一块石头落地[yī kuài shí tou luò dì]1.■as a stone has fallen onto the ground; feel relieved
- 一次使用导弹 {军} expendable missile; one shot missile
- 一路货色
- 一阶时滞 time lag of first order
- 七埃绿泥石
- 万念俱灰
- 万物恐怖 pantophobia
- 万能平面规 universal surface gauge
- 万能汽车 all-service vehicle
- 万能镗床 universal borer
- 万象回春
- 三价
- 三元万能测长机 Trioptic
- 三元系压电陶瓷 ternary system piezoelectric ceramics
- 三包一奖
- 三层办公桌 three-decker
- 三相电机 three-phase electric machine
- 三级涡轮机 triple turbine
- 三级瓦斯煤矿 third category gassy mine
- 三维控制 three-dimensional control
- 三角子程序 trigonometric subroutine
- 三角杠杆 culdy