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静待花开 2025-02-20 06:58:25




https://learn.microsoft.com/en-en-en-us/ Azure/Virtual-Network/Policy-Reference

In Azure, you can use policies to audit or restrict what can or cannot be done.

The policies can be applied on subscription level or resource group level.

There is a built-in policy named "Network interfaces should not have public IPs" that does exactly what you describe.



静待花开 2025-02-20 05:50:53


df = df.sort_values(['Item_Identifier', 'Item_Weight']).ffill()


This will probably work:

df = df.sort_values(['Item_Identifier', 'Item_Weight']).ffill()

But I can't test it since you didn't give us anything to work with.


静待花开 2025-02-19 12:48:59


private static Map<Character,Character> mapCharacters(String message){
    Map<Character, Character> map = new HashMap<>();
    char idx = 'a';
    for (char ch : message.toCharArray()) {
        if (!map.containsKey(ch)) {
            map.put(ch, idx);
    return map;


  • 迭代消息中的每个字符将为o(n) - 很明显,如果有10个字符,则需要10个步骤,10,000个字符将采用10,000步。时间复杂性与n直接成比例。
  • 在循环内部,您正在检查地图是否已包含该字符 - 使用containskey(),这是一个恒定时间操作,定义为O(1)时间复杂性。这个想法是,评估containskey()的实际时间是相同的,无论您的地图有10个键还是10,000个键。
  • 在>的情况下,您有map.put()是另一个恒定时间操作,另一个O(1)操作。
  • 合并在一起:对于每个nth字符,您将其花费时间在循环中迭代,检查地图是否已经具有并添加;所有这些都是3n(三次n),只是O(n)。


if (!map.containsKey(ch)) {
    map.put(ch, idx);

仅当您放置某些内容时,它保留了运行++ IDX的相同行为,特别是如果是上一件事要么是“不存在”,要么是用“ null”设置的,尽管“ null”不适用于您的代码示例中):

Character previousValue = map.putIfAbsent(ch, idx);
if (previousValue == null) {

尽管使用containskey( )使代码更清晰,还利用了经过良好测试的性能代码,可以免费使用。

在封面下,呼叫 map.putifabsent() 如下(从OpenJDK 17开始)实现get(),然后是put()如果不存在键。

default V putIfAbsent(K key, V value) {
    V v = get(key);
    if (v == null) {
        v = put(key, value);

    return v;

Given your original code below:

private static Map<Character,Character> mapCharacters(String message){
    Map<Character, Character> map = new HashMap<>();
    char idx = 'a';
    for (char ch : message.toCharArray()) {
        if (!map.containsKey(ch)) {
            map.put(ch, idx);
    return map;

Here are some observations about the time complexity:

  • Iterating each character in message will be O(n) – pretty clearly if there are 10 characters it takes 10 steps, 10,000 characters will take 10,000 steps. The time complexity is directly proportional to n.
  • Inside the loop, you're checking if the map contains that character already – using containsKey(), this is a constant-time operation which is defined as O(1) time complexity. The idea is that the actual time to evaluate the result of containsKey() should be the same whether your map has 10 keys or 10,000 keys.
  • Inside the if, you have map.put() which is another constant-time operation, another O(1) operation.
  • Combined together: for every nth character, you spend time iterating it in the loop, checking if the map has it already, and adding it; all of this would be 3n (three times n) which is just O(n).

Separately, you could make a small improvement to your code by replacing this block:

if (!map.containsKey(ch)) {
    map.put(ch, idx);

with something like below (which retains the same behavior of running ++idx only if you've put something, and specifically if the previous thing was either "not present" or perhaps had been set with "null" - though the "set as null" doesn't apply from your code sample):

Character previousValue = map.putIfAbsent(ch, idx);
if (previousValue == null) {

Though the time complexity wouldn't change, using containsKey() makes the code clearer, and also takes advantage of well-tested, performant code that's available for free.

