
 /ˈænti/  noun  ,  pl   an·tes [  count  ]
  : the amount of money that a player must bet at the beginning of play in a poker game
  — usually singular
   The dealer called for a dollar ante.
  see also penny-ante
  raise the ante ( or   up the ante)
   : to increase an amount or level: such as
    a : to raise the cost or price
    The popular actor first demanded twice the salary offered him but then kept upping the ante.
    b : to increase the risk or possible harm that could result from something
    — often + on
    The new law ups the ante on [=increases penalties for] people who cheat on their taxes.
    c : to set a higher standard or goal
    — often + on
    The film ups the ante on special effects.
  verb  , antes, an·ted, an·te·ing
  : to pay the amount of money required to start play in a poker game
   [  no obj  ] Did everyone at the table ante?
    — usually + up
    The dealer waited until everyone had anted up before he dealt the cards.
   [  + obj  ] Everyone anted up a dollar.
    — often used figuratively
    Parents are usually expected to ante up [=pay] for their children's college education.
    They had to ante up [=pay] $5,000 to attend the senator's banquet.

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