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柒七 2025-02-20 22:43:24

SQL Server(Express)中的分布式交易依赖于MSDTC,而MSDTC作为Azure SQL数据库不存在的MSDTC。在同一交易中,您不能在本地数据库和云数据库中包含插入物。也许您最好是基于更改跟踪

Distributed transactions in SQL Server (Express) relies on MSDTC which does not exist for cloud services as Azure SQL Database. You cannot include an insert in your local db and in cloud db in the same transaction. Perhaps you are better off with building a solution based on change tracking?

SQL Server 2019 Express:从 /写入到SQL Server数据库(无服务器) - 在SSM中工作,但在插入触发器中失败

柒七 2025-02-20 19:47:48

使用 通过 - ,列为 id 转换为索引带有 > - 然后将浮子转换为整数,重命名 3 并创建3列dataframe:

df = df.set_index('id')

df.columns = df.columns.str.split('-', expand=True)
df = (df.stack()
        .rename(int, level=1)
print (df)

   id  measure  instance
0   1       20         0
1   1       10         1
2   1        5         2
3   2       21         0
4   2       11         1
5   2        6         2
6   3       19         0
7   3       29         1
8   3        7         2
9   4       18         0
10  4       12         1
11  4        8         2

with wide_to_long 用指定 3 - 和Regex r'\ d+\。\ d+'用于匹配浮点:

df = (pd.wide_to_long(df, 
         .rename(int, level=1)
print (df)

   id  measure  instance
0   1       20         0
1   1       10         1
2   1        5         2
3   2       21         0
4   2       11         1
5   2        6         2
6   3       19         0
7   3       29         1
8   3        7         2
9   4       18         0
10  4       12         1
11  4        8         2

奖金:从一部分的一部分修改列的解决方案之前的列名称 -

df = df.set_index('id')

df.columns = df.columns.str.split('-', expand=True)
df = (df.stack()
        .rename(int, level=1)
print (df)
    id  instance   3   4
0    1         0  20  10
1    1         1  10   5
2    1         2   5  20
3    2         0  21  11
4    2         1  11   6
5    2         2   6  21
6    3         0  19  29
7    3         1  29   7
8    3         2   7  19
9    4         0  18  12
10   4         1  12   8
11   4         2   8  18

df = (pd.wide_to_long(df, 
         .rename(int, level=1)
print (df)
    id  instance   3   4
0    1         0  20  10
1    1         1  10   5
2    1         2   5  20
3    2         0  21  11
4    2         1  11   6
5    2         2   6  21
6    3         0  19  29
7    3         1  29   7
8    3         2   7  19
9    4         0  18  12
10   4         1  12   8
11   4         2   8  18

Use str.split by - of columns names with id converted to index with DataFrame.stack - then are converted floats to integers, rename column 3 and create 3 columns DataFrame:

df = df.set_index('id')

df.columns = df.columns.str.split('-', expand=True)
df = (df.stack()
        .rename(int, level=1)
print (df)

   id  measure  instance
0   1       20         0
1   1       10         1
2   1        5         2
3   2       21         0
4   2       11         1
5   2        6         2
6   3       19         0
7   3       29         1
8   3        7         2
9   4       18         0
10  4       12         1
11  4        8         2

Solution with wide_to_long with specify 3 before - and regex r'\d+\.\d+' is for match floats:

df = (pd.wide_to_long(df, 
         .rename(int, level=1)
print (df)

   id  measure  instance
0   1       20         0
1   1       10         1
2   1        5         2
3   2       21         0
4   2       11         1
5   2        6         2
6   3       19         0
7   3       29         1
8   3        7         2
9   4       18         0
10  4       12         1
11  4        8         2

Bonus: Solutions are modify for columns from part of columns names before -:

df = df.set_index('id')

df.columns = df.columns.str.split('-', expand=True)
df = (df.stack()
        .rename(int, level=1)
print (df)
    id  instance   3   4
0    1         0  20  10
1    1         1  10   5
2    1         2   5  20
3    2         0  21  11
4    2         1  11   6
5    2         2   6  21
6    3         0  19  29
7    3         1  29   7
8    3         2   7  19
9    4         0  18  12
10   4         1  12   8
11   4         2   8  18

df = (pd.wide_to_long(df, 
         .rename(int, level=1)
print (df)
    id  instance   3   4
0    1         0  20  10
1    1         1  10   5
2    1         2   5  20
3    2         0  21  11
4    2         1  11   6
5    2         2   6  21
6    3         0  19  29
7    3         1  29   7
8    3         2   7  19
9    4         0  18  12
10   4         1  12   8
11   4         2   8  18


