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隱形的亼 2025-02-11 21:58:58

随着nest.js 6.0的发布,添加了https://docs.nestjs.com/providers#scopes“ rel =“ nofollow noreferrer”>注入范围。这样,您可以为提供商选择以下三个范围之一:

  • singleton :默认行为。提供商的一个实例用于整个应用程序
  • 瞬态:提供者的专用实例是为注入它的每个提供商创建的。
  • 请求:对于每个请求,都会创建一个新的提供商。注意:这种行为将在您的依赖链中起泡。示例:如果UsersController(Singleton)注入userService(Singleton),它注入了其他服务(请求),那么UsersController和UsersService都将自动被请求访问。



将其添加到@injectable() decorator:

    @Injectable({ scope: Scope.TRANSIENT })
    export class Web3 {}


      provide: "Web3",
      useClass: Web3,
      scope: Scope.TRANSIENT,

With the release of nest.js 6.0, injection scopes were added. With this, you can choose one of the following three scopes for your providers:

  • SINGLETON: Default behavior. One instance of your provider is used for the whole application
  • TRANSIENT: A dedicated instance of your provider is created for every provider that injects it.
  • REQUEST: For each request, a new provider is created. Caution: This behavior will bubble up in your dependency chain. Example: If UsersController (Singleton) injects UsersService (Singleton) that injects OtherService (Request), then both UsersController and UsersService will automatically become request-scoped.

What you need is TRANSIENT


Either add it to the @Injectable() decorator:

    @Injectable({ scope: Scope.TRANSIENT })
    export class Web3 {}

Or set it for custom providers in your module definition:

      provide: "Web3",
      useClass: Web3,
      scope: Scope.TRANSIENT,

NEST JS:注射创建的课程在2个服务中共享

隱形的亼 2025-02-11 21:39:19

这里的状况是错误的。它应该是sysdate -gregdate< = 7gregdate> sysdate -7



The condition here is wrong. It should be sysdate - gregdate <=7 or gregdate > sysdate -7.

For clarity, The 7 is subtracted from the day (not from months).

You should also add check whether the gregdate is greater than the current date.

我需要在Oracle SQL中获得最后7天

隱形的亼 2025-02-11 18:52:06

最后,我写了自己的实施。这是如何在ADA中运行execv execv fork 的示例。


with Ada.Text_IO;
with Interfaces.C.Strings;

procedure Main is
    subtype C_String is Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr;
    Null_String: C_String := Interfaces.C.Strings.Null_Ptr;

    function As_C_String(s: String) return C_String renames Interfaces.C.Strings.New_String;

    type Argument_List is Array(1..2) of C_String;

    function Execute(Program: C_String; Arguments: Argument_List) return Integer
        with Import => True, Convention => C, External_Name => "execv";
    function Fork return Integer
        with Import => True, Convention => C, External_Name => "fork";

    Program: C_String := As_C_String("/bin/sh");
    Args: Argument_List := (Program, Null_String);

    N : Integer;
    Pid: Integer;
    Pid := Fork;
    if Pid = 0
        N := Execute(Program, Args);
    end if;
end Main;


project Main is

   for Languages use ("ada");

   for Source_Dirs use (".");
   for Main use ("main.adb");
   for Object_Dir use "obj";
   for Exec_Dir use ".";

end Main;

gprbuild编译,并且效果很好。运行main,您应该在控制台中看到一个整数,运行ps ux,您应该看到sh与该PID一起运行的实例。

In the end, I wrote my own implementation. Here is an example of how to run execv and fork in Ada.


with Ada.Text_IO;
with Interfaces.C.Strings;

procedure Main is
    subtype C_String is Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr;
    Null_String: C_String := Interfaces.C.Strings.Null_Ptr;

    function As_C_String(s: String) return C_String renames Interfaces.C.Strings.New_String;

    type Argument_List is Array(1..2) of C_String;

    function Execute(Program: C_String; Arguments: Argument_List) return Integer
        with Import => True, Convention => C, External_Name => "execv";
    function Fork return Integer
        with Import => True, Convention => C, External_Name => "fork";

    Program: C_String := As_C_String("/bin/sh");
    Args: Argument_List := (Program, Null_String);

    N : Integer;
    Pid: Integer;
    Pid := Fork;
    if Pid = 0
        N := Execute(Program, Args);
    end if;
end Main;


project Main is

   for Languages use ("ada");

   for Source_Dirs use (".");
   for Main use ("main.adb");
   for Object_Dir use "obj";
   for Exec_Dir use ".";

end Main;

Compiling with gprbuild and it works fine. Run main and you should see an integer in the console, run ps ux and you should see an instance of sh running with that PID.


