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枫以 2025-02-04 09:13:26

你不太遥远。您可以将 looptream 使用 iSampleProvider 使用 tosampleProvider 扩展方法,然后您可以使用 take> take 扩展名限制循环流的持续时间以匹配您与之混合的文件的持续时间的方法。

You're not too far off. You can turn a LoopStream into an ISampleProvider with the ToSampleProvider extension method, and then you can use the Take extension method to limit the duration of the looped stream to match the duration of the file you're mixing it with.


枫以 2025-02-04 00:02:27

缺少Slash /,您的代码应该看起来像这样:

introBox.addEventListener('click', function(){
    document.location.href = "/main.html";

如果要重定向网站外,则必须添加双斜杠 //

document.location.href = "//google.com";

编辑:使用 href =“#” ,将其更改为> “/main.html”

There is a missing slash /, your code should look like this:

introBox.addEventListener('click', function(){
    document.location.href = "/main.html";

If you want to redirect outside your website, you have to add double slash //.

document.location.href = "//google.com";

EDIT: The actual error is on the tag with href="#", change it to "/main.html".
You can remove the listener if you will, it's no longer needed.


枫以 2025-02-03 17:23:24

虽然 llc $ 具有 $ 的特殊含义的REGEXP测试,而将其捕获到 $ 1 中只是字符串 llc /code>,因此找不到要替换的查找值。

如果您唯一关心的是 $ ,那么您可以通过将地图构建行更改为以下方式来解决:

 @subs{map {my $t=$_; $t=~s/\$//; $t} @$orig} = @$repl;

 my $re = join "|",
    sort { (length($b) <=> length($a)) } @$orig;


While the regexp tests for LLC$ with the special meaning of the $, what gets captured into $1 is just the string LLC and so it doesn't find the look-up value to replace.

If the only thing you care about is $, then you could fix it by changing the map-building lines to:

 @subs{map {my $t=$_; $t=~s/\$//; $t} @$orig} = @$repl;

 my $re = join "|",
    sort { (length($b) <=> length($a)) } @$orig;

But it will be very hard to make it work more generally for every possible feature of regex.


枫以 2025-02-03 15:04:42


a = 'This is a test string.'
b = {'i': 'I', 's': 'S'}
for x,y in b.items():
    a = a.replace(x, y)
>>> a
'ThIS IS a teSt StrIng.'

In my case, I needed a simple replacing of unique keys with names, so I thought this up:

a = 'This is a test string.'
b = {'i': 'I', 's': 'S'}
for x,y in b.items():
    a = a.replace(x, y)
>>> a
'ThIS IS a teSt StrIng.'


枫以 2025-02-03 10:26:54

是的,它肯定是 list dict s的,而流量映射是YAML规格所说的语法样式,您用来定义内部 {key:value} pairs。如果您说 - {control:{网络:“ ... 然后, 的所有


  - vars:
      - control: { network: "", mtu: "1500", dhcp_from_ip: "30", dhcp_to_ip: "50" }
      - storage: { network: "", mtu: "9000", dhcp_from_ip: "30", dhcp_to_ip: "50" }
      - data: { network: "", mtu: "1500", dhcp_from_ip: "30", dhcp_to_ip: "50" }
      - site: { network: "", mtu: "1500", dhcp_from_ip: "30", dhcp_to_ip: "50" }
      - local: { network: "", mtu: "1500", dhcp_from_ip: "30", dhcp_to_ip: "50" }
        msg: "subnet name is: {{ item }}"
    loop: "{{ site_subnets | map('dict2items') | map('first') | map(attribute='key') }}"

ok: [localhost] => (item=control) => {
    "msg": "subnet name is: control"
ok: [localhost] => (item=storage) => {
    "msg": "subnet name is: storage"

Yes, it is most certainly a list of dicts, and the flow mapping is what the yaml spec calls the style of syntax that you used to define the interior { key: value } pairs. If you were to say - { control: { network: "... then all of your dict structures would be in "flow mapping" style

