nsIAccessibleRole 编辑

accessible/public/nsIAccessibleRole.idlScriptable This interface defines cross platform (Gecko) roles. 1.0 66 Introduced Gecko 1.9 Inherits from: nsISupports Last changed in Gecko 2.0 (Firefox 4 / Thunderbird 3.3 / SeaMonkey 2.1)


ROLE_NOTHING0Used when accessible has no strong defined role.
ROLE_TITLEBAR1Represents a title or caption bar for a window. It is used by MSAA only, supported automatically by MS Windows.
ROLE_MENUBAR2Represents the menu bar (positioned beneath the title bar of a window) from which menus are selected by the user. The role is used by xul:menubar or role="menubar".
ROLE_SCROLLBAR3Represents a vertical or horizontal scroll bar, which is part of the client area or used in a control.
ROLE_GRIP4Represents a special mouse pointer, which allows a user to manipulate user interface elements such as windows. For example, a user clicks and drags a sizing grip in the lower-right corner of a window to resize it.
ROLE_SOUND5Represents a system sound, which is associated with various system events.
ROLE_CURSOR6Represents the system mouse pointer.
ROLE_CARET7Represents the system caret. The role is supported for caret.
ROLE_ALERT8Represents an alert or a condition that a user should be notified about. Assistive Technologies typically respond to the role by reading the entire on screen contents of containers advertising this role. Should be used for warning dialogs, etc. The role is used by xul:browsermessage, role="alert", xforms:message.
ROLE_WINDOW9Represents the window frame, which contains child objects such as a title bar, client, and other objects contained in a window. The role is supported automatically by MS Windows.
ROLE_INTERNAL_FRAME10A sub-document or iframe.
ROLE_MENUPOPUP11Represents a menu, which presents a list of options from which the user can make a selection to perform an action. It is used for role="menu".
ROLE_MENUITEM12Represents a menu item, which is an entry in a menu that a user can choose to carry out a command, select an option. It is used for xul:menuitem, role="menuitem".
ROLE_TOOLTIP13Represents a ToolTip that provides helpful hints.
ROLE_APPLICATION14Represents a main window for an application. It is used for role="application". Also refer to ROLE_APP_ROOT.
ROLE_DOCUMENT15Represents a document window. A document window is always contained within an application window. It is used for role="document".
ROLE_PANE16Represents a pane within a frame or document window. Users can navigate between panes and within the contents of the current pane, but cannot navigate between items in different panes. Thus, panes represent a level of grouping lower than frame windows or documents, but above individual controls. It is used for the first child of a or iframe.
ROLE_CHART17Represents a graphical image used to represent data.
ROLE_DIALOG18Represents a dialog box or message box. It is used for xul:dialog, role="dialog".
ROLE_BORDER19Represents a window border.
ROLE_GROUPING20Logically groups other objects. There is not always a parent-child relationship between the grouping object and the objects it contains. It is used for html:textfield, xul:groupbox, role="group".
ROLE_SEPARATOR21Used to visually divide a space into two regions, such as a separator menu item or a bar that divides split panes within a window. It is used for xul:separator, html:hr, role="separator".
ROLE_TOOLBAR22Represents a toolbar, which is a grouping of controls (push buttons or toggle buttons) that provides easy access to frequently used features. It is used for xul:toolbar, role="toolbar".
ROLE_STATUSBAR23Represents a status bar, which is an area at the bottom of a window that displays information about the current operation, state of the application, or selected object. The status bar has multiple fields, which display different kinds of information. It is used for xul:statusbar.
ROLE_TABLE24Represents a table that contains rows and columns of cells, and optionally, row headers and column headers. It is used for html:table, role="grid". Also refer to the following roles: ROLE_COLUMNHEADER, ROLE_ROWHEADER, ROLE_COLUMN, ROLE_ROW, ROLE_CELL.