Under the covers, calling Map.putIfAbsent() is implemented like below (as of OpenJDK 17) showing an initial call to get() followed by put() if the key isn't present.

default V putIfAbsent(K key, V value) {
    V v = get(key);
    if (v == null) {
        v = put(key, value);

    return v;


静待花开 2025-02-19 04:52:09


x = data.frame(num = 1:26, let = letters, LET = LETTERS)
split(x, sample(rep(1:2, 13)))


x = data.frame(num = 1:26, let = letters, LET = LETTERS)
split(x, sample(rep(1:2, 13)))

1` num let LET 3 3 c C 6 6 f F 10 10 j J 12 12 l L 14 14 n N 15 15 o O 17 17 q Q 18 18 r R 20 20 t T 21 21 u U 22 22 v V 23 23 w W 26 26 z Z


x = data.frame(num = 1:26, let = letters, LET = LETTERS)
split(x, sample(rep(1:2, 13)))

2` num let LET 1 1 a A 2 2 b B 4 4 d D 5 5 e E 7 7 g G 8 8 h H 9 9 i I 11 11 k K 13 13 m M 16 16 p P 19 19 s S 24 24 x X 25 25 y Y



You may also want to cut the data frame into an arbitrary number of smaller dataframes. Here, we cut into two dataframes.

x = data.frame(num = 1:26, let = letters, LET = LETTERS)
split(x, sample(rep(1:2, 13)))


You may also want to cut the data frame into an arbitrary number of smaller dataframes. Here, we cut into two dataframes.

x = data.frame(num = 1:26, let = letters, LET = LETTERS)
split(x, sample(rep(1:2, 13)))


1` num let LET 3 3 c C 6 6 f F 10 10 j J 12 12 l L 14 14 n N 15 15 o O 17 17 q Q 18 18 r R 20 20 t T 21 21 u U 22 22 v V 23 23 w W 26 26 z Z

You may also want to cut the data frame into an arbitrary number of smaller dataframes. Here, we cut into two dataframes.

x = data.frame(num = 1:26, let = letters, LET = LETTERS)
split(x, sample(rep(1:2, 13)))


2` num let LET 1 1 a A 2 2 b B 4 4 d D 5 5 e E 7 7 g G 8 8 h H 9 9 i I 11 11 k K 13 13 m M 16 16 p P 19 19 s S 24 24 x X 25 25 y Y

You can also split a data frame based upon an existing column. For example, to create three data frames based on the cyl column in mtcars:



静待花开 2025-02-19 03:48:19

要将某些C代码嵌入GO文件中,请将C语句写入称为 preambles 的东西。关于格式有某些严格的规则:

  • 导入“ C”是独立的语句,不能包含在import()组中,
  • C包括C inclati )紧接在导入“ C”语句之前,没有任何空白行,


package main

// #include "sqlite.h"
import "C"

import (
    // normal imports here

正如您从那以后进行的:preambles可以是多行注释,因此使用任何您喜欢的。最主要的是,它们之间没有空白行,导入“ C”语句。

To embed some C code inside a Go file, you write the C statements as something called preambles. There are certain strict rules regarding the formatting:

  • import "C" is a standalone statement, and cannot be included in an import () group
  • The C includes and other code (preambles) immediately precede the import "C" statement, without any blank lines in between

So in your case, what you need is something like:

package main

// #include "sqlite.h"
import "C"

import (
    // normal imports here

As you have since verified: preambles can be multi-line comments, so use whichever you prefer. The main thing is that there is no blank lines between them and the import "C" statement.


静待花开 2025-02-19 02:54:52



Throwable throwable = catchThrowable(() -> this.objectUnderTest.someMethod(param1, param2, param3));

  .returns(1, from(Error::getErrorCode))
  .returns("something", from(Error::getDescription));


MyException exception = catchThrowableOfType(() -> this.objectUnderTest.someMethod(param1, param2, param3), MyException.class);

  .returns(1, from(Error::getErrorCode))
  .returns("something", from(Error::getDescription));

AssertJ offers two styles for checking custom exceptions:

Keeping the style of your example, you can write the following with catchThrowable:

Throwable throwable = catchThrowable(() -> this.objectUnderTest.someMethod(param1, param2, param3));

  .returns(1, from(Error::getErrorCode))
  .returns("something", from(Error::getDescription));

or, with catchThrowableOfType:

MyException exception = catchThrowableOfType(() -> this.objectUnderTest.someMethod(param1, param2, param3), MyException.class);

  .returns(1, from(Error::getErrorCode))
  .returns("something", from(Error::getDescription));


静待花开 2025-02-18 22:46:00


Please make sure that your file has the .tsx file extension and is not just a .ts file.

