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天气好吗我好吗 2025-01-31 19:31:15



when you set noAck to true it means automatic acknowledgement of messages,
even if the worker is not able to process the message it will be deleted from the queue,

when you set noAck to false that means untill you manually acknowledge that you have successfully processed/acknowledged the message, it will remain in the queue and after certain amount of time it will be requeued and delivered to a different consumer


天气好吗我好吗 2025-01-31 12:30:55

这里发生的事情是,纹理变量可能在其末尾具有一个\ n字符,这是一种使用strip()解决的简单方法。同样,通常建议使用f-strings而不是每次使用 +。解决方案如下:


What's happening here is that the textEntry variable likely has a \n character at the end of it, a simple way to solve that is by using strip(). Also, it is generally recommended to use f-Strings instead of doing the + each time. A solution is as follows:


python file.write()在串联字符串中的变量之后添加了一个额外的newline

天气好吗我好吗 2025-01-31 08:48:34



Map jsonFile = new Gson().fromJson(new FileReader("Metro_Transit_Bus_Stops.geojson"), Map.class);

It seems that the compiler is not able to find the file that you have specified. You can try sharing the absolute path of the file from the src folder of the project.

in this line.

Map jsonFile = new Gson().fromJson(new FileReader("Metro_Transit_Bus_Stops.geojson"), Map.class);


天气好吗我好吗 2025-01-31 07:06:47

服务可以是控制台或GUI .EXE,这没关系。但是,它必须在启动时调用服务API:

服务控制管理器启动服务过程时,它会等待该过程调用 startervicectrldispatcher 函数。服务过程的主线程应在启动后尽快(在30秒内)使此通话尽快。

阅读有关服务的更多信息,并查看示例 msdn ...


A service can be a console or GUI .exe, it does not matter. However, it MUST call the service API when it starts:

When the service control manager starts a service process, it waits for the process to call the StartServiceCtrlDispatcher function. The main thread of a service process should make this call as soon as possible after it starts up (within 30 seconds).

Read more about services and look at the examples on MSDN...

Interactive services have been deprecated since Vista but some compatibility still remained for a while. That time is over, you just have to write a service and a helper app that runs in the user session.

如何解决“ CS8805:使用顶级程序的程序”问题。 VS“ 1053:服务没有响应。

天气好吗我好吗 2025-01-30 09:58:31


new Vue({
  el: "#demo",
  data() {
    return {
      product: {id: 1},
      selected: false
.addon_selected {
  border: 1px solid black;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.17/vue.js"></script>
<div id="demo">
  <label for="'product-'+product.id"
       class="none addon_label"
       :class="{'addon_selected': !selected}"
  <input class=""
  <label :for="'product-'+product.id"
       class="is_flex addon_label"
       :class="{'addon_selected': selected}"
  <input class=""

You can use radio buttons instead of checkbox:

new Vue({
  el: "#demo",
  data() {
    return {
      product: {id: 1},
      selected: false
.addon_selected {
  border: 1px solid black;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.17/vue.js"></script>
<div id="demo">
  <label for="'product-'+product.id"
       class="none addon_label"
       :class="{'addon_selected': !selected}"
  <input class=""
  <label :for="'product-'+product.id"
       class="is_flex addon_label"
       :class="{'addon_selected': selected}"
  <input class=""

vue js一个复选框取消选中另一个

天气好吗我好吗 2025-01-30 05:08:08



<Directory "/home/myname/work/sdp/frontends">
    Require all granted
    RewriteEngine On

    # RewriteRule ec2-app/ibo-php/(.+)$ /ec2-app/ibo-php/$1.php [L,PT]

    # background https://stackoverflow.com/a/58307829/2092322
    # now: https://gkedge.gitbooks.io/react-router-in-the-real/content/apache.html
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f
    RewriteRule ^ - [L]
    RewriteRule ec2-app/(.*)/(js|style|resources)/(.+)\.(.+)$ /ec2-app/$2/$3.$4 [END]

