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仅一夜美梦 2025-02-20 19:48:10


df ['id']。重复()返回一系列布尔值,具体取决于是否复制了ID。

df [df.duplicated('id')] 返回一个过滤的数据框架,其中只保留了复制ID的行。


  id  col
0  A    0
1  A    1
2  B    2
3  C    3
4  C    4
5  C    5

0    False
1     True
2    False
3    False
4     True
5     True

Name: id, dtype: bool
  id  col
1  A    1
4  C    4
5  C    5

No they won't.

df['id'].duplicated() returns a Series of booleans depending on whether the IDs are duplicated.

df[df.duplicated('id')] returns a filtered DataFrame where only the rows are kept in which the IDs are duplicated.


  id  col
0  A    0
1  A    1
2  B    2
3  C    3
4  C    4
5  C    5

0    False
1     True
2    False
3    False
4     True
5     True

Name: id, dtype: bool
  id  col
1  A    1
4  C    4
5  C    5

df [' id']。重复()和df [df.duplicated(' id')]有什么区别

仅一夜美梦 2025-02-20 15:03:38
SELECT city, phone FROM buildings ORDER BY city ASC, phone DESC


SELECT city, phone FROM buildings ORDER BY city ASC, phone DESC

as simple as that. See it working live here


仅一夜美梦 2025-02-20 09:55:18


const handlecart=(item)=>{

正在触发此组件的重新渲染,因此为什么您看到它无限增加。例如,每次您通过增加设置 count +1时,您实际上是在告诉React,因为 count 已更改,请重新渲染并向我展示新的组件。

我怀疑您正在寻找的是 usecallback

const handleCart = useCallback(() => {
   setCount(count => count + 1)
}, [setCount])

The reason this keeps happening is because your function

const handlecart=(item)=>{

Is triggering a re-render of this component hence why you're seeing it increase infinitely. For example, each time you set the count by incrementing it +1, you're essentially telling React that since count has changed please re-render and show me the new component.

I suspect what you're looking for is useCallback

const handleCart = useCallback(() => {
   setCount(count => count + 1)
}, [setCount])


仅一夜美梦 2025-02-20 02:50:03

package.json 中指定的所有依赖项都将包含在您在同一文件夹中创建的每个函数中。 firebase仅依赖于您部署的内容,例如nodejs,它以 npm 为其软件包管理器。最小化对其他功能的未使用依赖的唯一方法是在项目上具有目录结构,并在每个文件夹上具有多个 package.json

您还可以检查我对此的答案 thread package.json.json 有效。

All dependencies specified in the package.json will be included in each function you create inside the same folder. Firebase only relies on what you deploy on which for example is NodeJS which has npm as its package manager. The only way to minimize inclusion of unused dependencies on other functions is to have a directory structure on your project and have multiple package.json on each folder.

You could also check my answer on this thread which explains how package.json works.


仅一夜美梦 2025-02-20 02:08:33

我认为您可以做的是将SiteMap.txt文件放入您的公共文件夹和路由器中 - > index.js

{ path: "/sitemap.txt"}

What I think you can do is to put the sitemap.txt file in your public folder and in your router --> index.js

{ path: "/sitemap.txt"}


仅一夜美梦 2025-02-19 23:11:27


self.startDate = datetime.datetime.now



print("Started trading system, date: {}".format(ts.startDate))


Try with:

self.startDate = datetime.datetime.now

The problem is that you are already calling the function within your definition and then you're calling it again.

If what you want is to set the start date at the time of instantiation, let the first part as it was (as you posted it) and try:

print("Started trading system, date: {}".format(ts.startDate))

The first option will always print the current date and time, the former will print the date and time of instantiation.

如何修复Python typeError:' datetime.datetime'对象不可呼出?

仅一夜美梦 2025-02-19 18:51:58




Ok, apparently it's (since V3.8) very simple:


Add a path to the DLL search path.

This search path is used when resolving dependencies for imported
extension modules (the module itself is resolved through sys.path),
and also by ctypes.