(React Typescript)&#x27;组件&#x27;指一个值,但在这里被用作类型。您的意思是'typeof component&#x27 ;?

静待花开 2025-02-18 21:47:31

OpenSSL的BREW更新带来了最新版本,该版本已弃用了ssh-rsa算法。 注意


Host *
   HostkeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa
   PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms +ssh-rsa


Brew update of openssl brings in the latest version which has deprecated the ssh-rsa algorithm. Note

Add this to your ssh config to re-enable ssh-rsa OR downgrade openssl to the previous version.

Host *
   HostkeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa
   PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms +ssh-rsa

ssh config file will be ~/.ssh/config or /etc/ssh/ssh_config.

无法与192.168.16.140端口7999进行协商:找不到匹配的主机密钥类型。他们的报价:Visual Studio升级后的SSH-RSA

静待花开 2025-02-18 19:30:28


        x = tf.concat([data, fake], axis=0)

    ValueError: Dimension 2 in both shapes must be equal, but are 3 and 1. Shapes are [28,28,3] and [28,28,1]. for '{{node concat_1}} = ConcatV2[N=2, T=DT_FLOAT, Tidx=DT_INT32](data, sequential/conv2d_transpose_2/Sigmoid, concat_1/axis)' with input shapes: [16,28,28,3], [16,28,28,1], [] and with computed input tensors: input[2] = <0>.

此错误的主要要点是Data虚假无法连接 - 原因是它们与大小不匹配。如该错误所述,

  • data具有形状[28,28,3](随着您进行了更改,可以将RGB输入
  • face> face 具有形状[28,28,1],它与data的形状不同,

我们的解决方案是以某种方式修复face> face> face> face data 的

fake = generator(noise)


generator = keras.models.Sequential([
    layers.Conv2DTranspose(1, 3, activation="sigmoid", padding="same"),

形状 Generator似乎是Conv2Dtranspose,但它仅使用1输出频道(第一个参数


    layers.Conv2DTranspose(3, 3, activation="sigmoid", padding="same"),

Let us start by inspecting your error alongside the code you have provided.

        x = tf.concat([data, fake], axis=0)

    ValueError: Dimension 2 in both shapes must be equal, but are 3 and 1. Shapes are [28,28,3] and [28,28,1]. for '{{node concat_1}} = ConcatV2[N=2, T=DT_FLOAT, Tidx=DT_INT32](data, sequential/conv2d_transpose_2/Sigmoid, concat_1/axis)' with input shapes: [16,28,28,3], [16,28,28,1], [] and with computed input tensors: input[2] = <0>.

The main takeaway from this error is that data and fake cannot be concatenated - the reason being that they don't match size-wise. As the error states,

  • data has the shape [28,28,3] (which is expected as you have made the changes to have RGB inputs
  • fake has the shape [28,28,1] which is not the same as the shape of data

Our solution is to somehow fix the fake variable's shape to match that of data.

We see that fake is created in the code in the line

fake = generator(noise)

And generator is defined as

generator = keras.models.Sequential([
    layers.Conv2DTranspose(1, 3, activation="sigmoid", padding="same"),

The last layer of the generator seems to be a Conv2DTranspose but it is using just 1 output channel (the first argument). Here is our error!

To fix it, it would just require the change of making it output 3 channel rather than 1 as

    layers.Conv2DTranspose(3, 3, activation="sigmoid", padding="same"),


静待花开 2025-02-18 02:47:14


  1. primitives :包含数据的变量。如果要在原始变量中操纵数据,则可以直接操纵该变量。按照惯例原始类型以小写字母开头。例如,类型intchar的变量是原始。

  2. 参考:包含对象的内存地址的变量,即参考的变量 object。如果要操纵对象参考变量指的是您必须 dereference it。使用进行删除,以访问方法或字段,或使用[索引一个数组。按照惯例,参考类型通常用大写启动的类型表示。例如,类型对象的变量是引用。