柒七 2025-02-20 07:30:22


⧗输入:壮举:: sparkles :( 这是我的提交消息

[标头 - 最大长度]

https://github.com/github.com/conventional-commitlink/commitlint/commitlint/commitlint/commitlint/what----- IS-Commitlint

沙哑的 - commit -msg挂钩,用代码1(错误)



first you need to check the git log file, and see the message it gaves you, for example, this was my git logs :

⧗ input: feat: :sparkles: (here, is my commit message)

(here, is the longer description of my commit message) ✖ header
must not be longer than 100 characters, current length is 102

✖ found 1 problems, 0 warnings ⓘ Get help:

husky - commit-msg hook exited with code 1 (error)

as you can see the problem is about the header (commit message) exceeding the header-max-length of 100 characters, so you should make it shorter.


柒七 2025-02-20 03:37:01




Future<bool> payWithPaymentSheet(
      ProductModel productModel, PriceModel priceModel,
      {String merchantCountryCode = 'DE'}) async {
    if (kIsWeb) {
      throw 'Implementation not availabe on Flutter-WEB!';
    String uid = AuthService.instance.currentUser().uid;
    String email = AuthService.instance.currentUser().email ?? '';

    HttpsCallableResult response;
    try {
      response = await FirebaseFunctions
          .call(<String, dynamic>{
        'amount': priceModel.unitAmount,
        'currency': priceModel.currency,
        'receipt_email': email,
        'metadata': {
          'product_id': productModel.id,
          'user_id': uid,
          "valid_until": productModel.getUntilDateTime().toIso8601String(),
          'product_name': productModel.name.tr,
        'testEnv': kDebugMode,
    } on FirebaseFunctionsException catch (error) {
      log(error.message ?? '(no message)');
        error.message ?? '(no message)',
        icon: const Icon(Icons.error_outline),
      return false;

    Map<String, dynamic> paymentIntentBody = response.data;

    await Stripe.instance.initPaymentSheet(
        paymentSheetParameters: SetupPaymentSheetParameters(
      paymentIntentClientSecret: paymentIntentBody["clientSecret"],
      currencyCode: priceModel.currency,
      applePay: false,
      googlePay: false,
      merchantCountryCode: merchantCountryCode,
      merchantDisplayName: Strings.appName,
      testEnv: kDebugMode,
      customerId: paymentIntentBody['customer'],
      customerEphemeralKeySecret: paymentIntentBody['ephemeralKey'],

    try {
      await Stripe.instance.presentPaymentSheet();
      return true;
    } on StripeException catch (e) {
      log(e.error.message ?? '(no message)');
      log(e.error.localizedMessage ?? '(no message)');
      Get.snackbar(e.error.code.name, e.error.message ?? '',
          icon: const Icon(Icons.error_outline));
    } catch (e) {
      Get.snackbar('An unforseen error occured', e.toString(),
          icon: const Icon(Icons.error_outline));
    return false;



// cd functions
// firebase functions:config:set stripe.secret_key="sk_live_51L...Noe"
// firebase deploy --only functions

let stripe = require("stripe")(functions.config().stripe.secret_key);

exports.createPaymentIntent = functions
    .https.onCall((data, context) => {
    // if (!context.auth) {
    //     return { "access": false };
    // }
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
            amount: data.amount,
            currency: data.currency,
            receipt_email: decodeURIComponent(data.receipt_email),
            metadata: data.metadata,
        }, function (err, paymentIntent) {
            if (err != null) {
                functions.logger.error("Error paymentIntent: ", err);
            else {
                    clientSecret: paymentIntent.client_secret,
                    paymentIntentData: paymentIntent,

The following code is from a previous Stripe evaluation stage. But it worked. Slim it down to your needs.

Remember to publish your secret key to the server, so the server can talk to Stripe.


