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枕梦 2025-02-21 01:03:27

您应该使用 Composer Suriplavel/UI 安装它,


// Generate basic scaffolding...
php artisan ui bootstrap
php artisan ui vue
php artisan ui react

// Generate login / registration scaffolding...
php artisan ui bootstrap --auth
php artisan ui vue --auth
php artisan ui react --auth

What command did you use for installation?
You should install it with composer require laravel/ui

Then you can use it to generate ui with these commands:

// Generate basic scaffolding...
php artisan ui bootstrap
php artisan ui vue
php artisan ui react

// Generate login / registration scaffolding...
php artisan ui bootstrap --auth
php artisan ui vue --auth
php artisan ui react --auth


枕梦 2025-02-20 20:15:33


请参阅: https://lit.dev/dev/docs/docs/docs/components /properties/#避免级别的阶级景点

您必须继续使用 _ 前缀的反应性属性或手动调用 this.requequestupdate()设置了类字段以触发更新。

Currently JS class fields, whether public or private, cannot be used for reactive properties. This is due to class fields being defined on the instance whereas reactive properties are defined as accessors on the prototype. Having a class field masks the reactive property accessor.

See: https://lit.dev/docs/components/properties/#avoiding-issues-with-class-fields

You would have to continue using _ prefixed reactive properties or manually invoke this.requestUpdate() after setting a class field to trigger an update.

提出一种使Lit元素反应性能与ECMA 2022私人领域一起使用的方法

枕梦 2025-02-20 15:55:12

浏览器至少需要在所谓的标准模式下渲染。参见John Resig在html 5 Doctype上的文章: http://ejohn.org/blog/blog/html5-doctype/ 。现在,如果您希望浏览器不使用标准并像1990年那样渲染并不添加任何东西,并且您会看到浮子和其他现在的标准项目无法正常工作。如果您想根据特定标准进行页面渲染/验证,则需要在文档类型中添加更多内容,但这不是必需的。

Browsers need at the least to render in what is known as standards mode. See John Resig's article on the html 5 doctype: http://ejohn.org/blog/html5-doctype/. Now if you want your browser to not use standards and render like its 1990 go ahead and not add anything and you will see floats and other now standard items not work correctly. If you want to have your page render/validate in accordance to a particular standard then you would want to add more to the doc type but it is not necessary.

为什么我需要Doctype? (它做什么)

枕梦 2025-02-20 07:47:42


<ScrollViewer HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto">
    <Frame x:Name="CurrentPage" NavigationUIVisibility="Hidden"></Frame>


CurrentPage.Content = content;


in xaml:

<ScrollViewer HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto">
    <Frame x:Name="CurrentPage" NavigationUIVisibility="Hidden"></Frame>

in cs:

CurrentPage.Content = content;

where content is Page


枕梦 2025-02-19 02:25:24


UPDATE table.name
WHERE code = 'US'


If you cast your string to integer, you'll remove the zeroes. Then in order to get back your string, it's sufficient to cast back to string.

UPDATE table.name
WHERE code = 'US'

Does it work for you?


枕梦 2025-02-18 16:47:18

您可以引用此 link

  • 安装Terraform
  • 安装Terraform Visual Studio代码扩展名

,也可以尝试使用Windows的Linux WSL。

You can refer this link.

  • Install Terraform
  • Install Terraform Visual Studio Code extension

Or you can try using Linux WSL for windows.

Terraform Init命令不在Visual Studio代码中工作

枕梦 2025-02-18 12:57:36

随着时间的流逝,对于GKE Autopilot群集,无法做到这一点。


With the time being, there is no way to do this for the GKE Autopilot Cluster.

But by the end of October, there will likely be an upgrade to the Egress NAT policy that will enable users to setup SNAT based on pod labels, namespaces, and even the destination IP address.