    # anything else to index.html
    RewriteRule ec2-app/(.+) /ec2-app/index.html [L]

LogLevel debug

ProxyPreserveHost On
# "POST /ec2-app/ibo-php/quarter HTTP/1.1" 404 645 "https://ec2.localhost/ec2-app/"
ProxyPassMatch ^/ec2-app/ibo-php/(.+)$ http://ibo-php.localhost:7010/$1.php
ProxyPassReverse ^/ec2-app/ibo-php/ http://ibo-php.localhost:7010/

proxypassmatch &lt;目录&gt; 中不允许使用。


The right order is

<Directory "/home/myname/work/sdp/frontends">
    Require all granted
    RewriteEngine On

    # RewriteRule ec2-app/ibo-php/(.+)$ /ec2-app/ibo-php/$1.php [L,PT]

    # background https://stackoverflow.com/a/58307829/2092322
    # now: https://gkedge.gitbooks.io/react-router-in-the-real/content/apache.html
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f
    RewriteRule ^ - [L]
    RewriteRule ec2-app/(.*)/(js|style|resources)/(.+)\.(.+)$ /ec2-app/$2/$3.$4 [END]

    # anything else to index.html
    RewriteRule ec2-app/(.+) /ec2-app/index.html [L]

LogLevel debug

ProxyPreserveHost On
# "POST /ec2-app/ibo-php/quarter HTTP/1.1" 404 645 "https://ec2.localhost/ec2-app/"
ProxyPassMatch ^/ec2-app/ibo-php/(.+)$ http://ibo-php.localhost:7010/$1.php
ProxyPassReverse ^/ec2-app/ibo-php/ http://ibo-php.localhost:7010/

ProxyPassMatch is not allowed in <Directory>.


天气好吗我好吗 2025-01-30 00:48:29






I don't know exact reason of it but one solution is we recreate fragment each time after we done process once.


add this line where you go to another fragment from where you get image from camera or gallery.

In my case, upload an image on server after that move to previous fragment and before it add this line

activity?.recreate() will work for me.

register forActivityResult在Android中无法正常工作

天气好吗我好吗 2025-01-29 17:24:29

已经有很好的答案来涵盖这一点。我想通过共享非常简单的示例(将汇编)对比,以对比Java中C ++中的传递与通过传球逐个价值之间的行为对比。


  1. 术语“参考”是一个带有两个单独含义的超载。在Java中,它只是指指针,但在“通过转文”的上下文中,它意味着被传递给原始变量的手柄
  2. 。 Java是C(除其他语言)的后代。在C之前,诸如Fortran和Cobol的几种(但不是全部)语言支持PBR,但C没有。 PBR允许这些其他语言更改子仪内传递的变量。为了完成相同的事情(即更改函数内部变量的值),C程序员将指示器传递给变量到函数。受C启发的语言(例如Java)借用了这个想法,并继续像C一样将指针传递给方法,除了Java称其指示引用。同样,这是“参考”一词的用法与“通过传递”中的不同。
  3. c ++允许通过“&amp;”声明参考参数来通过参考。字符(恰好是用来指示C和C ++中“变量地址”的字符)。例如,如果我们通过参考将指针传递,则参数和参数不仅指向同一对象。相反,它们是相同的变量。如果一个设置为另一个地址或零地址,另一个也是如此。
  4. 在下面的C ++示例中,我将A 指针通过参考将终止字符串终止。在下面的Java示例中,我将Java引用到字符串(再次,与指针相同的字符串),按值进行值。注意评论中的输出。

C ++通过参考示例:

using namespace std;
#include <iostream>

void change (char *&str){   // the '&' makes this a reference parameter
    str = NULL;

int main()
    char *str = "not Null";
    cout<<"str is " << str;      // ==>str is <null>

Java通过“ java参考” value示例

public class ValueDemo{
    public void change (String str){
        str = null;

     public static void main(String []args){
        ValueDemo vd = new ValueDemo();
        String str = "not null";
        System.out.println("str is " + str);    // ==> str is not null!!
                                                // Note that if "str" was
                                                // passed-by-reference, it
                                                // WOULD BE NULL after the
                                                // call to change().