隱形的亼 2025-02-11 05:06:57


edit&gt; 项目设置&gt; player


gzip 这是默认选项。 GZIP文件比Brotli文件更大,但构建速度更快,并且在HTTP和HTTPS上所有浏览器的本地支持。

brotli brotli压缩提供了最佳的压缩比。 Brotli压缩文件小于GZIP,但要花费更长的时间来压缩,这增加了您在发布版本上的迭代时间。 Chrome和Firefox仅本地支持HTTPS的Brotli压缩。






You can try changing the compression format, and/or enabling decompression fallback.
These configurations can be found in the Player Settings

Edit>Project Settings>Player

There are 3 compression settings for WebGL

gzip This is the default option. Gzip files are bigger than Brotli files, but faster to build, and natively supported by all browsers over both HTTP and HTTPS.

Brotli Brotli compression offers the best compression ratios. Brotli compressed files are smaller than gzip, but take a longer time to compress, which increases your iteration times on release builds. Chrome and Firefox only natively support Brotli compression over HTTPS.

Disabled Disables compression. Use this option if you want to implement your own compression in post-processing
. You should also use it if you plan to use static compression on the hosting server.

In addition, enabling decompression fallback may be the correct option.

When you enable decompression fallback, Unity adds a .unityweb extension to the build files. You should consider using Decompression Fallback if you have less experience with server configuration, or if server configuration is unavailable to you.

Note: Using this option results in a larger loader size and a less efficient loading scheme for the build files.

Unity Reference

Unity Microgame WebGL上传不起作用(500个内部服务器)

隱形的亼 2025-02-11 02:15:53
public Employee findEmployee(String Name) throws emplyeeNotFoundException {
    boolean isFound = false;
    for(Employee value : employee) {
        if(value.getName().equals(Name)) {
            return value;
    throw new emplyeeNotFoundException(Name); 


public Employee findEmployee(String Name) throws emplyeeNotFoundException {
    boolean isFound = false;
    for(Employee value : employee) {
        if(value.getName().equals(Name)) {
            return value;
    throw new emplyeeNotFoundException(Name); 

If the value is present, returns the value.
If not present, the loop ends and at this point nothing is returned. Hence the Exception is thrown.


隱形的亼 2025-02-11 01:21:35


predictions <- predict(model, mnist$test$x)
pred_digits <- apply(predictions, 1, which.max) -1
confusionMatrix(as.factor(pred_digits), as.factor(mnist$test$y))


For this problem the following code works

predictions <- predict(model, mnist$test$x)
pred_digits <- apply(predictions, 1, which.max) -1
confusionMatrix(as.factor(pred_digits), as.factor(mnist$test$y))

However I still think it odd that predict_classes has been deprecated without replacement. All the tutorials I have looked at so far use it.

r keras初学者问题预测_classes

隱形的亼 2025-02-11 00:36:23

req.query.name可能是未定义的,因此我们必须将其解开以访问该值;如果此术语令人困惑,请搜索“ Swift Optionals”。

req.query.name could be undefined, and so we must unwrap it to access that value; search up "swift optionals" if this terminology is confusing.


