SpeechRecognition.continuous - Web APIs 编辑
This is an experimental technology
Check the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.
The continuous
property of the SpeechRecognition
interface controls whether continuous results are returned for each recognition, or only a single result.
It defaults to single results (false
var myContinuous = mySpeechRecognition.continuous; mySpeechRecognition.continuous = true;
A Boolean
representing the current SpeechRecognition
's continuous status. true
means continuous, and false
means not continuous (single result each time.)
This code is excerpted from our Speech color changer example.
var grammar = '#JSGF V1.0; grammar colors; public <color> = aqua | azure | beige | bisque | black | blue | brown | chocolate | coral | crimson | cyan | fuchsia | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lime | linen | magenta | maroon | moccasin | navy | olive | orange | orchid | peru | pink | plum | purple | red | salmon | sienna | silver | snow | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | turquoise | violet | white | yellow ;'
var recognition = new SpeechRecognition();
var speechRecognitionList = new SpeechGrammarList();
speechRecognitionList.addFromString(grammar, 1);
recognition.grammars = speechRecognitionList;
recognition.continuous = false;
recognition.lang = 'en-US';
recognition.interimResults = false;
recognition.maxAlternatives = 1;
Specification | Status | Comment |
Web Speech API The definition of 'continuous' in that specification. | Draft |
Browser compatibility
BCD tables only load in the browser
See also
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