/əˈkruː/ verb , -crues, -crued, -cru·ing
1 : to increase in value or amount gradually as time passes : to grow or build up slowly
[ no obj ] I'll get back all the money I invested, plus any interest and dividends that have accrued.
— often + to
interest and dividends that have accrued to me
[ + obj ] investments that have accrued interest and dividends
2 [ no obj ] : to come to or be given to someone
— usually + to
the advantages/benefits that accrue to us [=that we receive] as members of a free society
ac·cru·al /əˈkruːwəl/ noun , pl -als [ count ]
an accrual of interest
[ noncount ]
money gained by accrual of interest
accrued adj
I'll get back all the money I invested, plus any accrued interest and dividends.