枕梦 2025-02-18 00:52:31


<Image SizeChanged="Image_SizeChanged"/>


private void Image_SizeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var image = (Image)sender;
    image.IsAnimationPlaying = false;
    image.IsAnimationPlaying = true;

If you have the image tag inside a UserControl (Doesn't have an OnAppearing virtual method)
You can do this instead...

<Image SizeChanged="Image_SizeChanged"/>


private void Image_SizeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var image = (Image)sender;
    image.IsAnimationPlaying = false;
    image.IsAnimationPlaying = true;

GIF图像在.NET MAUI应用程序中不起作用

枕梦 2025-02-17 23:28:43

dim(var)== c(1,1)给出两个 true 。请参阅下面的 r 新闻。 以前可能会替换

identical(dim(var), c(1L, 1L))
all(dim(var) == c(1,1))

,我们被告知&amp;&amp; and || >()中都可以安全地使用是还是错。但是现在它会警告您。这实际上使检测错误变得更容易,因此我对此更改感到满意。

不幸的是,此更改影响了一些 r 软件包(例如,请参见:由于“如果在“错误:条件具有长度&gt; 1 )。结果,过去使用顺利进行的代码突然发出警告甚至错误。

dim(var) == c(1,1) gives two TRUE. See R News below. Possible replacements are

identical(dim(var), c(1L, 1L))
all(dim(var) == c(1,1))

Previously we were told that && and || are safe to use in if () as they silently return a single TRUE or FALSE. But now it will warn you. This actually makes it easier to detect bugs, so I am happy with this change.

Unfortunately, this change has affected a few R packages (see for example: Package ceases to work due to "if" error: condition has length > 1). As a result, the code that used to work smoothly suddenly throws warnings or even errors.


r警告&#x27;长度(x)= 2&gt; 1&#x27;在强制质量(逻辑(1)&#x27;

枕梦 2025-02-17 18:08:38

在Python中,切片具有语法开始:stop:step ,结果从start(包含)到(但不包括)停止,步骤的增量。第三个参数默认为1。

在您的情况下,行切片 0:1 仅包括第0行。同样, 2:3 仅包括第2行。

In python, slices have the syntax start:stop:step, where the result goes from start (inclusive) up to (but not including) stop, increments of step. The third argument is 1 by default.

In your case, the row slice 0:1 includes only row 0. Similarly, 2:3 includes only row 2.


枕梦 2025-02-17 13:39:24


document.querySelector('input').addEventListener("input", evt => {
  document.querySelector('.body').style.fontSize = evt.target.value + 'px'
.a, .b {
  background-color: cyan;
  width: 250px;
  height: 250px;
  padding: 1em;
  overflow: auto;
  display: inline-block;
  box-sizing: border-box;
.a {
  background-color: cyan;
.b {
  background-color: lime;
Smaller <input type="range" min="10" max="22" value="16"> Larger
<div class="body">
  <div class="a">
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris vel aliquet mauris. Donec ipsum orci, ornare et tellus at, pretium aliquet nibh. Praesent quis tincidunt tortor. Integer ac varius nisi. Integer tempus varius justo. Quisque eget elementum sapien. Mauris id blandit arcu. Mauris dui erat, ultrices vitae ligula vitae, auctor cursus lacus.
  <div class="b">
    Cras venenatis, nunc in tempus dictum, justo augue imperdiet nisl, id rutrum eros quam sed arcu. Maecenas fringilla diam in erat venenatis, sed sagittis elit tincidunt. Vivamus vel varius ex, id scelerisque ante. Donec ultricies, urna at aliquet gravida, urna erat porta nibh, vel semper magna urna eu dolor. Nullam condimentum ex ligula, a fringilla tortor eleifend in. Vestibulum congue eget lectus vel congue. Praesent eget malesuada est. Nulla nec semper nunc. Mauris id nulla molestie, varius turpis ut, pulvinar tortor.