Anyway, since you only care about the keys of those embedded dicts, dict2items will allow you to "pivot" those dicts into {key: control, value: {network: ...}} shape, allowing map(attribute="key") to pull out just the keys. That first in in there because your top-level dict only has one key-value pair

  - vars:
      - control: { network: "", mtu: "1500", dhcp_from_ip: "30", dhcp_to_ip: "50" }
      - storage: { network: "", mtu: "9000", dhcp_from_ip: "30", dhcp_to_ip: "50" }
      - data: { network: "", mtu: "1500", dhcp_from_ip: "30", dhcp_to_ip: "50" }
      - site: { network: "", mtu: "1500", dhcp_from_ip: "30", dhcp_to_ip: "50" }
      - local: { network: "", mtu: "1500", dhcp_from_ip: "30", dhcp_to_ip: "50" }
        msg: "subnet name is: {{ item }}"
    loop: "{{ site_subnets | map('dict2items') | map('first') | map(attribute='key') }}"


ok: [localhost] => (item=control) => {
    "msg": "subnet name is: control"
ok: [localhost] => (item=storage) => {
    "msg": "subnet name is: storage"


枫以 2025-02-03 08:09:12

将其添加到您的RMD中。不要将其放在代码块中 - 只是将其放置在您可以自由写的地方。

caption {
  padding-bottom: 0px;


Add this to your RMD. Don't put it in a code chunk—just place it where you might otherwise free-write.

caption {
  padding-bottom: 0px;

Right now the caption is written in p tags, surrounded by caption tags, surrounded by more p tags, all of which have padding, margin, and line-height specs. This gives you the biggest bang for the least effort (IMO).

enter image description here


枫以 2025-02-02 14:54:45


为什么 entry_date exit_date 访问实体的两个属性?这些与日期实体的多对2关系已经考虑了这些。从访问中删除这两个属性。最后,向访问实体添加唯一的ID。

The Relate relationship between Vehicle and Date entity is redundant here. You can still find the dates for each visit a vehicle completed from the existing relationships. If you convert the ER diagram to DB tables, it'll be more clear.

Why are entry_date and exit_date two attributes of the Visit entity? These are already considered by the many-to-2 relationship with the Date entity. Remove these two attributes along with number_plate from Visit. Lastly, add an unique id to the Visit entity.


枫以 2025-02-02 12:17:44

您可以阅读在这里> contextManager .__退出__ 指出:


永远不要明确地将传递的异常进行 - 而是该方法应返回错误值,以表明该方法已成功完成,并且不想抑制提出的异常。这允许上下文管理代码可以轻松检测 __ exit __()方法实际上失败了

。根本没有明确的返回,如果您决定添加返回true 抑制异常的情况可能是多余的。明晰。

As you can read here, definition for contextmanager.__exit__ states:

"Exit the runtime context and return a Boolean flag indicating if any
exception that occurred should be suppressed.
(...) Returning a true value from this method will cause the with statement to suppress the exception and continue execution with the statement immediately following the with statement. Otherwise the exception continues propagating after this method has finished executing. Exceptions that occur during execution of this method will replace any exception that occurred in the body of the with statement.

The exception passed in should never be reraised explicitly - instead, this method should return a false value to indicate that the method completed successfully and does not want to suppress the raised exception. This allows context management code to easily detect whether or not an __exit__() method has actually failed."

So, if you only return False, it will be functionally the same as no explicit return at all and it is probably redundant. If you decide on adding cases with return True to suppress the exception, it might be helpful to add return False as well for clarity.


枫以 2025-02-01 23:56:02

问题是在服务器代码中。在API路由之前,我正在初始化客户端和静态路由。这意味着所有外部请求永远不会到达API路线,而是由客户处理。这就是为什么我总是将client index.html文件作为响应。


The problem was in the server code. I was initializing the client and static routes before the api routes. This meant that all external requests never got to the api routes but were handled by the client instead. That was why I always got the client index.html file as a response.

