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一念一轮回 2025-02-20 12:25:48



<select onChange={(e) => selectedUser(e)} className=" form-select-control">
    <option value="">Please select the user</option>
    {active &&
        users.map((user: any) => (
            <option key={user.id}>{user.displayName}</option>

const selectedUser = (e: any) => {

您还可以保存user.id in id = {user。 id}并通过e.target.id获取它。

There are several ways to achieve this.

You need to define a key if you create DOM elements with React when you iterate through an array with .map() anyway (else you'll get a warning in the console of your browser). You can use the key to get the user.id:

<select onChange={(e) => selectedUser(e)} className=" form-select-control">
    <option value="">Please select the user</option>
    {active &&
        users.map((user: any) => (
            <option key={user.id}>{user.displayName}</option>

const selectedUser = (e: any) => {

You could also save the user.id in id={user.id} and grab it via e.target.id.


一念一轮回 2025-02-20 04:12:10


re.findall(r'.*\b(?:for|at|of)\s+(.*)', text)

regex demo 详细信息

  • 。* - 除线断裂字符以外的任何零或更多字符,尽可能多的
  • \ b - 一个Word Boundare
  • (?:for | at | of) - for , at 或的
  • \ s+ -一个或多个空格
  • (。*) - 第1组:除折扣以外的任何零或更多字符,尽可能多。




  • \ b - word boundard boundary
  • (?for | AT | of) - 对于, 或
  • \ s+ - 一个或多个whitepsepaces
  • ((?:(?) ,或的 的总体 yat a 尽可能多的事件, 整个单词char sequence
  • $ 代码> - 字符串的结尾。

注意,您还可以使用 re.Search ,因为您期望一个匹配:

match = re.search(r'.*\b(?:for|at|of)\s+(.*)', text)
if match:
, text)


  • \ b - word boundard boundary
  • (?for | AT | of) - 对于, 或
  • \ s+ - 一个或多个whitepsepaces
  • ((?:(?),或的 的总体 yat a 尽可能多的事件, 整个单词char sequence
  • $ 代码> - 字符串的结尾。


You can use

re.findall(r'.*\b(?:for|at|of)\s+(.*)', text)

See the regex demo. Details:

  • .* - any zero or more chars other than line break chars, as many as possible
  • \b - a word boundary
  • (?:for|at|of) - for, at or of
  • \s+ - one or more whitespaces
  • (.*) - Group 1: any zero or more chars other than line break chars, as many as possible.

Another regex that will fetch the same results is



  • \b - a word boundary
  • (?:for|at|of) - for, at or of
  • \s+ - one or more whitespaces
  • ((?:(?!\b(?:for|at|of)\b).)*) - Group 1: any char, other than a line break char, zero or more but as many as possible, occurrences, that does not start a for, at or of as a whole word char sequence
  • $ - end of string.

Note you can also use re.search since you expect a single match:

match = re.search(r'.*\b(?:for|at|of)\s+(.*)', text)
if match:
, text)


  • \b - a word boundary
  • (?:for|at|of) - for, at or of
  • \s+ - one or more whitespaces
  • ((?:(?!\b(?:for|at|of)\b).)*) - Group 1: any char, other than a line break char, zero or more but as many as possible, occurrences, that does not start a for, at or of as a whole word char sequence
  • $ - end of string.

Note you can also use re.search since you expect a single match:


一念一轮回 2025-02-19 18:18:37



This reminds me of the problem of finding the smallest window that includes all members of a set, which can be solved in O(n) time and O(k) space with two pointers. In our case, O(1) space would seem to be enough since we're only interested in a sum.

Move the right pointer until the sum is achieved. Move the left pointer just until the sum is again too low. Then move the right pointer, etc. Addressing the argmax constraint left to the reader.


一念一轮回 2025-02-19 08:39:12


df = pd.DataFrame({"state":['A&N','A&N','A&N','A&N','A&N','A&N','A&N'],
                    'district': ['SA','SA','SA','N','N','N','N'],
                    'HS Code': [3,3,3,40,42,63,72],
                    'Feb Value': np.random.randint(200,300,7),
                    'Mar Value': np.random.randint(200,300,7),
                    'Apr Value': np.random.randint(200,300,7),})
df['Apr_district_by_sum'] = df.groupby(['HS Code','district'])['Apr Value'].transform(np.sum)

state district  HS Code  Feb Value  Mar Value  Apr Value  Apr_district_by_sum
0   A&N       SA        3        252        249        277                  773
1   A&N       SA        3        268        267        268                  773
2   A&N       SA        3        295        241        228                  773
3   A&N        N       40        222        235        271                  271
4   A&N        N       42        225        226        202                  202
5   A&N        N       63        268        217        248                  248
6   A&N        N       72        292        257        270                  270


df = pd.DataFrame({"state":['A&N','A&N','A&N','A&N','A&N','A&N','A&N'],
                    'district': ['SA','SA','SA','N','N','N','N'],
                    'HS Code': [3,3,3,40,42,63,72],
                    'Feb Value': np.random.randint(200,300,7),
                    'Mar Value': np.random.randint(200,300,7),
                    'Apr Value': np.random.randint(200,300,7),})
df1 = df.groupby(['HS Code','district'])['Apr Value'].sum().reset_index()

