一夔已足[yī kuí yǐ zú]1.■One able man is enough for the job.; To have one such person is perfectly enough provided he is a real talent.; So long as the person is a real talent, to have one is quite enough.
- 一丛柔毛
- 一排岩壁 a palisade
- 一次折射 unirefringence
- 一看就懂
- 一碗水端平
- 一览
- 一锅粥
- 一饭千金
- 一鼓可得
- 七损八益
- 万能拔桩机 universal pulling machine
- 万能车床 universal lathe
- 万般皆下品, 唯有读书高
- 三分裂变 ternary fission; tripartition
- 三岁
- 三态现象 trimorphism
- 三方硫碳铅石 susannite
- 三枪彩色电视显像管 three-gun chromatron
- 三次线圈 tertiary coil
- 三相七线制 three-phase seven-wire system
- 三相全控桥式整流器 three-phase controlled bridge rectifier