Rest parameters - JavaScript 编辑

The rest parameter syntax allows us to represent an indefinite number of arguments as an array.


    function f(a, b, ...theArgs) {
      // ...


      A function's last parameter can be prefixed with ... which will cause all remaining (user supplied) arguments to be placed within a "standard" JavaScript array.

      Only the last parameter can be a "rest parameter".

      function myFun(a,  b, ...manyMoreArgs) {
        console.log("a", a)
        console.log("b", b)
        console.log("manyMoreArgs", manyMoreArgs)
      myFun("one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six")
      // Console Output:
      // a, one
      // b, two
      // manyMoreArgs, ["three", "four", "five", "six"]

      Quick Reference:

      • There can be only one ...restParam.
           foo(, ...wrong, ...wrong)
      • Rest parameter must be the last argument.
           foo(...wrong, arg2, arg3)
           foo(arg1, arg2, ...correct)
      • Rest parameter can be destructured Arrays (for advanced users only :).
           foo(arg1, ...[2,4,6])

      Difference between rest parameters and the arguments object

      There are three main differences between rest parameters and the arguments object:

      • The arguments object is not a real array, while rest parameters are Array instances, meaning methods like sort, map, forEach or pop can be applied on it directly;
      • The arguments object has additional functionality specific to itself (like the callee property).
      • The ...restParam bundles all the extra parameters into a single array, therefore it does not contain any named argument defined before the ...restParam. Whereas the arguments object contains all of the parameters -- including all of the stuff in the ...restParam -- unbundled.

      From arguments to an array

      Rest parameters have been introduced to reduce the boilerplate code that was induced by the arguments

      // Before rest parameters, "arguments" could be converted to a normal array using:
      function f(a, b) {
        let normalArray =
        // -- or --
        let normalArray = []
        // -- or --
        let normalArray = Array.from(arguments)
        let first = normalArray.shift()  // OK, gives the first argument
        let first = arguments.shift()    // ERROR (arguments is not a normal array)
      // Now, you can easily gain access to a normal array using a rest parameter
      function f(...args) {
        let normalArray = args
        let first = normalArray.shift() // OK, gives the first argument


      Using rest parameters

      In this example, the first argument is mapped to a and the second to b, so these named arguments are used as normal.

      However, the third argument, manyMoreArgs, will be an array that contains the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th ... nth — as many arguments that the user includes.

      function myFun(a, b, ...manyMoreArgs) {
        console.log("a", a)
        console.log("b", b)
        console.log("manyMoreArgs", manyMoreArgs)
      myFun("one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six")
      // a, "one"
      // b, "two"
      // manyMoreArgs, ["three", "four", "five", "six"] <-- notice it's an array

      Below... even though there is just one value, the last argument still gets put into an array.

      // using the same function definition from example above
      myFun("one", "two", "three")
      // a, "one"
      // b, "two"
      // manyMoreArgs, ["three"] <-- notice it's an array, even though there's just one value

      Below, the third argument isn't provided, but manyMoreArgs is still an array (albeit an empty one).

      // using the same function definition from example above
      myFun("one", "two")
      // a, "one"
      // b, "two"
      // manyMoreArgs, [] <-- yip, still an array

      Argument length

      Since theArgs is an array, a count of its elements is given by the length property:

      function fun1(...theArgs) {
      fun1()         // 0
      fun1(5)        // 1
      fun1(5, 6, 7)  // 3

      Ordinary parameter and rest parameters

      In the next example, a rest parameter is used to collect all parameters after the first into an array. Each one of them is then multiplied by the first parameter, and the array is returned:

      function multiply(multiplier, ...theArgs) {
        return => {
          return multiplier * element
      let arr = multiply(2, 15, 25, 42)
      console.log(arr)  // [30, 50, 84]

      Rest param is a real array, arguments is not.

      Array methods can be used on rest parameters, but not on the arguments object:

      function sortRestArgs(...theArgs) {
        let sortedArgs = theArgs.sort()
        return sortedArgs
      console.log(sortRestArgs(5, 3, 7, 1)) // 1, 3, 5, 7
      function sortArguments() {
        let sortedArgs = arguments.sort()
        return sortedArgs  // this will never happen
      console.log(sortArguments(5, 3, 7, 1))
      // throws a TypeError (arguments.sort is not a function)

      To use Array methods on the arguments object, it must be converted to a real array first.

      function sortArguments() {
        let args = Array.from(arguments)
        let sortedArgs = args.sort()
        return sortedArgs
      console.log(sortArguments(5, 3, 7, 1))  // 1, 3, 5, 7


      ECMAScript (ECMA-262)
      The definition of 'Function Definitions' in that specification.

      Browser compatibility

      BCD tables only load in the browser

      See also

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