What about having a slider on your page which alters the font size of your body element (or selected elements)?

document.querySelector('input').addEventListener("input", evt => {
  document.querySelector('.body').style.fontSize = evt.target.value + 'px'
.a, .b {
  background-color: cyan;
  width: 250px;
  height: 250px;
  padding: 1em;
  overflow: auto;
  display: inline-block;
  box-sizing: border-box;
.a {
  background-color: cyan;
.b {
  background-color: lime;
Smaller <input type="range" min="10" max="22" value="16"> Larger
<div class="body">
  <div class="a">
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris vel aliquet mauris. Donec ipsum orci, ornare et tellus at, pretium aliquet nibh. Praesent quis tincidunt tortor. Integer ac varius nisi. Integer tempus varius justo. Quisque eget elementum sapien. Mauris id blandit arcu. Mauris dui erat, ultrices vitae ligula vitae, auctor cursus lacus.
  <div class="b">
    Cras venenatis, nunc in tempus dictum, justo augue imperdiet nisl, id rutrum eros quam sed arcu. Maecenas fringilla diam in erat venenatis, sed sagittis elit tincidunt. Vivamus vel varius ex, id scelerisque ante. Donec ultricies, urna at aliquet gravida, urna erat porta nibh, vel semper magna urna eu dolor. Nullam condimentum ex ligula, a fringilla tortor eleifend in. Vestibulum congue eget lectus vel congue. Praesent eget malesuada est. Nulla nec semper nunc. Mauris id nulla molestie, varius turpis ut, pulvinar tortor.


枕梦 2025-02-17 11:27:35

一种方法是将您的功能包裹在类 sizewrapper 中,并引入一个私人变量,例如 resize_delay _ ,模仿您想要的延迟并在构造函数中分配给它。

然后,您可以将 sizewrapper 实例化,以使您不想要该延迟的情况以及要插入延迟的情况的正数。


// Global size, representing the cache.
// Normally, this should be atomic or protected by mutex.
int global_size;

class SizeWrapper {
  void resizeint(int newsize) { temporary_size_ = newsize; }
  void writenewsizetocache() { global_size = temporary_size_; }
  int readsizefromlocalcahce() { return global_size; }
  int temporary_size_;
  int resize_delay_;

  SizeWrapper(int resize_delay)
      : resize_delay_(resize_delay), temporary_size_(0) {}
  void Resize(int newsize) {
    // Want to introduce delay here and call Getsize().
    // This will simulate cache inconsistency.
    // Getsize() will return old size even though shared object is resized.
    if (resize_delay_ > 0) {


  int Getsize() {
    int size;
    size = readsizefromlocalcahce();
    return size;

TEST(SizeWrapperTest, GetSizeBeforeResize) {
  global_size = 0;

  int resize_write_value = 10;
  int getsize_read_value = 0;

  // getsize delay is larger than resize delay.
  const int resize_delay = 100;
  const int getsize_delay = 200;

  SizeWrapper size_wrapper(resize_delay);

  auto t1 = std::thread([&size_wrapper, resize_write_value] {

  auto t2 = std::thread([&size_wrapper, &getsize_read_value, getsize_delay] {
    // Read the size with some delay.
    getsize_read_value = size_wrapper.Getsize();


  // Thre read and write values are equal.
  EXPECT_EQ(getsize_read_value, resize_write_value);

TEST(SizeWrapperTest, GetSizeAfterResize) {
  global_size = 0;

  int resize_write_value = 10;
  int getsize_read_value = 0;

  // getsize delay is smaller than resize delay.
  const int resize_delay = 200;
  const int getsize_delay = 100;

  SizeWrapper size_wrapper(resize_delay);

  auto t1 = std::thread([&size_wrapper, resize_write_value] {

  auto t2 = std::thread([&size_wrapper, &getsize_read_value, getsize_delay] {
    getsize_read_value = size_wrapper.Getsize();


  // Thre read and write values are NOT equal.
  EXPECT_NE(getsize_read_value, resize_write_value);

请参见此实时示例: https://godbolt.org/z/yq9pmokds

One way to do this is to wrap your functions inside a class SizeWrapper and introduce a private variable like resize_delay_ that mimics the delay that you want and assign to it in the constructor.