ROLE_COLUMNHEADER25Represents a column header, providing a visual label for a column in a table. It is used for XUL tree column headers, html:th, role="colheader". Also refer to ROLE_TABLE.
ROLE_ROWHEADER26Represents a row header, which provides a visual label for a table row. It is used for role="rowheader". Also, see ROLE_TABLE.
ROLE_COLUMN27Represents a column of cells within a table. Also, see ROLE_TABLE.
ROLE_ROW28Represents a row of cells within a table. Also, see ROLE_TABLE.
ROLE_CELL29Represents a cell within a table. It is used for html:td, xul:tree cell and xul:listcell. Also, see ROLE_TABLE.
ROLE_LINK30Represents a link to something else. This object might look like text or a graphic, but it acts like a button. It is used for xul:label@class="text-link", html:a, html:area, xforms:trigger@appearance="minimal".
ROLE_HELPBALLOON31Displays a Help topic in the form of a ToolTip or Help balloon.
ROLE_CHARACTER32Represents a cartoon-like graphic object, such as Microsoft Office Assistant, which is displayed to provide help to users of an application.
ROLE_LIST33Represents a list box, allowing the user to select one or more items. It is used for xul:listbox, html:select@size, role="list". See also ROLE_LIST_ITEM.
ROLE_LISTITEM34Represents an item in a list. See also ROLE_LIST.
ROLE_OUTLINE35Represents an outline or tree structure, such as a tree view control, that displays a hierarchical list and allows the user to expand and collapse branches. Is is used for role="tree".
ROLE_OUTLINEITEM36Represents an item in an outline or tree structure. It is used for role="treeitem".
ROLE_PAGETAB37Represents a page tab, it is a child of a page tab list. It is used for xul:tab, role="treeitem". Also refer to ROLE_PAGETABLIST.
ROLE_PROPERTYPAGE38Represents a property sheet. It is used for xul:tabpanel, role="tabpanel".
ROLE_INDICATOR39Represents an indicator, such as a pointer graphic, that points to the current item.
ROLE_GRAPHIC40Represents a picture. Is is used for xul:image, html:img.
ROLE_STATICTEXT41Represents read-only text, such as labels for other controls or instructions in a dialog box. Static text cannot be modified or selected. Is is used for xul:label, xul:description, html:label, role="label", or xforms:output.
ROLE_TEXT_LEAF42Represents selectable text that allows edits or is designated read-only.
ROLE_PUSHBUTTON43Represents a push button control. It is used for xul:button, html:button, role="button", xforms:trigger, xforms:submit.
ROLE_CHECKBUTTON44Represents a check box control. It is used for xul:checkbox, html:input@type="checkbox", role="checkbox", boolean xforms:input.
ROLE_RADIOBUTTON45Represents an option button, also called a radio button. It is one of a group of mutually exclusive options. All objects sharing a single parent that have this attribute are assumed to be part of single mutually exclusive group. It is used for xul:radio, html:input@type="radio", role="radio".
ROLE_COMBOBOX46Represents a combo box; an edit control with an associated list box that provides a set of predefined choices. It is used for html:select, xul:menulist, role="combobox".
ROLE_DROPLIST47Represents the calendar control. It is used for date xforms:input.
ROLE_PROGRESSBAR48Represents a progress bar, dynamically showing the user the percent complete of an operation in progress. It is used for xul:progressmeter, role="progressbar".
ROLE_DIAL49Represents a dial or knob whose purpose is to allow a user to set a value.
ROLE_HOTKEYFIELD50Represents a hot-key field that allows the user to enter a combination or sequence of keystrokes.
ROLE_SLIDER51Represents a slider, which allows the user to adjust a setting in given increments between minimum and maximum values. It is used by xul:scale, role="slider", xforms:range.
ROLE_SPINBUTTON52Represents a spin box, which is a control that allows the user to increment or decrement the value displayed in a separate "buddy" control associated with the spin box. It is used for xul:spinbuttons.