几个人已经写了评论,这似乎表明他们不是在看我的示例,或者他们没有得到C ++例子。不确定断开连接在哪里,但是猜测C ++示例尚不清楚。我在帕斯卡(Pascal)上发布了同一示例,因为我认为逐个引用看起来更干净,但我可能错了。我可能只是让人们更加困惑。我希望不要。

在Pascal中,传递的参数称为“ VAR参数”。在下面的过程中,请注意参数为“ ptr”之前的关键字“ var”。当指针传递给此过程时,将通过参考将其传递。注意行为:当此过程将PTR设置为nil时(这是Pascal表示为null),它将为NIL设定参数 - 您无法在Java中这样做。

program passByRefDemo;
   iptr = ^integer;
   ptr: iptr;
   procedure setToNil(var ptr : iptr);
       ptr := nil;

   ptr^ := 10;
   if (ptr = nil) then
       writeln('ptr seems to be nil');     { ptr should be nil, so this line will run. }


的一些摘录“ Java编程语言” 撰写的 James Gosling(发明了Java)和David Holmes,以及David Holmes,第2章,第2.6.5节


他继续对物体提出相同的观点。 。 。

对象引用不是对象本身 - 通过“按值”


参数传递模式 - 通过值 - 和有助于保持事物的





Dingleberry,没有问题。您可以说:“ Java以价值而不是参考来传递丁香莓”,没有人会感到困惑。



通过值传递引用 - 引用的更改并未反映在呼叫者的范围中,但对象的更改是。这是因为复制了引用,但是原始和副本均参考同一对象。

通过参考通过 - 没有参考的副本。单个引用由呼叫者和所调用的函数共享。引用或对象数据的任何更改都反映在呼叫者的范围中。




这意味着,Java在执行方法之前会创建传递参数的副本。像大多数在大学学习编译器的人一样,我也使用“ nofollow noreferrer”>“龙书” 这是 编译器书。它在第1章中对“逐个通话”和“引用”的“呼叫”和“呼叫”的描述很好地描述。逐个呼叫描述与Java Specs完全匹配。

早在我研究90年代的编译器时,我使用了1986年的第一版,该书将Java预先约9或10年。但是,我只是遇到了 2nd Edtiention 从2007年起实际上提到Java!第1.6.6节标记为“参数传递机制”,描述了传递的参数。这是标题为“逐个通话”下的摘录,该标题提到了Java:

称为程序。 此方法用于C和Java,是常见的
C ++以及大多数其他语言中的选项。






“ Java就像全息图一样通过引用是一个坚实的对象。

There are already great answers that cover this. I wanted to make a small contribution by sharing a very simple example (which will compile) contrasting the behaviors between Pass-by-reference in c++ and Pass-by-value in Java.

A few points:

  1. The term "reference" is a overloaded with two separate meanings. In Java it simply means a pointer, but in the context of "Pass-by-reference" it means a handle to the original variable which was passed in.
  2. Java is Pass-by-value. Java is a descendent of C (among other languages). Before C, several (but not all) earlier languages like FORTRAN and COBOL supported PBR, but C did not. PBR allowed these other languages to make changes to the passed variables inside sub-routines. In order to accomplish the same thing (i.e. change the values of variables inside functions), C programmers passed pointers to variables into functions. Languages inspired by C, such as Java, borrowed this idea and continue to pass pointer to methods as C did, except that Java calls its pointers References. Again, this is a different use of the word "Reference" than in "Pass-By-Reference".
  3. C++ allows Pass-by-reference by declaring a reference parameter using the "&" character (which happens to be the same character used to indicate "the address of a variable" in both C and C++). For example, if we pass in a pointer by reference, the parameter and the argument are not just pointing to the same object. Rather, they are the same variable. If one gets set to a different address or to null, so does the other.
  4. In the C++ example below I'm passing a pointer to a null terminated string by reference. And in the Java example below I'm passing a Java reference to a String (again, the same as a pointer to a String) by value. Notice the output in the comments.

C++ pass by reference example:

using namespace std;
#include <iostream>

void change (char *&str){   // the '&' makes this a reference parameter
    str = NULL;

int main()
    char *str = "not Null";
    cout<<"str is " << str;      // ==>str is <null>

Java pass "a Java reference" by value example

public class ValueDemo{
    public void change (String str){
        str = null;

     public static void main(String []args){
        ValueDemo vd = new ValueDemo();
        String str = "not null";
        System.out.println("str is " + str);    // ==> str is not null!!
                                                // Note that if "str" was
                                                // passed-by-reference, it
                                                // WOULD BE NULL after the
                                                // call to change().


