
 /əˈlaıv/  adj  , not used before a noun
  1 : having life : living : not dead
   It feels great to be alive.
   The patient was barely alive.
   The sheriff was ordered to find the killer and bring him back alive.
   She must be the happiest woman alive. [=the happiest woman in the world]
   He managed to stay alive for a week without any food.
   The patient is being kept alive by artificial means.
  2 a : continuing to exist
   an old tradition that is still alive
   We tried to keep the organization alive [=active] despite having fewer members.
   We need to keep hope alive.
  2 b : not yet defeated : still having a chance to win or succeed
   The legislation is still alive in the Senate. [=the legislation has not been defeated yet]
   The team needs to win tonight in order to stay alive in the play-offs.
  3 [more ~; most ~]
  3 a : filled with life and energy
   I love to sail because it makes me feel so alive.
  — often + with
   Her face was alive with joy/happiness.
  3 b : filled with activity
  — usually + with
   flower gardens alive with bees [=filled with the activity of many bees]
   The city streets are alive [=busy] with shoppers.
  alive and kicking
   : healthy and active
    She ran a marathon late in life, just to prove she was still alive and kicking.
    — often used figuratively
    After years of slow earnings, the industry is now alive and kicking.
  alive and well
   1 : living and healthy
    She found out that her aunt is alive and well and living in Arizona.
   2 : still popular : continuing to be used
    Many of the old traditions are still alive and well.
  alive to
   : aware of (something) : able to notice (something)
    Recovering from his illness has made him more alive to the beauty of life.
    We need to be alive [=sensitive] to new opportunities for our business to grow.
  bring (something) alive
   : to make (something) seem more real or interesting
    The play brings the old fairy tale alive.
  come alive
   : to become lively: such as
    a : to become excited and filled with energy
    The crowd came alive when the singer appeared on stage.
    b : to become filled with activity
    This neighborhood is quiet during the day, but it comes alive at night.
    c : to become exciting or appealing
    In her kitchen, Italian food comes alive.
  eat (someone or something) alive — see eat
  skin (someone) alive — see skin, 2

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