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濫情▎り 2025-02-04 13:54:02

在第二部分中,如果您用nswag替换swashbuckle,您实际上可以在Swagger UI中拥有这种不错的“之一” - 但是,就我而言,这还不够。

for the first part, what I understand it is not possible to find out if a class is used or not via reflection :(
And for the second part, if you replace the swashbuckle with nswag you are actually able to have this nice "one of" -feature in the swagger UI :) But in my case that is not enough so I guess this is not possible right now.


濫情▎り 2025-02-04 03:47:20





As a general rule (there will always be exceptions) multithreading is best suited to IO-bound processing (this includes networking). Multiprocessing is well suited to CPU-intensive activities.

Your testing is therefore flawed.

Your intention is clearly to do some kind of web-crawling but that's not happening in your test code which means that your test is CPU-intensive and therefore not suitable for multi-threading. Whereas, once you've added your networking code you may find that matters have improved providing you've used suitable techniques.

Take a look at ThreadPoolExecutor in concurrent.futures. You may find that useful in particular because you can swap to multiprocessing by simply replacing ThreadPoolExecutor with ProcessPoolExecutor which will make your experiments easier to quantify


濫情▎り 2025-02-02 22:33:13

这就是eigen :: ref是用来的。 “如何写通用但非塑造功能?

请参阅 这样:

void consume_matrix(const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& in);
void produce_matrix(Eigen::Ref<Eigen::MatrixXd> out);

void foo()
    Eigen::MatrixXd matrix = ...;
    produce_matrix(matrix.middleRows(start, len));



最终,存储借来的观点是从根本上不安全的操作。但是,如果您绝对必须这样做,我将使用eigen :: Map。至少这清楚地表明,您不拥有所引用的内存。类似的事情:

struct MatrixReference
  using map_type = Eigen::Map<
    Eigen::MatrixXd, Eigen::Unaligned, Eigen::OuterStride<> >;

  map_type matrix;

  template<class Derived>
  static map_type to_map(const Eigen::DenseBase<Derived>& matrix) noexcept
    assert(matrix.innerStride() == 1);
    return map_type(const_cast<double*>(matrix.derived().data()),
                    matrix.rows(), matrix.cols(),

  MatrixReference() noexcept
  : matrix(nullptr, 0, 0, Eigen::OuterStride<>(1))
  template<class Derived>
  explicit MatrixReference(const Eigen::DenseBase<Derived>& matrix) noexcept
    : matrix(to_map(matrix))
  MatrixReference(const MatrixReference&) = default;
  MatrixReference& operator=(const MatrixReference& o) noexcept
    // placement-new because assignment would overwrite the content
    new (&matrix) map_type(o.matrix);
    return *this;
int main()
  Eigen::MatrixXd mat = Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(4, 5);
  MatrixReference ref(mat.topRows(2));
  std::cout << mat << "\n\n" << ref.matrix << "\n\n";


struct CountedBlockRef
  std::shared_ptr<Eigen::MatrixXd> matrix;
  Eigen::Index first_row, first_col, rows, cols;

  using block_type = Eigen::Block<
    Eigen::MatrixXd, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>;
  using const_block_type = Eigen::Block<
    const Eigen::MatrixXd, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>;

  CountedBlockRef() noexcept
  : matrix(), first_row(), first_col(), rows(), cols()
  CountedBlockRef(std::shared_ptr<Eigen::MatrixXd> matrix,
                  Eigen::Index first_row, Eigen::Index first_col,
                  Eigen::Index rows, Eigen::Index cols) noexcept
    : matrix(std::move(matrix)),
  block_type block() noexcept
  { return matrix->block(first_row, first_col, rows, cols); }

  const_block_type block() const noexcept
    const Eigen::MatrixXd& matrix = *this->matrix;
    return matrix.block(first_row, first_col, rows, cols);
int main()
  std::shared_ptr<Eigen::MatrixXd> matptr =
    std::make_shared<Eigen::MatrixXd>(Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(4, 5));
  CountedBlockRef aref(matptr, 0, 0, 2, 5);
  std::cout << *matptr << "\n\n" << aref.block() << '\n';


That's what Eigen::Ref was built for. See the section "How to write generic, but non-templated function?"

