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灯角 2024-10-19 21:58:10

我已经尝试了几次谷歌搜索,以找到关于此问题的明确答案,但之前没有找到。刚才我发现一个线程实际上引用了有关该问题的微软知识库文章。文章 KB948869 描述了该问题。

知识库文章建议创建您自己的组合框并重写 ProcessDialogKey 方法。

using System.Windows.Forms;

public class MyComboBox : ComboBox
    protected override bool ProcessDialogKey(Keys keyData)
        if (keyData == Keys.Tab)
            this.DroppedDown = false;
        return base.ProcessDialogKey(keyData);


不过,我找到了另一种解决方法,那就是使用 DropDownClosed 事件。

private void comboBox1_DropDownClosed(object sender, EventArgs e)
    label1.Text = "DroDownClosed Selected index: " + comboBox1.SelectedIndex;

确实似乎有效,但仅在使用 DropDownStyle.DropDown 时有效。当您将 DropDownStyle 设置为 DropDownList 时,键入字符不会触发 DropDownClosed (因为在这种情况下没有实际的下拉列表)。仅当您实际打开下拉列表并选择一个值时,才会触发 DropDownClosed 事件。


我什至尝试覆盖 MyComboBox 中的属性 SelectedIndex,让它调用 OnSelectedIndexChanged(EventArgs.Empty)。输入一个字符并按 Alt+Down 后,setter 会被执行,但它会将值设置为 -1,这已经是了。按 T​​ab 键后,设置器不会再次执行,尽管 SelectedIndex 值确实发生了变化。看起来 ComboBox 绕过了设置,直接更改了 SelectedIndex 的支持字段。我相信类似的事情也可能发生在真正的 ComboBox 中。

I've tried several google searches in order to find a definitive answer on this but didn't find one before. Just now I found a thread that actually refers to a Microsoft knowledge base article about the problem. Article KB948869 describes the problem.

The knowledge base article suggest to create your own combobox and override the ProcessDialogKey method.

using System.Windows.Forms;

public class MyComboBox : ComboBox
    protected override bool ProcessDialogKey(Keys keyData)
        if (keyData == Keys.Tab)
            this.DroppedDown = false;
        return base.ProcessDialogKey(keyData);

I've tried it, but unfortunately, it doesn't seem to have any effect. Which is a bit strange. I would expect a workaround described in a knowledge base article to be accurate.

I found another workaround though, which is to use the DropDownClosed event in stead.

private void comboBox1_DropDownClosed(object sender, EventArgs e)
    label1.Text = "DroDownClosed Selected index: " + comboBox1.SelectedIndex;

This does seem to work, but only when using DropDownStyle.DropDown. When you set the DropDownStyle to DropDownList, typing a character does not fire the DropDownClosed (as there is no actual drop down in that case). Only if you actually open up the drop down list and select a value the DropDownClosed event is fired.

So, both options are not really a good answer.

I've even tried overriding property SelectedIndex in MyComboBox, having it call OnSelectedIndexChanged(EventArgs.Empty). After typing a character and pressing Alt+Down, the setter is executed, but it's setting the value to -1, which it already is. After pressing Tab, the setter isn't executed again, although somehow the SelectedIndex value does change. It looks like the ComboBox is directly changing the backing field for SelectedIndex, bypassing the setting. I believe something like this probably also happens in the real ComboBox.

WinForms ComboBox SelectedIndexChanged 在输入几个字符后按 Alt+Down 时不会触发

灯角 2024-10-19 18:58:41

停止从站后,您可以在 START SLAVE 语句中指定要处理的位置。类似于:



After you stop your slave, you can specify the positions you want to process up to in your START SLAVE statement. Something like:


Documented here.

Mysql 在日志位置停止从属

灯角 2024-10-19 14:04:09

你的意思是你想消除包装纸和黑线之间的间隙?如果是,只需将 #blackbox2 边距更改为 margin: 0 auto 15px;

you mean that you want to eliminate the gap between wrapper and the black line? If yes just change the #blackbox2 margin to margin: 0 auto 15px;


灯角 2024-10-19 13:12:43

就像您自己所说:您可能有另一个可以是 IRelated 的类。如何将此类的实例添加到 List 中?


