/ˈæmbəgriːs; US -grɪs; `æmbɚˌˇrɪs/ n [U] wax-like substance present in the intestines of sperm-whales and found floating in tropical seas, used as a fixative in perfumes 龙涎香(抹香鲸肠道内的蜡状物质, 见于热带海洋中漂浮, 可用作香精的定香剂).
/ˈæmbəgriːs; US -grɪs; `æmbɚˌˇrɪs/ n [U] wax-like substance present in the intestines of sperm-whales and found floating in tropical seas, used as a fixative in perfumes 龙涎香(抹香鲸肠道内的蜡状物质, 见于热带海洋中漂浮, 可用作香精的定香剂).
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