考虑以下代码在其中声明 oprive type int的变量,并且不初始化:

int x;
int y = x + x;

这两行会崩溃程序,因为没有为> x,我们正在尝试使用x的值来指定y。所有原语都必须在操纵之前将其初始化为可用值。

现在这是事情变得有趣的地方。 参考可以将变量设置为null,其意思是“ 我正在引用 nothing ”。如果您明确设置null值,则可以在参考变量中获取 value,或者是非初始化的参考变量,并且编译器不会捕获它(Java将自动将变量设置为code> null)。

如果将参考变量设置为由您或通过Java自动显式null,并且您尝试使用 deReference ,则会获得nullpoInterException



Integer num;
num = new Integer(10);



如果您尝试在创建对象之前取消num ,则获得nullpoInterException。在大多数琐碎的情况下,编译器会遇到问题,并让您知道“ num可能没有初始化”,但是有时您可能会编写不会直接创建对象的代码。


public void doSomething(SomeObject obj) {
   // Do something to obj, assumes obj is not null



在这种情况下,obj is null,语句obj.mymethod()将投掷NullPoInterException



// Throws an NPE with a custom error message if obj is null
Objects.requireNonNull(obj, "obj must not be null");

请注意,在错误消息中说出 对象不能为null,这很有帮助。验证这一点的优点是,1)您可以返回自己的清晰错误消息,而2)对于其余方法,您知道,除非obj重新分配,否则它不是null,并且可以安全地删除。

另外,在某些情况下,该方法的目的不仅是在对象中传递的对象上操作,因此可以接受零参数。在这种情况下,您需要检查 null参数并以不同的方式行事。您还应该在文档中解释这一点。例如,dosomething()可以写为:

  * @param obj An optional foo for ____. May be null, in which case
  *  the result will be ____.
public void doSomething(SomeObject obj) {
    if(obj == null) {
       // Do something
    } else {
       // Do something else



Sonar Cath cath null Catch null Catch null Pointer waull catch null Pointer waull jvm造成的null Pointer drominally jvM a>

现在,Java 14添加了一个新的语言功能,以显示NullPoInterException的根本原因。自2006年以来,此语言功能一直是SAP商业JVM的一部分。

在Java 14中,以下是示例NullPoInterException exceptions:

在线程“ main” java.lang.lang.nullpointerexception中:无法调用“ java.util.list.size()”,因为“列表”是null



  • 访问(IE fet或设置)实例 null引用的字段。 (静态字段不计数!)
  • 调用null引用的实例方法。 (静态方法不计算!)
  • 抛出null;
  • 访问空数组的元素。
  • 在null上同步 - 同步(somenullReference){...}
  • 任何整数/浮点操作员都可以抛出nullpoInterException如果其操作数之一是盒装的null null null null null引用
  • 的转换转换如果盒装值为null,则抛出nullpoInterException
  • 在null引用上呼叫super thring thring a nullpoInterException。如果您感到困惑,这是在谈论合格的超级类构造函数:
class Outer {
    class Inner {}
class ChildOfInner extends Outer.Inner {
    ChildOfInner(Outer o) { 
        o.super(); // if o is null, NPE gets thrown
  • 使用for(element:eyterable)循环通过null Collection/array循环。

  • switch(foo){...}(其表达式还是语句)可以扔nullpointerexpection foo> foo是null。

  • foo.new someinnerClass()抛出nullpointerexception foo null。

  • 表单的方法参考name1 :: name2primary Expression :: name当评估name1 或primary Expression评估为null。

    此处的JLS的注释说,someInstance.somestaticMethod()不会抛出NPE,因为somestaticMethod是静态的,但是someinstance :::::::: SomestaticMethod仍然扔NPE!


There are two overarching types of variables in Java:

  1. Primitives: variables that contain data. If you want to manipulate the data in a primitive variable you can manipulate that variable directly. By convention primitive types start with a lowercase letter. For example variables of type int or char are primitives.

  2. References: variables that contain the memory address of an Object i.e. variables that refer to an Object. If you want to manipulate the Object that a reference variable refers to you must dereference it. Dereferencing usually entails using . to access a method or field, or using [ to index an array. By convention reference types are usually denoted with a type that starts in uppercase. For example variables of type Object are references.