List<IRelated> listofrelateditems = new List<IRelated>();

Like you yourself said: You may have another class that can be IRelated. How are you going to add an instance of such a class to a List<BaseItem>?

You will have to write:

List<IRelated> listofrelateditems = new List<IRelated>();

C# 中的接口和列表

灯角 2024-10-19 10:12:39


You shouldn't use the user account which is used as a app pool account, because You will always see system account. In this case the best way is to change the app pool account to another which won't be used for another purposes.

SPFile.CheckoutBy 提供系统/帐户而不是我的登录名

灯角 2024-10-19 04:09:37

该页面不包含 XML。它最多包含一个 XML 片段:

<?xml version="1.0"?> 

这是不正确的,因为没有文档元素。 SAX 将第一个 解释为文档元素,并正确报告“文档元素后的垃圾”,因为就其所知,文档元素在第 1 行结束。

要解决该错误,请执行以下操作不将此文档视为 XML。将其下载为文本,删除 XML 声明 (),然后在尝试处理它之前将其包装在假文档元素中。

The page does not contain XML. It contains an XML snippet at best:

<?xml version="1.0"?> 

This is incorrect since there is no document element. SAX interprets the first <word> as the document element, and correctly reports "junk after document element" since for all it knows, the document element ends on line 1.

To get around the error, do not treat this document as XML. Download it as text, remove the XML declaration (<?xml version="1.0"?>) and then wrap it in a fake document element before you try to process it.

Android java XML 文档元素后的垃圾

灯角 2024-10-18 13:35:16


Nokogiri 是一个 HTML、XML、SAX 和 Reader 解析器。 Nokogiri 的众多功能之一是能够通过 XPath 或 CSS3 选择器搜索文档。”。

它是用 Ruby 编写的,但您说您想要一个算法,而 Ruby 非常适合阅读。或者只是从您正在使用的任何内容中调用它。

Check out nokogiri. From their page:

Nokogiri is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser. Among Nokogiri’s many features is the ability to search documents via XPath or CSS3 selectors.".

It's in Ruby, but you said you wanted an algorithm and Ruby is great for reading. Or just call it from whatever you are working in.

使用 CSS 选择器从流解析器(例如 SAX 流)收集 HTML 元素

灯角 2024-10-18 08:02:59

使用 Chrome(我得到了大量数据)和 Firefox(我得到空响应)的试验和错误使我的“Accept-Language”标头为零。其他修改据说只是装饰性的,但我不确定 CookieJar。

import time
import sys
import urllib2
import urllib
from json import loads
import cookielib

base_url = "https://graph.facebook.com/search?q="
post_id = None
post_type = None
user_id = None 
message = None
created_time = None

jar = cookielib.CookieJar()
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(jar))
opener.addheaders = [
    ('Accept-Language', 'en-US,en;q=0.8'),]

def doit(hour):
    page = 1
    search_term = "\"Plastic Planet\""
    encoded_search_term = urllib.quote(search_term)
    print encoded_search_term
    url = "%s%s%s" % (base_url,encoded_search_term,type)

    print url

    data = True
    while data:
        response = opener.open(url)
        opener.addheaders += [
            ('Referer', url) ]

        content = response.read()
        content = loads(content)

        print "=================================="
        for c in content["data"]:
            print c.keys()
        print "****************************************"

        if "paging" in content:
            print "current URL"
            print url
            print "next page!------------"
            url = content["paging"]["next"]
            print url
            print content
            print url
            data = False



import urllib2
import urllib
from json import loads
import cookielib

def doit(search_term, base_url = "https://graph.facebook.com/search?q="):
    opener = urllib2.build_opener()
    opener.addheaders = [('Accept-Language', 'en-US,en;q=0.8')]

    encoded_search_term = urllib.quote(search_term)
    url = "%s%s%s" % (base_url,encoded_search_term,type)

    print encoded_search_term
    print url

    data = True
    while data:
        response = opener.open(url)

        content = loads(response.read())

        print "=================================="
        for c in content["data"]:
            print c.keys()
        print "****************************************"

        if "paging" in content:
            url = content["paging"]["next"]
            print "Empty response"
            print content
            data = False

doit('"Plastic Planet"')

