(三十六部神) The thirty-six departmental guardian divinities given in the 灌顶三归五戒带佩护身咒经. Each is styled 弥栗头 mdu, benign, kindly, for which 善 is used. Their Sanskrit and Chinese names are given in Chinese as follows: (1) 不罗婆 or 善光 kindly light, has to do with attacks of disease; (2) 婆呵婆 or 善明 headaches; (3) 婆逻婆 or 善力 fevers; (4) 抗陀罗 or 善月 disorders of the stomach; (5) 陀利奢 or 善见 tumours; (6) 阿娄呵 or 善供 madness; (7) 伽婆帝 or 善舍 stupidity; (8) 悉抵哆 or 善寂 irascibility; (9) 菩堤萨 or善觉 lust; (10) 提婆罗 or 善天 devils; (11) 阿婆帝 or 善住 deadly injuries; (12) 不若罗 of 善福 graves; (13) □□伽 or 善术 the four quarters; (14) 迦隶婆 or 善帝 enemies; (15) 罗□遮 or 善主 robbers; (16) 须干陀 or 善香 creditors; (17) 檀那波 or 善施 thieves; (18) 支多那 or 善意 pestilence; (19) 罗婆那 or 善吉 the five plagues (? typhoid); (20) 婆驮 or 善山 corpse worms; (21) 三摩提 or 善调 continuous concentration; (22) 戾□驮 or 善备 restlessness; (23) 波利陀 or 善敬 attraction; (24) 波利那 or 善净 evil cabals; (25) 度伽地 or 善品 deadly poison; (26) 毗梨驮 or 善结 fear; (27) 支陀那 or 善寿 calamities; (28) 伽林摩 or 善逝 childbirth and nursing; (29) 阿留伽 or 善愿 the district magistracy; (30) □利驮 or 善固 altercations; (31) 阿伽 or 善照 anxieties and distresses; (32) 阿诃婆 or 善生 uneasiness; (33) 婆和逻 or 善思 supernatural manifestations; (34) 波利那 or 善藏 jealousy; (35) 固陀那 or 善音 curses; (36) 韦陀罗 or 善妙 exorcism. They have innumerable assistants. He who writes their names and carries them with him can be free from all fear.