I did not work this out by myself but used a resource on Upwork which turned out to be a very useful site and well worth a reasonable rate for one hour's work.


枫以 2025-02-01 22:52:17


Texture texture = new Texture("myImage.png"); //dont to this all the time


If your app crashed without any errors, and you didn't use an asset manager but loaded the textures like:

Texture texture = new Texture("myImage.png"); //dont to this all the time

then that's the problem. I had that happen to me. You should always use an asset manager to avoid a memory overload.


枫以 2025-02-01 18:41:37

这就是这样做的方法。您可以更改图标颜色,但要执行的功能仅适用于API 26+。为了使其在API 26以下的工作,您需要完全更改图标,因为没有其他方法可以更改颜色。

override fun onOptionsItemSelected(item: MenuItem): Boolean {
    if (item.itemId == R.id.delete_icon) {
        isSelected = !isSelected
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {
            // Toggle state on devices with API 26+
            if (isSelected) {
                item.iconTintList = ContextCompat.getColorStateList(this, R.color.red)
            } else {
                item.iconTintList = ContextCompat.getColorStateList(this, R.color.white)
        } else {
            // Toggle state on devices with API below 26
            if (isSelected) {
                item.icon =
                    ContextCompat.getDrawable(this, R.drawable.ic_baseline_favorite_24_red)
            } else {
                item.icon = ContextCompat.getDrawable(this, R.drawable.ic_baseline_favorite_24)
        return true
    return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item)

This is the way to do this. You can change the icon colour but the function to do it only works on API 26+. To make it work on below API 26, you need to change the icon altogether as there is no other way to change the colour.

override fun onOptionsItemSelected(item: MenuItem): Boolean {
    if (item.itemId == R.id.delete_icon) {
        isSelected = !isSelected
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {
            // Toggle state on devices with API 26+
            if (isSelected) {
                item.iconTintList = ContextCompat.getColorStateList(this, R.color.red)
            } else {
                item.iconTintList = ContextCompat.getColorStateList(this, R.color.white)
        } else {
            // Toggle state on devices with API below 26
            if (isSelected) {
                item.icon =
                    ContextCompat.getDrawable(this, R.drawable.ic_baseline_favorite_24_red)
            } else {
                item.icon = ContextCompat.getDrawable(this, R.drawable.ic_baseline_favorite_24)
        return true
    return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item)


枫以 2025-02-01 18:14:42


const doc = context.document;
const originalRange = doc.getSelection();
await context.sync();

var txt = originalRange.text;

Found a solution:

const doc = context.document;
const originalRange = doc.getSelection();
await context.sync();

var txt = originalRange.text;

从指针中获取文本直到文档的末尾,js word api

枫以 2025-02-01 15:58:40


select * from subscriptions where product_quantity not in (select  value::int  from plans  cross join jsonb_each_text(product_quantities_config))

您需要编写交叉加入 a href =“ https://dbfiddle.uk/?rdbms = postgres_14&; fiddle = 3981884BDE50CED1DF47C1ECDF686”

You need to write a cross join statement to get a table of all values ​​from jsonb, after which you can write a where product_quantity not in condition for the product table

select * from subscriptions where product_quantity not in (select  value::int  from plans  cross join jsonb_each_text(product_quantities_config))

Demo in DBfiddle


枫以 2025-02-01 06:28:48

我认为这个问题是通过格子支持来处理的,但是对于那些谷歌搜索的后代和好处,问题似乎是您首次启动链接时正在使用 Readyredrecturi 启动。从OAuth流返回后,仅在重新定义链接时才包括此字段。

I think this question is being handled by Plaid support, but for posterity and the benefit of those Googling, the issue seems to be that you are launching with receivedRedirectUri the first time you launch Link. This field should only be included when reinitializating Link, after returning from the OAuth flow.

格子 - payment_status_input_needed




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