Something like this:

void consume_matrix(const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& in);
void produce_matrix(Eigen::Ref<Eigen::MatrixXd> out);

void foo()
    Eigen::MatrixXd matrix = ...;
    produce_matrix(matrix.middleRows(start, len));

Storing block references

Eigen doesn't come with a type that is well-suited to keep a "borrowed" block expression of a matrix. I wouldn't recommend Ref for this case because it is far too easy to make it point at temporary allocations which can easily lead to dangling pointers.

Ultimately, storing borrowed views is a fundamentally unsafe operation. But if you absolutely have to do it, I would use an Eigen::Map. At least that makes it clear you aren't owning the memory to which you refer. Something like this:

struct MatrixReference
  using map_type = Eigen::Map<
    Eigen::MatrixXd, Eigen::Unaligned, Eigen::OuterStride<> >;

  map_type matrix;

  template<class Derived>
  static map_type to_map(const Eigen::DenseBase<Derived>& matrix) noexcept
    assert(matrix.innerStride() == 1);
    return map_type(const_cast<double*>(matrix.derived().data()),
                    matrix.rows(), matrix.cols(),

  MatrixReference() noexcept
  : matrix(nullptr, 0, 0, Eigen::OuterStride<>(1))
  template<class Derived>
  explicit MatrixReference(const Eigen::DenseBase<Derived>& matrix) noexcept
    : matrix(to_map(matrix))
  MatrixReference(const MatrixReference&) = default;
  MatrixReference& operator=(const MatrixReference& o) noexcept
    // placement-new because assignment would overwrite the content
    new (&matrix) map_type(o.matrix);
    return *this;
int main()
  Eigen::MatrixXd mat = Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(4, 5);
  MatrixReference ref(mat.topRows(2));
  std::cout << mat << "\n\n" << ref.matrix << "\n\n";

A slightly safer option is to keep a shared_ptr to the matrix and store the information what slice you use separately. Maybe like this:

struct CountedBlockRef
  std::shared_ptr<Eigen::MatrixXd> matrix;
  Eigen::Index first_row, first_col, rows, cols;

  using block_type = Eigen::Block<
    Eigen::MatrixXd, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>;
  using const_block_type = Eigen::Block<
    const Eigen::MatrixXd, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>;

  CountedBlockRef() noexcept
  : matrix(), first_row(), first_col(), rows(), cols()
  CountedBlockRef(std::shared_ptr<Eigen::MatrixXd> matrix,
                  Eigen::Index first_row, Eigen::Index first_col,
                  Eigen::Index rows, Eigen::Index cols) noexcept
    : matrix(std::move(matrix)),
  block_type block() noexcept
  { return matrix->block(first_row, first_col, rows, cols); }

  const_block_type block() const noexcept
    const Eigen::MatrixXd& matrix = *this->matrix;
    return matrix.block(first_row, first_col, rows, cols);
int main()
  std::shared_ptr<Eigen::MatrixXd> matptr =
    std::make_shared<Eigen::MatrixXd>(Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(4, 5));
  CountedBlockRef aref(matptr, 0, 0, 2, 5);
  std::cout << *matptr << "\n\n" << aref.block() << '\n';

That way, the reference will remain valid even after resizing the matrix and dangling pointers are avoided. Only shrinking remains a threat but that is caught by assertions, assuming you compile with them.


濫情▎り 2025-02-02 18:42:23


jdk.internal.platform.cgroupsubsystemfactory#创建方法期望内存条目。 对其进行检查,

您可以使用$ cat /proc /cgroups



I had a similar phenomenon with Spring Boot Actuator. In my case the problem was that the cgroup2 memory controller was missing for some reason.

The jdk.internal.platform.CgroupSubsystemFactory#create method expects a memory entry. You can check it with

$ cat /proc/cgroups

it should contain a row starting with "memory"

After a kernel update the problem was gone

java.lang.nullpoInterException:无法调用jdk.internal.platform.cgroupinfo.getmountpoint()因为“ AnyController”是无效的

濫情▎り 2025-02-02 17:31:38




<PriceCheckIcon />

PriceCheckIcon needs to be used in JSX form.




