edit you are updating the value of isEditing which impact for all the tasks.

Solution : Instead of defining isEditing globally, You can add isEditing in each object of Task array. So that you can just update the value of clicked task not for every task.

Your template code will be :

<section class="TaskBox" v-if="!tasks.isEditing">

instead of

<section class="TaskBox" v-if="!isEditing">

在vue js的帮助下,我正在显示所有元素,我想从中隐藏一个元素,但所有元素都变得隐藏

清音悠歌 2025-02-05 08:08:26


如果您不考虑时间为输入值,请考虑到您这样做之前,这是一个重要的概念-John Carmack


设计实际做的部分,以使它们“如此简单,显然没有缺陷”。偶尔或作为系统测试的一部分检查该代码 - 这些测试仍然可能是“慢”的,但它们不会阻碍(因为您找到了一种更有效的方法来减轻“决策和反馈之间的差距”)。

Time is an input

If you don't consider time an input value, think about it until you do -- it is an important concept -- John Carmack

Arrange your design so that you can check the complicated logic of deciding what to do independently from actually doing it.

Design the actually doing it parts such that they are "so simple there are obviously no deficiencies". Check that code occasionally, or as part of your system testing - those tests are still potentially going to be "slow", but they aren't going to be in the way (because you've found a more effective way to mitigate "the gap between decision and feedback").


清音悠歌 2025-02-05 04:11:30

请不要覆盖Python类型。给您的 str 变量另一个名称,而不是 str

也许尝试查找@google.com 喜欢这样: re.findall(r'@\ w+\。\ w+',your_string)

Please do not overwrite python types. Give your str variable another name than str.

Maybe try finding @google.com like this: re.findall(r'@\w+\.\w+', your_string)


清音悠歌 2025-02-05 02:24:11

截至今天,似乎在运行酿造过时的 BREW UPGRADE 时,Flutter与较旧版本的比较不再发生。

It seems, as of today, Flutter's comparison with older versions is no longer happening when running brew outdated or brew upgrade.

自制 - 升级木桶时试图降级自己

清音悠歌 2025-02-04 19:48:28


CompanyGroupID  CompanyGroupName
1               Eastern Group
2               Northern Group
3               Technical Group
4               Furniture Group

Then the companies
SourceCompanyId  CompanyGroupID
4626             3
359468           3
7999             3
56167            4
11947            4



现在,回到定期安排的程序和您的查询。您需要拥有一个“共同”组,因此所有目标都关联,包括 该组中的基础源公司,例如您的4626是源头,而359468、7999中的其他两个则在相同的。它在另一个答案上扩展了,但迫使最左边的ID进入主要位置。

select distinct
      SourceCompanyID as GrpParent,
      SourceCompanyID as IncludedCompany
      CompanyGroup cg
      cgParent.SourceCompanyID as GrpParent,
      cgTarget.TargetCompanyId as IncludedCompany
      CompanyGroup cgParent
         JOIN CompanyGroup cgTarget
            on cgParent.SourceCompanyID = cgTarget.SourceCompanyID

请注意,即使它们与其他五个目标相关联,查询的第一部分即使它们与 source 也获得。由于复制来源,我们不想重复计数。它拥有自己的身份证,作为父母的公司,该公司将被包括在整个小组中。

第二个再次以同一父母的身份开始,但获得了 target 作为所包含的公司。因此,基于您的数据

SourceCompanyId  TargetCompanyId
4626             359468
4626             7999
56167            11947


GrpParent   IncludedCompany
-- first the distinct portion before union
4626        4626
56167       56167
-- now the union portion
4626        359468
4626        7999
56167       11947



      sum( CompSales.Sales ) as GroupTotalSales
      ( select distinct
              SourceCompanyID as GrpParent,
              SourceCompanyID as IncludedCompany
              CompanyGroup cg
              cgParent.SourceCompanyID as GrpParent,
              cgTarget.TargetCompanyId as IncludedCompany
              CompanyGroup cgParent
                 JOIN CompanyGroup cgTarget
                    on cgParent.SourceCompanyID = cgTarget.SourceCompanyID
       ) as CompGrps
         ( SELECT
                 SUM(s.Sales) AS Sales
                 Sales s
             group by
                 s.CompanyId ) CompSales
            on CompGrps.IncludedCompany = CompSales.CompanyID
   group by
   order by
      sum( CompSales.Sales ) desc




GrpParent  GroupTotalSales
4626       2900       (4626 had 1600, 359468 had 800, and 7999 had 500)
56167      1300       (56167 had 1000, 11947 had 300)

Although you are new to SQL, your data structure as it is will be nothing but trouble. Can the query be done? Yes, but harder. I would first like to suggest an alternative to what you have to identify "groups". Create a second table of groups, then have all companies associated with said group. You could even have some clear-text content of the group such as

CompanyGroupID  CompanyGroupName
1               Eastern Group
2               Northern Group
3               Technical Group
4               Furniture Group

Then the companies
SourceCompanyId  CompanyGroupID
4626             3
359468           3
7999             3
56167            4
11947            4

So, there is one record per company and the known group associated.