Trial and error using Chrome (where I got lots of data) and Firefox (where I got the empty response) made me zero on the 'Accept-Language' header. Other modifications are supposedly only cosmetic, but I'm not sure about the CookieJar.

import time
import sys
import urllib2
import urllib
from json import loads
import cookielib

base_url = "https://graph.facebook.com/search?q="
post_id = None
post_type = None
user_id = None 
message = None
created_time = None

jar = cookielib.CookieJar()
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(jar))
opener.addheaders = [
    ('Accept-Language', 'en-US,en;q=0.8'),]

def doit(hour):
    page = 1
    search_term = "\"Plastic Planet\""
    encoded_search_term = urllib.quote(search_term)
    print encoded_search_term
    url = "%s%s%s" % (base_url,encoded_search_term,type)

    print url

    data = True
    while data:
        response = opener.open(url)
        opener.addheaders += [
            ('Referer', url) ]

        content = response.read()
        content = loads(content)

        print "=================================="
        for c in content["data"]:
            print c.keys()
        print "****************************************"

        if "paging" in content:
            print "current URL"
            print url
            print "next page!------------"
            url = content["paging"]["next"]
            print url
            print content
            print url
            data = False


Here's a cleaned up, minimal working version:

import urllib2
import urllib
from json import loads
import cookielib

def doit(search_term, base_url = "https://graph.facebook.com/search?q="):
    opener = urllib2.build_opener()
    opener.addheaders = [('Accept-Language', 'en-US,en;q=0.8')]

    encoded_search_term = urllib.quote(search_term)
    url = "%s%s%s" % (base_url,encoded_search_term,type)

    print encoded_search_term
    print url

    data = True
    while data:
        response = opener.open(url)

        content = loads(response.read())

        print "=================================="
        for c in content["data"]:
            print c.keys()
        print "****************************************"

        if "paging" in content:
            url = content["paging"]["next"]
            print "Empty response"
            print content
            data = False

doit('"Plastic Planet"')

无法从服务器端检索搜索结果:使用 Python 的 Facebook Graph API

灯角 2024-10-18 07:37:21


public class LocalizedRequiredAttribute : RequiredAttribute {
    public LocalizedRequiredAttribute() { /* TypeDef = typeof(Resources);*/ }

public class MyModel {
    public string RequiredStringWithDesc { get; set; }

Create a new attribute class which inherits from the RequiredAttribute and set default values.

public class LocalizedRequiredAttribute : RequiredAttribute {
    public LocalizedRequiredAttribute() { /* TypeDef = typeof(Resources);*/ }

public class MyModel {
    public string RequiredStringWithDesc { get; set; }


灯角 2024-10-18 03:48:01



所有拖放的文件都可以通过 argv[orderOfTheFile] (orderOfTheFile 是从 1-n),

但是 Windows 如何创建该顺序,现在 是一个真正的谜...

无论如何,假设我将创建 26 个纯文本文件 ( *. txt ),从桌面上的 a.txtz.txt

现在,如果我将它们拖放到到直接位于 C:\ 驱动器上的 ArgsPrinter_c++.exe 上,


argc = 27
argv[0] = C:\ArgsPrinter_c++.exe
argv[1] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\c.txt
argv[2] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\d.txt
argv[3] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\e.txt
argv[4] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\f.txt
argv[5] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\g.txt
argv[6] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\h.txt
argv[7] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\i.txt
argv[8] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\j.txt
argv[9] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\k.txt
argv[10] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\l.txt
argv[11] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\m.txt
argv[12] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\n.txt
argv[13] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\o.txt
argv[14] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\p.txt
argv[15] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\q.txt
argv[16] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\r.txt
argv[17] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\s.txt
argv[18] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\t.txt
argv[19] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\u.txt
argv[20] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\v.txt
argv[21] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\w.txt
argv[22] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\x.txt
argv[23] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\y.txt
argv[24] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\z.txt
argv[25] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\a.txt
argv[26] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\b.txt