<PriceCheckIcon />


濫情▎り 2025-02-02 15:46:07

这是一个错误,说明它在锡上的作用。 H5标签不应在段落标签中使用。他们表示不同的文字。您应该做一些类似的事情。

   <p><strong>Ans:</strong> The technology we use to build a web application first depends on the project and then everything else. Generally node.js is good for applications that require a persistent connection from the client to the server. Using Node.js can be a great way to build real-time web applications where data will be exchanged quickly through the network. Mongodb is greate database to make web application. Monogo is greate choice if the application have services that you many user and who interact like blogs website. MongoDB is a general-purpose database used in various ways to support web applications in many different industries examples telecommunications, gaming, blog, finances, healthcare, and retail.</p>
   <h5>MongoDB use cases</h5>
     <li>Integrating large amounts of diverse data</li>
     <li>Describing complex data structures that evolve</li>
     <li>Delivering data in high-performance applications</li>
     <li>Supporting hybrid and multi-cloud applications</li>
     <li>Supporting agile development and collaboration</li>


This is an error that says what it does on the tin. h5 tags shouldn't be used within paragraph tags. They denote different styles of text. You should do something more akin this.

   <p><strong>Ans:</strong> The technology we use to build a web application first depends on the project and then everything else. Generally node.js is good for applications that require a persistent connection from the client to the server. Using Node.js can be a great way to build real-time web applications where data will be exchanged quickly through the network. Mongodb is greate database to make web application. Monogo is greate choice if the application have services that you many user and who interact like blogs website. MongoDB is a general-purpose database used in various ways to support web applications in many different industries examples telecommunications, gaming, blog, finances, healthcare, and retail.</p>
   <h5>MongoDB use cases</h5>
     <li>Integrating large amounts of diverse data</li>
     <li>Describing complex data structures that evolve</li>
     <li>Delivering data in high-performance applications</li>
     <li>Supporting hybrid and multi-cloud applications</li>
     <li>Supporting agile development and collaboration</li>

This wraps everything in a div instead of paragraph tags, which are instead used just to wrap the first block of text.

我如何解决此警告:验证的词(...):&lt; h5&gt;无法作为&lt; p&gt;的后代出现。

濫情▎り 2025-02-01 22:23:38


df = df.drop("Surname",axis=1)


"column name" is a placeholder for your actual column name.
For example, if you want to delete a column named "Surname", use:

df = df.drop("Surname",axis=1)

The error you have here is clearly stating that there is no column named "column name" in your dataframe.


濫情▎り 2025-02-01 16:22:19


  1. char *data [];不是有效的。
  2. 这不是可扩展的。我们想要:char ** data = null;并使用realloc
  3. no 检查fgets ,因此它将无限 not 停止在EOF。
  4. 第二/后续的调用fgets obliterate 来自先前数据的数据。我们需要使用strdup保留数据。
  5. 没有 trafing newline的剥离。解决此问题的一种方法是将定系数从”“ ”更改为strtok “ \ n”
  6. 循环中的最终printf试图打印下一个元素,而不是当前的元素。这会产生垃圾,并且是UB(不确定的行为),并具有动态增长的阵列。
  7. PWD,主机名,用户名不属于MRE(最小可重复的示例)。



#if 0
// old code
// new code

#if 1
// new code


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#ifndef CWD_MAX_BUF
#define CWD_MAX_BUF 200


    int i = 0;
    char input[150];

#if 0
    char name[256];
    char hostname[HOST_NAME_MAX];
    char username[LOGIN_NAME_MAX];
    char path[CWD_MAX_BUF];

#if 0
    char *data[];
    char **data = NULL;

