SpecialPowers 编辑

SpecialPowers is a set of APIs available to Mochitest tests. Mochitests are intended to be written like regular web pages. However, sometimes tests need to do things that regular web pages are not permitted to do for security reasons. In these cases, the SpecialPowers APIs can be used to perform specific actions outside of the reach of normal web pages.

Method overview

Preference APIs

Promise pushPrefEnv(inPrefs, [callback]);
Promise popPrefEnv([callback]);
Promise flushPrefEnv([callback]);
bool getBoolPref(prefName, [defaultValue]);
int getIntPref(prefName, [defaultValue]);
string getCharPref(prefName, [defaultValue]);
any getComplexValue(prefName);
void setBoolPref(prefName, value);
void setIntPref(prefName, value);
void setCharPref(prefName, value);
void setComplexValue(prefName, value);
void clearUserPref(prefName);

Permission APIs

void pushPermissions(inPermissions, callback);
void popPermissions(callback);
void flushPermissions(callback);
void addPermission(type, allow, arg);
void removePermission(type, arg);
bool hasPermission(type, arg);
bool testPermission(type, value, arg);
void setFullscreenAllowed(document);
void removeFullscreenAllowed(document);

Event Listener / Observer APIs


Garbage Collection APIs


Privilege Wrapper APIs

Object wrap(Object);

XPCOM Components APIs


Log APIs


Environment APIs

bool isMainProcess();
string getMozFullPath(file);
bool isWindowPrivate(aWindow);
bool isBackButtonEnabled(aWindow);
int assertionCount();
void removeExpectedCrashDumpFiles(aExpectingProcessCrash);
string[] findUnexpectedCrashDumpFiles();

Focus Management APIs


Mock APIs


Form History APIs


Snapshot APIs


Clipboard APIs


Console APIs


Layout APIs


Frame Message APIs


Apps APIs


Other APIs

XMLHttpRequest createSystemXHR();
void quit();
DOMWindowUtils getDOMWindowUtils(window);
void executeSoon(aFun, aWindow);
object getDOMRequestService();
void openDialog(aWindow, aArg);
string sanityCheck();




Preference APIs

See nsIPrefBranch for documentation on the APIs that these methods use internally.

getBoolPref(prefName, [defaultValue])

Gets the value of the preference prefName as a boolean. If prefName cannot be found and defaultValue is not set, an exception will be thrown. If prefName cannot be found and defaultValue  is set, defaultValue will be returned. defaultValue should be a boolean if specified.

getIntPref(prefName, [defaultValue])

Gets the value of the preference prefName as an integer. If prefName cannot be found and defaultValue is not set, an exception will be thrown. If prefName cannot be found and defaultValue  is set, defaultValue will be returned. defaultValue should be an integer if specified.

getCharPref(prefName, [defaultValue])

Gets the value of the preference prefName as a string. If prefName cannot be found and defaultValue is not set, an exception will be thrown. If prefName cannot be found and defaultValue  is set, defaultValue will be returned. defaultValue should be a string if specified.


Gets the value of the preference prefName as an XPCOM object.

setBoolPref(prefName, value)

Sets the value of the preference prefName to the boolean value value.

setIntPref(prefName, value)

Sets the value of the preference prefName to the integer value value.

setCharPref(prefName, value)

Sets the value of the preference prefName to the string value aValue.

setComplexValue(prefName, value)

Sets the value of the preference prefName to the XPCOM object value.


Resets the preference prefNameto its default value.

Permission APIs


Event Listener / Observer APIs

addChromeEventListener(type, listener, capture, allowUntrusted)

Adds an event listener to the TabChildGlobal object.

removeChromeEventListener(type, listener, capture)

Removes an event listener from the TabChildGlobal object.

Garbage Collection APIs


Forces a round of garbage collection to be performed.

Privilege Wrapper APIs

Object wrap(Object)

Wraps a chrome object so that it can be accessed.  Needed for accessing the return values of methods returned by XPCOM components (for example).