 HS Code district  Apr Value
0        3       SA        735
1       40        N        206
2       42        N        207
3       63        N        235
4       72        N        275

2 different solutions are given for groupby. From your question, it is not clear which type of final data structure you are looking for.

df = pd.DataFrame({"state":['A&N','A&N','A&N','A&N','A&N','A&N','A&N'],
                    'district': ['SA','SA','SA','N','N','N','N'],
                    'HS Code': [3,3,3,40,42,63,72],
                    'Feb Value': np.random.randint(200,300,7),
                    'Mar Value': np.random.randint(200,300,7),
                    'Apr Value': np.random.randint(200,300,7),})
df['Apr_district_by_sum'] = df.groupby(['HS Code','district'])['Apr Value'].transform(np.sum)

state district  HS Code  Feb Value  Mar Value  Apr Value  Apr_district_by_sum
0   A&N       SA        3        252        249        277                  773
1   A&N       SA        3        268        267        268                  773
2   A&N       SA        3        295        241        228                  773
3   A&N        N       40        222        235        271                  271
4   A&N        N       42        225        226        202                  202
5   A&N        N       63        268        217        248                  248
6   A&N        N       72        292        257        270                  270


df = pd.DataFrame({"state":['A&N','A&N','A&N','A&N','A&N','A&N','A&N'],
                    'district': ['SA','SA','SA','N','N','N','N'],
                    'HS Code': [3,3,3,40,42,63,72],
                    'Feb Value': np.random.randint(200,300,7),
                    'Mar Value': np.random.randint(200,300,7),
                    'Apr Value': np.random.randint(200,300,7),})
df1 = df.groupby(['HS Code','district'])['Apr Value'].sum().reset_index()

 HS Code district  Apr Value
0        3       SA        735
1       40        N        206
2       42        N        207
3       63        N        235
4       72        N        275


一念一轮回 2025-02-19 08:38:48

我也遇到了一个类似的问题,但是我想创建的容器需要将/var/run/docker.sock挂载为音量(Portainer代理),而在不同的名称空间下运行它们时。通常,一个容器不在乎其启动的命名空间 - 这是重点 - 但是由于访问是由不同的名称空间进行的,因此必须规避这一点。

- userns = host添加到容器的运行命令中,使其能够使用正确的权限。


I ran into a similar problem as well, but where the container I wanted to create needed to mount /var/run/docker.sock as a volume (Portainer Agent), while running it all under a different namespace. Normally a container does not care about which namespace it is started in -- that is sort of the point -- but since access was made from a different namespace, this had to be circumvented.

Adding --userns=host to the run command for the container enabled it to use the attain the correct permissions.

Quite a specific use case, but after more research hours than I want to admit I just thought I should share it with the world if someone else ends up in this situation :)


一念一轮回 2025-02-19 07:14:53







image front := GetFrontImage().ImageClone()
number sx, sy
image mask = front > mean(front) ? 1 : 0
component maskComp = NewOverlayAnnotation(0,0,sy,sx)


There is no command or simple way to convert an arbitrary mask into a ROI.

This is partly so, because a ROI is defined as a set of vertices.

In order to do the conversion, one would first have to create the "outline" mask from the binary mask, then get the XY coordinates of all of the outline points, and then have an algorithm to sort these points so that they form a (closed) loop.
Then, one could create a ROI and add the points as vertices. All doable, but non-trivial.

But I'm wondering why one would even go to that length?

If the primary use-case is to use the ROI to limit some data in the SI, then one will have to convert the ROI back into a binary mask at one or another point. So why not just use the mask in the first place?

If it is just a question of visualization of the mask, then I would recommend using the annotation that is meant for the task: the overlay annotation.
enter image description here

image front := GetFrontImage().ImageClone()
number sx, sy
image mask = front > mean(front) ? 1 : 0
component maskComp = NewOverlayAnnotation(0,0,sy,sx)

Edit: Older versions of GMS do not support this type of annotation. In this case, one could instead create a RGB mix image for display.


