/əˈfɛkʃən/ noun , pl -tions
1 : a feeling of liking and caring for someone or something
[ noncount ] She has/feels deep affection for her parents.
Their affection for each other is obvious. = Their mutual affection is obvious.
He shows great affection for his grandchildren.
feelings of love and affection
He now looks back on those years with great affection.
“darling” and other terms of affection [=words and names that friends and lovers say to each other to show their affection]
[ singular ] She developed a deep affection for that country and its people.
2 affections [ plural ] : feelings of love : a person's romantic feelings
The two women competed for the affections [=love, heart] of the same man.
She's been the object of his affections since they were children. [=he has loved her since they were children]