如何在运行时指定PYD DLL依赖关系搜索路径使用Python

仅一夜美梦 2025-02-19 14:38:36


ages = []
kids, teen, adult = 0, 0, 0

for i in range(10):
    age = int(input("Write your age"))

    if age < 12:
        kids += 1
    elif age <= 17:
        teen += 1
        adult += 1

print("The number of kids is: ", kids)
print("The number of teenagers is: ", teen)
print("The number of adults is: ", adult)

Use only one loop, the one that builds the data, at the same time increment counter for each category

ages = []
kids, teen, adult = 0, 0, 0

for i in range(10):
    age = int(input("Write your age"))

    if age < 12:
        kids += 1
    elif age <= 17:
        teen += 1
        adult += 1

print("The number of kids is: ", kids)
print("The number of teenagers is: ", teen)
print("The number of adults is: ", adult)


仅一夜美梦 2025-02-19 09:33:50


  1. 行为定义得很好;静态缓冲区在程序的持续时间内存在,并且在 filter_something 返回后,程序可以使用。


  1. 返回静态缓冲区很容易出错,因为为例程编写电话的人们可能会忽略或不知道返回静态缓冲区。这可能会导致尝试使用从多个调用到该函数的多个缓冲区的实例(在同一线程或不同的线程中)。清晰的文档是必不可少的。

  2. 静态缓冲区在程序的持续时间内存在,因此它在不需要的时候占据空间。


  1. The behavior is well defined; the static buffer exists for the duration of the program and may be used by the program after filter_something returns.


  1. Returning a static buffer is prone to error because people writing calls to the routines may neglect or be unaware that a static buffer is returned. This can lead to attempts to use multiple instances of the buffer from multiple calls to the function (in the same thread or different threads). Clear documentation is essential.

  2. The static buffer exists for the duration of the program, so it occupies space at times when it may not be needed.


仅一夜美梦 2025-02-19 04:59:33


CASE WHEN {custbody_business_source} = {custbody_listing_agent} THEN {custbody_selling_agent} ELSE {custbody_listing_agent} END

您需要将括号中的字段 {} 替换为您使用的字段的正确ID。我以为这些字段都从相同的记录列表(联系人或客户)中获取它们所包含的信息。例如,如果一个是选择(列表/记录)字段,而其他可能是免费的文本,则可能无法正常工作。这只会将业务源字段与(任意)上市代理(任意)比较销售代理,如果有匹配,则将其返回销售代理,否则返回了清单代理。请注意,这意味着在任何其他情况下也将退还上市代理;例如,如果比较字段之一为空。


CASE WHEN {custbody_business_source} = {custbody_listing_agent} THEN {custbody_selling_agent} WHEN {custbody_business_source} = {custbody_selling_agent} THEN {custbody_listing_agent} ELSE {somethingelse} END

或使用 decode 而不是:

DECODE({custbody_business_source}, {custbody_listing_agent}, {custbody_selling_agent}, {custbody_selling_agent}, {custbody_listing_agent}, {somethingelse})

decode 具有以下签名:

DECODE({expr}, search, result, [search, result]..., [default])

它将 expr 与每个 search 一个一个一个一个一个逐一比较。如果找到匹配项,它将返回相应的结果。如果找不到匹配,则返回默认值,或者如果未指定默认值,则null。

Add a line in the Results tab and select Formula (text) under the Field column. In the Formula column add:

CASE WHEN {custbody_business_source} = {custbody_listing_agent} THEN {custbody_selling_agent} ELSE {custbody_listing_agent} END

You will need to replace the fields in braces {} with the correct IDs for the fields you're using. I have assumed that these fields all pull from the same list of records (contacts or customers) for the information they contain. It probably won't work, for example, if one is a select (List/Record) field and the others are Free Text. This simply compares the Business Source field with (arbitrarily) the Listing Agent and returns the Selling Agent if there's a match, otherwise it returns the Listing Agent. Note that this means the Listing Agent will be returned in any other circumstances also; for example if one of the compared fields is empty.