Future<bool> payWithPaymentSheet(
      ProductModel productModel, PriceModel priceModel,
      {String merchantCountryCode = 'DE'}) async {
    if (kIsWeb) {
      throw 'Implementation not availabe on Flutter-WEB!';
    String uid = AuthService.instance.currentUser().uid;
    String email = AuthService.instance.currentUser().email ?? '';

    HttpsCallableResult response;
    try {
      response = await FirebaseFunctions
          .call(<String, dynamic>{
        'amount': priceModel.unitAmount,
        'currency': priceModel.currency,
        'receipt_email': email,
        'metadata': {
          'product_id': productModel.id,
          'user_id': uid,
          "valid_until": productModel.getUntilDateTime().toIso8601String(),
          'product_name': productModel.name.tr,
        'testEnv': kDebugMode,
    } on FirebaseFunctionsException catch (error) {
      log(error.message ?? '(no message)');
        error.message ?? '(no message)',
        icon: const Icon(Icons.error_outline),
      return false;

    Map<String, dynamic> paymentIntentBody = response.data;

    await Stripe.instance.initPaymentSheet(
        paymentSheetParameters: SetupPaymentSheetParameters(
      paymentIntentClientSecret: paymentIntentBody["clientSecret"],
      currencyCode: priceModel.currency,
      applePay: false,
      googlePay: false,
      merchantCountryCode: merchantCountryCode,
      merchantDisplayName: Strings.appName,
      testEnv: kDebugMode,
      customerId: paymentIntentBody['customer'],
      customerEphemeralKeySecret: paymentIntentBody['ephemeralKey'],

    try {
      await Stripe.instance.presentPaymentSheet();
      return true;
    } on StripeException catch (e) {
      log(e.error.message ?? '(no message)');
      log(e.error.localizedMessage ?? '(no message)');
      Get.snackbar(e.error.code.name, e.error.message ?? '',
          icon: const Icon(Icons.error_outline));
    } catch (e) {
      Get.snackbar('An unforseen error occured', e.toString(),
          icon: const Icon(Icons.error_outline));
    return false;



// cd functions
// firebase functions:config:set stripe.secret_key="sk_live_51L...Noe"
// firebase deploy --only functions

let stripe = require("stripe")(functions.config().stripe.secret_key);

exports.createPaymentIntent = functions
    .https.onCall((data, context) => {
    // if (!context.auth) {
    //     return { "access": false };
    // }
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
            amount: data.amount,
            currency: data.currency,
            receipt_email: decodeURIComponent(data.receipt_email),
            metadata: data.metadata,
        }, function (err, paymentIntent) {
            if (err != null) {
                functions.logger.error("Error paymentIntent: ", err);
            else {
                    clientSecret: paymentIntent.client_secret,
                    paymentIntentData: paymentIntent,


柒七 2025-02-20 01:09:22

Microsoft's documentation on using React in Visual Studio (see "Applies to" section at top of page) implies that using Visual Studio for Mac with React at the very least does not work with React the same way that Visual Studio (for Windows) does and may even suggest that some functionality is not be supported.

如何将Visual Studio 2022 Mac连接到创建反应应用

柒七 2025-02-20 00:47:59


它始终返回 request_resourcenotfound。”资源'xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'不存在或存在其查询的参考 - 普罗伯特对象之一,而不是存在


There is no way to get the empty array as the result of graph API if the group id is not exist.

Its always return the Request_ResourceNotFound."Resource 'xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' does not exist or one of its queried reference-property objects are not present.",

For workaround you can use the List groups graph API to get the list of groups.
And then compare the group id in the list.


柒七 2025-02-19 18:16:25

删除 li 填充,并添加宽度100%,并填充到 a tag

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Remove li padding and add width 100% and padding to a tag

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如何使整体; li&gt;可单击作为链接

柒七 2025-02-19 14:26:14

方法 bodies.Rectangle 调用 vertices.chamfer ,如这些倒角属性是对象。但是,如果您通过一个数字,它将将相同的倒角号应用于与在这里




Bodies.rectangle(x, y, w, h, { 
  chamfer: {
    radius: [5,5,0,0]

The method Bodies.rectangle calls Vertices.chamfer as found on these lines of code, and it expects that the chamfer property be an object. However, if you pass a single number it will apply the same chamfer number to all of the vertices as seen here.

Reading over the documentation, we found that:

The radius parameter is a single number or an array to specify the radius for each vertex.

For a rectangle, the vertices are clockwise starting from the top left. After all, to chamfer only the top left and top right corners, the code should be:

Bodies.rectangle(x, y, w, h, { 
  chamfer: {
    radius: [5,5,0,0]


柒七 2025-02-19 12:08:18


if a superuser wants to change the password of other users using the admin panel they can use this endpoint: /admin/auth/user/123/password/, where 123 is the user's id.