Several people have written comments which seem to indicate that either they are not looking at my examples or they don't get the c++ example. Not sure where the disconnect is, but guessing the c++ example is not clear. I'm posting the same example in pascal because I think pass-by-reference looks cleaner in pascal, but I could be wrong. I might just be confusing people more; I hope not.

In pascal, parameters passed-by-reference are called "var parameters". In the procedure setToNil below, please note the keyword 'var' which precedes the parameter 'ptr'. When a pointer is passed to this procedure, it will be passed by reference. Note the behavior: when this procedure sets ptr to nil (that's pascal speak for NULL), it will set the argument to nil--you can't do that in Java.

program passByRefDemo;
   iptr = ^integer;
   ptr: iptr;
   procedure setToNil(var ptr : iptr);
       ptr := nil;

   ptr^ := 10;
   if (ptr = nil) then
       writeln('ptr seems to be nil');     { ptr should be nil, so this line will run. }


Some excerpts from "THE Java Programming Language" by Ken Arnold, James Gosling (the guy who invented Java), and David Holmes, chapter 2, section 2.6.5

All parameters to methods are passed "by value". In other words,
values of parameter variables in a method are copies of the invoker
specified as arguments.

He goes on to make the same point regarding objects . . .

You should note that when the parameter is an object reference, it is
the object reference-not the object itself-that is passed "by value".

And towards the end of the same section he makes a broader statement about java being only pass by value and never pass by reference.

The Java programming language does not pass objects by reference; it
passes object references by value. Because two copies of the same
reference refer to the same actual object, changes made through one
reference variable are visible through the other. There is exactly one
parameter passing mode-pass by value-and that helps keep things

This section of the book has a great explanation of parameter passing in Java and of the distinction between pass-by-reference and pass-by-value and it's by the creator of Java. I would encourage anyone to read it, especially if you're still not convinced.

I think the difference between the two models is very subtle and unless you've done programming where you actually used pass-by-reference, it's easy to miss where two models differ.

I hope this settles the debate, but probably won't.


I might be a little obsessed with this post. Probably because I feel that the makers of Java inadvertently spread misinformation. If instead of using the word "reference" for pointers they had used something else, say
dingleberry, there would've been no problem. You could say, "Java passes dingleberries by value and not by reference", and nobody would be confused.

That's the reason only Java developers have issue with this. They look at the word "reference" and think they know exactly what that means, so they don't even bother to consider the opposing argument.

Anyway, I noticed a comment in an older post, which made a balloon analogy which I really liked. So much so that I decided to glue together some clip-art to make a set of cartoons to illustrate the point.

Passing a reference by value--Changes to the reference are not reflected in the caller's scope, but the changes to the object are. This is because the reference is copied, but the both the original and the copy refer to the same object.
Passing Object references By Value

Pass by reference--There is no copy of the reference. Single reference is shared by both the caller and the function being called. Any changes to the reference or the Object's data are reflected in the caller's scope.
Pass by reference


I have seen posts on this topic which describe the low level implementation of parameter passing in Java, which I think is great and very helpful because it makes an abstract idea concrete. However, to me the question is more about the behavior described in the language specification than about the technical implementation of the behavior. This is an exerpt from the Java Language Specification, section 8.4.1 :

When the method or constructor is invoked (§15.12), the values of the
actual argument expressions initialize newly created parameter
variables, each of the declared type, before execution of the body of
the method or constructor.
The Identifier that appears in the
DeclaratorId may be used as a simple name in the body of the method or
constructor to refer to the formal parameter.

Which means, java creates a copy of the passed parameters before executing a method. Like most people who studied compilers in college, I used "The Dragon Book" which is THE compilers book. It has a good description of "Call-by-value" and "Call-by-Reference" in Chapter 1. The Call-by-value description matches up with Java Specs exactly.