You could match the Business Source against both the agent fields explicitly and return some other value when neither match by extending the CASE statement a little:

CASE WHEN {custbody_business_source} = {custbody_listing_agent} THEN {custbody_selling_agent} WHEN {custbody_business_source} = {custbody_selling_agent} THEN {custbody_listing_agent} ELSE {somethingelse} END

or by using a DECODE instead:

DECODE({custbody_business_source}, {custbody_listing_agent}, {custbody_selling_agent}, {custbody_selling_agent}, {custbody_listing_agent}, {somethingelse})

DECODE has the following signature:

DECODE({expr}, search, result, [search, result]..., [default])

It compares expr with each search value one by one. If it finds a match it returns the corresponding result. If no match is found, the default is returned, or null if default is not specified.


仅一夜美梦 2025-02-19 03:17:21


onClick={() => [
      setDetails((currentDetails) => !currentDetails),


onClick={() => {
      //If no details are visible, show them
      if(!details) setDetails(true);   
      //If details are visible, and this is the corresponding button, hide them
      else if(article.id == articleId) setDetails(false); 

Currently, in your buttons onClick functions you do this:

onClick={() => [
      setDetails((currentDetails) => !currentDetails),

The first line toggles whether or not the details secions is visible. All buttons currently toggle the details visibility. What you want is to only do this when it is the button corresponding to the currently displayed details.

onClick={() => {
      //If no details are visible, show them
      if(!details) setDetails(true);   
      //If details are visible, and this is the corresponding button, hide them
      else if(article.id == articleId) setDetails(false); 


仅一夜美梦 2025-02-18 23:23:05

大家,这是一个非常愚蠢的错误。如果(result.length&gt; 0)在我的后端代码中。所以应该像这样:

app.get("/:projectId/attachment", function(req, res){

    const projectId = req.params.projectId;

        const findProjectAttachment = "SELECT project_attachment.project_attachment_id, project_attachment.project_attachment_url, project_attachment.project_id FROM project_attachment INNER JOIN project ON project_attachment.project_id=project.project_id WHERE project_attachment.project_id = ?;";

        db.query(findProjectAttachment, projectId, (err, result) => {


You all, it was a very silly mistake. I should not have included if(result.length > 0) in my back-end code. So it should have been like this:

app.get("/:projectId/attachment", function(req, res){

    const projectId = req.params.projectId;

        const findProjectAttachment = "SELECT project_attachment.project_attachment_id, project_attachment.project_attachment_url, project_attachment.project_id FROM project_attachment INNER JOIN project ON project_attachment.project_id=project.project_id WHERE project_attachment.project_id = ?;";

        db.query(findProjectAttachment, projectId, (err, result) => {



仅一夜美梦 2025-02-18 15:32:27




<Entry Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1" x:Name="EntryBoxBarCode" WidthRequest="250" TextChanged="EntryBoxBarCode_TextChanged"/>
<Entry Grid.Row="" Grid.Column="1" x:Name="EntryPackCode" WidthRequest="250" />

private void EntryBoxBarCode_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
        if (EntryBoxBarCode.Text != "")

            if (typeOfBarCode != "")
                //Here is the condition where I want to clear the text
                EntryBoxBarCode.Text = "";
                //EntryBoxBarCode.Focus(); //not sure this is required or not since you should already have focus here.
            //passing the right value of the entry, then focus to other Entry

What I don't understand is why are you creating an entry on runtime on TextChanged. This will literally create entry after entry every time you type a text in the entry that calls this Textchanged event.

When you are creating a new entry here it's not something that's on your UI, if you want an entry on your UI to trigger this you will have to give the triggering entry a name and then use that name to check what's in that entry and update accordingly. Alternatively, you could use the sender object.

