The three vighna, i.e. hinderers or barriers, of which three groups are given: (1) (a) 烦恼障 the passions, i.e. 三毒 desire, hate, stupidity; (b) 业障 the deeds done; (c) 报障 the retributions. (2) (a) 皮烦恼障 ; (b) 肉烦恼障 ; (c) 心烦恼障 skin, flesh, and heart (or mind) troublers, i.e. delusions from external objects: internal views, and mental ignorance. (3) 三重障 the three weighty obstructions: (a) self-importance, 我慢; (b) envy, 嫉; (c) desire, 贫欲.