#include <iostream> 
using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { 
   cout << "argc = " << argc << endl; 
   for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++) 
      cout << "argv[" << i << "] = " << argv[i] << endl; 

   return 0; 


我创建了一个简单的程序,它只创建你的类的一个sceleton,以便可以使用它,并且< strong>该程序的主要本身运行得很好 =>如果你的程序退出得太早,问题将出在你的类中......


#include <iostream> 
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

class Converter{
    Converter(const char* f){ cout << f << endl; }
    void getATCommandsFromCSV(){ cout << "called getATCommandsFromCSV" << endl; }

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { 
  vector<string> files;

  for (int g = 1; g < argc; g++) {
      string s = argv[g];
      string filename = "";
      int pos = s.find_last_of("\\", s.size());

      if (pos != -1) {
          filename = s.substr(pos + 1);

          cout << "argv[1] " << argv[1] << endl;
          cout << "\n filename: " << filename << "\n pos: " << pos << endl;


  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < files.size(); k++)
      cout << "files.at( " << k << " ): " << files.at(k).c_str() << endl;
      Converter a(files.at(k).c_str());

  cout << "\n" << "Programm finished...\n\n" << endl;


  return 0;

Answer to the main question


All drag&dropped files are get-able as argv[orderOfTheFile] (orderOfTheFile is from 1-n),

however how does windows create that order, now that is a real mystery...

Anyway let's say I would create 26 plain text files ( *.txt ), from a.txt to z.txt on my Desktop,

now if I would drag&dropped them on my ArgsPrinter_c++.exe located directly on C:\ drive,

an output would be similar to this:

argc = 27
argv[0] = C:\ArgsPrinter_c++.exe
argv[1] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\c.txt
argv[2] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\d.txt
argv[3] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\e.txt
argv[4] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\f.txt
argv[5] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\g.txt
argv[6] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\h.txt
argv[7] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\i.txt
argv[8] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\j.txt
argv[9] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\k.txt
argv[10] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\l.txt
argv[11] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\m.txt
argv[12] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\n.txt
argv[13] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\o.txt
argv[14] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\p.txt
argv[15] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\q.txt
argv[16] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\r.txt
argv[17] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\s.txt
argv[18] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\t.txt
argv[19] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\u.txt
argv[20] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\v.txt
argv[21] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\w.txt
argv[22] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\x.txt
argv[23] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\y.txt
argv[24] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\z.txt
argv[25] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\a.txt
argv[26] = C:\Users\MyUserName\Desktop\b.txt

My ArgsPrinter_c++.exe source code:

#include <iostream> 
using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { 
   cout << "argc = " << argc << endl; 
   for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++) 
      cout << "argv[" << i << "] = " << argv[i] << endl; 

   return 0; 

Your last problem

I have created a simple program that creates only a sceleton of your class so it can be used, and the program's main itself ran JUST FINE => if your program exits too soon, the problem will be in your class...

Tested source code:

#include <iostream> 
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

class Converter{
    Converter(const char* f){ cout << f << endl; }
    void getATCommandsFromCSV(){ cout << "called getATCommandsFromCSV" << endl; }

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { 
  vector<string> files;

  for (int g = 1; g < argc; g++) {
      string s = argv[g];
      string filename = "";
      int pos = s.find_last_of("\\", s.size());

      if (pos != -1) {
          filename = s.substr(pos + 1);

          cout << "argv[1] " << argv[1] << endl;
          cout << "\n filename: " << filename << "\n pos: " << pos << endl;


  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < files.size(); k++)
      cout << "files.at( " << k << " ): " << files.at(k).c_str() << endl;
      Converter a(files.at(k).c_str());

  cout << "\n" << "Programm finished...\n\n" << endl;


  return 0;

如何启用在 *.exe 上拖动文件并将其作为参数获取?