Your XAML would be something like:

<Entry Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1" x:Name="EntryBoxBarCode" WidthRequest="250" TextChanged="EntryBoxBarCode_TextChanged"/>
<Entry Grid.Row="" Grid.Column="1" x:Name="EntryPackCode" WidthRequest="250" />

private void EntryBoxBarCode_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
        if (EntryBoxBarCode.Text != "")

            if (typeOfBarCode != "")
                //Here is the condition where I want to clear the text
                EntryBoxBarCode.Text = "";
                //EntryBoxBarCode.Focus(); //not sure this is required or not since you should already have focus here.
            //passing the right value of the entry, then focus to other Entry


仅一夜美梦 2025-02-18 04:07:10





Turns out I've managed to fix the problem.

Whoever edited it last saved it as ANSI rather than UTF-8.

Thanks for the pointers, as its not somethign I would have thought of checking. I found this out when I was looking to see what it was actually encoded as, in response to the comments above. I'd have assumed it was UTF-8 as all the other files in the library are UTF-8, in fact everything here is utf-8, apart from this one file...

Now to up its pylint score a bit.


仅一夜美梦 2025-02-18 02:43:00



  • 在每个文件中添加一个标题,该文件由唯一的分隔符(例如#===魔术saparator === fileName my_file.js ====
  • 使用 cat 代码>要将所有文件组合到一个文件中
  • ,在完成后编辑此文件
  • ,请使用分隔符将其分解并将文本放回原始文件中,

您可以轻松地编写一些脚本进行组合和分配,以便您可以快速执行此操作。您还可以设置一个背景脚本,该脚本在编辑组合文件时自动运行分离器。但是,合并的文件本质上是一个新文件,因此您无法使用git查看其更改,而VS Code的Codelens/Inline责备将无效。

一种选择是将您的代码库与签入VC的组合文件一起开发代码库,然后仅将分离器脚本作为“构建”步骤的一部分。因此,您将进行更改,运行 ./ build.sh 将文件分解为某个临时目录,然后从那里运行您的应用程序。

最后,我讨厌打nide,但事实是,通过避免设计不考虑开发人员人体工程学的设计不佳的框架,最好解决此问题。许多其他语言为开发人员提供了很多自由和许多工具来组织其所需的代码,而不是施加限制,例如要求许多小型组件在单独的文件中。例如,Java也有类似的问题(如果最近的版本修复了它,则DUNNO) - 每个文件只能有一个类,如果您喜欢拥有许多小文件,这会产生巨大的混乱。 C#没有此限制,因此C#代码库可以比Java代码库更加整洁。

If the files stay as separate windows/tabs, the file editor would have to shrink each tab to a minimal height, and then tile them vertically. If any editor can do it, I suspect it would be emacs or vim. You might also be able to do it by opening separate editor windows and using a tiling window manager.

We can achieve a similar effect with some text editing magic. It would be something like:

  • Add a header to each file consisting of a unique separator (e.g. # === magic separator === filename my_file.js ===)
  • Use cat to combine all the files into one file
  • Edit this one file
  • When done, use the separator to break them up and put the text back into the original files

You could easily write some scripts for combining and splitting so you can do it quickly. You can also set up a background script that automatically runs the splitter as you edit the combined file. However, the combined file would essentially be a new file, so you could not view changes on it with git, and VS Code's CodeLens/Inline blame wouldn't work.

One option would be to develop your codebase with the combined files checked in to VCS, and then only have the splitter script as part of your "build" step. So you would make your changes, run ./build.sh which splits the files into some temp directory, and then run your application from there.

Lastly, and I hate to be snide, but the fact is that this problem is best solved by avoiding poorly designed frameworks that do not consider developer ergonomics. Many other languages give the developer much freedom and many tools to organize their code as they wish, rather than imposing constraints like requiring many small components to be in separate files. Java for example also had a similar problem (dunno if more recent versions fixed it) - you can only have one class per file, which creates a huge mess if you like having many small files. C# does not have this limitation and as a result C# codebases can be much tidier than Java codebases.

编辑文件好像是连接的一样 - 任何IDE或文本编辑器都具有此功能吗?




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