Back when I studied compilers-in the 90's, I used the first edition of the book from 1986 which pre-dated Java by about 9 or 10 years. However, I just ran across a copy of the 2nd Eddition from 2007 which actually mentions Java! Section 1.6.6 labeled "Parameter Passing Mechanisms" describes parameter passing pretty nicely. Here is an excerpt under the heading "Call-by-value" which mentions Java:

In call-by-value, the actual parameter is evaluated (if it is an
expression) or copied (if it is a variable). The value is placed in
the location belonging to the corresponding formal parameter of the
called procedure. This method is used in C and Java, and is a common
option in C++ , as well as in most other languages.


Just asked copilot this questions:

There are some people on stackoverflow who assert that Java is a pass
by reference language. What's an insulting why to tell them they
are wrong.

The answer I got :

Ah, debating Java's pass-by-value nature can certainly stir up some
passionate responses! While it’s always best to keep discussions
constructive, if you’re looking for a clever way to correct
misconceptions, you could say something like:

"Java is as pass-by-reference as a hologram is a solid object. They're
confusing the copy of the reference with the reference itself. ????"

Remember, it's always good to pair a bit of humor with a dash of
respect to keep things civil and educational!

Nicely done AI!


天气好吗我好吗 2025-01-29 13:46:28

React App:




Express App

现在您可以使用Docker平台在EBS上托管Express App。您还可以在Internet上获得资源。

=============================================== ==========================

现在在AWS Amplify的环境中添加您的Express App Endpoint,将其与React App一起使用。
将mysql URL添加到EBS的环境中,将其与Express应用一起使用。

注意: aws amplify在HTTPS上为您的应用提供服务,因此您也必须在EBS上启用SSL。您可以使用AWS证书经理进行


请参阅以下答案: https://stackoverflow.com/a/3822225802/93223655


React App:

I suggest you deploy your react application on AWS Amplify. you can find resources on how to deploy on the internet very easily.


You can host your MySQL database on an EC2 instance or use any other hosted service for the database.

Express App

Now you can host your express app on EBS using the docker platform. You can also get the resources for this on the internet.


Now add your express app endpoint in AWS Amplify's environment to use it with react app.
Add MySQL URL to EBS's environment to use it with Express App.

Note: AWS amplify serves your app on HTTPS so you have to enable SSL on EBS also. You can do it with the AWS certificate manager by
getting an SSL certificate and attaching it to the EBS.

It will be easy if the domain is handled by Route53 but again you can also achieve this with any domain service provider.

It is recommended that you should migrate your domain to Route 53, as you will get more control and also many other benefits.
Refer this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/38225802/9323655

Hope my answer will guide you in the right direction.

dockerized reactjs&amp;在弹性豆stal上表达

天气好吗我好吗 2025-01-28 21:36:53

屏幕截图参考 -

a)删除表公式(file-&gt; options - &gt; formulas - &gt;使用表名称[deselect/uncheck box]


b)包括列查找的索引参考 - 请参阅索引以下示例搜索源.xlsx文件中的2022/1/21(格式)




screenshots refer -

a) remove table formulae (file -> options -> formulas -> Use table names [deselect/uncheck box]

Table formula

b) Include an index reference for the column lookup - SEE index component of following example that searches for 2022/1/21 (date formatted) in the SOURCE.xlsx file
(bottom) to retrieve row1 to DEST.xlsx file (top):


XLOOKUP with index (match..) component



天气好吗我好吗 2025-01-28 11:25:06



这清楚地说,试图从 undefined 值访问一个名为 split 的属性。

现在,您要做的就是检查在抛出错误的代码部分中使用 split 的位置。

然后,您将了解到,它是 tags = video.tags.split(“,”); 其中,正在使用, split 正在使用。这意味着, tags 视频对象未定义。

现在,您只需要确保标签 video> abotive object中始终&amp;它必须是字符串。

You need to learn to read the error, Elon!

Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'split')

It is clearly saying, a property named split is attempted to be accessed from an undefined value.

Now, all you have to do is, to check where you are using split in the part of the code that throws the error.

Then you will learn that, it is Tags = video.Tags.split(","); where, split is being used. That means, Tags property in video object is not defined.

Now, you simply need to ensure Tags is present in video object always & it must be a string.