// NOTE/BUG: not part of an MRE
#if 0
    getcwd(path, CWD_MAX_BUF);
    gethostname(hostname, HOST_NAME_MAX);
    getlogin_r(username, LOGIN_NAME_MAX);

    for (;;) {
#if 0
        printf("[%s@%s %s] $ ", username, hostname, path);
// NOTE/BUG: you don't stop on EOF
#if 0
        fgets(input, 150, stdin);
        if (fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin) == NULL)

        char *token = strtok(input, " \n");

        while (token != NULL) {
// NOTE/BUG: we need to enlarge data dynamically
// NOTE/BUG: we have to use strdup -- otherwise, the subsequent fgets will
// obliterate the data from the prior line
#if 0
            data[i++] = token;
            data = realloc(data,sizeof(*data) * (i + 1));
            data[i] = strdup(token);
            printf("TOKEN: %s\n", token);
            token = strtok(NULL, " \n");

// NOTE/BUG: tries to print one beyond the end of the actual data
#if 0
            printf("data[%i] = %s\n", i + 1, data[i]);
            printf("data[%i] = %s\n", i, data[i]);

    int count = i;
    for (i = 0;  i < count;  ++i)
        printf("final[%i] = %s\n",i,data[i]);

    return 0;


the quick brown fox jumps
over the lazy


TOKEN: the
data[0] = the
TOKEN: quick
data[1] = quick
TOKEN: brown
data[2] = brown
TOKEN: fox
data[3] = fox
TOKEN: jumps
data[4] = jumps
TOKEN: over
data[5] = over
TOKEN: the
data[6] = the
TOKEN: lazy
data[7] = lazy
TOKEN: dog
data[8] = dog
final[0] = the
final[1] = quick
final[2] = brown
final[3] = fox
final[4] = jumps
final[5] = over
final[6] = the
final[7] = lazy
final[8] = dog

There are a number of bugs:

  1. char *data[]; is not valid.
  2. It isn't extensible. We want: char **data = NULL; and to use realloc
  3. There is no check for the return value of fgets, so it will loop infinitely and not stop at EOF.
  4. The second/subsequent calls to fgets obliterate the data from prior ones. We need to preserve the data using strdup.
  5. There is no stripping of the trailing newline. One way to fix this is to change the delimiters to strtok from " " to " \n".
  6. The final printf in the loop tries to print the next element rather than the current one. This produces garbage and is UB (undefined behavior) with a dynamically growing array.
  7. The pwd, hostname, username isn't part of an MRE (minimal reproducible example).

Here is a refactored version.

In the code below, I've used preprocessor conditionals to denote old vs new code:

#if 0
// old code
// new code

#if 1
// new code

Anyway, here is the code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#ifndef CWD_MAX_BUF
#define CWD_MAX_BUF 200


    int i = 0;
    char input[150];

#if 0
    char name[256];
    char hostname[HOST_NAME_MAX];
    char username[LOGIN_NAME_MAX];
    char path[CWD_MAX_BUF];

#if 0
    char *data[];
    char **data = NULL;

// NOTE/BUG: not part of an MRE
#if 0
    getcwd(path, CWD_MAX_BUF);
    gethostname(hostname, HOST_NAME_MAX);
    getlogin_r(username, LOGIN_NAME_MAX);

    for (;;) {
#if 0
        printf("[%s@%s %s] $ ", username, hostname, path);
// NOTE/BUG: you don't stop on EOF
#if 0
        fgets(input, 150, stdin);
        if (fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin) == NULL)

        char *token = strtok(input, " \n");

        while (token != NULL) {
// NOTE/BUG: we need to enlarge data dynamically
// NOTE/BUG: we have to use strdup -- otherwise, the subsequent fgets will
// obliterate the data from the prior line
#if 0
            data[i++] = token;
            data = realloc(data,sizeof(*data) * (i + 1));
            data[i] = strdup(token);
            printf("TOKEN: %s\n", token);
            token = strtok(NULL, " \n");

// NOTE/BUG: tries to print one beyond the end of the actual data
#if 0
            printf("data[%i] = %s\n", i + 1, data[i]);
            printf("data[%i] = %s\n", i, data[i]);

    int count = i;
    for (i = 0;  i < count;  ++i)
        printf("final[%i] = %s\n",i,data[i]);

    return 0;