一念一轮回 2025-02-19 00:54:10

如果您使用的是javascript SDK,建议对本机的建议:




If you are using the JavaScript SDK as recommended for React Native:

Add a user to a conversation

So basically



一念一轮回 2025-02-18 14:55:25

对于这种类型的事情,我通常会尝试将类别表示为逻辑表达式,然后使用scale _*_手动值。也许在这里使用cut我不理解的效用,但是在此示例中,您可以做...

if (input$fairness_metric == "Equal Opportunity Difference") {
      heatmap_data <- rw

对于这种类型的事情,我通常会尝试将类别表示为逻辑表达式,然后使用 scale _*_手动值。也许在这里使用 cut 我不理解的效用,但是在此示例中,您可以做...

Equal Opportunity Difference` fair <- (abs(round(heatmap_data, 2)) > 0.11) color <- ifelse((round(heatmap_data, 2) <= 0.10000) & (round(heatmap_data, 2) >= -0.10000), "black", "white") } # else if ... # Create heatmap ggplot(rw, # ... + scale_fill_manual("Fairness", breaks = c(TRUE, FALSE), labels = c("Fair", "Unfair"), values = c(fair_color, unfair_color)) # ...

For this type of thing I usually try to express the category as a logical expression, then use scale_*_manual with logical values. Maybe there is some utility in using cut here that I don't understand, but for this example, you could do...

if (input$fairness_metric == "Equal Opportunity Difference") {
      heatmap_data <- rw

For this type of thing I usually try to express the category as a logical expression, then use scale_*_manual with logical values. Maybe there is some utility in using cut here that I don't understand, but for this example, you could do...

Equal Opportunity Difference` fair <- (abs(round(heatmap_data, 2)) > 0.11) color <- ifelse((round(heatmap_data, 2) <= 0.10000) & (round(heatmap_data, 2) >= -0.10000), "black", "white") } # else if ... # Create heatmap ggplot(rw, # ... + scale_fill_manual("Fairness", breaks = c(TRUE, FALSE), labels = c("Fair", "Unfair"), values = c(fair_color, unfair_color)) # ...


一念一轮回 2025-02-18 05:42:04


每个API可以如我的API ,它指向 https://api.authsamples。 com/api


I would aim for this type of setup, where each microservice is a set of functions:

Each API can have its own base path in its serverless.yml file, as in this API of mine, which points to endoints under https://api.authsamples.com/api.

There will then be only one API domain, that maps to the custom domain. My write up explains how I put this together, in case useful.


一念一轮回 2025-02-18 05:12:02


This typically happens when the component in question has not been added in app.module.ts file.
Please verify and confirm accordingly.

&#x27; app-sidenav-list&#x27;不是已知元素

一念一轮回 2025-02-17 12:09:16


$ npm cache clean --force
$ rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json
$ npm install


What it worked for me is what is described in point 2. from Raphaël's answer:

$ npm cache clean --force
$ rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json
$ npm install

Unfortunately, I still don't understand why these steps solves the issue.

NPM 7/8没有安装同行依赖关系

一念一轮回 2025-02-17 08:13:10


> In [80]: alist = []    
In [81]: %%timeit
    ...: alist.append(1)
146 ns ± 12.6 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10,000,000 loops each)

In [82]: len(alist)
Out[82]: 81111111

In [83]: alist=[]    
In [84]: %%timeit -n2 -r1
    ...: alist.append(1)
1.75 µs ± 0 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 1 run, 2 loops each)

In [85]: len(alist)
Out[85]: 2

In [86]: alist=[]    
In [87]: %%timeit -n2
    ...: alist.append(1)
993 ns ± 129 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 2 loops each)

In [88]: len(alist)
Out[88]: 14



In [89]: %%timeit -n2  -r10 alist=[]
    ...: alist.append(1)
The slowest run took 4.75 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
1.21 µs ± 889 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs, 2 loops each)

timeit has loops and runs. You just specified the loops per run.

> In [80]: alist = []    
In [81]: %%timeit
    ...: alist.append(1)
146 ns ± 12.6 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10,000,000 loops each)

In [82]: len(alist)
Out[82]: 81111111

In [83]: alist=[]    
In [84]: %%timeit -n2 -r1
    ...: alist.append(1)
1.75 µs ± 0 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 1 run, 2 loops each)

In [85]: len(alist)
Out[85]: 2

In [86]: alist=[]    
In [87]: %%timeit -n2
    ...: alist.append(1)
993 ns ± 129 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 2 loops each)

In [88]: len(alist)
Out[88]: 14

Generally I try to setup a timeit so I don't care what the "result" is, since I want the times, not some sort of accumulated list or array.