Consider the following code where you declare a variable of primitive type int and don't initialize it:

int x;
int y = x + x;

These two lines will crash the program because no value is specified for x and we are trying to use x's value to specify y. All primitives have to be initialized to a usable value before they are manipulated.

Now here is where things get interesting. Reference variables can be set to null which means "I am referencing nothing". You can get a null value in a reference variable if you explicitly set it that way, or a reference variable is uninitialized and the compiler does not catch it (Java will automatically set the variable to null).

If a reference variable is set to null either explicitly by you or through Java automatically, and you attempt to dereference it you get a NullPointerException.

The NullPointerException (NPE) typically occurs when you declare a variable but did not create an object and assign it to the variable before trying to use the contents of the variable. So you have a reference to something that does not actually exist.

Take the following code:

Integer num;
num = new Integer(10);

The first line declares a variable named num, but it does not actually contain a reference value yet. Since you have not yet said what to point to, Java sets it to null.

In the second line, the new keyword is used to instantiate (or create) an object of type Integer, and the reference variable num is assigned to that Integer object.

If you attempt to dereference num before creating the object you get a NullPointerException. In the most trivial cases, the compiler will catch the problem and let you know that "num may not have been initialized," but sometimes you may write code that does not directly create the object.

For instance, you may have a method as follows:

public void doSomething(SomeObject obj) {
   // Do something to obj, assumes obj is not null

In which case, you are not creating the object obj, but rather assuming that it was created before the doSomething() method was called. Note, it is possible to call the method like this:


In which case, obj is null, and the statement obj.myMethod() will throw a NullPointerException.

If the method is intended to do something to the passed-in object as the above method does, it is appropriate to throw the NullPointerException because it's a programmer error and the programmer will need that information for debugging purposes.

In addition to NullPointerExceptions thrown as a result of the method's logic, you can also check the method arguments for null values and throw NPEs explicitly by adding something like the following near the beginning of a method:

// Throws an NPE with a custom error message if obj is null
Objects.requireNonNull(obj, "obj must not be null");

Note that it's helpful to say in your error message clearly which object cannot be null. The advantage of validating this is that 1) you can return your own clearer error messages and 2) for the rest of the method you know that unless obj is reassigned, it is not null and can be dereferenced safely.

Alternatively, there may be cases where the purpose of the method is not solely to operate on the passed in object, and therefore a null parameter may be acceptable. In this case, you would need to check for a null parameter and behave differently. You should also explain this in the documentation. For example, doSomething() could be written as:

  * @param obj An optional foo for ____. May be null, in which case
  *  the result will be ____.
public void doSomething(SomeObject obj) {
    if(obj == null) {
       // Do something
    } else {
       // Do something else

Finally, How to pinpoint the exception & cause using Stack Trace

What methods/tools can be used to determine the cause so that you stop
the exception from causing the program to terminate prematurely?

Sonar with find bugs can detect NPE.
Can sonar catch null pointer exceptions caused by JVM Dynamically

Now Java 14 has added a new language feature to show the root cause of NullPointerException. This language feature has been part of SAP commercial JVM since 2006.

In Java 14, the following is a sample NullPointerException Exception message:

in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "java.util.List.size()" because "list" is null

List of situations that cause a NullPointerException to occur

Here are all the situations in which a NullPointerException occurs, that are directly* mentioned by the Java Language Specification:

  • Accessing (i.e. getting or setting) an instance field of a null reference. (static fields don't count!)
  • Calling an instance method of a null reference. (static methods don't count!)
  • throw null;
  • Accessing elements of a null array.
  • Synchronising on null - synchronized (someNullReference) { ... }
  • Any integer/floating point operator can throw a NullPointerException if one of its operands is a boxed null reference
  • An unboxing conversion throws a NullPointerException if the boxed value is null.
  • Calling super on a null reference throws a NullPointerException. If you are confused, this is talking about qualified superclass constructor invocations:
class Outer {
    class Inner {}
class ChildOfInner extends Outer.Inner {
    ChildOfInner(Outer o) { 
        o.super(); // if o is null, NPE gets thrown
  • Using a for (element : iterable) loop to loop through a null collection/array.

