add to
add to
add to [ phrasal verb ]
add to (something) : to make (something) larger, better, or greater
He bought another rare coin to add to his collection.
Her research has greatly added to our knowledge of the subject.
She's been able to add to her savings [=to save more money] this year.
This movie will add to his fame. [=it will make him more famous]
The loud music added to the confusion. [=it made the confusion greater]
We hope this adds to your enjoyment of the play.
The funny characters really add to the story. [=they make the story better]
◇ Phrases like add to this/that and added to this/that are often used informally to introduce a statement about something that makes a thing or situation better, worse, more important, etc.
We were given little time to finish. Add to this the fact that nobody helped us, and you can understand why we were angry.
We were short of money. Added to that, we were lost!
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Main Entry: add