answer for
answer for
answer for [ phrasal verb ]
1 answer for (something)
1 a : to take responsibility for (something)
I can't answer for their safety. [=I can't promise that they will be safe]
: to be responsible for (something)
The company will have to answer for any damage done by its employees.
She has a lot to answer for. [=she is responsible for many bad things that have happened]
1 b : to be punished for (something)
He must answer for his crimes.
1 c US : to be used as (something) : to serve as (something)
The old bucket answered for a sink. [=the old bucket was used as a sink]
— see also answer 6 (above), 2
2 answer for (someone) : to say what someone else thinks : to give the opinion of (someone else)
I like the proposal myself, but I can't answer for my boss.
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Main Entry: answer