For a fresh list each run:

In [89]: %%timeit -n2  -r10 alist=[]
    ...: alist.append(1)
The slowest run took 4.75 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
1.21 µs ± 889 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs, 2 loops each)

ipython /关于百分比循环过程的问题

一念一轮回 2025-02-17 04:03:47


  Open Browser   https://www.google.com/  chrome
  Maximize Browser Window
  Wait Until Element Is Visible    xpath=//input[contains(@class,'gLFyf')]
  Input Text    xpath=//input[contains(@class,'gLFyf')]    stackoverflow.com
  Press Keys    xpath=//input[contains(@class,'gLFyf')]    ENTER  
  ${first_result}=    Get Text    xpath=(//*[contains(@class,'LC20lb ')])[1]
  Should Be Equal As Strings    ${first_result}     Stack Overflow - Where 
  Developers Learn, Share, & Build ...

you can use Should Be Equal As Strings keyword :

  Open Browser   https://www.google.com/  chrome
  Maximize Browser Window
  Wait Until Element Is Visible    xpath=//input[contains(@class,'gLFyf')]
  Input Text    xpath=//input[contains(@class,'gLFyf')]    stackoverflow.com
  Press Keys    xpath=//input[contains(@class,'gLFyf')]    ENTER  
  ${first_result}=    Get Text    xpath=(//*[contains(@class,'LC20lb ')])[1]
  Should Be Equal As Strings    ${first_result}     Stack Overflow - Where 
  Developers Learn, Share, & Build ...


一念一轮回 2025-02-17 03:02:52


In [83]: gaussian(np.ones((2,1)))
Out[83]: array([[0.90483742]])


In [84]: gaussian(np.ones((3,4,2,1)))
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [84], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 gaussian(np.ones((3,4,2,1)))

Input In [80], in gaussian(x)
      4 sigma = np.array([[10, 0],
      5                   [0, 10]])
      6 xm = x - mu
----> 7 result = np.exp((-1/2) * xm.T @ np.linalg.inv(sigma) @ xm)
      8 return result

ValueError: matmul: Input operand 1 has a mismatch in its core dimension 0, with gufunc signature (n?,k),(k,m?)->(n?,m?) (size 2 is different from 3)


该错误发生在( - 1/2) * xm.t @ np.linalg.inv(sigma)

np.linalg.inv(sigma) is(2,2) )


相反,如果数组为(3,4,1,2) @(2,2) @(3,4,2,1)结果应为(3,4,1,1)。


def  gaussian(x):
    mu = np.array([[2],
    sigma = np.array([[10, 0],
                      [0, 10]])
    xm = x - mu
    xmt =xm.swapaxes(-2,-1)
    result = np.exp((-1/2) * xmt @ np.linalg.inv(sigma) @ xm)
    return result


In [87]: gaussian(np.ones((3,4,2,1))).shape
Out[87]: (3, 4, 1, 1)

In [88]: gaussian(np.ones((2,1))).shape
Out[88]: (1, 1)

So a (2,1) input returns a (1,1) result:

In [83]: gaussian(np.ones((2,1)))
Out[83]: array([[0.90483742]])

Adding some leading dimensions:

In [84]: gaussian(np.ones((3,4,2,1)))
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [84], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 gaussian(np.ones((3,4,2,1)))

Input In [80], in gaussian(x)
      4 sigma = np.array([[10, 0],
      5                   [0, 10]])
      6 xm = x - mu
----> 7 result = np.exp((-1/2) * xm.T @ np.linalg.inv(sigma) @ xm)
      8 return result

ValueError: matmul: Input operand 1 has a mismatch in its core dimension 0, with gufunc signature (n?,k),(k,m?)->(n?,m?) (size 2 is different from 3)

x-mu works because (3,4,2,1) broadcasts with (2,1)

The error occurs in (-1/2) * xm.T @ np.linalg.inv(sigma)

np.linalg.inv(sigma) is (2,2)

xm is (3,4,2,1), so its transpose is (1,2,4,3).

If instead the arrays are (3,4,1,2) @ (2,2) @ (3,4,2,1) the result should be (3,4,1,1).

So let's refine the transpose:

def  gaussian(x):
    mu = np.array([[2],
    sigma = np.array([[10, 0],
                      [0, 10]])
    xm = x - mu
    xmt =xm.swapaxes(-2,-1)
    result = np.exp((-1/2) * xmt @ np.linalg.inv(sigma) @ xm)
    return result

Now it works for both the original (2,1), and any other (n,m,2,1) shape:

In [87]: gaussian(np.ones((3,4,2,1))).shape
Out[87]: (3, 4, 1, 1)

In [88]: gaussian(np.ones((2,1))).shape
Out[88]: (1, 1)


一念一轮回 2025-02-17 00:54:31



foo: main.cpp
  cl main.cpp TestDll.lib

I am not familiar with using nmake. Below is a test I did, putting the DLL in the same directory as cpp.


foo: main.cpp
  cl main.cpp TestDll.lib





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