answer to
answer to
answer to [ phrasal verb ]
1 answer to (something) : to be the same as (something) : to be in agreement with (something, such as a description)
The suspect answers to [=answers, matches] the description perfectly.
— see also answer 5 (above), 2
2 answer to (someone) : to be required to explain your actions to (someone)
He has to answer to a tough boss.
3 answer to a name
◇ If an animal, such as a dog, answers to a name, it responds when it is called by that name.
This dog answers to the name (of) “Rover.”
This phrase is also used to refer to the name used by a person.
My uncle's real name is “Edwin,” but he doesn't answer to that name. He prefers to be called “Ed.”
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Main Entry: answer