隱形的亼 2025-02-09 16:45:39
const objectFunc = (data, setExample) => {
  return dummy(data, setExample);

const dummy = (e, setExample) => {
  if (e === "e") {
    poster(e, setExample);
  } else {

const poster = (e, setExample) => {
  console.log(e, "posted");

export const submit = (e, setExample) => {
  objectFunc("ek", setExample);
import { useState } from "react";
import { submit } from "./global";
import "./styles.css";

export default function App() {
  const [example, setExample] = useState(false);

  return (
    <div className="App">
      <button onClick={(e) => submit(e, setExample)}> click me </button>
      <div className="test">
        {example ? <span>Data is Here!!!!</span> : <span>No Data Show :(</span>}


.test {margin-top:1rem; }


const objectFunc = (data, setExample) => {
  return dummy(data, setExample);

const dummy = (e, setExample) => {
  if (e === "e") {
    poster(e, setExample);
  } else {

const poster = (e, setExample) => {
  console.log(e, "posted");

export const submit = (e, setExample) => {
  objectFunc("ek", setExample);
import { useState } from "react";
import { submit } from "./global";
import "./styles.css";

export default function App() {
  const [example, setExample] = useState(false);

  return (
    <div className="App">
      <button onClick={(e) => submit(e, setExample)}> click me </button>
      <div className="test">
        {example ? <span>Data is Here!!!!</span> : <span>No Data Show :(</span>}


.test { margin-top: 1rem; }

I hope it works for you :)


隱形的亼 2025-02-09 16:44:07

根据您使用模拟服务器设置假人数据的方式,您可能会使用 cypress-grep插件



Depending on how you set up your dummy data for tests with the mock server you may might it useful to add @tags to your tests using cypress-grep plugin.

This will allow you to run certain tests with tags and place a @realServer tag for your test only to be ran against your real server.

You may need to alter however you set up the baseUrl for each subset of tests.


隱形的亼 2025-02-09 16:31:34


// we create a client with your user's credentials
    var userClient = new TwitterClient(ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret, AccessToken, AccessTokenSecret);

您需要在代码中定义的值以传递到twitterclient实例。您还需要确保拥有一个可以访问v1.1 API(升高访问)的应用程序以使用此代码,因为它无法与V2一起使用。


The answer is in your code…

// we create a client with your user's credentials
    var userClient = new TwitterClient(ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret, AccessToken, AccessTokenSecret);

You need to have the values defined in your code to pass in to the TwitterClient instance. You also need to ensure that you have an app with access to the v1.1 API (elevated access) to use this code, since it will not work with v2.

Finally, you should check that your app has read and write permissions and that your access token and secret were generated with these permissions.


隱形的亼 2025-02-09 04:16:28

返回的操作数是自动变量名称时,这会发生这种情况,这不是LVALUE参考,而不是[引用] volatile

这是由 [class.copy.elision]/3 <<< /代码>

an 隐式移动实体是自动存储持续时间的变量,它是非挥发对象或对非挥发对象类型的rvalue引用。

(3.1) - 如果返回中的表达括号的)ID表达式,该表达方式是在主体或最内置函数或lambda-expression的主体或参数解释中声明的隐式移动实体,或

(3.2) - 如果投掷表达的操作数([[Expr.Throw])是(可能是括号的)ID表达式,该命名是一个隐式可移动的实体,该实体属于不包含复合状态的范围最内向的尝试块或功能尝试块(如果有的话),其复合态或ctor-initializer包含抛出式表达式,


它确定构造函数或return_value如果没有执行何地,则要调用过载,并且即使呼叫被抬高,也必须访问所选的构造函数或return_value Overload。
- 终点注]

This happens when the operand of return is an automatic variable name, which is not an lvalue reference, and not [a reference to] volatile.

This is described by [class.copy.elision]/3:

An implicitly movable entity is a variable of automatic storage duration that is either a non-volatile object or an rvalue reference to a non-volatile object type.
In the following copy-initialization contexts, a move operation is first considered before attempting a copy operation:

(3.1) — If the expression in a return ([stmt.return]) or co_­return ([stmt.return.coroutine]) statement is a (possibly parenthesized) id-expression that names an implicitly movable entity declared in the body or parameter-declaration-clause of the innermost enclosing function or lambda-expression, or

(3.2) — if the operand of a throw-expression ([expr.throw]) is a (possibly parenthesized) id-expression that names an implicitly movable entity that belongs to a scope that does not contain the compound-statement of the innermost try-block or function-try-block (if any) whose compound-statement or ctor-initializer contains the throw-expression,

overload resolution to select the constructor for the copy or the return_­value overload to call is first performed as if the expression or operand were an rvalue.
If the first overload resolution fails or was not performed, overload resolution is performed again, considering the expression or operand as an lvalue.

