/əˈneks; ə`nɛks/ v 1 [Tn] take possession of (a territory, etc) 兼并, 并吞(领土等): annex a neighbouring state 兼并邻国. 2 [Tn,] ~ sth (to sth) add or join sth to a larger thing 附加; 添加: A new wing has been annexed to the hospital. 医院已经增建了一个新侧楼.
/əˈneks; ə`nɛks/ v 1 [Tn] take possession of (a territory, etc) 兼并, 并吞(领土等): annex a neighbouring state 兼并邻国. 2 [Tn,] ~ sth (to sth) add or join sth to a larger thing 附加; 添加: A new wing has been annexed to the hospital. 医院已经增建了一个新侧楼.
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