/əˈnæləsis/ noun , pl -y·ses /-əˌsiːz/
1 a : a careful study of something to learn about its parts, what they do, and how they are related to each other
[ count ] a scientific analysis of the data
make/do/perform a chemical analysis of the soil
a detailed analysis of the bone structure of horses
[ noncount ] performing chemical analysis of the soil — see also systems analysis
1 b : an explanation of the nature and meaning of something
[ count ] The newspaper printed an analysis of each candidate's positions.
That's not a bad analysis of the situation.
[ noncount ] It's a problem that requires careful analysis.
a problem that defies analysis [=a problem that cannot be easily understood or explained]
2 [ noncount ] : psychoanalysis
He has been in/undergoing analysis for many years.
in the final analysis (
: after considering everything
— used for a final statement or judgment that is based on what is most important in a particular situation
It was a difficult decision but, in the final analysis, it was the right choice.