/ækˈtıvəti/ noun , pl -ties
1 [ noncount ] : the state of being active
The holidays always set off a lot of activity in our home.
: behavior or actions of a particular kind
the sexual activity of married couples
The police are now monitoring criminal/gang/drug activity in the area.
There has been an increase in the city's (level of) economic activity.
She gets at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day.
The instruments are used to detect volcanic activity on the island.
2 [ count ] : something that is done as work or for a particular purpose
— usually plural
Grandma needs help with her everyday/daily activities.
business activities
political activities
They were accused of financing the group's illegal activities.
3 [ count ] : something that is done for pleasure and that usually involves a group of people
We planned an activity for the children.
— usually plural
The camp offers hiking, swimming, and other recreational activities.
social activities