Here is some test input:

the quick brown fox jumps
over the lazy

Here is the program output:

TOKEN: the
data[0] = the
TOKEN: quick
data[1] = quick
TOKEN: brown
data[2] = brown
TOKEN: fox
data[3] = fox
TOKEN: jumps
data[4] = jumps
TOKEN: over
data[5] = over
TOKEN: the
data[6] = the
TOKEN: lazy
data[7] = lazy
TOKEN: dog
data[8] = dog
final[0] = the
final[1] = quick
final[2] = brown
final[3] = fox
final[4] = jumps
final[5] = over
final[6] = the
final[7] = lazy
final[8] = dog

获取错误&#x27;警告:分配给&#x2018; char&#x2019;从&#x2018; char *&#x2019;从指针中制作整数,而无需铸造&#x27;

濫情▎り 2025-02-01 16:03:49


usecallback挂钩返回一个回忆的回调函数,该函数传递给了它,而usememo hook hook hook接收函数回调并返回记忆的值。


usecallback(fn,deps)等效于usememo(()=&gt; fn,deps)


  1. usecallback

      const nameHandler = usecallback(()=&gt; {
    &lt; child name = {nameHandler} /&gt;
  2. usememo

      const nameHandler = usememo(()=&gt;()=&gt; {
    &lt; child name = {nameHandler} /&gt;

usememo挂钩正在接听 返回 的函数,该函数被用作调用,儿童组成部分。

并不清楚为什么您想这样做。 usecallback挂钩是要记住传递给儿童组件的回调时要使用的预期挂钩。与usememo版本中使用的“双重”函数相比,它也更清晰,更容易阅读。我建议坚持使用代码的usecallback版本。

So, I how am I suppose to replace useCallback with useMemo in this

The useCallback hook returns a memoized callback function that is passed to it whereas the useMemo hook takes a function callback and returns a memoized value.

From the useCallback docs:

useCallback(fn, deps) is equivalent to useMemo(() => fn, deps).

The following are equivalent implementations:

  1. useCallback

    const nameHandler = useCallback(() => {
      console.log('Really Skinny Jack');
    }, []);
    <Child name={nameHandler} />
  2. useMemo

    const nameHandler = useMemo(() => () => {
      console.log('Really Skinny Jack');
    }, []);
    <Child name={nameHandler} />

The useMemo hook is taking a callback that returns a function that is being used and passed as a callback to a child component.

It isn't really clear at all why you would want to do this though. The useCallback hook is the intended hook to be used when you want to memoize a callback that is passed to children components. It's also a lot clearer and easier to read than the "double" function that is used in the useMemo version. I suggest sticking to the useCallback version of your code.


濫情▎り 2025-02-01 15:09:07

我从index.html中评论了&lt; base href =“/”&gt;,并且我的应用在服务器上显示。

然后我更改了outputpath angular.json不包括子域:“ outputpath”:“ dist”,

我还将publicfirebase.json中设置为 include subdomain:“ public”:“ dist/en-en-us” ,

为什么在angular.jsonfirebase.json中的不同设置?在这些更改之前,我将angular.json设置为“ outputpath”:“ dist/language-two13”,。结果是ng构建将我的Angular Project转移到dist/language-two13/en-us中。通过更改此设置,我摆脱了一个子域。



我尝试将Crans上的默认语言从en转换为es。 Nada Cambios ...没有变化。


我尝试将文件从dist/en-us/转移到dist,删除en-us文件夹,更改firebase.json to “ public”:“ dist”,和评论&lt; base href =“/”&gt;返回index.html,并部署到Firebase托管。这很好。

总之,angular.json设置为无子域的transpile,但是en-us子域被神奇地插入,因此我设置了firebase.json 纠正这种怪异的行为。


I commented out <base href="/"> from index.html and my app displays on the server.

And I changed the outputPath in angular.json to not include the subdomain: "outputPath": "dist",.

I also changed the public setting in firebase.json to include the subdomain: "public": "dist/en-US",.