You can then instantiate SizeWrapper with 0 for the case that you don't want that delay and with a positive number for the case that you want to insert the delay.

See below:

// Global size, representing the cache.
// Normally, this should be atomic or protected by mutex.
int global_size;

class SizeWrapper {
  void resizeint(int newsize) { temporary_size_ = newsize; }
  void writenewsizetocache() { global_size = temporary_size_; }
  int readsizefromlocalcahce() { return global_size; }
  int temporary_size_;
  int resize_delay_;

  SizeWrapper(int resize_delay)
      : resize_delay_(resize_delay), temporary_size_(0) {}
  void Resize(int newsize) {
    // Want to introduce delay here and call Getsize().
    // This will simulate cache inconsistency.
    // Getsize() will return old size even though shared object is resized.
    if (resize_delay_ > 0) {


  int Getsize() {
    int size;
    size = readsizefromlocalcahce();
    return size;

TEST(SizeWrapperTest, GetSizeBeforeResize) {
  global_size = 0;

  int resize_write_value = 10;
  int getsize_read_value = 0;

  // getsize delay is larger than resize delay.
  const int resize_delay = 100;
  const int getsize_delay = 200;

  SizeWrapper size_wrapper(resize_delay);

  auto t1 = std::thread([&size_wrapper, resize_write_value] {

  auto t2 = std::thread([&size_wrapper, &getsize_read_value, getsize_delay] {
    // Read the size with some delay.
    getsize_read_value = size_wrapper.Getsize();


  // Thre read and write values are equal.
  EXPECT_EQ(getsize_read_value, resize_write_value);

TEST(SizeWrapperTest, GetSizeAfterResize) {
  global_size = 0;

  int resize_write_value = 10;
  int getsize_read_value = 0;

  // getsize delay is smaller than resize delay.
  const int resize_delay = 200;
  const int getsize_delay = 100;

  SizeWrapper size_wrapper(resize_delay);

  auto t1 = std::thread([&size_wrapper, resize_write_value] {

  auto t2 = std::thread([&size_wrapper, &getsize_read_value, getsize_delay] {
    getsize_read_value = size_wrapper.Getsize();


  // Thre read and write values are NOT equal.
  EXPECT_NE(getsize_read_value, resize_write_value);

See this live example: https://godbolt.org/z/Yq9PMoKds


枕梦 2025-02-17 05:50:23

很容易使用理解来过滤(255,255,255)(0,0,0),但首先您需要计算 white_black /code>像素从这样的最终结果中减去:

white_black = 0 
for t in colors_x[0]:
    if t[0] == (255,255,255) or t[0] == (0,0,0):
        white_black += t[1]
# Reconstruct the colors_x tuple
colors_x = ([t for t in colors_x[0] if t[0] != (255,255,255) and t[0] != (0,0,0)], colors_x[1] - white_black)


([((248, 157, 216), 26394),
  ((221, 54, 162), 25392),
  ((109, 160, 218), 9270),
  ((255, 117, 0), 2291),
  ((237, 207, 144), 1425),
  ((224, 117, 115), 1230),
  ((88, 25, 92), 929),
  ((130, 20, 18), 37),
  ((123, 93, 66), 29),
  ((33, 67, 105), 3),
  ((31, 0, 12), 2),
  ((172, 125, 25), 2)],

It is easy to use a comprehension to filter out (255,255,255) and (0,0,0), but first you need to count the number of white_black pixels to subtract from the final results like this:

white_black = 0 
for t in colors_x[0]:
    if t[0] == (255,255,255) or t[0] == (0,0,0):
        white_black += t[1]
# Reconstruct the colors_x tuple
colors_x = ([t for t in colors_x[0] if t[0] != (255,255,255) and t[0] != (0,0,0)], colors_x[1] - white_black)

which would give:

