nsIVariant 编辑
Scriptable XPConnect has magic to transparently convert between nsIVariant
and JS types. We mark the interface [scriptable] so that JS can use methods that refer to this interface. But we mark all the methods and attributes [noscript] since any nsIVariant
object will be automatically converted to a JS type anyway. Inherits from: nsISupports
Last changed in Gecko 2.0 (Firefox 4 / Thunderbird 3.3 / SeaMonkey 2.1)Method overview
ACString getAsACString(); Native code only! |
nsresult getAsArray(out PRUint16 type, out nsIID iid, out PRUint32 count, out voidPtr ptr); Violates the XPCOM interface guidelines |
AString getAsAString(); Native code only! |
AUTF8String getAsAUTF8String(); Native code only! |
PRBool getAsBool(); Native code only! |
char getAsChar(); Native code only! |
DOMString getAsDOMString(); Native code only! |
double getAsDouble(); Native code only! |
float getAsFloat(); Native code only! |
nsresult getAsID(out nsID retval); Violates the XPCOM interface guidelines |
PRInt16 getAsInt16(); Native code only! |
PRInt32 getAsInt32(); Native code only! |
PRInt64 getAsInt64(); Native code only! |
PRUint8 getAsInt8(); Native code only! |
void getAsInterface(out nsIIDPtr iid, [iid_is(iid), retval] out nsQIResult iface); Native code only! |
nsISupports getAsISupports(); Native code only! |
jsval getAsJSVal(); Native code only! |
string getAsString(); Native code only! |
void getAsStringWithSize(out PRUint32 size, [size_is(size), retval] out string str); Native code only! |
PRUint16 getAsUint16(); Native code only! |
PRUint32 getAsUint32(); Native code only! |
PRUint64 getAsUint64(); Native code only! |
PRUint8 getAsUint8(); Native code only! |
wchar getAsWChar(); Native code only! |
wstring getAsWString(); Native code only! |
void getAsWStringWithSize(out PRUint32 size, [size_is(size), retval] out wstring str); Native code only! |
Attribute | Type | Description |
dataType | PRUint16 | Read only. Native code only! |
Native code only!getAsACString
ACString getAsACString();
Return value
The value is converted to an 8-bit string in the ISO-8859-1 character set. If the value was UTF16 then the high bits are lost. If the value was UTF8 then it is converted to UTF16 and the high bits are discarded. Arrays and interface pointers cannot be converted to a string.
Violates the XPCOM interface guidelinesgetAsArray()
nsresult getAsArray( out PRUint16 type, out nsIID iid, out PRUint32 count, out voidPtr ptr );
- The type of the array elements.
- The IID of the array elements, if they are interface pointers.
- The number of elements in the array.
- A copy of the array of underlying elements. (Reference counted elements are not cloned, but their reference count is increased.)
Return value
Native code only!
AString getAsAString();
Return value
The internal value is converted to a UTF16 string. Arrays and interface pointers cannot be converted to a string.
Native code only!getAsAUTF8String
AUTF8String getAsAUTF8String();
Return value
The internal value is converted to a UTF8 string. An ISO-8859-1 string is widened to a UTF16 string first. Arrays and interface pointers cannot be converted to a string.
Native code only!getAsBool
PRBool getAsBool();
Return value
If possible, the internal value is converted to a double, which is then compared to zero.
Native code only!getAsChar
char getAsChar();
Return value
If the internal value is a string, it is first converted to a double, if possible. If it is of a numeric type, it is cast directly to char.
Native code only!getAsDOMString
DOMString getAsDOMString();
Return value
This returns the same as the getAsAString method.
Native code only!getAsDouble
double getAsDouble();
Return value
If the internal value is a string, it is converted to a double, if possible. If it is of a numeric type it is cast directly to double.
Native code only!getAsFloat
float getAsFloat();
Return value
If the internal value is a string, it is first converted to a double, if possible. If it is of a numeric type, it is cast directly to float.