Why the different settings in angular.json and firebase.json? Before these changes, I had angular.json set to "outputPath": "dist/language-two13",. The result was that ng build transpiled my Angular project into dist/language-two13/en-US. By changing this setting I got rid of one subdomain.

In the browser neither subdomain appeared in the URL.

Where the en-US subdomain is coming from I have no idea. I'm using Transloco for i18n but searching through transloco-root.module.ts I see en and es as the languages of my project, not en-US. I searched my entire app and found only a few instances of en-US, only in code that corrects this to en, and never in settings that would affect the transpiler.

I tried switching the default language of Transloco from en to es. Nada cambios...no changes.

I tried commenting out Transloco in app.module.ts but Angular won't compile.

I tried moving my files from dist/en-US/ to dist, removing the en-US folder, changing firebase.json to "public": "dist", and commenting <base href="/"> back into index.html, and deploying to Firebase Hosting. This works fine.

In conclusion, angular.json is set to transpile without a subdomain, but the en-US subdomain is magically getting inserted, so I set firebase.json to correct for this weird behavior.

My hat is off to dev-ops professionals who deal with this stuff all day!

无法加载模块脚本:预期一个JavaScript模块脚本,但服务器以“ text/html”的MIME类型响应

濫情▎り 2025-02-01 11:11:48



Before 0.14, digests are not created for images loaded with kind load.

Should be fixed in 0.14

crictl映像 - 消化不动在类似节点中不显示摘要

濫情▎り 2025-02-01 11:04:51


i managed to figure out how to do this and it was really dumb of me not to notice it but i can just use campaign.name in the form call


濫情▎り 2025-02-01 07:53:28

您可以组合 如果值不正确(或真相,无论您需要什么逻辑),则可以将一个额外的处理程序抛出。

await Promise.any(
  promises.map(promise => promise.then(
    (result) => {
      if (!result) throw new Error(); // Make this reject
// will reject if all promises reject

You can combine Promise.any with an additional handler that throws if the value isn't true (or truthy, whatever logic you need).

await Promise.any(
  promises.map(promise => promise.then(
    (result) => {
      if (!result) throw new Error(); // Make this reject
// will reject if all promises reject


濫情▎り 2025-02-01 06:46:48





chrome.omnibox.onInputEntered.addListener(async text => {
  await chrome.storage.local.set({text});
  await chrome.tabs.update({ url: 'http://www.asknoam.com' });


chrome.storage.local.get('text', ({text}) => {
chrome.storage.onChanged.addListener(changes => {
  if (changes.text) process(changes.text.newValue);


  "permissions": ["storage"]



chrome.omnibox.onInputEntered.addListener(async text => {
  const tab = await chrome.tabs.update({ url: 'http://www.asknoam.com' });
  chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function onUpd(tabId, info) {
    if (tabId === tab.id && info.status === 'complete') {
      chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tabId, text);


chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(msg => {
  // use msg
  // ........

The callback of chrome.tabs.update runs almost immediately, so the subsequent sendMessage runs before the new URL is navigated i.e. before the page is created and before the content script runs.

There are several solutions.

1. Use chrome.storage.local.

background script:

chrome.omnibox.onInputEntered.addListener(async text => {
  await chrome.storage.local.set({text});
  await chrome.tabs.update({ url: 'http://www.asknoam.com' });

content script:

chrome.storage.local.get('text', ({text}) => {
chrome.storage.onChanged.addListener(changes => {
  if (changes.text) process(changes.text.newValue);


  "permissions": ["storage"]

2. Wait for the tab to load

background script:

chrome.omnibox.onInputEntered.addListener(async text => {
  const tab = await chrome.tabs.update({ url: 'http://www.asknoam.com' });
  chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function onUpd(tabId, info) {
    if (tabId === tab.id && info.status === 'complete') {
      chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tabId, text);

content script:

chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(msg => {
  // use msg
  // ........


濫情▎り 2025-02-01 05:53:56


pip3 install ta-lib-bin

Then try bin:

pip3 install ta-lib-bin





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