XPCOM Components APIs


The value of Components.classes, as available to chrome code.


The value of Components.interfaces, as available to chrome code.


The value of Components.results, as available to chrome code.


The value of Components.utils, as available to chrome code.

Log APIs


Environment APIs


Focus Management APIs


Mock APIs


This replaces the standard File Picker with one that can be controlled via script, for testing load and save code. To use it, add the following lines of code to your test:

var MockFilePicker = SpecialPowers.MockFilePicker;
MockFilePicker.reset(); // You must call reset before each test

This patch has examples of how to use the MockFilePicker, and also how to use it for XPCShell tests. The code in testing/mochitest/MockFilePicker.jsm might also be helpful.

Form History APIs


Snapshot APIs


Clipboard APIs


Console APIs


Layout APIs


Frame Message APIs



Apps APIs


Other APIs


Creates and returns an XMLHttpRequest instance which has full "system privileges". In other words, it can:

  • Make cross-site requests without any restrictions, i.e. the target server does not need to support CORS.
  • Set any header using xhr.setRequestHeader.
  • Read any response using xhr.getResponseHeader and xhr.getAllResponseHeaders.
  • Load and parse XUL contents using the xhr.responseXML property.
  • Make requests without a referer (sic) header. If you want a referer header set, you have to do so manually using xhr.setRequestHeader.

However, any document parsed by the xhr object and accessed through xhr.responseXML is created using a null principal, which limits what the document can do.


Returns the string "foo".

Adding new APIs

If your test requires privileged functionality that's not currently present, you can add new APIs to the SpecialPowers object.

The SpecialPowers APIs are designed to be forwards-compatible with the Electrolysis project, so that they work when content is run in a separate process (such as in Firefox Mobile). Any changes you make must take this into account, or they will not be accepted.

Because of the support for out-of-process content, the SpecialPowers implementation is split into two separate files:

Both files execute with chrome privileges, but certain XPCOM APIs are not available in content processes. Consult with an Electrolysis or Mobile peer if you are unsure if you can use a specific API there. You may also want to read the Message Manager documentation for more detailed information on how cross-process messaging works.

A simple example

Let's say you wanted to expose the numberOfScreens attribute from the nsIScreenManager interface. Let's also suppose that this interface is not available in the content process, just to make our example more complete. To start, first you would need to define the new API on the SpecialPowers object that is exposed to content. This object is defined in the content script.

Since SpecialPowers is just a normal JavaScript object, you can add functions, attributes, getters, and setters to it like any other object. It does use the special __exposedProps__ property to hide any property beginning with an underscore ("_") from content scripts, so names starting with an underscore function like private members.

Let's first add a numberOfScreens getter to SpecialPowers. It will simply send a blocking message to the chrome process, asking it to return the value in its response:

var SpecialPowers = {
  // existing APIs

  // Provide nsIScreenManager.numberOfScreens
  get numberOfScreens() {
    // You could pass additional parameters in the second parameter, consult the message manager documentation for more details.
    // Ideally this would be a memoizing getter, that's somewhat out of scope for this document.
    return sendSyncMessage("SPNumberOfScreens", {})[0];

Now you need to provide a handler for this message in the chrome observer script. In the SpecialPowersObserver.observe function, register your message underneath the existing messages:

// Register for any messages our API needs us to handle
messageManager.addMessageListener("SPPrefService", this);
messageManager.addMessageListener("SPNumberOfScreens", this);

Then, in the SpecialPowersObserver.receiveMessage function, add a branch to handle your new message and return the result:

receiveMessage: function(aMessage) {
  switch(aMessage.name) {
    case "SPPrefService":
    // existing code...

    case "SPNumberOfScreens":
      var screenManager = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/gfx/screenmanager;1"]
      return screenManager.numberOfScreens;


That's it! You will need to rebuild in the testing/mochitest directory in your object directory for your changes to show up; then you should be able to use your new SpecialPowers.numberOfScreens property in Mochitests.

Don't forget to document your new API on this page after you land it!

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