Violates the XPCOM interface guidelinesgetAsID()
nsresult getAsID( out nsID retval );
- If the internal value is an IID then it is returned. If it is of type interface pointer then then IID of the pointer is returned. If it is of string type then an attempt is made to convert the string to an IID.
Return value
If the conversion succeeds, NS_OK is returned, otherwise NS_ERROR_CANNOT_CONVERT_DATA is returned.
Native code only!getAsInt16
PRInt16 getAsInt16();
Return value
If the internal value is a string, it is first converted to a double, if possible. If it within the numeric limits of a PRInt16 then the value is returned.
Native code only!getAsInt32
PRInt32 getAsInt32();
Return value
If the internal value is a string, it is first converted to a double, if possible. If it within the numeric limits of a PRInt32 then the value is returned.
Native code only!getAsInt64
PRInt64 getAsInt64();
Return value
If the internal value is a string, it is first converted to a double, if possible. If it is of a numeric type, it is cast directly to PRInt64.
Native code only!getAsInt8
PRUint8 getAsInt8();
Return value
If the internal value is a string, it is first converted to a double, if possible. If it within the numeric limits of a PRInt8 then the value is returned.
Native code only!getAsInterface
void getAsInterface( out nsIIDPtr iid, [iid_is(iid), retval] out nsQIResult iface );
- The IID of the interface pointer, or nsISupports if no IID was provided.
- The interface pointer. (The reference count of the object is incremented.)
nsISupports getAsISupports();
Return value
The interface pointer. (The reference count of the object is incremented.)
Native code only!getAsJSVal
jsval getAsJSVal();
Return value
Returns the underlying JS value, if the variant was created by passing a JS object into XPConnect.
Native code only!getAsString
string getAsString();
Return value
The value is converted to an 8-bit string in the ISO-8859-1 character set. If the value was UTF16 then the high bits are lost. If the value was UTF8 then it is converted to UTF16 and the high bits are discarded. Arrays and interface pointers cannot be converted to a string.
Native code only!getAsStringWithSize
void getAsStringWithSize( out PRUint32 size, [size_is(size), retval] out string str );
- The length of the returned string. Useful in case the string contains embedded null characters.
- The value is converted to an 8-bit string in the ISO-8859-1 character set. If the value was UTF16 then the high bits are lost. If the value was UTF8 then it is converted to UTF16 and the high bits are discarded. Arrays and interface pointers cannot be converted to a string.
PRUint16 getAsUint16();
Return value
If the internal value is a string, it is first converted to a double, if possible. If it within the numeric limits of a PRUint16 then the value is returned.
Native code only!getAsUint32
PRUint32 getAsUint32();
Return value
If the internal value is a string, it is first converted to a double, if possible. If it within the numeric limits of a PRUint64 then the value is returned.
Native code only!getAsUint64
PRUint64 getAsUint64();
Return value
If the internal value is a string, it is first converted to a double, if possible. If it is of a numeric type, it is cast to PRInt64 and then to PRUint64. Note that this will do strange things with negative numbers, and float and double values greater than the numeric limits of a PRInt64 will not convert correctly.
Native code only!getAsUint8
PRUint8 getAsUint8();
Return value
If the internal value is a string, it is first converted to a double, if possible. If it within the numeric limits of a PRUint8 then the value is returned.
Native code only!getAsWChar
wchar getAsWChar();
Return value
If the internal value is a string, it is first converted to a double, if possible. If it is of a numeric type, it is cast directly to PRUnichar.
Native code only!getAsWString
wstring getAsWString();
Return value
The internal value is converted to a UTF16 string. Arrays and interface pointers cannot be converted to a string.
Native code only!getAsWStringWithSize
void getAsWStringWithSize( out PRUint32 size, [size_is(size), retval] out wstring str );
- The length of the returned string. Useful in case the string contains embedded null characters.
- The internal value is converted to a UTF16 string. Arrays and interface pointers cannot be converted to a string.
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