[Note 3: This two-stage overload resolution is performed regardless of whether copy elision will occur.
It determines the constructor or the return_­value overload to be called if elision is not performed, and the selected constructor or return_­value overload must be accessible even if the call is elided.
— end note]


隱形的亼 2025-02-08 22:49:07

您可以通过找到sign diff 的标志diff的点来找到本地最大值。列为负。

Data[which(diff(sign(diff(Data$Value))) < 0) + 1,]
#>   Time Value
#> 4    4     3
#> 8    8     3


 Time <- seq(0, 10, 0.1)
 Value <- sin(Time)
 Data <- data.frame(Time, Value)
 plot(Data$Time, Data$Value)
 Data2 <- Data[which(diff(sign(diff(Data$Value))) < 0) + 1,]
 abline(v = Data2$Time, col = 'red')




bin_size <- 4 # Used for example only, will be 120 in real use case

Data %>% 
  mutate(Bin = floor((Time - 1) / bin_size)) %>%
  group_by(Bin) %>%
  filter(Value == max(Value))
#> # A tibble: 3 x 3
#> # Groups:   Bin [3]
#>    Time Value   Bin
#>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1     4     3     0
#> 2     8     3     1
#> 3    12     3     2


You could find the local maxima by finding the points where the diff of the sign of the diff of the Value column is negative.

Data[which(diff(sign(diff(Data$Value))) < 0) + 1,]
#>   Time Value
#> 4    4     3
#> 8    8     3

We can see that this works in a more general case too:

 Time <- seq(0, 10, 0.1)
 Value <- sin(Time)
 Data <- data.frame(Time, Value)
 plot(Data$Time, Data$Value)
 Data2 <- Data[which(diff(sign(diff(Data$Value))) < 0) + 1,]
 abline(v = Data2$Time, col = 'red')

enter image description here


Following more info from the OP, it seems we are looking for the maxima within a 120-second window. This being the case, we can get the solution more easily like this:

bin_size <- 4 # Used for example only, will be 120 in real use case

Data %>% 
  mutate(Bin = floor((Time - 1) / bin_size)) %>%
  group_by(Bin) %>%
  filter(Value == max(Value))
#> # A tibble: 3 x 3
#> # Groups:   Bin [3]
#>    Time Value   Bin
#>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1     4     3     0
#> 2     8     3     1
#> 3    12     3     2

Obviously in the real data, change bin_size to 120.

R-查找Muliple Max值

隱形的亼 2025-02-08 03:01:23



import * as React from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
import Reorder, {
} from "react-reorder";
import move from "lodash-move";

import "./styles.css";

function App() {
  const [list, setList] = React.useState([

  const onReorder = (e, from, to) => {
    setList(move(list, from, to));

  return (
    <div className="App">
      <h1>React Reorder</h1>
      <hr />
          background: "#ddd",
          padding: 20
          reorderId="my-list" // Unique ID that is used internally to track this list (required)
          reorderGroup="reorder-group" // A group ID that allows items to be dragged between lists of the same group (optional)
          // getRef={this.storeRef.bind(this)} // Function that is passed a reference to the root node when mounted (optional)
          component="div" // Tag name or Component to be used for the wrapping element (optional), defaults to 'div'
          placeholderClassName="placeholder" // Class name to be applied to placeholder elements (optional), defaults to 'placeholder'
          draggedClassName="dragged" // Class name to be applied to dragged elements (optional), defaults to 'dragged'
          lock="horizontal" // Lock the dragging direction (optional): vertical, horizontal (do not use with groups)
          holdTime={500} // Default hold time before dragging begins (mouse & touch) (optional), defaults to 0
          touchHoldTime={500} // Hold time before dragging begins on touch devices (optional), defaults to holdTime
          mouseHoldTime={200} // Hold time before dragging begins with mouse (optional), defaults to holdTime
          onReorder={onReorder} // Callback when an item is dropped (you will need this to update your state)
          autoScroll={true} // Enable auto-scrolling when the pointer is close to the edge of the Reorder component (optional), defaults to true
          disabled={false} // Disable reordering (optional), defaults to false
          disableContextMenus={true} // Disable context menus when holding on touch devices (optional), defaults to true
            <div className="custom-placeholder" /> // Custom placeholder element (optional), defaults to clone of dragged element
          {list.map(item => (
                height: 50,
                background: "grey",
                margin: "10px 0px",
                cursor: "pointer"

const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
render(<App />, rootElement);