  • switch (foo) { ... } (whether its an expression or statement) can throw a NullPointerException when foo is null.

  • foo.new SomeInnerClass() throws a NullPointerException when foo is null.

  • Method references of the form name1::name2 or primaryExpression::name throws a NullPointerException when evaluated when name1 or primaryExpression evaluates to null.

    a note from the JLS here says that, someInstance.someStaticMethod() doesn't throw an NPE, because someStaticMethod is static, but someInstance::someStaticMethod still throw an NPE!

* Note that the JLS probably also says a lot about NPEs indirectly.


静待花开 2025-02-17 20:57:36

这里有很多好的答案。这就是我通常这样做的方式 -

if ( arr1.length === arr2.length && arr1.every((a1) => arr2.includes(a1)) ) {
   // logic



Lot of good answers here. This is how I usually do it -

if ( arr1.length === arr2.length && arr1.every((a1) => arr2.includes(a1)) ) {
   // logic

every() will only return true if all elements pass the given camparison
logic. If it encounters a false, in any iteration, it terminates and
returns false.

Time complexity will be O(n*m).


静待花开 2025-02-17 09:37:57


InTheHand.AndroidActivity.CurrentActivity = this.Activity;


you may need to add the line below before you initialise the BluetoothClient() on Android.

InTheHand.AndroidActivity.CurrentActivity = this.Activity;

Note: this.Activity may be fine as just 'this'

I had the same issue and eventualy discovered that you need to set the running activity before using the library.

Inhand blutooth_client.discoverdevices()报告&quot&quot; nullReferenceException:&#x27; object reference未设置为对象的实例。

静待花开 2025-02-17 08:00:59


  v_id MAIN_TABLE.ID%TYPE := 1;
  UPDATE child_table1
  SET    flag = 1
  WHERE  id = v_id;

  UPDATE child_table2
  SET    flag = 1
  WHERE  id = v_id;

  UPDATE child_table2
  SET    flag = 1
  WHERE  id = v_id;

Oracle does not support multi-table update statements. If you want a single statement then use PL/SQL to wrap multiple SQL single-table update statements:

  v_id MAIN_TABLE.ID%TYPE := 1;
  UPDATE child_table1
  SET    flag = 1
  WHERE  id = v_id;

  UPDATE child_table2
  SET    flag = 1
  WHERE  id = v_id;

  UPDATE child_table2
  SET    flag = 1
  WHERE  id = v_id;


静待花开 2025-02-17 01:00:47


您可以查看创建一个监视运行任务数量的CloudWatch警报,并在计数为0时向您的SNS主题发送警报(或低于某些阈值)。 CloudWatch警报具有诸如评估期之类的设置,您可以调整以防止太多警报发生,并且它也只会在更改计数时发送警报,而不是在ECS任务部署的所有ECS任务部署中。

The task and container are being replaced, not restarted. I don't think there's any way to reduce the number of alerts that will be sent out, since it's a new task each time. At least not with EventBridge/SNS directly.

You could look at creating a CloudWatch Alert that monitors the number of running tasks, and have it send an alert to your SNS topic when the count is 0 (or below some threshold). A CloudWatch Alert has settings like evaluation period that you can adjust to prevent too many alerts from occurring, and it also would only send an alert when the count changed, not on every ECS task deployment attempt.


静待花开 2025-02-16 00:56:57


type 'String' is not a subtype of type 'MultiSelectItem<Context>'

列表_itemstest是类型MultiSelectItem&lt; context&gt;的列表,您正在尝试添加snap ['field_name'''field_name'' ]字符串,因此您必须找到一种方法来将snap ['field_name']转换为类型MultiSelectItem&lt; context&context&gt ;

The error is obvious in the question which is:

type 'String' is not a subtype of type 'MultiSelectItem<Context>'

The list _itemsTest is a list of type MultiSelectItem<Context> and you are trying to add snap['field_Name'] to it which is String, so you have to find a way to convert snap['field_Name'] to be of type MultiSelectItem<Context>

填写列表&lt; string&gt;




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