/ˈæmpləˌfaı/ verb , -fies, -fied, -fy·ing [ + obj ]
1 a : to increase the strength of (an electric signal)
amplify a weak radio signal
a receiver that amplified the television signal
1 b : to make (something, such as a musical instrument) louder by increasing the strength of electric signals
amplify an electric guitar
2 formal : to give more information about (something, such as a statement) : to speak or write about (something) in a more complete way
I'd like to amplify [=expand on] my earlier remarks by providing some illustrations.
3 : to make (something) stronger
using spices to amplify the flavors of the food
am·pli·fi·ca·tion /ˌæmpləfəˈkeıʃən/ noun , pl -tions [ noncount ]
songs played with and without amplification
the amplification of a signal
The new rules require some amplification.
[ count ]
He started the meeting with an amplification of the new rules.
- absence makes the heart grow fonder
- acrimonious
- action figure
- advancer
- a friend in need is a friend indeed
- afterward
- agonising
- agony aunt
- a good head on your shoulders
- a hostage to fortune
- alchemy
- all around
- all told
- also
- alter ego
- altogether
- a meeting of minds
- amelioration
- amphetamine
- a nail in the/someone's coffin
- a needle in a haystack