Django自定义用户模型 - 管理员自定义

柒七 2025-02-19 10:11:06

nvmlreturn_t nvmlunitgethandlebyIndex(unsigned int index,nvmlunit_t *单元)

目标单位的索引,&gt; = 0 and&lt;单位单位参考



则‣nvml_error_invalid_argument(如果索引无效或单位为null null null null null

nvml_error_error_unknown null‣nvml_error_unknown上的任何出乎意料的错误



对于S级产品。&lt;&lt; - 什么是S级产品。


有效索引是从NVMlunitGetCount() 。例如,如果UnitCount为2,则有效索引


This is not a full answer but a the API reference for this.
nvmlReturn_t nvmlUnitGetHandleByIndex (unsigned int index, nvmlUnit_t *unit)

The index of the target unit, >= 0 and < unitCount unit Reference in
which to return the unit handle

‣ NVML_SUCCESS if unit has been set

‣ NVML_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED if the library has not been successfully initialized

‣ NVML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if index is invalid or unit is NULL

‣ NVML_ERROR_UNKNOWN on any unexpected error


Acquire the handle for a particular unit, based on its index.

For S-class products. << - what is a S-class product.

Valid indices are derived from the unitCount returned by

nvmlUnitGetCount(). For example, if unitCount is 2 the valid indices

are 0 and 1, corresponding to UNIT 0 and UNIT 1.


柒七 2025-02-18 21:38:09


minikube image pull mongo

upd :有时甚至图像拉无济于事。 Minikube开发人员说,您可以卷曲检查是否可以连接到回购。也可能存在ISP问题。临时将我的ISP更改为移动数据,并且安装所需的POD对我有用。

Try to pull image first, then create deployment.

minikube image pull mongo

UPD: Sometimes even image pull doesn't help. minikube developers said that you can curl to check whether you can connect to repo or not. There also may be ISP issues. Temporary changing my ISP to mobile data and installing needed pods worked for me.

ImagePull退缩:Kubernetes Mongo部署

柒七 2025-02-18 01:08:20

您应该使用 argsort


A = np.array([[[0, 1],[0, 2],[1, 3],[2, 3],[2, 5],[3, 4],[3, 6],[4, 7],[5, 6],[6, 7]]])
B = np.array([[[10],[20],[30],[40],[50],[60],[70],[80],[90],[100]]])
idxs = np.argsort(A, axis=1)

A1 = np.take_along_axis(A, idxs, axis=1)
B1 = np.take_along_axis(B, idxs, axis=1)

You should use argsort:

import numpy as np

A = np.array([[[0, 1],[0, 2],[1, 3],[2, 3],[2, 5],[3, 4],[3, 6],[4, 7],[5, 6],[6, 7]]])
B = np.array([[[10],[20],[30],[40],[50],[60],[70],[80],[90],[100]]])
idxs = np.argsort(A, axis=1)

A1 = np.take_along_axis(A, idxs, axis=1)
B1 = np.take_along_axis(B, idxs, axis=1)


柒七 2025-02-18 00:17:18
hour("2022-05-23 23:06:58") # 23
hour("2022-05-23 23:06:58") # 23


柒七 2025-02-17 08:23:15


https://bundlephobia.com/package/package/package/ [email&nbsp; prectioned]

vue-html2pdf vue-html2pdf in 很重很重。由于您在全球加载它,因此没有帮助JS解析/执行时间。



当然,也可以通过使用 vue-lazy-hydration

Alongside my comment, you could probably double check the side of plugins you're importing globally and that are affecting your page in initial load.

https://bundlephobia.com/package/[email protected]

vue-html2pdf is quite heavy as you can see. Since you're loading it globally, it's not helping with the JS parse/execution time.

Also, consider maybe some partial hydration meta frameworks like:

If you want to totally skip the hydration price.

Of course, some solutions are available on Nuxt's side too by using vue-lazy-hydration.


柒七 2025-02-17 08:07:02


pip install pygame --user


只需 更改访问权限,其中特定软件包将安装。

Windows 10 上:

  • 转到安装文件夹。例如: c:\ program文件(x86)\ python37
  • 右键单击python安装root,然后单击 properties 。在这种情况下, python37 文件夹。
  • 转到安全性选项卡,单击编辑按钮,并允许完全控制 用户组。请记住单击应用
  • 尝试再次安装软件包。


Just type the command you want execute with the user permission, if you don't want to change the permission:

pip install pygame --user

and if you want to change user permission then follow these steps:

Just change the access permission, where the particular package is going to install.

On Windows 10:

  • Go to the installation folder. For example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Python37
  • Right click on python installation root and click Properties. In this case, the Python37 folder.
  • Go to the Security tab, click Edit button and allow full control for the Users group. Remember to click Apply.
  • Try to install the package again.

Below is an example of desired settings:
enter image description here

为什么我可以在Windows 10上安装带有PIP的Python软件包?




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