If a company can possibly be associated with multiple groups, you could have additional records per company and alternate group as well.

Now, back to the regularly scheduled program and your query. You need to have one "common" group so all targets are associated, including the underlying source company in the group, such as your 4626 was the source, and the other two of 359468, 7999 are in the same. It expands on the other answer, but forces the left-most ID into a primary position.

select distinct
      SourceCompanyID as GrpParent,
      SourceCompanyID as IncludedCompany
      CompanyGroup cg
      cgParent.SourceCompanyID as GrpParent,
      cgTarget.TargetCompanyId as IncludedCompany
      CompanyGroup cgParent
         JOIN CompanyGroup cgTarget
            on cgParent.SourceCompanyID = cgTarget.SourceCompanyID

Notice the first part of the query is getting the source once even if they are associated with five other targets. We don’t want to duplicate counts because of duplicate sources. It holds its own ID as both the parent and the company to be included as part-of the group.

The second starts again with the same parent, but gets the target as the included company. So, based on your data

SourceCompanyId  TargetCompanyId
4626             359468
4626             7999
56167            11947

Would result as

GrpParent   IncludedCompany
-- first the distinct portion before union
4626        4626
56167       56167
-- now the union portion
4626        359468
4626        7999
56167       11947

And you can see the five total records and the 4626 "Group" shows all three company IDs including itself on the right-side, similarly for 56167 having two entries with each respective on the included companies right-side.

Now with this, you should be able to join the summation of data by the GROUP and not cause duplicated aggregations.

      sum( CompSales.Sales ) as GroupTotalSales
      ( select distinct
              SourceCompanyID as GrpParent,
              SourceCompanyID as IncludedCompany
              CompanyGroup cg
              cgParent.SourceCompanyID as GrpParent,
              cgTarget.TargetCompanyId as IncludedCompany
              CompanyGroup cgParent
                 JOIN CompanyGroup cgTarget
                    on cgParent.SourceCompanyID = cgTarget.SourceCompanyID
       ) as CompGrps
         ( SELECT
                 SUM(s.Sales) AS Sales
                 Sales s
             group by
                 s.CompanyId ) CompSales
            on CompGrps.IncludedCompany = CompSales.CompanyID
   group by
   order by
      sum( CompSales.Sales ) desc

So notice the first query getting distinct group companies, and the secondary querying from its own per-company sales can be joined on the company ID of itself, but summed based on the common group parent, thus giving totals the the outer level per GROUP.

I also tacked on a simple order by to get largest sales sorted at the top. As you can see, it's a bit messier with existing structure, but can be done.

The output should look something like

GrpParent  GroupTotalSales
4626       2900       (4626 had 1600, 359468 had 800, and 7999 had 500)
56167      1300       (56167 had 1000, 11947 had 300)


清音悠歌 2025-02-04 19:29:47

当然,您可以使用 sys.columns 将静态列从表2返回,并将它们与表1中的动态列进行比较,并在选择第一行的选择中使用 unvivot


  DECLARE @table1 TABLE (colname VARCHAR(MAX))
  DECLARE @table2 TABLE (colname VARCHAR(MAX))

  INSERT INTO @table1 SELECT COLNAME FROM (SELECT a, b, c FROM TABLE1 WHERE...first row condition) a UNPIVOT (COLNAME FOR COLS IN ([a],[b],[c])) a

  INSERT INTO @table2 SELECT CAST (name  AS NVARCHAR(100)) name FROM sys.columns WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('TABLE2')

  SELECT a.colname cols1, b.colname cols2 
    FROM @table2 a
    FULL OUTER JOIN @table1 b ON (a.colname = b.colname)


You certainly could use sys.columns to return your static columns from Table2 and compare them to the dynamic columns in Table1 and use UNPIVOT on a select of your first row.