([((248, 157, 216), 26394),
  ((221, 54, 162), 25392),
  ((109, 160, 218), 9270),
  ((255, 117, 0), 2291),
  ((237, 207, 144), 1425),
  ((224, 117, 115), 1230),
  ((88, 25, 92), 929),
  ((130, 20, 18), 37),
  ((123, 93, 66), 29),
  ((33, 67, 105), 3),
  ((31, 0, 12), 2),
  ((172, 125, 25), 2)],


枕梦 2025-02-16 18:25:04


                shrinkWrap: true,
                itemCount: objectList.length,
                itemBuilder: (context, index) {
                  return Column(
                    children: [
                          padding: const EdgeInsets.all(10),
                          child: Column(
                            children: [
                                mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
                                children: [
                                    style: boldTextStyle,


     class ObjectName{
    @JsonKey(name: 'Id')
    dynamic id;
     @JsonKey(name: 'Value')
     List<Value>? value;


       Order.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json1)
            : id = json1['Id'],
         value = (json.decode(json1['Value']) as List<dynamic>?)
        ?.map((e) => Product.fromJson(e as Map<String, dynamic>))

     Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
        'Id': id,
       'Value': value,

make model class and get list of data in object list

                shrinkWrap: true,
                itemCount: objectList.length,
                itemBuilder: (context, index) {
                  return Column(
                    children: [
                          padding: const EdgeInsets.all(10),
                          child: Column(
                            children: [
                                mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
                                children: [
                                    style: boldTextStyle,

you need to create other model for nested object value

     class ObjectName{
    @JsonKey(name: 'Id')
    dynamic id;
     @JsonKey(name: 'Value')
     List<Value>? value;


       Order.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json1)
            : id = json1['Id'],
         value = (json.decode(json1['Value']) as List<dynamic>?)
        ?.map((e) => Product.fromJson(e as Map<String, dynamic>))

     Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
        'Id': id,
       'Value': value,


枕梦 2025-02-15 18:18:23


  1. 从最长可能的前缀(即所有 w )开始,然后根据相同长度的 w2 后缀进行测试。
  2. 如果它们匹配,则可以立即返回,因为它必须是最长的匹配。
  3. 如果它们不匹配,请缩短它,然后重复。
  4. 如果您从未找到匹配项,则答案是一个空字符串。


>>> def function(w, w2):
...     for i in range(len(w), 0, -1):
...         if w[:i] == w2[-i:]:
...             return w[:i]
...     return ''
>>> function("asdfasdf", "qwertyasdf")

切片操作员( w [:i] 对于长度的前缀 i w2 [-i:] 对于长度的后缀 i ),如果 i 不超出给定字符串的范围(这意味着他们不会匹配,因此迭代被迫继续进行,直到长度确实匹配)。

>>> function("aaaaaba", "ba")
>>> function("a", "abbbaababaa")

A simple iterative approach could be:

  1. Start from the longest possible prefix (i.e. all of w), and test it against a w2 suffix of the same length.
  2. If they match, you can return it immediately, since it must be the longest possible match.
  3. If they don't match, shorten it by one, and repeat.
  4. If you never find a match, the answer is an empty string.

In code, this looks like:

>>> def function(w, w2):
...     for i in range(len(w), 0, -1):
...         if w[:i] == w2[-i:]:
...             return w[:i]
...     return ''
>>> function("asdfasdf", "qwertyasdf")

The slice operator (w[:i] for a prefix of length i, w2[-i:] for a suffix of length i) gracefully handles mismatched lengths by just giving you a shorter string if i is out of the range of the given string (which means they won't match, so the iteration is forced to continue until the lengths do match).

>>> function("aaaaaba", "ba")
>>> function("a", "abbbaababaa")





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