ROLE_DIAGRAM53Represents a graphical image used to diagram data. It is used for svg:svg.
ROLE_ANIMATION54Represents an animation control, which contains content that changes over time, such as a control that displays a series of bitmap frames.
ROLE_EQUATION55Represents a mathematical equation. It is used by MATHML, where there is a rich DOM subtree for an equation. Use ROLE_FLAT_EQUATION for [TeX]
ROLE_BUTTONDROPDOWN56Represents a button that drops down a list of items.
ROLE_BUTTONMENU57Represents a button that drops down a menu.
ROLE_BUTTONDROPDOWNGRID58Represents a button that drops down a grid. It is used for xul:colorpicker.
ROLE_WHITESPACE59Represents blank space between other objects.
ROLE_PAGETABLIST60Represents a container of page tab controls. Is it used for xul:tabs, DHTML: role="tabs". Also refer to ROLE_PAGETAB.
ROLE_CLOCK61Represents a control that displays time.
ROLE_SPLITBUTTON62Represents a button on a toolbar that has a drop-down list icon directly adjacent to the button.
ROLE_IPADDRESS63Represents an edit control designed for an Internet Protocol (IP) address. The edit control is divided into sections for the different parts of the IP address.
ROLE_ACCEL_LABEL64Represents a label control that has an accelerator.
ROLE_ARROW65Represents an arrow in one of the four cardinal directions.
ROLE_CANVAS66Represents a control that can be drawn into and is used to trap events. It is used for html:canvas.
ROLE_CHECK_MENU_ITEM67Represents a menu item with a check box.
ROLE_COLOR_CHOOSER68Represents a specialized dialog that lets the user choose a color.
ROLE_DATE_EDITOR69Represents control whose purpose is to allow a user to edit a date.
ROLE_DESKTOP_ICON70An iconified internal frame in an ROLE_DESKTOP_PANE. Also refer to ROLE_INTERNAL_FRAME.
ROLE_DESKTOP_FRAME71A desktop pane. A pane that supports internal frames and iconified versions of those internal frames.
ROLE_DIRECTORY_PANE72A directory pane. A pane that allows the user to navigate through and select the contents of a directory. May be used by a file chooser. Also refer to ROLE_FILE_CHOOSER.
ROLE_FILE_CHOOSER73A file chooser. A specialized dialog that displays the files in the directory and lets the user select a file, browse a different directory, or specify a filename. May use the directory pane to show the contents of a directory. Also refer to ROLE_DIRECTORY_PANE.
ROLE_FONT_CHOOSER74A font chooser. A font chooser is a component that lets the user pick various attributes for fonts.
ROLE_CHROME_WINDOW75Frame role. A top level window with a title bar, border, menu bar, etc. It is often used as the primary window for an application.
ROLE_GLASS_PANE76A glass pane. A pane that is guaranteed to be painted on top of all panes beneath it. Also refer to ROLE_ROOT_PANE.
ROLE_HTML_CONTAINER77A document container for HTML, whose children represent the document content.
ROLE_ICON78A small fixed size picture, typically used to decorate components.
ROLE_LABEL79Presents an icon or short string in an interface.
ROLE_LAYERED_PANE80A layered pane. A specialized pane that allows its children to be drawn in layers, providing a form of stacking order. This is usually the pane that holds the menu bar as well as the pane that contains most of the visual components in a window. Also refer to ROLE_GLASS_PANE and ROLE_ROOT_PANE.
ROLE_OPTION_PANE81A specialized pane whose primary use is inside a dialog.
ROLE_PASSWORD_TEXT82A text object uses for passwords, or other places where the text content is not shown visibly to the user.
ROLE_POPUP_MENU83A temporary window that is usually used to offer the user a list of choices, and then hides when the user selects one of those choices.
ROLE_RADIO_MENU_ITEM84A radio button that is a menu item.
