/ˌæftɚˈnuːn, Brit ˌɑːftəˈnuːn/ noun , pl -noons [ count ]
: the middle part of the day : the part of the day between noon and evening
morning, afternoon, evening, and night
I'll see you again tomorrow afternoon.
It was early/late afternoon when I left.
She spent the/her afternoon at the library.
She came home the next/following afternoon. [=during the afternoon of the next day]
I remember the many rainy afternoons I spent reading at the library.
She doesn't have class on Friday afternoons.
It took us all afternoon to get there.
It's going to be a long afternoon listening to lectures.
We went for a walk this afternoon. [=during the afternoon today]
— often used before another noun
an afternoon drive
afternoon tea
Our garden gets plenty of afternoon sun. [=the sun shines on the garden in the afternoon]
see also good afternoon