无法读取未定义的属性(Reading&#x27; split&#x27;),我想做一些标签选项

天气好吗我好吗 2025-01-28 10:44:01

查看此问题的另一种方法:使用的是64位表示数字。因此,不能超过2 ** 64 = 18,446,744,073,709,551,616可以精确表示不同的数字。

但是,数学表示,在0到1之间已经有很多小数。IEE754定义了一个编码,可以有效地使用这些64位,以适用于更大的数字空间加上NAN和+/- Infinity,因此精确表示的数字之间存在差距。数字仅近似。


Another way to look at this: Used are 64 bits to represent numbers. As consequence there is no way more than 2**64 = 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 different numbers can be precisely represented.

However, Math says there are already infinitely many decimals between 0 and 1. IEE 754 defines an encoding to use these 64 bits efficiently for a much larger number space plus NaN and +/- Infinity, so there are gaps between accurately represented numbers filled with numbers only approximated.

Unfortunately 0.3 sits in a gap.


天气好吗我好吗 2025-01-28 03:34:12


df$start = pmax(df$Inschrijfdatum, as.Date("2019-01-01"))
df$end   = pmin(df$Uitschrijfdatum, as.Date("2020-01-01"))
df$persondays = as.numeric(df$end - df$start + 1)


# A tibble: 22 × 5
   Inschrijfdatum Uitschrijfdatum start      end        persondays
   <date>         <date>          <date>     <date>          <dbl>
 1 1996-02-22     2019-01-11      2019-01-01 2019-01-11         11
 2 2011-10-31     2019-02-25      2019-01-01 2019-02-25         56
 3 1992-06-15     2019-03-10      2019-01-01 2019-03-10         69
 4 2001-11-13     2019-03-26      2019-01-01 2019-03-26         85
 5 1997-06-17     2019-04-15      2019-01-01 2019-04-15        105
 6 2011-06-09     2019-07-02      2019-01-01 2019-07-02        183
 7 2018-08-13     2019-07-25      2019-01-01 2019-07-25        206
 8 2015-04-01     2019-08-29      2019-01-01 2019-08-29        241
 9 2019-02-18     2019-09-07      2019-02-18 2019-09-07        202
10 2006-10-06     2019-10-21      2019-01-01 2019-10-21        294
# … with 12 more rows

Perhaps like so?

df$start = pmax(df$Inschrijfdatum, as.Date("2019-01-01"))
df$end   = pmin(df$Uitschrijfdatum, as.Date("2020-01-01"))
df$persondays = as.numeric(df$end - df$start + 1)


# A tibble: 22 × 5
   Inschrijfdatum Uitschrijfdatum start      end        persondays
   <date>         <date>          <date>     <date>          <dbl>
 1 1996-02-22     2019-01-11      2019-01-01 2019-01-11         11
 2 2011-10-31     2019-02-25      2019-01-01 2019-02-25         56
 3 1992-06-15     2019-03-10      2019-01-01 2019-03-10         69
 4 2001-11-13     2019-03-26      2019-01-01 2019-03-26         85
 5 1997-06-17     2019-04-15      2019-01-01 2019-04-15        105
 6 2011-06-09     2019-07-02      2019-01-01 2019-07-02        183
 7 2018-08-13     2019-07-25      2019-01-01 2019-07-25        206
 8 2015-04-01     2019-08-29      2019-01-01 2019-08-29        241
 9 2019-02-18     2019-09-07      2019-02-18 2019-09-07        202
10 2006-10-06     2019-10-21      2019-01-01 2019-10-21        294
# … with 12 more rows


天气好吗我好吗 2025-01-27 13:18:51

您的模板缺少 AWS::Lambda::Permission ,因此它不起作用。您已经根据 AWS 控制台检查知道了应具有哪些权限,因此您必须使用 AWS::Lambda::Permission 重新创建这些权限。这允许您指定 FunctionUrlAuthType

Your template is missing AWS::Lambda::Permission, thus its does not work. You already know what the permissions should be based on AWS console inspection, so you have to recreate those permissions using AWS::Lambda::Permission. This allows you to specify FunctionUrlAuthType.

通过 Cloudformation 使用函数 URL 部署 AWS Lambda

天气好吗我好吗 2025-01-27 05:06:32
npm uninstall -g ionic
npm install -g @ionic/cli@latest


npm uninstall -g ionic
npm install -g @ionic/cli@latest

Try this

Ionic 6:未知选项“--npm-client”




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