ROLE_ROOT_PANE85A root pane. A specialized pane that has a glass pane and a layered pane as its children. Also refer to ROLE_GLASS_PANE and ROLE_LAYERED_PANE.
ROLE_SCROLL_PANE86A scroll pane. An object that allows a user to incrementally view a large amount of information. Its children can include scroll bars and a viewport. Also refer to ROLE_VIEW_PORT.
ROLE_SPLIT_PANE87A split pane. A specialized panel that presents two other panels at the same time. Between the two panels is a divider the user can manipulate to make one panel larger and the other panel smaller.
ROLE_TABLE_COLUMN_HEADER88The header for a column of a table.
ROLE_TABLE_ROW_HEADER89The header for a row of a table.
ROLE_TEAR_OFF_MENU_ITEM90A menu item used to tear off and reattach its menu.
ROLE_TERMINAL91Represents an accessible terminal.
ROLE_TEXT_CONTAINER92Collection of objects that constitute a logical text entity.
ROLE_TOGGLE_BUTTON93A toggle button. A specialized push button that can be checked or unchecked, but does not provide a separate indicator for the current state.
ROLE_TREE_TABLE94Representas a control that is capable of expanding and collapsing rows as well as showing multiple columns of data.
ROLE_VIEWPORT95A viewport. An object usually used in a scroll pane. It represents the portion of the entire data that the user can see. As the user manipulates the scroll bars, the contents of the viewport can change. Also refer to ROLE_SCROLL_PANE.
ROLE_HEADER96Header of a document page. Also refer to ROLE_FOOTER.
ROLE_FOOTER97Footer of a document page. Also refer to ROLE_HEADER.
ROLE_PARAGRAPH98A paragraph of text.
ROLE_RULER99A ruler such as those used in word processors.
ROLE_AUTOCOMPLETE100A text entry having dialog or list containing items for insertion into an entry widget, for instance a list of words for completion of a text entry. It is used for xul:textbox@autocomplete.
ROLE_EDITBAR101An editable text object in a toolbar.
ROLE_ENTRY102An control whose textual content may be entered or modified by the user.
ROLE_CAPTION103A caption describing another object.
ROLE_DOCUMENT_FRAME104A visual frame or container which contains a view of document content. Document frames may occur within another Document instance, in which case the second document may be said to be embedded in the containing instance. HTML frames are often ROLE_DOCUMENT_FRAME. Either this object, or a singleton descendant, should implement the Document interface.
ROLE_PAGE106An object representing a page of document content. It is used in documents which are accessed by the user on a page by page basis.
ROLE_SECTION107A container of document content. An example of the use of this role is to represent an html:div.
ROLE_REDUNDANT_OBJECT108An object which is redundant with another object in the accessible hierarchy. ATs typically ignore objects with this role.
ROLE_FORM109A container of form controls. An example of the use of this role is to represent an html:form.
ROLE_IME110An object which is used to allow input of characters not found on a keyboard, such as the input of Chinese characters on a Western keyboard.
ROLE_PARENT_MENUITEM112Represents a menu item, which is an entry in a menu that a user can choose to display another menu.
ROLE_CALENDAR113A calendar that allows the user to select a date.
ROLE_COMBOBOX_LIST114A list of items that is shown by combobox.
ROLE_COMBOBOX_OPTION115A item of list that is shown by combobox;
ROLE_IMAGE_MAP116An image map -- has child links representing the areas.
ROLE_OPTION117An option in a listbox.
ROLE_RICH_OPTION118A rich option in a listbox, it can have other widgets as children.
ROLE_LISTBOX119A list of options.
ROLE_FLAT_EQUATION120Represents a mathematical equation in the accessible name.
ROLE_GRID_CELL121Represents a cell within a grid. It is used for role="gridcell". Unlike ROLE_CELL, it allows the calculation of the accessible name from subtree. Also, see ROLE_TABLE.
ROLE_EMBEDDED_OBJECT122Represents an embedded object. It is used for html:object or html:embed.

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