灯角 2024-10-18 00:50:40

JSLint 文档说:


JavaScript 最大的问题是它
声明(通常与 var
语句),然后 JavaScript 假设

JSLint 期望所有变量和


可以使用 var 关键字声明变量。

JSLint documentation says:

Undefined Variables and Functions

JavaScript's biggest problem is its
dependence on global variables,
particularly implied global variables.
If a variable is not explicitly
declared (usually with the var
statement), then JavaScript assumes
that the variable was global. This can
mask misspelled names and other

JSLint expects that all variables and
functions are declared before they are
used or invoked. This allows it to
detect implied global variables. It is
also good practice because it makes
programs easier to read.

Care for that error. Nearly every coding convention wants you not to use implied globals.

Variables can be declared using the var keyword.

JSLint(Javascript 验证器网站)- 错误!隐含全局:

灯角 2024-10-17 12:41:07

我发现通过运行一个在任何数字字段前面放置 ' 的脚本,可以将它们很好地导入到 SQL 中。

我在 12 个电子表格中的一个上遇到了这个问题,不知道为什么它会成为一个问题。

如果您有很多行,一个简单的 VBA 脚本可以使这一切变得容易。

I found that by running a script that put a ' in front of any numeric fields made them import into SQL fine.

I ran into this on one spreadsheet out of 12, wasn't sure why it became a problem.

A simple VBA script can make this easy if you have a lot of rows.

EXCEL 导入到 VARCHAR 数据类型时返回小数 NULL 的 SQL

灯角 2024-10-17 09:35:00

将所有 Common Dll 放在另一个 Repo 中然后使用外部是否更好?



然后 Project1/trunk 可能会有一个 svn:externals 属性,其内容如下:

-r148 ^/CommonDLL1/trunk CommonDLL1
-r157 ^/CommonDLL2/trunk CommonDLL2

此属性使 subversion 自动创建文件夹 CommonDLL1每当您进行签出或更新时,CommonDLL2 都位于 Project1/trunk 的工作副本中。

请注意外部定义如何包含修订号。这可以确保如果您更改 CommonDLL1 中的某些内容,则不会影响 Project1,除非您显式更改外部定义中的修订号。这对于项目标签的不变性尤其重要。


  • 如果您通过 Project1 的工作副本提交来对 CommonDLL1 进行更改,那么您当更新后更改神秘消失时,您可能会感到困惑。这是因为 SVN 不会自动调整外部定义中的修订号。您必须显式更改它并提交该更改。让您的团队了解这一点。

  • 您的持续集成服务器不会自动发现最新的 Project1/trunk 不再针对最新的 CommonDLL1/trunk 进行构建。只有当您更改外部定义中的修订号时,您才会发现这一点。

Is it better to put all Common Dll in another Repo and then using externals?

Not necessarily "another repo", but you should definitely treat it as a project that stands on its own. Your layout should look like this:


Then Project1/trunk would probably have a svn:externals property with this content:

-r148 ^/CommonDLL1/trunk CommonDLL1
-r157 ^/CommonDLL2/trunk CommonDLL2

This property causes subversion to automatically create the folders CommonDLL1 and CommonDLL2 inside your working copy of Project1/trunk whenever you do a checkout or update.

Note how the externals definition contains a revision number. This ensures that if you change something in CommonDLL1, this will not affect Project1 until you explicitly change the revision number in the externals definition. This is especially important for the immutability of your project tags.

There are some downsides to this approach which you have to weigh against the upsides:

  • If you make a change to CommonDLL1 by committing via a working copy of Project1, you might be confused when the change mysteriously disappears after an update. This is because SVN will not automatically adjust the revision number in the externals definition. You have to explicitly change it and commit that change also. Educate your team about this.

  • Your continuous integration server will not automatically discover that the latest Project1/trunk no longer builds against the latest CommonDLL1/trunk. You will only find out about that when you change the revision number in the externals definition.


灯角 2024-10-17 05:02:49

CSS id 元素覆盖其子元素的定义




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