.App {
  font-family: sans-serif;
  text-align: center;

.dragged {
  background: white;
  height: 60px;

Try this demo

File: App.js

import * as React from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
import Reorder, {
} from "react-reorder";
import move from "lodash-move";

import "./styles.css";

function App() {
  const [list, setList] = React.useState([

  const onReorder = (e, from, to) => {
    setList(move(list, from, to));

  return (
    <div className="App">
      <h1>React Reorder</h1>
      <hr />
          background: "#ddd",
          padding: 20
          reorderId="my-list" // Unique ID that is used internally to track this list (required)
          reorderGroup="reorder-group" // A group ID that allows items to be dragged between lists of the same group (optional)
          // getRef={this.storeRef.bind(this)} // Function that is passed a reference to the root node when mounted (optional)
          component="div" // Tag name or Component to be used for the wrapping element (optional), defaults to 'div'
          placeholderClassName="placeholder" // Class name to be applied to placeholder elements (optional), defaults to 'placeholder'
          draggedClassName="dragged" // Class name to be applied to dragged elements (optional), defaults to 'dragged'
          lock="horizontal" // Lock the dragging direction (optional): vertical, horizontal (do not use with groups)
          holdTime={500} // Default hold time before dragging begins (mouse & touch) (optional), defaults to 0
          touchHoldTime={500} // Hold time before dragging begins on touch devices (optional), defaults to holdTime
          mouseHoldTime={200} // Hold time before dragging begins with mouse (optional), defaults to holdTime
          onReorder={onReorder} // Callback when an item is dropped (you will need this to update your state)
          autoScroll={true} // Enable auto-scrolling when the pointer is close to the edge of the Reorder component (optional), defaults to true
          disabled={false} // Disable reordering (optional), defaults to false
          disableContextMenus={true} // Disable context menus when holding on touch devices (optional), defaults to true
            <div className="custom-placeholder" /> // Custom placeholder element (optional), defaults to clone of dragged element
          {list.map(item => (
                height: 50,
                background: "grey",
                margin: "10px 0px",
                cursor: "pointer"

const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
render(<App />, rootElement);

File: style.css

.App {
  font-family: sans-serif;
  text-align: center;

.dragged {
  background: white;
  height: 60px;


隱形的亼 2025-02-08 02:12:59





enter image description here

Formula in B1:


Excel Change'XHX M&quot格式仅为几分钟

隱形的亼 2025-02-07 16:32:57




因此,如果您只想发送一个项目:将&lt; form&gt; and &lt;/form&gt; 移动到< /em> while循环,因此您最终会获得许多可以单独提交的表格。总的来说,我建议不要发布所有数据,而只是将自己限制在项目的ID上,但这超出了这个问题的范围(但是想象一下,当我将价格操纵到0之前,在将物品提交到购物车之前会发生什么)

You're ending up with a single form with n (as many as items) fields with the same name, that are no longer separate. E.g. you'll have n fields named "title", n fields named "price" etc.

You'd never know which title belongs to which price.

Plus, the code you show only shows the rendering of the form, not what you're doing with it on submission (but that wouldn't make it better, as you can't distinguish between all the different inputs). If that code expects one title, it might take the last, or a random one.

So, if you want to send just a single item: Move your <form> and </form> into the while loop, so that you end up with a number of forms that can be individually submitted. In general I'd recommend against posting all of the data and just limit yourself to an id of an item, but that's beyond the scope of this question (but imagine what happens when I manipulate the price to 0 before submitting the item to the cart)





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