/əˈkrɛdət/ verb , -its, -it·ed, -it·ing [ + obj ]
1 : to say that something is good enough to be given official approval
The association only accredits programs that meet its high standards.
The program was accredited by the American Dental Association.
2 : to give (someone) credit for something : credit
The invention of scuba gear is accredited to Jacques Cousteau.
3 : to send (someone, such as an ambassador) to act as an official representative
accredit an ambassador to France
ac·cred·i·ta·tion /əˌkrɛdəˈteıʃən/ noun [ noncount ]
The school/hospital lost its accreditation.
the accreditation of an ambassador
accredited adj
an accredited college/hospital
She was enrolled at an accredited law school.