I have found that it was far easier to wrap this all in a T-SQL block and insert to two lists into temp tables before comparing due to data type conflicts (probably be solved by using CAST)

  DECLARE @table1 TABLE (colname VARCHAR(MAX))
  DECLARE @table2 TABLE (colname VARCHAR(MAX))

  INSERT INTO @table1 SELECT COLNAME FROM (SELECT a, b, c FROM TABLE1 WHERE...first row condition) a UNPIVOT (COLNAME FOR COLS IN ([a],[b],[c])) a

  INSERT INTO @table2 SELECT CAST (name  AS NVARCHAR(100)) name FROM sys.columns WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('TABLE2')

  SELECT a.colname cols1, b.colname cols2 
    FROM @table2 a
    FULL OUTER JOIN @table1 b ON (a.colname = b.colname)

You can easily change the final select to return what you want


清音悠歌 2025-02-04 13:21:09


#include <iostream>

class A
  int x;
  bool y;

class Original : public A
  bool z;

int main() {
    std::cout << sizeof(Original) << std::endl;



If you use inheritance the compiler can place the added member variables in the padding:

#include <iostream>

class A
  int x;
  bool y;

class Original : public A
  bool z;

int main() {
    std::cout << sizeof(Original) << std::endl;

Output: 8

Note: if you make all members and inheritance public then Original will even be an aggregate type.


清音悠歌 2025-02-04 08:37:08



  1. 将应用程序实例保存到应用程序 init 方法中的静态变量。
  2. 提供静态登录方法访问它。


public class AccessibleApp extends Application {
    private static AccessibleApp applicationInstance;

    public static AccessibleApp getApplicationInstance() {
        return applicationInstance;

    public void init() {
        applicationInstance = this;

    // other app functionality ...

    public static void main(String[] args) {




  1. 您不应创建另一个应用程序实例。

    abougn() method的调用来创建。


  2. 在应用程序类中绝不应该有 @fxml 注释。

    @fxml 仅在控制器中使用,应用程序类也不应为控制器。

  3. 您的整体方法不正确:






  1. 编写一个具有用于计数器值和时间表的整数属性的计数类。
  2. 在班上提供开始和停止方法,请勿为此使用字符串状态。
  3. 在控制器中,创建一个计数器实例,然后在用户交互中启动并停止它。
  4. 在控制器初始化方法中,绑定显示字段文本< /a>到计数器值。



How can I access the Application object in Controller?

To directly answer your question.

  1. Save the application instance to a static variable in the application init method.
  2. Provide a static accessor method to access it.

This is kind of like a singleton pattern, but the application instance is created by the launch method.

public class AccessibleApp extends Application {
    private static AccessibleApp applicationInstance;

    public static AccessibleApp getApplicationInstance() {
        return applicationInstance;

    public void init() {
        applicationInstance = this;

    // other app functionality ...

    public static void main(String[] args) {

Then the application can be accessed from any class using:


Issues with your sample code and approach

  1. You should not create another application instance.

    The application lifecycle javadoc notes there should be only one application instance in the JVM and this will be created by the invocation of the launch() method.

    The launch() method can only be called once for the JVM process.

  2. There should never be an @FXML annotation in an Application class.

    @FXML is only used in a controller and the application class should not also be a controller.

  3. Your overall approach is incorrect:

    in HelloController I want to listen to button clicks which then execute methods inside the HelloApplcation

    You should not do this.

    The application class is responsible for the application lifecycle. Unless it is a trivial self-contained hello world style application, it should not be doing anything else. It definitely should not be servicing fxml controller callbacks.

Recommended Approach

Perform your application logic either directly in the controller or in a dedicated service class.

  1. Write a Counter class that has an integer property for the counter value and a timeline.
  2. Provide start and stop methods on the class, do not use a string status for that.
  3. In the controller create a Counter instance and start and stop it on user interaction.
  4. In the controller initialize method, bind the display field text to the counter value.

Rather than trying to debug and fix your current code, I recommend you work on implementing the suggested approach instead.

To understand such approaches more, see:


清音悠歌 2025-02-04 01:44:04

不确定熊猫中是否有一个功能可以做到这一点。 )与OS.Walk(Directory)组合使用时应尽力而为

  • 但是,将方法os.rename ( -subdirectories in-the-the-current-directory“>获取当前目录中所有子目录的列表
  • os.rename()

Not sure there is a function in pandas to do that. However the method os.rename() should do the trick when used in combination with os.walk(directory):


清音悠歌 2025-02-03 18:47:20

我只会单独进行Intialize count 变量,并在循环时使用 time_machine_text.split() time_machine_text.split()。例如:

count = 0
words = time_machine_text.split()
while count < len(words):
    word = words[count]
    if "weena" in word:
    count += 1


count = 0
words = time_machine_text.split()
while count < len(words):
    word = words[count]
    if word.find("weena") != -1:
    count += 1

I would just intialize count variable separately and use while loop to iterate through time_machine_text.split(). For example:

count = 0
words = time_machine_text.split()
while count < len(words):
    word = words[count]
    if "weena" in word:
    count += 1

Edit: This is the version using find() function

count = 0
words = time_machine_text.split()
while count < len(words):
    word = words[count]
    if word.find("weena") != -1:
    count += 1





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